View Full Version : And the 2012 Champion is.......

12th March 2012, 15:32
Predictions now please.

12th March 2012, 15:35
I think it's going to be Jense or Lewis with the edge going to Mr Button. I just think this years car will suit him more.

12th March 2012, 17:13
No point in voting and not putting who you went for. How can we take the mick then :D

12th March 2012, 17:21
Button I think, if the new McLaren is as good as rumoured then he will get the performances from it.

12th March 2012, 17:34
Perhaps the most difficult championship to predict in quite some time. I'll go with:

1) Hamilton
2) Vettel
3) Button
4) Alonso
5) Webber
6) Grosjean
7) Massa
8) Rosberg
8) Schumacher
9) Raikkonen

12th March 2012, 17:48
I think Jenson will do it this year.

I see Hamilton pushing to hard early on to try and dominate the team after his poor season last year, and thus making some more mistakes allowing Jenson to battle with Seb.

Seb faster in Quali and when starting on pole, but Jenson to edge it out over the season with his consistant form.

12th March 2012, 17:55
Vettel is probably the favourite but that would be a boring prediction.. Paul Di Resta? hmm not with the right team yet so maybe not this year..... Lets see, Lewis to bounce back? Aye.. I'll go with that I think. ;)

12th March 2012, 19:40
I wanted to put Schumacher, Lewis or Jenson in that order, but in reality I guess it will be Vettel so he gets the vote.

As long as Alonso doesn't win it... :)

12th March 2012, 20:42
Than Alonso will win...

Garry Walker
12th March 2012, 21:26
Red bull will be the fastest car by far again probably and Helmet marko will make sure Webber won't threaten rapunzel, so sadly rapunzel will take the title

12th March 2012, 22:44
i'd love to say Button, but i think if the car is good enough Lewis will probablt edge him over the season. However, my head say Seb again, it will take a huge effort or a poor car to stop him

12th March 2012, 22:48
I've gone for the Webber kiddie. I think that this is the last chance to grasp the golden ring and he knows it. He's had a very good pre-season (on his terms ie:not damaging himself in some way), he's probably more focussed than at any stage in his career (knowing that you have a championship winning car under your arse but you didnt win the championship might tune you in some, don't you think?), and it would be a cinderella story to end a career on - or am I blinkered by gooey nationalisticness? Or rose-coloured glasses? :rolleyes:

Additional, I will be very surprised if the Ricciardo kiddie doesn't show well into the top 10 at seasons end. More rampant nationalism? By crikey! :)

12th March 2012, 23:01
I have gone for Lewis,as i hope the McLaren will be quicker out of the box.he SHOULD be more settled this year with Nicole,and his new manager,BUT seb will take some beating as he has always got the bit between his teeth

12th March 2012, 23:23
I'm going with Vettel again...And RB to dominate the manufacturers again. I think we may be in for another Shoe/Ferrari era!

12th March 2012, 23:29
I'm going with Vettel again...And RB to dominate the manufacturers again. I think we may be in for another Shoe/Ferrari era!
Why bother explaining my choice if someone has already done it for me? ;)

N. Jones
12th March 2012, 23:42
POSF1 Sponsored by HP!

Oh, wrong thread.... :D

13th March 2012, 02:54
As much as I would like to see Mercedes play around the front runners, Seb is the favorite, but I voted for Schumi!

13th March 2012, 08:39
I'd like Hamilton to win it, please. Or... anyone but Vettel. I've nothing against Vettel, I like him, but three in a row is just too much.

Voted Hamilton.

The Black Knight
13th March 2012, 09:03
Since I expect Hamilton to be back to his best this year and I feel his bad year last year made Jenson look better than he actually is I'm going with the following:

1) Hamilton
2) Vettel
3) Webber
4) Button
5) Alonso
6) Rosberg
7) Schumacher
8) Massa

It surprises me how many people have voted for Button really. He's a great driver but considering Hamilton is likely to find his form again this year, it's a brave man that would tip Button to beat him should Hamilton really focus on the job at hand as he is saying he will. I still consider Hamilton to be the quickest driver on the grid. If, and I agree that's a bit of a big if, he finds his consistency again this year then I don't think Button will be able to touch him and I believe with the cars being so close that this will make him WDC.

McLaren also have to iron out the stupid mistakes they continually make on strategy during a race if they are to have a hope of beating the RBR's this year. The most consisten thing about McLaren last year was Button.

Mia 01
13th March 2012, 09:20
I Would like it to be Kimi, but I know that this is problably impossible this year so therefor I voted for Seb.

I think Seb will win even in the second best car. About the subject, Where the RBR the best car the latter part of 2011, don´t think so.

13th March 2012, 10:20
So, ABV doesn't stand for Alcohol By Volume but rather Anyone But Vettel :D

13th March 2012, 16:13
Hard to look past Vettel at this stage. Only if Red Bull's car development seriously tumbles for some reason and McLaren gets clearly ahead during the season, he will lose the title. One more aspect that plays in Seb's favour is that McLaren drivers will take points away from each other, so it can cost them like in 2007. But in any case, while Vettel is the favourite, Button and Hamilton can give a run for his money if McLaren is very competitive.

Others are a clear long shot at this stage, including Alonso - Ferrari has a lot to prove that they actually have it in them to take the fight to the top teams. Even though Alonso has been doing great damage limitation in his career, also last year, when he so nearly finished second in WDC.

14th March 2012, 14:45
Schumy of course :p :

14th March 2012, 14:47
Schumy of course :p :

And there was me thinking Eki had issues :p

14th March 2012, 15:19
I think that Vettel has the best chance. He is a very strong, confident driver, an established number one in his team, which is always a bonus, and has a very fast car. Hamilton seems to be his main rival, but I think that he will lose some crucial points to Jenson and will likely make more mistakes than Seb. I am afraid that Ferrari won't able to challenge these guys. The same can be said for Lotus and Merc. But it'd be fun if Kimi or M Schu are suddenly back in the business.

23rd April 2012, 15:53
1/5th of the season has been completed. The tightness at the top of the championship reminds me a bit of 2010. Then we had 8 drivers closely together after four races. Right now we have 7 drivers within one race win (1. VET – 53, 7. RAI – 34). Will the rest of the season resemble 2010 as well and we are going to see as many as five contenders until the very late stage of the season?

But in any case I have to say that three drivers stand out from others as potential champions. Vettel, Hamilton, Button. The McLaren intra-team battle is close in points and even races are swinging from one to another. But is this competition going to cost McLaren the title like in 2007? Vettel’s chances have risen significantly since Bahrain, but is RBR now consistant enough to keep delivering wins?

What about others? Webber has been consistent (4x4th – quite amazing :D ), but can’t help but feel that over a season he would be left behind by his team-mate. Lotus can shine at times, but I don’t think they have the depth to truly challenge for the title. Same with Mercedes.

Alonso is always dangerous, but Ferrari is a complicated car and has a narrow performance window (i.e wet) in which it can actually fight for top awards. Unless Ferrari finds some magical cure for the European season, driving for 6th-8th places is not going to be enough. Especially if RBR/McLaren find consistency and start delivering wins on a consistent basis, the points gap would quickly become large.

23rd April 2012, 16:29
1/5th of the season has been completed. The tightness at the top of the championship reminds me a bit of 2010. Then we had 8 drivers closely together after four races. Right now we have 7 drivers within one race win (1. VET – 53, 7. RAI – 34). Will the rest of the season resemble 2010 as well and we are going to see as many as five contenders until the very late stage of the season?

But in any case I have to say that three drivers stand out from others as potential champions. Vettel, Hamilton, Button. The McLaren intra-team battle is close in points and even races are swinging from one to another. But is this competition going to cost McLaren the title like in 2007? Vettel’s chances have risen significantly since Bahrain, but is RBR now consistant enough to keep delivering wins?

What about others? Webber has been consistent (4x4th – quite amazing :D ), but can’t help but feel that over a season he would be left behind by his team-mate. Lotus can shine at times, but I don’t think they have the depth to truly challenge for the title. Same with Mercedes.

Alonso is always dangerous, but Ferrari is a complicated car and has a narrow performance window (i.e wet) in which it can actually fight for top awards. Unless Ferrari finds some magical cure for the European season, driving for 6th-8th places is not going to be enough. Especially if RBR/McLaren find consistency and start delivering wins on a consistent basis, the points gap would quickly become large.

The things Ferrari did correctly were; strategy, superior pit work, and most importantly the reliability of their car is faultless or have had the least amount of mechanical issues.
I think it is probably a good idea to not count them (at least Alonso) out until we see what they bring to Spain. :s mokin:

Garry Walker
23rd April 2012, 21:07
I voted bieber back in march, I am standing by my prediction. Easy win for him

24th April 2012, 02:30
I think it would be between Hamilton and someone else :p

24th April 2012, 06:40
Vettel has to win this year and next, otherwise I'll look like a complete jackass for predicting it.

To summerize, Vettel must win for my benefit alone.

24th April 2012, 23:00
It's too early to call a winner. However, I think the most likely WDC winners are: Button, Hamilton, and Vettel. These drivers have huge experience, and except for Button, they drove fairly consistently so far. McLaren will duke it out with RBR for the constructor's title. It will be an interesting battle. Battle for third constructor place will be interesting too. My money is slightly in favor of McLaren for the title. Schumacher, Webber, Rosberg, Raikkonen, and Alonso may each have a chance to win a race or so, but I don't think they will be in position to fight for the title..

25th April 2012, 01:25
For me it looks like Red Bull have now (since China) made the progress required to move very slightly ahead of the field in understanding the tyres.. and (especialy under Newey) will continue to move forward at a faster rate than everyone else and be in overall control. I predict that McLaren will win the constructers championship due to them having a slightly better driver combination than Red Bull but that Vettel will just edge the WDC (again! :( ) with either Lewis or Button finishing second.. its too close to call but with this seasons Pirellis suiting Buttons driving style he probably still has the edge over the quicker Lewis.

25th April 2012, 06:26
For me it looks like Red Bull have now (since China) made the progress required to move very slightly ahead of the field in understanding the tyres.. and (especialy under Newey) will continue to move forward at a faster rate than everyone else and be in overall control. I predict that McLaren will win the constructers championship due to them having a slightly better driver combination than Red Bull but that Vettel will just edge the WDC (again! :( ) with either Lewis or Button finishing second.. its too close to call but with this seasons Pirellis suiting Buttons driving style he probably still has the edge over the quicker Lewis.
Yea' with Bunson's (as Valve would say taking that hit with his DNF, left him tied with Fred -10 points! :)

25th April 2012, 16:00
Just one vote for my WC. Maybe he just don´t have that many supporters?
But ill still stand by this vote of mine. Only one can win. :p

26th April 2012, 11:46
Well, someone has to vote for Mark :p

27th April 2012, 22:13
Well, someone has to vote for Mark :p

Nah, my vote is on one of them who already has become WDC. That narrows i down, doesn´t it?

30th April 2012, 11:19
Nah, my vote is on one of them who already has become WDC. That narrows i down, doesn´t it?


30th April 2012, 23:31
Alonso to pull it out of the bag with Ferrari's new upgrades working a treat from Barcelona onwards.

1st May 2012, 11:00
Read about all your predictions here. Surprises me how Lotus and Kimi is not mentioned.....
Kimi has scored lots of points yet has not started that far up on the grid, yet.....
And the Lotus seems to handle the tires pretty well, maybe even better then the rest?
Last race taking 11th to 2nd was a great drive but i was thinking that no other car/driver combo could have done that in that particular race.
The weather was hot this race and if the summer will be hot, will the Lotus excel?

1st May 2012, 12:05
Read about all your predictions here. Surprises me how Lotus and Kimi is not mentioned.....
Kimi has scored lots of points yet has not started that far up on the grid, yet.....
And the Lotus seems to handle the tires pretty well, maybe even better then the rest?
Last race taking 11th to 2nd was a great drive but i was thinking that no other car/driver combo could have done that in that particular race.
The weather was hot this race and if the summer will be hot, will the Lotus excel?

I'd love to see Kimi become WDC in the Lotus, I don't think anyone doubts that he has what it takes. Although the Lotus seems to be a good car from the outset I suspect, like myself, most others also worry that they do not have the overall strength in depth compared to the big guns of McLaren, Red Bull, Ferrari and Mercedes to remain a force to be reckoned with over the full season.. I'd love to be proved wrong though! :)

3rd May 2012, 19:51
For me it looks like Red Bull have now (since China) made the progress required to move very slightly ahead of the field in understanding the tyres.. and (especialy under Newey) will continue to move forward at a faster rate than everyone else and be in overall control. I predict that McLaren will win the constructers championship due to them having a slightly better driver combination than Red Bull but that Vettel will just edge the WDC (again! :( ) with either Lewis or Button finishing second.. its too close to call but with this seasons Pirellis suiting Buttons driving style he probably still has the edge over the quicker Lewis.

This is a somewhat conceivable scenario. Of course, we don't have yet enough data to assert with the a good amount of certainty. On the other hand, last year after 4 races, it was a fair bet to predict that RBR wins both titles with ease. If Vettel wins the next one or two races, your prediction would become more likely.

3rd May 2012, 22:56
It's getting harder to predict as each race goes by. I reckon:

1) Hamilton
2) Vettel
3) Button
4) Rosberg
5) Webber
6) Raikkonen
7) Alonso
8) Schumacher

13th May 2012, 15:07
It is very tough to predict. The logic says Lewis, but Alonso and Vettel are also very strong.

13th May 2012, 17:43
I have to say the logic doesn't say anything any more, because the season is too insane for that. I wouldn't be surprised even if we got a shock world champion, like Maldonado. :D

13th May 2012, 17:47
Nah, looking at who´s moving up the table. And a racewin would make 6 different winners from 6 different teams. Im still the only one guessing him to win but it´s getting more a more likely to happen. :D

15th May 2012, 12:35

I think he`s going to be the champion. He has put some very strong drives so far, and I think winning a race in 2012 is just a matter of time for the Finnish driver.

The Black Knight
15th May 2012, 12:38
The driver that should win the Championship is Lewis Hamilton. He should now be leading pretty comfortably the championship were it not for McLaren's continually messing up, which is something that McLaren are doing a lot of these past few years. If not then it will probably be Alonso or Vettel. It is great to see Lewis find his feet again and show what a great driver he is. He has really out shone Jenson these past few races.

15th May 2012, 12:41
It isn't that convoluted. I think "The Boss" is in the pound seats, followed by Alonso, Vetel, and Kimi. McLaren just need to quit sabotaging LH's races :down:

15th May 2012, 15:48
Well, considering that no team seems capable of impressing consistently, it is really keeping the championship fight open without a favourite. I didn't consider it earlier, but in addition to established frontrunners Räikkönen may well be a championship contender as well. It can turn around really quickly and no-one knows, how is this going to pan out. For instance Rosberg seems sort of an outsider now, but he is still only 20 points behind and if at the next race Mercedes somehow nails the tyre temperatures and Nico wins like in China, he would move right up into the front-running group of the leaderboard.

The best that drivers can do in this situation is capitalizing on any opportunity they can if the car happens to be very competitive... and do a decent damage limitation in the rest of the races. Alonso has perhaps been a textbook example of this so far. Has capitalized on two opportunities, when the car was going well - achieved a win and a second. From the rest he has taken the points he could. Co-leader Vettel has been doing fine. Capitalized on the opportunity in Bahrain by winning and doing damage limitation in other races except that needless mistake in Malaysia.

Button has capitalized on the opportunities (1st and 2nd), but hasn't got the points on bad days (Malaysia, Spain). Hamilton and Räikkönen haven't won a race yet, but have been doing fine to keep getting good points onboard without mistakes. Podiumless Webber isn't far from the leaders - until Spain was a consistent point-scorer, now needs a stellar weekend to come his way as well. Rosberg was lacklustre in the first two races, but since then has done, what he could - delivered in China and done damage limitation in Bahrain and Spain with point-finishes, so he is still just 20 pts behind and needs to wait for the circumstances to present an opportunity.

15th May 2012, 18:38
The driver that should win the Championship is Lewis Hamilton.

Depends on the point of view. He is very fast and consistent, but does the combo between him and McLaren deserve the victory? Kimi and Alonso are also very consistent, their cars are not as fast, but the teams do a better job, so their combos are equally deserving, IMO.

15th May 2012, 18:49
I think it is very relative and unclear to evaluate, whose cars are faster than others at the moment. Even Ferrari, while criticized heavily, seems to be going well in certain circumstances.

15th May 2012, 19:04
About preference, I am split between Fernando and Sebastian.

15th May 2012, 19:35
About preference, I am split between Fernando and Sebastian.I'm not pulling for Seb I'd rather see it go to Kimi. Maybe because when a Brit wins a race the mutual masturbation legion take over the boards :p :

15th May 2012, 19:48
Five races in and no clear contender. I'd like it to be Webber, but ...

15th May 2012, 20:10
You're always going to get that on a 'British' discussion board matey lol :p
As usual I’ve been contacted expeditiously by a Capo in the Anglo/Mafia. Excuse me I thought this was a Canadian Site. Oh that’s right Canucks are like Brit’s that aren't rude. :mark: :D

15th May 2012, 21:15
I was just joking my man. I actually dig the boss. I find it hard to get behind Bunsen, because it will remind me of :s ailor: St.Devote and that conjurs up all the real bighting, scratch your eyes out kind of stuff that went on when he got rolling. But I still don't think he was right. Now for what ever reasons LH is playing at JB's level, and JB's level is on a two race vacation. This should be the most interesting Monaco in some time.
Cheers :beer:

15th May 2012, 21:29
I thnk before season I said Button, but now I fancy Vettel, Hamilton or Raikkonen Championship.

16th May 2012, 19:00
I'm still sticking with my first choice of Vettel. Despite the fact they don't have a dominant car this year he's still top of the standings with just one race win. If they can get the car a little faster I'd expect him to string together a few wins in the second half of the season. No other team/driver seems consistent enough to challenge them.

18th May 2012, 21:26
Looks like my pick has gathered more votes. Not surprising. And if the season will continue this tight he is a force to be reckoned with.

18th May 2012, 22:10
Looks like my pick has gathered more votes. Not surprising. And if the season will continue this tight he is a force to be reckoned with.

Go on then, who is it?

Mia 01
19th May 2012, 06:45
It´s kimi

28th May 2012, 09:53
Well, while Red Bull looked good in Monte, one can't help but notice that Ferrari is the only team, which was truly competitive on both the Spanish and the Monaco GP - two very, very different tracks. Williams and Lotus were excellent in Barcelona and nowhere yesterday. Red Bull and Mercedes fought for the win yesterday and were slow in Spain. Ferrari now seems a very solid car, much different from the disaster in the early races. McLaren seems to fade in the races, they must be worried.

28th May 2012, 10:13
Well, while Red Bull looked good in Monte, one can't help but notice that Ferrari is the only team, which was truly competitive on both the Spanish and the Monaco GP - two very, very different tracks. Williams and Lotus were excellent in Barcelona and nowhere yesterday. Red Bull and Mercedes fought for the win yesterday and were slow in Spain. Ferrari now seems a very solid car, much different from the disaster in the early races. McLaren seems to fade in the races, they must be worried.

So Ferrari is well-balanced, equally slow everywhere :D

28th May 2012, 10:52
Two podiums from two races and now Alonso is a WDC leader :)

28th May 2012, 10:56
Alonso's achievements are not thanks to, but despite Ferrari ;)

28th May 2012, 14:23
hopefully it will be ALONSO.
best driver overall, and that for the last 10years, no matter which tyres, which car or circumstances, Nando was always on top

28th May 2012, 14:26
Alonso's achievements are not thanks to, but despite Ferrari ;)

You can't deny, I hope, that Ferrari greatly improved since Oz.

28th May 2012, 18:15
I have to say that right now the situation reminds a lot of 2010. Alonso and Red Bulls at the front with Hamilton close behind. It looks like they may be the main contenders, but with the competition changing so much it is difficult to say, who has the best chance. What seems clear – Ferrari has improved and is a podium-car on merit now, so consistently impressive Alonso is definitely in the game.

By the way, if we look at the points of 2010 after six races (also Monaco), the situation was almost the same:
Web – 78, Vet – 78, Alo – 75, But – 70, Mas – 61, Ham – 59, Kub – 59, Ros – 56.

The main difference is that the McLarens have swapped positions and Massa is nowhere. Kubica has been replaced by the new Lotus #1 driver.

Button’s season is starting to remind Fisichella from 2005 or Coulthard from 2003. Both achieved an euphoric win in the season opener, but after that everything fell apart. Hopefully Button can still come back strong.

Garry Walker
28th May 2012, 18:56
Red Bull is still the best car to have.

30th May 2012, 10:15
Red Bull are most likely the best team, but there is no single best car, at least that's what I think.

5th June 2012, 17:10
IMO some interesting data (though not altogether definative) about relative gains and losses of all the teams as they’ve developed their cars. Not too surprising considering how far off the pace they started, Ferrari has gained .977 seconds. This begs the question; how much of this improvement can we directly attribute to six tenths? :s pinhead: :s mokin:

Listed in the order of last year's championship standings, this piece demonstrates where teams have gained and lost pace. Taking each squad's outright fastest qualifying times, we have been able to put together a host of revealing facts based on ultimate speed at each venue.

Feature: Biggest improvers of the season - GPUpdate.net (http://www.gpupdate.net/en/f1-news/279051/feature-biggest-improvers-of-the-season/)

9th July 2012, 08:34
Almost halfway through the season and it is hard to look past Alonso at this stage. His performance has been truly spectacular this season, reminding some of the all-time classics, like Prost in '86, Senna in '91 or Schumacher in late 90's. Also Ferrari has developed a really good and consistent car by now. Pace-wise they still haven't got Red Bull covered, but looks like they are really close to managing it.

Red Bull is really good on most circuits and seems to have improved their consistency as well after some early-season struggles in qualifying/cold weather, but I don't think Webber can match the consistency of Alonso during the rest of the season. Vettel could have a chance, but he has dropped a bit behind in the points and needs to have a flawless run from now onwards.

After the Chinese GP we were discussing, which McLaren driver is going to win the title. Well...

By the way, it should be added that Lotus is still really fast and crucially quite consistent across different circuits (were struggling only at Monaco), but it doesn't look like the team as a whole (including drivers) is ready to challenge for the title this year at least.

9th July 2012, 17:59
I agree Jens

Its been a great season with alot of changes as you mentioned.

Mclaren were looking unbeatable, but now it looks as though Red Bull is the fastest car, but its Alonso who is the class of the field at the moment, regardless of Webbers win yesterday.

Alonso dominated a large chunk of the race and had he not gone for the tyre strategy the opposite way to the Red Bulls, he could have won it.

I think Lotus must win a race this season surely given their speed and their two drivers.

But above all I think a Alonso & Vettel battle for the title. With a sneaky challenge by Webber and maybe just maybe an outside challenge from Lewis.

From all this I think Fernando looks so much under control and has such class he will be the world champion.

9th July 2012, 18:09
Another thing looking at the potential champion. I was looking at the world champions.

Alonso is so good, and yet he hasn't won a title for 5 seasons.

Raikkonen one of the quickest around. 1 title.

Lewis looked so much like he was going to be multiple champion yet after 5 seasons. 1 title.

Vettel obviously now is one of the best.

But go back in time and after Alonso had won his 2 titles in 2006 for Renault and you asked how many he would have by 2012. I would have said have said 3 at least.

The same for Raikkonen he would have been multiple champion.

Lewis after his first year of brilliance in 2007 and then a title in 2008. I thought he may be a 3 time champion.

All of these drivers in a certain time may have been a dominant force in F1. However such is the quality around and the strength of F1 at the moment, none have won as many titles as I thought they would have.

We really are lucky to have so many class and fast drivers to watch these days.

9th July 2012, 18:33
But go back in time and after Alonso had won his 2 titles in 2006 for Renault and you asked how many he would have by 2012. I would have said have said 3 at least.

The same for Raikkonen he would have been multiple champion.

Lewis after his first year of brilliance in 2007 and then a title in 2008. I thought he may be a 3 time champion.

So going by that maybe after five years it would be said that surely I expected Vettel to be a 5x WDC by now, but he is still on two. :p :

Garry Walker
9th July 2012, 19:36
Almost halfway through the season and it is hard to look past Alonso at this stage. He will have to drive at an incredible level to beat the RedBull (the best and fastest car for the 4th straight year)

After the Chinese GP we were discussing, which McLaren driver is going to win the title. Well...
No, some were. Some were not. Namely me. I maintained that Red Bull was the car to have and McLaren was very overrated. Who has been proven right I ask you? Yeah, that would be me. Again. Never doubt me again.

By the way, it should be added that Lotus is still really fast and crucially quite consistent across different circuits (were struggling only at Monaco), but it doesn't look like the team as a whole (including drivers) is ready to challenge for the title this year at least.
Lotus needs to improve in qualifying, but they probably have the best driver pairing out there since Button decided to become a buffoon. But due to bad qualifying they tend to get stuck behind slower cars for the race (as happened to Kimi yesterday).

Mclaren were looking unbeatable,When? There has been no such race this year.

Alonso dominated a large chunk of the race and had he not gone for the tyre strategy the opposite way to the Red Bulls, he could have won it. He dominated only because he is much better than either of the Red Bull fools and because of his gamble on the primes at the start.

9th July 2012, 19:59
No, some were. Some were not. Namely me. I maintained that Red Bull was the car to have and McLaren was very overrated. Who has been proven right I ask you? Yeah, that would be me. Again. Never doubt me again.

Lol. :D Proven right? The situation has changed compared to the situation we had three races into the season. I am not going to rewrite the history based on what has happened later and how the teams have developed the cars during the season. In the beginning McLaren was very good, but have been unable to develop for some reason.

Garry Walker
9th July 2012, 20:15
Lol. :D Proven right? The situation has changed compared to the situation we had three races into the season. I am not going to rewrite the history based on what has happened later and how the teams have developed the cars during the season. In the beginning McLaren was very good, but have been unable to develop for some reason.

The McLaren was the best car along with RB in the first race of the year. After that they were nothing special. They were not that good at Malaysia (Ferrari, Sauber, RB were all faster in the race), they were nothing special at China (mercedes was faster and RB was at least as fast, probably faster). People thought that because they took the 2 pole positions in the first two races they are suddenly the car to have. So this has nothing to do with development, McLaren just never was that good to begin with (although in comparison to others they have probably developed less, but the fact remains, they were behind to start with). I said it back at the start of the year they are not special, some said they were just by far the fastest. Well, I was right again and some others were left with brown stuff on their faces, again.

9th July 2012, 20:53
So going by that maybe after five years it would be said that surely I expected Vettel to be a 5x WDC by now, but he is still on two. :p :

The point I was making was that any of these drivers are so good, you wouldn't be supprised if any of them had won more. But there are so many great drivers they are thankfully taking championships off one and other.

10th July 2012, 18:40
I don't in any way want to take away from Mark or Fred’s races, but Vettel drove almost the entire race with a damaged FW (end plate). I can't help but think he would have had Alonso if it was intact, though beating his teammate would have been very tough. The Red Bull is still the fastest car in most situations, and I still think Seb is the favorite for the WDC, but I would prefer to see Mark beat him, as well as FA of course.

11th July 2012, 04:14
Of course the smart money is on Alonso right now, but I would love for Mark to win this year. And if the RBR is faster than Ferrari, and SV has one or two more problems/mistakes, then who knows, he might just do it.

He came awfully close in 2010, and I think getting over that loss cost him his 2011 season as well. This year he seems like he's back at the top of his game, and driving better than I ever remember of him.

12th July 2012, 14:33
Seeing as how RBR's form has improved, I'd expect Vettel to bag it in 2012. Yes, he's not at the top of the standings right now, but I would be really surprised if Webber managed to beat him over an entire season. And the Red Bull seems to be the fastest car these days. Let's not forget that if Vettel's engine hadn't broken down in Valencia, he would be leading the championship three points in front of Alonso (+25 points to Vettel, -7 to Alonso). So he's still the top player in the hunt for the championship.

12th July 2012, 17:52
I can't remember who I voted for now, it was probably Seb.

I totally hope Webber wins it, it would be faaaaantastic mate! But failing that, and assuming McLaren are out of it, I'd actually prefer Alonso to win. Despite being a Hamilton fan, I do feel Alonso is due another title as he has driven too well these last few years not to.

I'd much rather Alonso have this one than Sebby V get it again by car advantage and Dr. Marko machinations that attempt to subdue Webber...

12th July 2012, 17:58
I'm one of the few, who would like Vettel to win it. :) Can't help it, always supported him, likewise Grosjean. :)

Valencia GP retirement was definetely a big blow for Vettel. For a balance he now also needs some Alonso's unluck to cut back the points difference quickly. By the way, I am struggling to remember the last time Alonso retired from a race lead. Hungary 2006?

12th July 2012, 18:32
No worries, mate. The most important thing is that the season is close and title fight still wide open. Looking back at the era you mentioned, I think 2003 was a mighty exciting season for everyone. And despite Schumacher clinching yet another title, he had to fend off young protagonists in Räikkönen and Montoya, which created a lot of excitement in fans. :)

14th July 2012, 15:09
I don't doubt Seb will win another title but theres nothing worse for fans than to have the same driver dominating for multiple years in a row IMO.

There were those that thought Hamilton would have two or three to his name by now. So many things have to fit together for that perfect season. Can't stand Justin Bieber and would love anybody but him to win this year!

14th July 2012, 17:55
Oh I agree. The best drivers don't win unless they are in the top cars, and the performance level of F1 now ensures everybody is close. Gone are the days when drivers could drag inferior cars to championship wins. The technology now is so advanced this just can't happen nowadays. Not consistently anyway.

But , isn't that touted to be one of Hamilton's strengths , being able to drag the best out of a dog , whereas his team-mate can't deal with an imperfect ride ?
And , didn't Fernando do the impossible with his car earlier in the year , whilst his team-mate ran with the backmarkers ?

Both have been consistently ahead of their partners all year , in difficult rides .

14th July 2012, 18:55
I'm one of the few, who would like Vettel to win it. :) Can't help it, always supported him, likewise Grosjean. :)

Valencia GP retirement was definetely a big blow for Vettel. For a balance he now also needs some Alonso's unluck to cut back the points difference quickly. By the way, I am struggling to remember the last time Alonso retired from a race lead. Hungary 2006?

Hungary 2009? :p :

15th July 2012, 12:46
Hungary 2009? :p :

Ah, oh yes. But IIRC Alonso was short-fueled for qualifying and pitted pretty early, around lap 10. So realistically he wasn't in contention for the win.

Big Ben
17th July 2012, 10:35
I have missed most of the races this year so I've followed f1 mostly here and on Autosport.com... I say this just to emphasize that what I say it's not the result of a very thorough analysis :p : and that there may be plenty of things I've missed. My impression is that right now RBR is back on top. They are not as dominant as the last couple of years but over the last few races on average they seem above everyone else. So based on that I'd say Vettel has the upper hand. I think Webber we'll be ignored again as a wdc challenger. I think Alo is having another disappointing end of a season coming his way. I hope I'm wrong.