View Full Version : NecksGen Neck & Head Restraint

6th March 2012, 06:17
An option for Head and Neck Restaints ? I just received an email from them and it looks nice.*NecksGen - Ahead in Neck Protection (http://www.necksgen.com)

6th March 2012, 07:07
it looks nice.

Whether it looks "nice" is irrelevant. Is it compliant with FIA Standard 8858-2002? And more importantly is it safe and how has it been tested?

FIA Driver's Equipment Regulations (http://argent.fia.com/web/fia-public.nsf/wdequ?OpenForm&lang=a)

http://argent.fia.com/web/fia-public.ns ... 2_Hans.pdf (http://argent.fia.com/web/fia-public.nsf/9BD6FEA5A7446CECC125731500412ACF/$FILE/3_FIA_Stand_8858_2002_Hans.pdf)