View Full Version : It says much about the liberal press, and Rinos that Obama did not get this treatment

Bob Riebe
24th February 2012, 20:11
The Associated Press: Palin on Alaska job: I can't take it anymore (http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5jpZSrCjofX0pHU0Uzkp-UYUC5mLQ?docId=fe8093f14d8d4fca81f00fabe575cba8)

24th February 2012, 20:16
The depressing thing is well have more and more this kind of crap thread as we grind towards November.

Bob Riebe
24th February 2012, 20:36
The depressing thing is well have more and more this kind of crap thread as we grind towards November.I doubt that as there is only one Sarah Palin and this pretty much will shut-up those who like to crap on her.

24th February 2012, 20:58
Apparently Fox News is God, family and country

She flirted with a presidential run last year, but told supporters she instead was dedicating herself to "God, family and country." She currently serves as a commentator on Fox News.

donKey jote
24th February 2012, 21:04
It says so much about her, but not much new... not only is she a nutter, she's a quitter nutter.

Bob Riebe
24th February 2012, 21:09
It says so much about her, but not much new... not only is she a nutter, she's a quitter nutter.That is your opinion, although how you can make that statement after reading the article, simply shows your bias against her without reason.

She saved the state's taxpayers a lot of money, which defending baseless attacks would have cost them.
Putting her State's taxpayers, family and marriage above political opinion, is a positive attribute, at least to anyone with a sense of decency.

donKey jote
24th February 2012, 21:27
I gather from your thread title, that you are praising the liberal press and your Rinos for not treating Obama the same way? :dozey: :p

to be accused of bias by Sir Sponge Bob Riebe... :laugh:

24th February 2012, 21:32
The depressing thing is well have more and more this kind of crap thread as we grind towards November.

We should have a politics section in this forum ;)

Bob Riebe
24th February 2012, 21:34
I gather from your thread title, that you are praising the liberal press and your Rinos for not treating Obama the same way? :dozey: :p

to be accused of bias by Sir Sponge Bob Riebe... :laugh:
If you so wish.

24th February 2012, 21:56
She saved the state's taxpayers a lot of money, which defending baseless attacks would have cost them.
If the attacks were baseless, why did she quit? For stupidity? Quitting was like admitting she was guilty as charged.

24th February 2012, 23:39
Our view: Abuse of ethics complaints turns good law into bad politics: ADN Editorial | Alaska news at adn.com (http://www.adn.com/2009/05/03/782174/our-view-abuse-of-ethics-complaints.html)

Eki, I am not defending Sarah Palin, but the way the ethics law is written in Alaska, it can be abused for political purposes, even the Anchorage Daily News, which endorsed Barack Obama in 2008 agrees. My understanding is that unfounded complaints were driving up her legal fees and she quit for the sake of Alaska. I think it was just an excuse and the governorship was interfering with her plans to tour, write books, commentate, etc. Regardless, it is possible to be innocent and still find oneself in an untenable situation.

24th February 2012, 23:43
"It says much about the liberal press, and Rinos that Obama did not get this treatment"
MICHAEL GOODWIN: Obama Strikes A Deal With The Devil As Mideast Meltdown Continues | Fox News (http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/02/10/michael-goodwin-obama-strikes-deal-devil-mideast-meltdown-continues/)

Basically the word "Liberal" is applied to anyone you don't happen to like.

Bob Riebe
24th February 2012, 23:52
If the attacks were baseless, why did she quit? For stupidity? Quitting was like admitting she was guilty as charged.Read the article it tells you why she quit.
Your question is foolish.

25th February 2012, 10:09
"It says much about the liberal press, and Rinos that Obama did not get this treatment"
MICHAEL GOODWIN: Obama Strikes A Deal With The Devil As Mideast Meltdown Continues | Fox News (http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2011/02/10/michael-goodwin-obama-strikes-deal-devil-mideast-meltdown-continues/)

Basically the word "Liberal" is applied to anyone you don't happen to like.

Whereas I use the term 'Tory' heh.

25th February 2012, 21:55
It says so much about her, but not much new... not only is she a nutter, she's a quitter nutter.

Donkey, it really is worse than just being a nutter, after all probably somewhere near 98% of Alaskans are nutters.. The first thing Palin did when elected to Mayor of the village of 4,600 people was to hire a city managage, a Alaska State Republican apparatchik, as (are you ready? Put your bier down so we don't have uno accidente) "City Manager" at salary of around $84,000 p.a.

So the first thing she did was increase the size of Government--Big Government is what "they" (ya know, the idiots over here like uh you know who) say the Democrats do, butt nope Tea-bagger libafarian hero, first thing she does is increase the size of Government..

Then she pushes a "Recreation center"thru.. the little village had no debt before.. When she had done her damage, they had $21,000,000 debt.

And it just so happened that the rec centyer was built on somebody land that the "above the law cause we have Jeeebus on our side" coul;dn't be trobled to make sure was paid for...Incompetence and resultant long term law suit totalling millions..

So in brief, she can claim she was hounded and I'm sure Riebe is wringing out beach towels soaked with his tears of rage at the Evil Liberal Press, but she did all the things Republicans' record is full of: increase size and cost of Government, boondoggle projects at inflated prices, illegal action to incompetence and ineptitude, and then........................

Then they quit to go make a mess somewhere else...

And since their know their fan base is actually of even lower mental competence than they themselves they know the fan base will never check anything not spoon fed, so they can claim a Victory and move on to richer fields.

Pillage and plunder, the Republican Way.

Bob Riebe
25th February 2012, 22:38
Donkey, it really is worse than just being a nutter, after all probably somewhere near 98% of Alaskans are nutters.. The first thing Palin did when elected to Mayor of the village of 4,600 people was to hire a city managage, a Alaska State Republican apparatchik, as (are you ready? Put your bier down so we don't have uno accidente) "City Manager" at salary of around $84,000 p.a.

So the first thing she did was increase the size of Government--Big Government is what "they" (ya know, the idiots over here like uh you know who) say the Democrats do, butt nope Tea-bagger libafarian hero, first thing she does is increase the size of Government..

Then she pushes a "Recreation center"thru.. the little village had no debt before.. When she had done her damage, they had $21,000,000 debt.

And it just so happened that the rec centyer was built on somebody land that the "above the law cause we have Jeeebus on our side" coul;dn't be trobled to make sure was paid for...Incompetence and resultant long term law suit totalling millions..

So in brief, she can claim she was hounded and I'm sure Riebe is wringing out beach towels soaked with his tears of rage at the Evil Liberal Press, but she did all the things Republicans' record is full of: increase size and cost of Government, boondoggle projects at inflated prices, illegal action to incompetence and ineptitude, and then........................

Then they quit to go make a mess somewhere else...

And since their know their fan base is actually of even lower mental competence than they themselves they know the fan base will never check anything not spoon fed, so they can claim a Victory and move on to richer fields.

Pillage and plunder, the Republican Way.
A lot of here-say Johnny boy.

Give the proof.

What village are you speaking, exactly. Be specific.

Your rhetoric of course shows the level of intelligence that went into your post.

26th February 2012, 01:44
A lot of here-say Johnny boy.

Give the proof.

What village are you speaking, exactly. Be specific.

Your rhetoric of course shows the level of intelligence that went into your post.

Troll, it is all public record, and old news. YOU supply the proof it is not true.

And some proof that the American press is liberal.. That is an old lie endlessly repeated by those less fortunate in the brains department, but none ever offer proof.

Show proof.

Bob Riebe
26th February 2012, 02:45
Troll, it is all public record, and old news. YOU supply the proof it is not true.

And some proof that the American press is liberal.. That is an old lie endlessly repeated by those less fortunate in the brains department, but none ever offer proof.

Show proof.
You are making statements, possibly false, if you cannot give sort of proof, then it is bs babbling from you.
Give a source and we can see just how this went down.
By your standard I can say your IQ is sub-onehundred and it is up to you to prove it otherwise, hmmm.
Fortunately it does not work that way.

26th February 2012, 08:10
You are making statements, possibly false, if you cannot give sort of proof, then it is bs babbling from you.
Give a source and we can see just how this went down.
By your standard I can say your IQ is sub-onehundred and it is up to you to prove it otherwise, hmmm.
Fortunately it does not work that way.

You claim the press is Liberal. You provide zero evidence of that.

You slander me and say I have written "possibly false" eyt you post nothing to even begin refuting them, again.
You demand people spoon feed you and like the spoiled brat you are you won't even pick up the spoon..

How are you able to follow the instructions for you adult diapers?

Since you are too lazy--and too much a a disgusting troll to lift a finger to educate yourself I will point by point give you links to each thing referenced to.
"The first thing Palin did when elected to Mayor of the village of 4,600 people "

Her supporters say she helped Wasilla evolve from a ridiculed backwater to fast-growing suburb. The population of about 5,000 during her tenure as mayor 1

"was to hire a city managage, a Alaska State Republican apparatchik, as (are you ready? Put your bier down so we don't have uno accidente) "City Manager" at salary of around $84,000 p.a."

Ms. Palin, who had campaigned promising to cut her own full-time salary, reduced it from about $68,000 to about $64,000, but she also hired a city administrator, John Cramer, adding a salary to the payroll.

Critics said Republican leaders installed Mr. Cramer, who was closely tied to a powerful local state lawmaker, Lyda Green. Ms. Green, who is retiring this year as Senate president, endorsed Ms. Palin in her campaign for mayor but became one of her biggest critics when Ms. Palin was governor. 2

When Palin ran for mayor, she dismissed concerns about her lack of managerial expertise by saying the job was “not rocket science.” But after a tumultuous start, marked by controversial firings and lawsuits against the city, Palin felt compelled to hire a city manager named John Cramer to steady the ship.

“Sarah was unprepared to be mayor — it was John Cramer who actually ran the city,” said Michelle Church, a member of the Mat-Su Borough Assembly, who knows Palin socially.3

And oh what's this?

“Executive abilities? She doesn’t have any,” said former Wasilla City Council member Nick Carney, who selected and groomed Palin for her first political race in 1992 and served with her after her election to the City Council.

Four years later, the ambitious Palin won the Wasilla mayor’s office — after scorching the “tax and spend mentality” of her incumbent opponent. But Carney, Palin’s estranged former mentor, and others in city hall were astounded when they found out about a lavish expenditure of Palin’s own after her 1996 election. According to Carney, the newly elected mayor spent more than $50,000 in city funds to redecorate her office, without the council’s authorization.

“I thought it was an outrageous expense, especially for someone who had run as a budget cutter,” said Carney. “It was also illegal, because Sarah had not received the council’s approval.” 4

"Then she pushes a "Recreation center"thru.. the little village had no debt before.. When she had done her damage, they had $21,000,000 debt."

Palin does have two major accomplishments to her name as mayor: the by now highly publicized sports complex on the outskirts of Wasilla, which she pushed through city government, and the less well-known emergency dispatch center, which she also brought to her hometown.

The sports complex, however, is seen by many local officials as a budget-busting white elephant.

“I feel sorry for our current mayor, because of the mess that Sarah left behind,” said Anne Kilkenny, a respected government watchdog in Wasilla. “And the sports arena is still a money loser for the city.” 5


During her mayoral administration most of the actual work of running this small city was turned over to an administrator. She had been pushed to hire this administrator by party power-brokers after she had gotten herself into some trouble over precipitous firings which had given rise to a recall campaign.

Sarah campaigned in Wasilla as a "fiscal conservative." During her 6 years as Mayor, she increased general government expenditures by over 33%. During those same 6 years the amount of taxes collected by the City increased by 38%. This was during a period of low inflation (1996-2002). She reduced progressive property taxes and increased a regressive sales tax which taxed even food. The tax cuts that she promoted benefited large corporate property owners way more than they benefited residents.

The huge increases in tax revenues during her mayoral administration weren't enough to fund everything on her wish list though, borrowed money was needed, too.
She inherited a city with zero debt, but left it with indebtedness of over $22 million.
What did Mayor Palin encourage the voters to borrow money for? Was it the infrastructure that she said she supported? The sewage treatment plant that the city lacked? or a new library? No. $1m for a park. $15m-plus for construction of a multi-use sports complex which she rushed through to build on a piece of property that the City didn't even have clear title to, that was still in litigation 7 yrs later — to the delight of the lawyers involved! The sports complex itself is a nice addition to the community but a huge money pit, not the profit-generator she claimed it would be. She also supported bonds for $5.5m for road projects that could have been done in 5-7 yrs without any borrowing.

While Mayor, City Hall was extensively remodeled and her office redecorated more than once.

“Sarah was very focused on the sports complex,” said Wasilla council member Dianne Woodruff, who began serving after Palin’s tenure. “But somebody forgot to buy the land before they started building on it. Somebody dropped the ball. It was the fault of the people running the city at the time. As a result, we’ve spent well over a million dollars more than we should have. And we’re still paying for it.”

Today, the sports complex sits like a huge airplane hangar outside the Wasilla city limits, in a clearing in the woods. Since Palin’s administration decided to build the complex far from Wasilla’s population center, kids can’t walk there or ride their bicycles. On a recent, drizzly afternoon, the cavernous building sat nearly empty. Inside, two girls glided aimlessly around on the ice rink. 8

1, 2 Palin’s Start in Alaska - Not Politics as Usual - NYTimes.com (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/03/us/politics/03wasilla.html?pagewanted=all)
3,4, 5, Sarah Palin's wasteful ways - 2008 Elections - Salon.com (http://www.salon.com/2008/09/17/palin_mayor/)
7, 8 Sarah Palin's wasteful ways - 2008 Elections - Salon.com (http://www.salon.com/2008/09/17/palin_mayor/)

There's just a few minutes searching..
Now, you were raving about "I cannot give proof"
There's proof until you refute what is written, not the cowards way you always do, by dismissal.

Palin is an idiot and a vindictive whore ready to say anything for money. Obviously you would be attracted to anybody with those traits
It is not a Liberal vs Conservative thing it is a question of if she has normal human traits, or if only a quest for attention is the only thing in her empty head.

Reibe, just because the moderator Starter is your guardian angle, that doesn't mean that every single post from you can insult other people.. You are an obvious troll and you intend to bait..
Stop with your insults, you have no basis to insult anybody.

Now get a fresh Depends on and try and stay on what is presented as record.. Refute the claims

Or admit the truth that you are an ignorant loudmouthed troglodyte.

26th February 2012, 08:13
Read the article it tells you why she quit.
Your question is foolish.

Riebe is at it again and no moderator stops him. My lord! He talks about the press being liberal and blinded by liberals yet he chooses to use the press to further his biased opinion. He then has the temerity to question the IQ of a poster when in the same post he can't even spell a simple word, and to add insult to injury he wants the poster to tell him where she was Mayor of...So you will know for future reference ,Riebe, the village,town she messed up and ran away from, you know Mrs Family values MOM with the Unwed mom daughter, the Wasilla mayor. Screwed it all up and as quite rightly so as mentioned by another poster, she ran to the RNCFOXNEWS for money to spew her uneducated opinion on oh...I did not know South Africa was a country and other geo -political opinions. Love to see her in Brit gov having to face educated men and women with her aww shucks drivel. Give us a break, Riebe.

26th February 2012, 09:18
Reibe, just because the moderator Starter is your guardian angle, that doesn't mean that every single post from you can insult other people.. You are an obvious troll and you intend to bait..
Stop with your insults, you have no basis to insult anybody.

Pot, kettle, black, John. ;)

Palin is certainly an interesting case. I'd never seen a politician before her who came across as quite so... lacking in intellectual capacity. I mean, Dubya was legendary with the dumb things he said, but Palin takes it to another level. And yet, she's popular and successful. I wonder if anyone can explain that? What's her secret?