View Full Version : Lewis Hamilton snubs F1 party (trip for Unicef)

29th March 2012, 23:50
Lewis Hamilton snubs F1 party to visit poverty-stricken children in Far East | Metro.co.uk (http://www.metro.co.uk/news/894668-lewis-hamilton-snubs-f1-party-to-visit-poverty-stricken-children-in-far-east)

Lewis Hamilton snubs F1 party to visit poverty-stricken children in Far East

Read more: Lewis Hamilton snubs F1 party to visit poverty-stricken children in Far East | Metro.co.uk (http://www.metro.co.uk/news/894668-lewis-hamilton-snubs-f1-party-to-visit-poverty-stricken-children-in-far-east#ixzz1qXqVBSjn)

The former Formula 1 champion bypassed the champagne parties and raced to the Philippines on an awareness-raising trip for Unicef.

While there, Hamilton shot a short film about the lives of the 85,000 children who live and work on the streets of Manila, struggling for food and shelter.

He spent time with youngsters including ten-year-old Reynold, who is forced to live in a cart and work and beg to raise money for his younger brothers Arnold, nine, and Rico, two, to eat.

Read more: Lewis Hamilton snubs F1 party to visit poverty-stricken children in Far East | Metro.co.uk (http://www.metro.co.uk/news/894668-lewis-hamilton-snubs-f1-party-to-visit-poverty-stricken-children-in-far-east#ixzz1qXqdK2tT)

30th March 2012, 00:04
Was Sutil at the party? That would explain it. :p :

Well done, though. :up:

30th March 2012, 00:18
Good for Lewis
bringing awareness to those tho so desperately need it.

I'm always surprised that bernie and his cohorts don't do more of this kind of thing with all the influence and media attention they command.
An "F1 cares" type of program along with the appropriate media attention could do a lot for F1's image and broaden its base. let alone draw in a whole new audience for now and the near future.

30th March 2012, 10:45
This sort of thing is disgusting. Drivers should be quaffing Champange and shagging bimbos rather than jetting all round the wold sticking their noses into other peoples business. He's only doing it for effect and doesn't really care a monkeys.

What carbon footprint does he have. Bang him up and chuck him out of the sport I say. Black, blah, cheat, blah, selfish, blah, blah, blah!!!


30th March 2012, 10:49
Black, blah, cheat, blah, selfish, blah, blah, blah!!!


OR just full credit where deserved ;) and yes I got the underlying sarcasm

30th March 2012, 11:41
Good kid. He seems to be a good kid, the whole family are nice people, actually (the situation with his stepbrother)...

I am evil Homer
30th March 2012, 12:02
Seems that Lewis has finally matured - got rid of the distractions. It's been seen in the two races so far IMO - sure he was disappointed but he seems to have realised that it's better to collect the points to go chasing after people and ruining the tyres with 10 laps to go.

And this particular trip is be applauded - my company has done work with Unicef and the more that can be done to highlight the work they do and the work they need to do to help people is fantastic. Good on Lewis.

30th March 2012, 17:38
Meh, publicity stunt urged and organised by his sponsors :dozey:

30th March 2012, 18:09
Perhaps it's not his fault , but the tone of the article has him as an angel , and the rest of the drivers as a bunch of champagne drinking playboys who don't give a rat's for the poverty-stricken .

I don't think either is a true reflection .

But , good on him for doing something good .

31st March 2012, 03:11
It's good to see the very fortunate of the world go out and do things to get involved with helping others.

I remember well when Schumacher made a very large contribution to the tsunami relief efforts and called out the other drivers to help. Montoya and a couple of others also got involved and actually went and gave physical work to help as well.

31st March 2012, 05:10
Two things 1) I'm sure the party went on without him. It's not like he was the guest of honor, and was scheduled to speak to the entire assembly.
2) I don't know what sincerity level Lewis has because I haven't followed his involvement with UNICEF. However I think the B0SS is a really down cat for making the effort. This may actually give him a touch of good Karma, just enough to win China.
BTW nobody got snubbed. Lewis just had something else to do. This is a non-story