View Full Version : I would like to begin racing.

14th March 2012, 19:30
Hello, this is my first post in this forum and i am not sure if you can help. To make a long story short, I am from the United States and I currently live in Germany. I would like to do auto racing. I don't really want to just do auto cross, what are some kinds of racing I should look into? I understand this is a UK forum but I do not speak German and I was hoping to get some help here, I don't need every detail but it seems quite different than back in the states so any help would be appreciated.

14th March 2012, 19:34
The main question - of course - what's your budget for a years racing?

14th March 2012, 21:38
The main question - of course - what's your budget for a years racing?

Or age? And desire? Fun? career? sideways in the woods, or boring posturing at a boring circuit with less turns than 1 mile in the woods?
Why in Germany? maybe military dependent?
Does he have acess to 10k a year to quite literally pour down the drain?

The most fun money spent to giggle return ratio by far is on loose surface rally. And within that world, TONS of fun can be found in VOC: Volvo original Cup.

Where are you, what access to tools and garage space do you have.
Have you worked on anything????

14th March 2012, 21:46
If you would like to follow a small team who are looking at doing the same thing then join us on twitter @N_M_Motorsport

14th March 2012, 21:55
If you would like to follow a small team who are looking at doing the same thing then join us on twitter @N_M_Motorsport

You are looking to live in Germany and not speak German?

Where are you and wht type of racing are you doing or hoping to do?
That should be pretty important.

15th March 2012, 05:44
Militarily is correct but I'm not a dependent. I am 22 years old. 10k a year is slightly high but I could manage 7 or 8. I just arrived not long ago and I plan to learn the language. I have access to a good auto shop and tools.

15th March 2012, 06:28
Militarily is correct but I'm not a dependent. I am 22 years old. 10k a year is slightly high but I could manage 7 or 8. I just arrived not long ago and I plan to learn the language. I have access to a good auto shop and tools.

Well you're in a better spot than a friend in the Air force sitting on a pile of sand in Saudi. He lives in Idaho when not deployed and has a earlier RX7 and i'm building suspension for it and advising him.
OK so you can do work and some crap at base hobby shop I presume.
Now you didn't say what kind of motorsport but round here mostly its CAR racing and I lean rather obviously toward gravel rally..

You ever think in that direction?
See as long as the surface is smooth, its mainly a pocketbook question: motor and tires and skill and judgement is way down the list..
when the surface is loose, the eyes count, awareness counts, knowing weight transfer counts, and it is simply way more fun to go thru a corner sideways at 30 mph than 80 in a huge wide track with no real sensation of speed.

Where are you precisely??

15th March 2012, 16:11
I live near trier. I agree i think it would be more fun to race on loose surface.

15th March 2012, 16:40
I live near trier. I agree i think it would be more fun to race on loose surface.

OK near Trier.
Yeah gravel is way fun-er-er but there's not a lot of gravel rallies in Germany but......nothin says you can't get sideways on the skinny asphalt roads the Germans use..
here's a little vid to look at while I search a bit about gravel in BRD.
Rally Rallye Reckenberg 2009 19.09.2009 - Volvo Original Cup - Dailymotion-Video (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xak649_rally-rallye-reckenberg-2009-19-09_auto)

Oh, forgot to ask: can you read any German yet? It was formerly my co-equal 3rd language with French, English and Swedish being the ones fighting for first place.
Google translate is only fair at getting motorsport stuff clear.

But if you search "schotter" is gravel and the Germans spell rally like the French with the final 'e'.

15th March 2012, 17:15
Be sure to check out the possibilities in the surrounding countries. There is a lot more motorsport going on in Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France. It all depends on how much time you have: do you want to compete in a full championship of lets say 10 races, or rather one or two bigger events? Also do you prefer racing, as in roundy roundy, or do you prefer in timetrials like rallying or hillclimbing? And how far would you like to drive to get to a race? Some forms of motorracing almost require extra assistance, like for rallys you need a codriver, is that a problem for you??

15th March 2012, 19:39
Time is not an issue, if I am putting money into doing this I would like to utilize it as much as possible and do as many races as possible. I am able to get a co-driver, however I am not sure about a pit crew. I would prefer racing on loose gravel and time trialed races. Driving to a race point would not be an issue and I wouldn't mind traveling to another country. Within a day of driving would be my maximum unless special circumstances were present. I am currently learning to read German but I know very little and that is why I have had trouble finding much in terms of racing in this area. I appreciate all the input.

15th March 2012, 23:19
Time is not an issue, if I am putting money into doing this I would like to utilize it as much as possible and do as many races as possible. I am able to get a co-driver, however I am not sure about a pit crew. I would prefer racing on loose gravel and time trialed races. Driving to a race point would not be an issue and I wouldn't mind traveling to another country. Within a day of driving would be my maximum unless special circumstances were present. I am currently learning to read German but I know very little and that is why I have had trouble finding much in terms of racing in this area. I appreciate all the input.

Well here's some info, but of course, wrong language! You can see dates and locations, so get the oil changed in your Google maps:

Now looking around clearly a lot of guys are having lots of fun in rwd cars....and I guarantee that fun for fun it costs a lot less in rwd. in both cost of original parts and in maintenance/repairs..

Here's a good suggestion: go find Rally Anarchy - Don't Panic (http://www.rallyanarchy.com) forum and sign up and say hi! and introduce your self and say what you have in mind doing...you will get lots of support and feedback since most of the guys there are young guys intending to have fun...for reasonable money...
In fact this morning a just had a nice visit here from a French guy who came to see just why doing a Volvo 240 was so much easier and vastly cheaper than doing a BMW...he left happy.

There's only one rule at rallyanarchy forum :You must use your real name and real location. That one simple rule and there's no need for any "Moderators" at all.

16th March 2012, 08:20
Thanks for all the help. Now that i have some place to start im very excited. I am going to head over to the Rally anarcy forum and start getting more details. Thanks again