View Full Version : Drinking

15th March 2012, 11:21
I am having a beer with my (early) lunch right now, and it got me thinking...

What's your attitude to drinking? How much do you drink? What do you drink?

Do you believe the talk about the health benefits of drinking alcohol, or do you think it's just a bit of evil fun? Can be dangerous too, can't it. Alcoholism is no joke...

I used to get drunk quite a lot in my uni years, but that's a few years away now, and nowadays I stick to just a bit of beer or just a bit wine, with food. For my health, you see. ;) And it's just nice.

15th March 2012, 11:33
I certainly can't handle as much drink as I could when I was at university, though on the odd occasion when out with friends I give it a go! That aside, two or three evenings a week, if I don't go out, I'll have a couple of beers or a few glasses of wine on my own at home, during and after my meal. The most I can manage in the middle of the day without it affecting me is one glass of wine, and even then I'd rather not. I used to be able to drink during the day, but no more.

15th March 2012, 11:44
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15th March 2012, 11:48
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15th March 2012, 12:01
I certainly can't handle as much drink as I could when I was at university...

I know what you mean! Around my 29th birthday I suddenly noticed that hangovers can last for two days. :erm: That was new. :) Vivid proof that one's metabolism does slow down as one ages.

15th March 2012, 13:33
I certainly dont drink as much as I used to, I maybe have a drink once every two weeks now (if that). My problem is that when I do start drinking I find it very hard to stop until I'm quite far gone... so general abstinence is the best option for me.
I do take longer to recover from hangovers now but the severity of them very much depends on what I drink. If its soley Vodka + Red Bull I'm pretty much guaranteed to feel 100% fine the next day.. not sure if its the caffeine or taurine that prevents the hangover?

15th March 2012, 14:09
In the last 10 days I may have visted the Guinness Storehouse, Jameson's distillery and the Temple Bar in Dublin. Then I went to Northern Ireland and had a personal tour of the Bushmill's distillery. I also tried to visit a distillery in Scotland but it was shut, had a few cocktails here and there and a few drinkies at a friends wedding. WOW, I almost feel like an alcoholic recalling that. :D :eek: :D

15th March 2012, 14:35
They say a glass of good drink/day is quite healthy.

I never get drunk because even when I'm on a party I know when to stop. On such occasions I drink enough to untie my tongue but when my mind starts to become frisky I know I have to stop.
Otherwise I limit it at one glass/day. Beer on summer, red wine ( natural, from peasants farms ) on winter.
Since last Christmas I also have a glass of "tuica " before lunch. It's our natural drink, based on plums.
Generally I like liqueurs, especially the home made sour cherry liqueur, but I don't drink them very often.

15th March 2012, 14:35
I try not to indulge on weekdays, except maybe on Friday. Besides, my company has a strict policy which prohibits alcohol during the work day so I can’t even have a beer or glass of wine with lunch if I wanted to.
On the rare occasion I’ll have an after dinner dram in the evenings, but mostly my consumption is beer, wine and/or whiskey on weekends. I rarely drink to the extent that I’m non-functional the next day… with two kids to chase after, I couldn’t manage it :uhoh: .

Alcoholism is a serious condition. My father was an alcoholic and it caused him his life at an early age.

15th March 2012, 17:10
I don't drink much these days.

I used to be the stereotypical social binge drinker but then one day I woke up and realised that being lairy and getting wrecked on a night out was no fun at all.

I've been teetotal for number of years but now I feel proud (or maybe deluding myself) that I know my 'limits' and enjoy a few drinks, be merry and then call it quits.

15th March 2012, 17:42
I never get drunk because even when I'm on a party I know when to stop. On such occasions I drink enough to untie my tongue but when my mind starts to become frisky I know I have to stop.

A lovely description, may I say!

15th March 2012, 17:43
I try not to indulge on weekdays, except maybe on Friday. Besides, my company has a strict policy which prohibits alcohol during the work day so I can’t even have a beer or glass of wine with lunch if I wanted to.

I am very suspicious of those people who have a pub lunch including a couple of beers and then go back to the office. I just don't see how they can function as well that afternoon, but maybe that's just me.

15th March 2012, 23:17
I am going to be the odd freak out here.

I don't drink and never have touched Alcohol, apart from a few tastings while visiting a Whisky distillery in Scotland a few years back.

I just saw the bad effects of Alcohol on TV and have never touched the stuff.

It may also have something to do with the fact my parents only drink occasionally and many family members don't drink so was never in a drinking enviroment.

Brown, Jon Brow
15th March 2012, 23:29
I've not had a drink for 3 weeks now, and only had 2 or 3 drinks since the new year started.

16th March 2012, 00:39
I drink beer at the weekends, but I dont get the people in my area that I walk past at 11am on a sunday morning standing outside a workmans club having a fag and a few pints :confused:
Surely that is a waste of a day!

16th March 2012, 00:41
I know what you mean! Around my 29th birthday I suddenly noticed that hangovers can last for two days. :erm: That was new. :) Vivid proof that one's metabolism does slow down as one ages.

Ive noticed that aswel! Usually I drink beer in the house, but on the odd occasion I go out for a drink in pubs/night clubs, I can control my self a whole lot better than I used to be able to :)

16th March 2012, 07:39
Ive noticed that aswel! Usually I drink beer in the house, but on the odd occasion I go out for a drink in pubs/night clubs, I can control my self a whole lot better than I used to be able to :)

Yup. We also get wiser as we age, to compensate for the loss of metabolism. :p :

Rudy Tamasz
16th March 2012, 07:41
I used to drink a lot in uni years. Then it become much less of of fun because of hangovers and waking on the wrong side of the bed. Old habits die hard, though, and it took me a while to change my ways. Now I try to limit myself to a couple drinks on certain days. I am completely dry on some weeks. I also start noticing that the impact of alcohol on me is different now. It used to be light euphoria or reckless fun but now I only feel somewhat relaxed in the best case scenario and dumbed down in the worst case scenario. I guess I might quit completely at some point.

16th March 2012, 10:44
I drink beer at the weekends, but I dont get the people in my area that I walk past at 11am on a sunday morning standing outside a workmans club having a fag and a few pints :confused:
Surely that is a waste of a day!

You might be right but you could at least give me a :wave: when you walk past :D

17th March 2012, 17:13
Yup. We also get wiser as we age, to compensate for the loss of metabolism. :p :

Metabolism? So thats why its easier to get a beer belly when youre in mid-late twenties compared to when youre late teens? That explains a few things :D

You might be right but you could at least give me a :wave: when you walk past :D

:rotflmao: If there is racing on tv I may just join you!

24th March 2012, 17:02
don't beleieve in drinking. Except to excess.


30th March 2012, 05:34

25th April 2013, 17:56
Yes that is a dangerous thing good that you have realized and you know the side effects of it.
Its better to avoid it as much as you can.
Stay cool and enjoy the life with things which doesn't really harm you in any way.

25th April 2013, 19:06
Youre right. Thanks to your healthy posts, i feel i have read enough BS to go out and get ****ered :D :beer:

27th April 2013, 16:51
Yes that is a dangerous thing good that you have realized and you know the side effects of it.
Its better to avoid it as much as you can.
Stay cool and enjoy the life with things which doesn't really harm you in any way.

Any comments?

orlando weight Loss (http://www.fortefitness.com/orlando-weight-loss/)

donKey jote
27th April 2013, 17:23
really? :andrea:

16th May 2013, 15:37
I never drink beer or any other alcohol drink because it is not good for our health.
All these drinks affect our health very badly and damages all basic organs i.e heart, liver, lung, and stomach. So I avoid all these alcohol drinks because I want a healthy life style.

16th May 2013, 18:08
Perhaps the yanks have a point about guns after all. This bloke would surely benefit from a high lead diet

18th May 2013, 14:11
I never drink beer or any other alcohol drink because it is not good for our health.
All these drinks affect our health very badly and damages all basic organs i.e heart, liver, lung, and stomach. So I avoid all these alcohol drinks because I want a healthy life style.
Any comment?

Fitness Maitland (http://www.bootcampmaitland.com.au/)

25th May 2013, 04:30
Perhaps the yanks have a point about guns after all. This bloke would surely benefit from a high lead diet

I believe it is better to give than receive


if you do not beleive me, go ask Osama Bin Laden-------but you will have to wait until after he finishes feeding the fishes

3rd July 2013, 20:08
I like to drink fruit juice because it is best source of vitamins and minerals. Fruit juice provides energy to our body so i always try to drink tea or some fruit juice after my dinner.