View Full Version : Coach Crash in Switzerland

14th March 2012, 12:54
just on the news,a coach crash in Switzerland,in a tunnel kills 26 children and teachers.The coach hit the kerb,then hit the wall,all the other children have been taken by Helicopter,or Ambulance to hospital.It is believed all are from Belgium.This MUST be one of the worst coach accidents ever in Europe,and my thoughts and sympathy go to all the parents,and family who have lost children and parents in this horrific accident.It happened at 9pm at night,and was on its journey back to Belgium.

14th March 2012, 13:11
When hearing that you first think they are like 17-18 years old, then you hear it's mostly 12 year olds. Man :(

donKey jote
14th March 2012, 15:06
One of my greatest fears whenever any of my kids go on a school excursion. What a nightmare :(

Rudy Tamasz
14th March 2012, 15:59
Very sad. I wonder how that happened. Did it crash head on into smth?

14th March 2012, 16:19
Very sad. I wonder how that happened. Did it crash head on into smth?

Yes, BBC News - In pictures: Switzerland coach crash (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-17363474)

14th March 2012, 17:08
One of my greatest fears whenever any of my kids go on a school excursion. ...

Same here, especially considering the condition of some of the buses around here, not to mention the condition of the drivers :rolleyes: :s

A terrible tragedy :(

Garry Walker
14th March 2012, 21:02
Sickening. Very tragic. Nothing else to say really.

14th March 2012, 21:26
While it's tragic there are questions to be answered. Why did the bus leave the road. But more importantly how was the bus able to leave the road at high speed and then plough head on into a concrete wall without at least being partially deflected before it got there.

15th March 2012, 18:19
While it's tragic there are questions to be answered. Why did the bus leave the road. But more importantly how was the bus able to leave the road at high speed and then plough head on into a concrete wall without at least being partially deflected before it got there.

Sleeping driver.

15th March 2012, 18:39
Sleeping driver.

No it was definately not a sleeping driver. Both drivers arrived the day before and were well rested. They were only one hour on the journey.
The only thing that is known so far is that they hit the sidewalk on the right of the road, swerved to the left, bounced off the left tunnel wall and then slammed into a safety haven. The bus wasn't speeding and was apparently going 50kph on impact. All the children were wearing their seatbelts but the impact was so hard the seats dislodged. Which is why nearly all the deaths are from one school, they all sat at the front.
I'm from the town next to the one where the tragic school stands. Luckily I don't know anyone personally who lost their child. It's truely mindboggling to think how this affects the community, with one blow a complete generation disappeared. It's so hard to comprehend.

Dave B
16th March 2012, 03:19
Swiss coach crash driver 'was putting on a DVD' - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/switzerland/9147530/Swiss-coach-crash-driver-was-putting-on-a-DVD.html)

Speculations that the driver was putting on a dvd and became distracted :s

16th March 2012, 17:06
Swiss coach crash driver 'was putting on a DVD' - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/switzerland/9147530/Swiss-coach-crash-driver-was-putting-on-a-DVD.html)

Speculations that the driver was putting on a dvd and became distracted :s

This is one of those tragic events that requires answers but alas, no one will ever know the real answer. My first thought was accident in tunnel and Princess Diana. Do we know what happened there besides speculation?

16th March 2012, 17:16
Swiss coach crash driver 'was putting on a DVD' - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/switzerland/9147530/Swiss-coach-crash-driver-was-putting-on-a-DVD.html)

Speculations that the driver was putting on a dvd and became distracted :s

I heard this on the radio this morning. I so really hope this is not the case, but that is just too terrible to bear. Needless distractions from what ought to be professionals. I'd like to think it was a mechanical failure - tyre failure, rather that caused by human stupidity. Of course, this is just speculation, and now is not the time to judge until we have hard evidence as to the cause, if ever any is found.

However, what is the logic behind having a wall, at a right angle to and facing the traffic direction - it should be the other way round, surely???????

A very tragic accident which is very hard to comprehend.

16th March 2012, 17:52
I heard this on the radio this morning. I so really hope this is not the case, but that is just too terrible to bear. Needless distractions from what ought to be professionals. I'd like to think it was a mechanical failure - tyre failure, rather that caused by human stupidity. Of course, this is just speculation, and now is not the time to judge until we have hard evidence as to the cause, if ever any is found.

However, what is the logic behind having a wall, at a right angle to and facing the traffic direction - it should be the other way round, surely???????

A very tragic accident which is very hard to comprehend.

I prefer it to be human mistake as it is anyway the element we will never be able to eliminate as long as people drive cars.

16th March 2012, 17:56
I prefer it to be human mistake as it is anyway the element we will never be able to eliminate as long as people drive cars.

Maybe. But professional drivers - be they Cabbies, Skip Lorry Drivers, Bus, Train drivers etc should NEVER take their eyes off the road/rails etc, EVER.

The fact that any brainless twerp with the appropriate licence and sufficient arse cleavage and tattoos can drive a tipper/skip lorry is one reason why so many cyclists are killed each year.

16th March 2012, 18:00
Maybe. But professional drivers - be they Cabbies, Skip Lorry Drivers, Bus, Train drivers etc should NEVER take their eyes off the road/rails etc, EVER.

The fact that any brainless twerp with the appropriate licence and sufficient arse cleavage and tattoos can drive a tipper/skip lorry is one reason why so many cyclists are killed each year.

Don't get me started about taxi drivers. Around here every idiot with half a brain and a driving license can get a taxi permit, then I have to take care of them on the road.

16th March 2012, 18:01
Mercifully there was no fire otherwise the death toll would have been considerably higher.

16th March 2012, 21:10
Mercifully there was no fire otherwise the death toll would have been considerably higher.

Indeed - one Monte Bianco tunnel fire is quite enough thanks very much.

19th March 2012, 18:22
Thought i read that one of the teachers was trying to insert the DVD,and was having a problem ,so he asked the driver ,who then tried.In any case an unnecessary accident,with fatal consequences,our thoughts are with these people

19th March 2012, 22:07
Let's not pre-judge the issue based on rumours and wait for the official enquiry when, hopefully, the facts will come out.