View Full Version : Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce little AFFrina

19th February 2012, 13:38
I couldn't be more prouder and happier... she was born 15.2 and pretty much complete our life :)

I'll make sure she will be usual sight at WRC rallyes when she gets older ;)

19th February 2012, 13:39
Apparently I don't know how to post a pic so it's not an attachment :mark:

19th February 2012, 14:05
What an adorable little thing. Cute baby, too. :p :

So you finally settled on Affrina, then? :p :

19th February 2012, 15:28
What a little beauty...just like her Mum ;)

Congrats mate :up:

19th February 2012, 15:49
Awwwwww, she has a little bunny to help her sleep....my little Natasha has a bunny helping her sleep right now while Annoushka has a bear snuggling with her..
7 years (in March 9) and I still look at them sleeping and just am speechless what amazing things these they both are. I am then filled with wonder.

19th February 2012, 16:40
Apparently I don't know how to post a pic so it's not an attachment :mark:

Ha! If you find out, please let me know ;)

Congratulations A.F.F, you must be one proud man!

19th February 2012, 16:42
What a little beauty...just like her Mum ;)

Congrats mate :up:

Whats the latest with Pino anyway? They were talking about you in the F1 section ;)

Does your missus have a bun in the oven also? :D

19th February 2012, 18:14
She's got your ears.

BTW, who's the other baby on the left?

19th February 2012, 19:09

19th February 2012, 21:57
15.2 ?

20th February 2012, 01:45
She's a keeper! Congratulations!

20th February 2012, 03:33
So pleased for you Jani, your hands will be full for years to come! :D :up:

race aficionado
20th February 2012, 04:04
Your happiness is infectious.
And rightly so.
Life is good.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

20th February 2012, 04:14
Massive congrats, AFF.

Just remember, the sounds she hears early in life will influence her for the rest of her life. So... take her to a race tack ASAP! :D

Garry Walker
20th February 2012, 18:37
Insanely adorable. The moment every man lives for.

20th February 2012, 22:37
Massive congrats, AFF.

Just remember, the sounds she hears early in life will influence her for the rest of her life. So... take her to a race tack ASAP! :D

I play her beautiful BDA-engine sound :)

21st February 2012, 16:09
A.F.F. that picture makes me think back to when my daughter was that small. I would wake up early sunday mornings and take her from her crib. Then I'd lay down on the couch to watch F1, with her on my chest sleeping thru the whole race.
Congrats - and enjoy making memories!

21st February 2012, 16:46
Enjoy these precious moments. It sounds cliché but they do grow up fast.
It seems like yesterday when both my 7 and 4 year olds were that little (sleeping on my chest throuout an F1 race ;) )

21st February 2012, 18:59
I hear you guys. WIth the difference she'll be sleeping through WRC stages :)

22nd February 2012, 03:50
I hear you guys. WIth the difference she'll be sleeping through WRC stages :)

Just remember she's not kicking... she's getting early practice on double clutching. :D

Congrats A.F.F. Is this your first?

Our one and only is soon to be a teen, and I still vividly remember bouncing my truck off the speed limiter trying to make it to the hospital for her delivery. Missed it by seconds.

22nd February 2012, 11:19
Just remember she's not kicking... she's getting early practice on double clutching. :D

Congrats A.F.F. Is this your first?

Our one and only is soon to be a teen, and I still vividly remember bouncing my truck off the speed limiter trying to make it to the hospital for her delivery. Missed it by seconds.

When I watch her closely, I think she is practising leftfoot braking for Scandinavian flick :) Daddy's girl :up:

Yes, this is our first :) I got the honour of being with my wife the whole birthgiving.

23rd February 2012, 20:53
Congratulations :)

24th February 2012, 16:04
...Yes, this is our first :) I got the honour of being with my wife the whole birthgiving.

So did I :) ... all 27 hours for the first one :uhoh: .

The second one took 45 minutes :mark:

24th February 2012, 18:08
So did I :) ... all 27 hours for the first one :uhoh: .

Our first was similar......left the house to go to the hospital on Friday the 13th with a full moon overhead. So I'm glad she waited 'til saturday to come say hello :p

24th February 2012, 18:58
Similar here. We left for the hospital on Friday afternoon Oct. 29th (I believe it too was a full moon). By about 7:00pm Saturday night I told my wife to keep pushing because I didn't want a Halloween baby :p : . Chloë was born 7:09pm on Oct. 30th :D .

24th February 2012, 21:59
So did I :) ... all 27 hours for the first one :uhoh: .

The second one took 45 minutes :mark:

Our took 13 and a half hours. 37 hrs awake in a row. My wife 38 hours. After that I didn't know what was up and what was down :D

25th February 2012, 01:00
Both the hospital staff and myself were convinced that my wife was NOT in labor. She was in the hospital early since her water had broken and there is risk of infection after several days. Being that my wife usually isn't much for pain and such, everyone was sure that she was not in labor, and the head nurse assured me that I had nothing to lose other than part of a good nights sleep.

So I came home, grabbed something to eat and took a shower. As I was exiting the shower the phone rang and it was the same nurse stating I'd better hurry. If not for the speed limiter on the truck I would have probably made it.

Our daughter was born early and as such a higher risk. The hospital we were at is attached to one of the premier childrens hospitals on the east coast of the US. The two are joined right near the delivery room area. If your child goes through the door to the childrens hospital it's not a good sign. Much to my relief our daughter had no complications and stayed in the regular hospital.... all slightly less than 17 inches and slightly less than 4 lbs of her. Within about a year she was above average height for her age. Now going on 13 she will pass my wife in height soon.

Enjoy every moment of it A.F.F. And what people say is true, before you know it she will be walking, in school, dealing with "woman" issues.... time will fly. I've been thinking about a new or newer car, and I'm already considering the fact that it may be our daughters first when we hand it off to her.

And be very aware that there will be moments you aren't prepared for. One of my favorites was one day when our daughter had really made a mess with her toys, which is not like her. But we had a lot going on and she had pulled a lot of toys out into the great room and never put any back. After dinner I asked her to clean up some, and then had to get on her again as she was dragging it out. She had a lot to do and wasn't thrilled with it but kept cleaning up slowly. Finally I lost my patience and told her "if you don't hurry up and finish cleaning up you will have to go to bed now". It was still an hour or two before her usual bed time.

With no ill intention she looked at the clock, looked at all the toys and then responded "well I guess I'll go to bed Daddy".

25th February 2012, 09:54

I can only imagine your face at that moment :laugh:

25th February 2012, 16:21
The look on my wifes face when I actually just let our daughter go to bed was just as priceless. :D She later asked why I did that and I told her I had given our daughter a choice, and she made the choice. Rather than go back on my word I let her go to bed. The next morning our daughter was cleaning up right after she ate breakfast.

25th February 2012, 22:36
The look on my wifes face when I actually just let our daughter go to bed was just as priceless. :D She later asked why I did that and I told her I had given our daughter a choice, and she made the choice. Rather than go back on my word I let her go to bed. The next morning our daughter was cleaning up right after she ate breakfast.


Better judgement in the long run.

26th February 2012, 07:44
I still pull that trick to this day. Not with toys, it's generally just with the washing up. :p

Hope the sleepless nights aren't catching up with you yet AFF. :)

26th February 2012, 16:30
I still pull that trick to this day. Not with toys, it's generally just with the washing up. :p

Hope the sleepless nights aren't catching up with you yet AFF. :)

Sometimes my wife is suddenly tired when there is a lot to get done in the evening. :D

26th February 2012, 18:45
Our took 13 and a half hours. 37 hrs awake in a row. My wife 38 hours. After that I didn't know what was up and what was down :D

Congratulations AFF, but thats only a taster of whats in store.

My son was born four and a half months ago and frankly before it all happened I wouldn't have believed how amazing its all been regardless of all the sleepless nights and dirty nappies. Utterly incredible. When he was born I was totally speechless and stuttered for at least half an hour with all the emotions.

I hope you have a great time with your daughter, enjoy every stage because they grow up so quickly and change from week to week.

27th February 2012, 15:48
Hehehe... Kid stories, gotta love them :D

I remember once when my mother-in-law was in town and me eldest at the time was 3 or 4 years old. She noticed a small bottle of liquid vitamin that my mum-in-law was taking and inquired what it was.
“It’s my vitamins,” Mum-in-law replies, “it’s sort of like medicine.”
“But it’s not pills” Chloë exclaims, never having seen any other type of vitamins.
Mum-in-law answers, “Yes, this is a liquid.”
Chloë pauses for a second, the gears turning in her head, and promptly chimes “Oh, Daddy gets his medicine from the liquor store.”


28th February 2012, 04:59
Great one schemenke! Good thing she didn't say something about you being sick a lot lately! :D

28th February 2012, 23:29
I have had a lot of gifts for the family. Some of them for the baby, some of them for my wife and strangely, all of my gifts have been bottles of Jägermeister :D For the record, just for medicine ;)

15th March 2012, 14:45
Another recent kid-story... :mark:

My 7 yr old has regular homework where she is given a few words and she has to compose one or two sentences for each. She types them on the laptop and e-mails them to the teacher’s blog.
I usually try to review her homework first, mostly to ensure she’s not typing nonsense. Unfortunately yesterday Chloë hit the “send” button before I had a chance to review.
Her words for the day: “dirty” and “clean”
Her sentences:
“Our classroom is clean but our house is dirty.”
“I took a bath so I am squeaky clean.”
“My sister is dirty.”


This is what A.F.F. has to look forward to :p :

15th March 2012, 16:35
Another recent kid-story... :mark:

My 7 yr old has regular homework where she is given a few words and she has to compose one or two sentences for each. She types them on the laptop and e-mails them to the teacher’s blog.
I usually try to review her homework first, mostly to ensure she’s not typing nonsense. Unfortunately yesterday Chloë hit the “send” button before I had a chance to review.
Her words for the day: “dirty” and “clean”
Her sentences:
“Our classroom is clean but our house is dirty.”
“I took a bath so I am squeaky clean.”
“My sister is dirty.”


This is what A.F.F. has to look forward to :p :

I wouldn't be embarrassed by that. Heck - if that was done without spellcheck - I'd be very proud/impressed.

15th March 2012, 17:10
It was more the content rather than the spelling or grammar that got me embarrassed :p : .

But, yes, it was done without spell check. In fact, she usually writes the sentences on paper first, then types them :) . Report cards are issued this Friday so we'll see if we need to restrict her time on her Sony DS :p : .

16th March 2012, 05:42
I couldn't be more prouder and happier... she was born 15.2 and pretty much complete our life :)

I'll make sure she will be usual sight at WRC rallyes when she gets older ;)

As usual I am very late; Congrats to you and yours on the baby :up:
Before you know it, it will be "Daddy, can I borrow the car?" so enjoy her now :beer:

14th April 2012, 16:51
So, how is little AFFrina doing after two months? :)

And how is big A.F.F. doing being a father? :)

14th April 2012, 18:36
Little Affarina is doing very well, thank you for asking, thumb up like in the picture ;)


But she is no longer Affarina because she got her official name two weeks ago and it is Matilda :)

14th April 2012, 18:39
Oh, and being a dad is the best !!! I don't sleep much these days but I think it's over-rated anyways. I also haven't gone away more than 1 km radius from my house except to work and picking up Australian/Wales guests fromt he hotel since Matilda was born :p

14th April 2012, 18:55
That's great! :up: What a lovely baby. :)

15th April 2012, 22:59
Oh, and being a dad is the best !!! I don't sleep much these days but I think it's over-rated anyways.

He he, I've discovered new parts of the day that I didn't realise existed before.

My son is 6 months now and when he sees me come home and realises its me he grins and starts laughing. Makes all the crap and stress I have to go through at work melt away in an instance. Never thought being a father would be this great.

16th April 2012, 10:18
I hear you Malbec. Our little one has learnt how to smile too. She may yell like a beast and suddenly, changes her strategy and put on a biiiig smile. Turns out I'm weaponless :)

16th April 2012, 23:45
Soon enough she'll be wanting to borrow your iPad :p :

27th October 2012, 22:23
Well, time run like a moose. 8 1/2 months has gone and Matilda is a big girl now. She has learnt to crawl on all fours, to stand up and she now is taking steps carefully. She has 5 teeth and like her father, she is very talkative AND make as much sense with her speech :p I still am happy as can be and ever prouder to be a father.

I promised to update the situation from time to time so here is Matilda now :)


28th October 2012, 00:14
Time flies, very cute mate I have to say :)

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Even cuter in person :)

donKey jote
28th October 2012, 19:39
Hey dan, don't you go getting ideas now... :andrea: :bandit: :p

28th October 2012, 21:35
Nah I've already met her at Easter :) pieni hulk was a cool cat too :)

28th October 2012, 22:51
Very sweet. How's the teething? Any sleepless nights?

29th October 2012, 03:13
F'ck, man. Too cute!

29th October 2012, 10:41
Very sweet. How's the teething? Any sleepless nights?

Multiple sleepless nights I'm afraid. Especially the first set of teeth down was a bit harsh for her. Also, when she really started moving, that came in to her dreams too so we have been up many nights so far, the whole family .....

29th October 2012, 11:25
Can't wait to meet her next summer :D

29th October 2012, 12:37
Multiple sleepless nights I'm afraid. Especially the first set of teeth down was a bit harsh for her. Also, when she really started moving, that came in to her dreams too so we have been up many nights so far, the whole family .....

Oh dear.

My son is just over a year old now, we had three months of blissful sleep after his first teeth came down but now the rest are all coming out at the same time. Sleep is such a wonderful memory completely wasted on teenagers :(

29th October 2012, 13:42
To quote an older colleague when we had our first:
With the first one, you leave the bedroom door open so you hear them wake in the night. With the second you keep it closed - so you don't
There's always Bonjela and Calpol - or even a tot of gin if you're a traditionalist!

Don't worry the teething stage will pass quickly. And you'll have already learned how to go straight back to sleep if you are woken in the night.

Enjoy every minute - before you know it you'll be escorting her down the aisle.

29th October 2012, 15:07
Very cute A.F.F.! :up:

My eldest turns 8 tomorrow :erm:

29th October 2012, 18:03
Cute child Mr. A.F.F. congratulations on surviving the fatherhood experience :up: