View Full Version : Who do you sleep with?

3rd March 2012, 19:27
Now I'm single, but what I like is to have something to listen to while I go to sleep. It's usually QI (thanks to a wonderful Youtube channel), or Only Fools and Horses, or Blackadder (on DVD).

What about you? Do you listen to something to help you fall asleep, or is the murmur of a loved one enough for you?

3rd March 2012, 19:50
Silence is best :)

Brown, Jon Brow
3rd March 2012, 20:11
I always put music on when I go to bed.

In the morning I wake up with Chris Moyles, which is disturbing.

3rd March 2012, 21:49
I used to see a girl who liked to listen to the radio (No sleep timer) as we fell asleep.. I didn't like it, took me ages to fall asleep then would wake in the morning feeling that I hadn't slept well.

My partners daughter sleeps with the TV on all night ! :/... unfortunately silence and complete darkness is a must for me.

3rd March 2012, 22:21
A cat's purr. Works for stress relief too :)

3rd March 2012, 22:26
I go to sleep with the TV on and set the sleep timer for :30.

My wife works nights and the three nights she is home, she ends up keeping me up al hours of the night. I get much better sleep when she isn't home.

4th March 2012, 00:28
I usually fall to sleep with the TV on and set the sleep timer for 60minutes. If I put it on for 30 min, I usually hear it as it clicks off and that just wakes me back up.

4th March 2012, 02:06
A cat's purr. Works for stress relief too :)

Yes agree, unless like my old kittie Rudy-poody the cat like to sleep right on top of my head. Or Boo-Boo Långstrump Kitty---who is about 10cm that way----> the kitty needs to "make bread" vigorously for 30 minutes while purring louder than most drunken sailor snore before settling down.

Studdie, now i am all happily married and we have 2 cutie pie girls and like many Chinese families (wifey is Chinese, and Annoushka (No1) was made right over there<------ but born in China and Ninotchka (No2) was born here but with all the Aunties and Lo-Ma and sister visiting in her first 3 years, spoke mainly Chinese too, well we all sleep in the 2 big beds pushed together, so i gety to sleep--when i finally have time---with the gentle quiet breathing of 3 of the people who i love most... Its really wonderful...

No clocks however, and radio better be nice calm classic music from Romantic period. Beethoven, berlioz, Bach maybe. Or Debussy Claire de Lune.

Oh yeah, got your PM, been thinking about what I can say, because what you described I have been very close to in past relationships several times ---not me--the other!

I have to finish swapping tires back to summer tires. Bye!

4th March 2012, 02:18
Well, usually the sound of my own weeping is enough to make me nod right off. :)

4th March 2012, 03:53
Silence is GOLDEN !! No noise or distraction for me thank you ! I can fall asleep on a clothes line !

5th March 2012, 14:49
Usually the sound of the missus gabbering on about how her day was makes me off.
But then I have to get up and put the dishes away.

5th March 2012, 15:03
A cat's purr. Works for stress relief too :)

:up: Cats are experts at sleeping.


5th March 2012, 15:36
:up: Cats are experts at sleeping.

Is that yours, Eki? What a cute puss. Mine is the same colour, but with a flatter nose. Her mother is a thoroughbred Persian, and her father is "that moggie next door what did the dirty deed". :p :

5th March 2012, 17:03
Is that yours, Eki? What a cute puss. Mine is the same colour, but with a flatter nose. Her mother is a thoroughbred Persian, and her father is "that moggie next door what did the dirty deed". :p :
Yes, she's mine. A British Shorthair.

5th March 2012, 17:13
Bizarrely I tend to fall asleep to the sounds of Fighting Talk, a sports based radio panel show...generally old episodes from 2-3 years ago. The sleep timer is usually set for 1 hour, but if the volume level is right (to where I can only just hear what's being said) then I shouldn't make it passed 5 minutes.

6th March 2012, 01:14
Well, I sleep with my wife obviously, but the baby's crib is in our room. Lately, the baby has been teething, and she has never been a good sleeper in her 8 months of life so far, so now it's worse. The past couple of nights I've ended up on the couch in my office. :p

6th March 2012, 09:20
Except for saturday nights I sleep with Radu. His full name is Radu Banciu and he does a sort of pamphlet TV show called Banciu's World based on next day's press articles. He's always pissed off and use an unconventional language.

The best thing is that I also wake up with him as his show is rescheduled in the morning.

My mother aproves my choice and use to call him "your flame". :laugh:

6th March 2012, 12:42
Usually the radio on 90 minute timer.

Although the wife and I are working our way through box sets at the moment. We've just finished the entire Columbo, Gavin & Stacey, Life on Mars followed by Ashes to Ashes. Just now we are on Minder. Then we have Downton, Hustle, A Touch of Frost, New Tricks then Friends to get through!!!

6th March 2012, 15:58
usually music. the mood of thw day determines the genre of music. if its a rough day soft music, if its a easy day i rough it up a little at night.

12th March 2012, 20:31
Silence is best :)

My loved one is sleeping hours before I can go to bed and as such I can sleep straight away.
BTW in 99% of the cases it takes me between 10 and 60 seconds to fall asleep, so music or whatever else would be just a waste of time.

12th March 2012, 20:41
Alright for some. I wish baby would be like that too. Haha.