View Full Version : Trying to find number for Buffum 1984 Cyprus winning Audi Quattro

14th March 2012, 09:49
I've been asked to do a painting. Can anyone help? Just the number on the door - better still a photo would be great. Thanks for any help.

14th March 2012, 11:48
I will try to search my archive from magazines from the era and see if I can help

14th March 2012, 14:45
it was no.2 and reg.plates WMN44

here is also a photo that I found in the 1985 Cyprus Rally Guide, not the best quality though


14th March 2012, 16:14
afraid this photo is from another rally.Isn t snow at picture?

14th March 2012, 17:32
i dont think so, the pic is just poor quality and is seems so white

15th March 2012, 17:09
Thanks very much for going to the trouble of looking through your old magazines. It does look snowy though! I was surprised by the lower stripe. I hadn't seen that on any other Buffum Quattro's - until I just searched again and found this...

Buffum - audi quattro image by atsiotras79 on Photobucket (http://media.photobucket.com/image/buffum%20-%20audi%20quattro/atsiotras79/Rally%20Cards/USA/Buffum/buffumlargedc5.jpg?o=1)

All the other photos I've found of the car don't have it...

Redirect Notice (http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=buffum+quattro&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&biw=1334&bih=723&tbm=isch&tbnid=NDdCLvn1PuOwDM:&imgrefurl=http://www.audi-20v.co.uk/Gallery2.htm&docid=0PGt45UuJlbPaM&imgurl=http://www.audi-20v.co.uk/images/Rally/JBuffum02.jpg&w=787&h=476&ei=tRhiT5uXJunA0QWLjLmbCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=400&vpy=182&dur=343&hovh=142&hovw=236&tx=80&ty=112&sig=102850795641543011893&page=1&tbnh=121&tbnw=200&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0)

Is the number 2 taken from the details inside the programme or from the photo? Can you make out what it says just above the 2? Is it Rothmans Rally of Cyprus? Thanks again for your help.

Steve Boyd
15th March 2012, 22:23
Fred Gallagher occasionally posts on the Rally History thread. You could try a PM to him for the information.

16th March 2012, 09:08
I tried to reply yesterday but it hasn't shown up - perhaps it needed moderating because I included links to photos. Anyway, what I said was thanks very much for going to the trouble of looking through your old magazines. It does look slightly snowy - but like you say, that could be the photo. What surprised me was the lower stripes. All the other photos from that year (like on the RAC) dont have them. I did find one promotional picture from BFGoodrich which showed them. Can you make out if the text above the number reads 'Rothmans' and then 'cyprus Rally' underneath? It looks to have the right format. Thanks again for everyone's help - i'll post the results once it's done.

31st March 2012, 11:12
Thanks for your help with the Audi - I wonder if you might be able to help again. This time it's the 1988 Cyprus winning Toyota Celica st165 - I think it was #1 but can't find any images of it. Anyone?

Steve Boyd
31st March 2012, 23:52
Thanks for your help with the Audi - I wonder if you might be able to help again. This time it's the 1988 Cyprus winning Toyota Celica st165 - I think it was #1 but can't find any images of it. Anyone?
The data here: RallyBase (http://www.rallybase.nl/index.php?type=result&rallyid=4137) shows the winning Celica to be car #1.

8th April 2012, 02:10
A bit late but here's the original Cyprus photograph:
