View Full Version : Congratulations A.F.F.!

15th February 2012, 16:13
Job well done Jani & Hanna!!! :up:

15th February 2012, 16:23
If it's what I think/know... then best wishes from me too :up: :D

15th February 2012, 16:39
What manner of evil or not so evil deed have they done? :)

15th February 2012, 20:51
Thank you Don and Pino :)

Six years ago, in the old version of this forum, I posted a thread in which I told you huys I got married. One of you, I'm sorry I can't remember who, commented that nine months later we can celebrate little AFFs. Well, life doesn't go like in the movies sometimes. But, a long story short, today, at this date, I joined in the respected society of fatherhood!! We got a beautiful baby girl :bounce: Today is very easy to be happy :)

15th February 2012, 20:56
Congratulations! Well done to you both....

donKey jote
15th February 2012, 21:02
oh dear... another funny finn :p

congratulations !!! :D :D :D

15th February 2012, 21:57
Good news indeed! Congratulations! :)

race aficionado
15th February 2012, 22:22
Welcome to the club. :)

15th February 2012, 23:11
What lovely news. Very best wishes.

16th February 2012, 08:31
Congratulations! :D

16th February 2012, 10:54
Very nice news to hear! Congratulations and all the best. :)

16th February 2012, 12:22
congratulations, will that make her A.A.F.F?

16th February 2012, 14:43
Congratulations! :bounce: I'm on number 3 myself, the youngest is 7 months old.

Just remember when you're up at 3:00 am in Finland :bigcry: , it's only 7:00 pm here where I live so feel free to solicit some free parenting advice. It'll be worth every penny you pay for it. :D

16th February 2012, 17:43
Onnea ponnea. :)

Do they sell Skoda woolly hats in girly pink?

16th February 2012, 18:15
CONGRATS A.F.F. - That is - as long as she doesn't look like Pino (check the What's so great about 2012 thread). Parentling is a great deal of work (especially when they're really little)- but the rewards are even greater. Enjoy every stage - 'cause they do grow up fast.

Garry Walker
16th February 2012, 19:01
Congrats on this wonderful occasion.

Have you given her a name already?

16th February 2012, 19:07
The next Michele Mouton?


16th February 2012, 19:30
Thank you guys very much. I just came from the hospital and heard that tomorrow my wife and little girl can come home :bounce:

We have a name ready but we haven't given it yet. But it fit her like her pointy little nose in her head :)

17th February 2012, 19:13
Nice one mate. Can't wait to be in your shoes.. :)

May I ask have you guys a bun in the owen? :)

donKey jote
17th February 2012, 19:17
sheesh that pino sure gets around :crazy: :andrea: :p

17th February 2012, 19:25

Get your kid one of these. I'm not sure why it's so popular to put your kid on a leash in America. :D

17th February 2012, 20:05
Congratulations A.F.F, all the very best wishes to all three of you!

17th February 2012, 21:06

Get your kid one of these. I'm not sure why it's so popular to put your kid on a leash in America. :D
So that they won't vote for George W Bush? :D

Sent from my Fujitsu Siemens using Ekitalk.

PS. Congratulations A.F.F.!

18th February 2012, 02:56
Hej Annorlunda Förbannade Father! Now the real fun starts... All the Sisu in all of Stor-Finland won't help when she starts giggling at you, you'll discover just how weak you can be when your heart just melts...Don't fight it, you can't win against a daughter's smiles and giggles...
I have broken many bones, and only blinked a little. Serious knee injuries and been run right over big tire marks on my helmet, and only swore ---well swore a lot including all the Finnish I know. Spine operations and working next day. No problem.

But when I think back to the first morning after my little Anna was born and when her eyes focused and a smile broke out, I still choke and get tears in my eyes...

Good luck to you and your wife...it really gets better and better..

Oh yeah one thing:
Piccies or it didn't happen!!!

18th February 2012, 16:24
I hear you John :) And I promise to post some pics but it deserves an own thread ;)

And to henners88, I wish you all the luck :up:

18th February 2012, 18:11
Not as yet but many of our friends are expecting and we hope to be in that position by the end of 2012. :)

Hej Henners, trust me I have lots of experience from all over the world...Position doesn't matter!!! You just have to do it alot, OK?

donKey jote
18th February 2012, 20:06
Hej Henners, trust me I have lots of experience from all over the world...Position doesn't matter!!! You just have to do it alot, OK?
I agree old man, same here... although I haven't been in that position for 11 years now :dozey: :andrea: :p

donKey jote
18th February 2012, 20:20
if you need any help from the experts, just let us know :p

19th February 2012, 01:58
if you need any help from the experts, just let us know :p

Exactamente ! Particularly our beloved Donquito, from what he said above he's a real ex-spurt!

19th February 2012, 02:04
if you need any help from the experts, just let us know :p

I think he should ask his wife before he accepts your generous offer of help......(blush)

20th February 2012, 12:39
We have another forum member celebrating at the moment. But I won't say who so he can announce it himself :D

20th February 2012, 13:09
We have another forum member celebrating at the moment. But I won't say who so he can announce it himself :D

Will we do pickems? :D

1. Ioan
2. Mr Alcatraz (sometime in March)
3. Odykas (May)
4. Daniel (he's been suspiciously quiet, so...)
5. Jens (July)
6. Jso1985 (same as Daniel)


donKey jote
20th February 2012, 17:47
nah they're all shooting blanks, but help is at hand... I hear janvan has started taking his vitamins again :erm:

poll please ! :p

Dave B
20th February 2012, 19:42
Will we do pickems? :D

1. Ioan
2. Mr Alcatraz (sometime in March)
3. Odykas (May)
4. Daniel (he's been suspiciously quiet, so...)
5. Jens (July)
6. Jso1985 (same as Daniel)

All wrong ;)

donKey jote
20th February 2012, 19:48
jaysus Dave that pino chap really does deserve a medal ! :eek: :crazy: :s ailor: :p

20th February 2012, 21:40
We have another forum member celebrating at the moment. But I won't say who so he can announce it himself :D

At this very moment ??

Dave B
20th February 2012, 21:57
Two forum members, actually, although the mother doesn't post much these days.

donKey jote
20th February 2012, 22:31
Poll please:

1) Brave Dockman :s ailor:

2) Bananiel :s ailor:

3) Markabilly's missus :eek:


Brave Dockman
20th February 2012, 22:43
Poll please:

1) Brave Dockman :s ailor:

It wasn't me. :s ailor:

21st February 2012, 15:39
Appologies for the late reply A.F.F. (I've been on holiday).
Paljon onnea to you and the wife!

As RA and others say, welcome to the club! Word of advice... stop at one! :p :