View Full Version : Rush Limbaugh and advertisers leaving

20th March 2012, 16:00
I understand this may be a controversial thread but as my first I'd like to state that I knew little to nothing about him until he started to appear on ITV, SKY and other channels.
Recently, he stated that a woman that wanted to have some type of coverage for birth control pills which are used for various symptoms and in some cases illness.
He called this woman a slut and a prostitute.
Now, here is where I have an issue with this guy. A little research and it turns out he has abused medical prescription drugs and is supposedly recovering via twelve step program. If he is then he is not listening.
He was then stopped at an airport coming into the US with a prescription for Viagra, but, not for him. Being a very diligent individual I researched more (ahem) and found that 99.99% of cases where someone is carrying a substance that is obtained by prescription only is usually charged with a crime and then given the opportunity to defend themselves. He did not have to do either.
Then, I think it was before this he was accused of doctor shopping. Obtaining pills from one GP and then going to a different Doctor and getting more. He was also accused of having a stash of 2,000 pills (in all cases mentioned Oxycontin or hydrocodone if different in other countries).
Who on earth is this guy. I have watched so much of him recently on You Tube that he comes across as an obnoxious individual that is uneducated on foreign events and extremely prejudiced.
Please set me straight if I am incorrect and I hope we can all be civil.