View Full Version : Man left do die as emergency workers not 'trained'

26th February 2012, 10:25

26th February 2012, 11:44
Health and safety gone mad !!!

26th February 2012, 15:45
It's a shame society has come to such a place. When all common sense goes out the window we are doomed.

27th February 2012, 11:52
Its a very shameful thing.People forgets to value humanity and for this the whole responsibilty goes to bribe....

27th February 2012, 14:57
It's all the Daily Mails fault :D

27th February 2012, 18:11
We have the same problem in America, too. I have read many times where a policeman or fireman has thrown all caution to the wind and saved someone. They get called heroes by all that were actually there, or by the press, only to get back to HQ and be dressed down (or sanctioned) by a supervisor for some safety violation. Really? Emergency Services is not inherently a safe job. It's just not.
The goal of every police officer, firefighter, and EMT is to go home safe to their familes at the end of a shift, yes. Sadly, that doesn't always happen, but all of us who are in that field know the risks. I don't want to get hurt or die saving someone else, but I couldn't just stand by and wait for someone else to do it either. I'm not active out in the field anymore, I supervise the people that send the others to the scene. But I was a North Carolina certified EMT-I and Firefighter. I am not trained in water rescue in any shape or fashion, its not what my department(s) did for the part, but you can take it to the bank that I would have been in that water pulling that guy out of there. I'm not knocking the guys that were there, they have rules they have to follow. The guys who were only Level 1 certified would have been most certainly disciplined for going in the water after the patient. Why? Because of some rules and regs written by a bunch of politicians designed to keep us (the first responders) safe, so that when one of us gets injured or killed in the line of duty they can use that to keep from paying survivors benefits to our families. That's what its really all about in the end, sadly......

27th February 2012, 20:18
as much as thats a daily mail beauty of an article the situation was farcical, and I cannot believe that not one of them said balls to the rules and went on the shallow not flowing water.

I'm all for those going to save someone not puttng themselves in undue danger, the first rule of any rescue is to ensure you don't add to the count of people requiring rescuing, but a bit of common sense was all that was needed. It says a couple of people started to go in but were "ordered" not too - who the hell ordered them and why did they not get ignored.