View Full Version : The best tip for stop smoking

13th February 2012, 07:16
Can everyone share the best tip to stop smoking ?
I my self stop smoking since 2003 because my girl friend not like it..ha...ha...so, the main reason is my girl friend. I have a friend also want to stop smoking. He try tip from this site but still not success yet, may be different for each people. If you have best tip, please sharing here..
http://femalestore.16mb.com/stopsmoking/no-smoking-area.jpg or http://femalestore.16mb.com/stopsmoking/smoking-area.jpg

Dave B
13th February 2012, 07:34
I find substituting fags with a spicy meat, such as spam, does the trick.

13th February 2012, 12:02
Stop putting lit cigarettes in your mouth....

donKey jote
13th February 2012, 19:32
spam roll-up anyone?

13th February 2012, 22:08

13th February 2012, 22:46
A punch bag is the best substitute!

donKey jote
13th February 2012, 23:00
Except the smoke from a punch bag is even more toxic ! :angel:

13th February 2012, 23:27
Don't start in the first place.

Brown, Jon Brow
14th February 2012, 00:14
Did you say SPAM?

14th February 2012, 09:17
BISCUITS. I am definitely a bit more chubby now, but biscuits are cheaper than cigarettes, and taste nicer too...

14th February 2012, 11:11
Why would anyone want to stop smoking? Smoking is the best, and you might not get cancer! ;) And even if you do, it was worth it! :D

14th February 2012, 11:33
Why would anyone want to stop smoking? Smoking is the best, and you might not get cancer! ;) And even if you do, it was worth it! :D

Remind me NOT to play Russian Roulette with you.......

14th February 2012, 13:39
Remind me NOT to play Russian Roulette with you.......

Russian Roulette is not really a two person game.. :)

14th February 2012, 15:35
Russian Roulette is not really a two person game.. :) I'm not sure if your joking or not but Russian Roulette is a two + person game.

As for quitting smoking I would suggest that you toss the fags and proceed directly to aerobic exercise. You will feel the burn in your lungs (don't overdo it) and you will become aware of your physical limits. The endorphin rush (runners high) will be beneficial on a couple levels. It is a healthier addiction ;)

15th February 2012, 14:57
Serious though, there are 3 of my friends on Electronic cigs now and all have found it easy to quit with them. The people on here that know me might find the image of me without a rolled ciggy hanging out of my lips strange but I haven't really wanted one. Month and a half now :s mokin:

15th February 2012, 15:22
Serious though, there are 3 of my friends on Electronic cigs now and all have found it easy to quit with them. The people on here that know me might find the image of me without a rolled ciggy hanging out of my lips strange but I haven't really wanted one. Month and a half now :s mokin:

Quitter!! :p :

15th February 2012, 15:23
I'm not sure if your joking or not but Russian Roulette is a two + person game.

You're right, of course. I was... er... thinking of something else. :erm:

15th February 2012, 15:53
Did you say SPAM?

I didn't know SPAM could be useful :p :

I know some people who use e-cig. It seems effective to me.

15th February 2012, 16:29
Quitter!! :p :

QUITTER!! and proud of it :D

19th February 2012, 00:43
Eight or nine years ago I was smoking 20+ a day. The doctor persuaded me to attend one of the Alan Carr clinics. It cost a month's cigarettes for an afternoon's brainwashing. All I can say is "It worked!" I haven't smoked - or even wanted to - since.

20th February 2012, 09:56
I read the Alan Carr book and it's something I recommend to any smoker. It won't make you give up but it will allow you to understand why you smoke and the power of the mental addiction. That was about 10 years ago and was the start of a long journey for me that has finally ended.

Anyone that wants to give up smoking will give up. It may not happen the first time but it will happen. Just never give up giving up!!

21st February 2012, 18:33
Hey there forumites.

I quit last summer, and it was all going very well, then just a week before christmas, life went spectacularly wrong, and I fell off the wagon quite badly (well, back to a couple a day) I was in Italy last week, then decided to quit while there, and had my last one at the top of a black run (Pista Giorgio Rocca) its early days at the moment, and I've been feeling it somewhat this afternoon (first day at work).

That is all.

22nd February 2012, 11:21
Hi Knee

Stick with it buddy. If you feel tempted, get a Titan starter kit from TECC. They are normally half price at £12.50 and just keep one handy. you may never use it but if you fancy a fag, it's a great substitute and isn't going back to smoking.

2 months in nearly and you wouldn't believe the crap I'm coughing up. I NEVER want to go through this again :(

23rd February 2012, 19:51
I stoped 8 months ago, I tried the gum but it was so nasty I stopped after 5 pieces and just quit cold turkey. Key is actually wanting to stop and not juct giving up because someone has nagged or guilted you into it.


27th February 2012, 11:43
In my opinion quit smoking is a very difficult task....I also smoke regularly but want to quit and i have also tried for that but cannot get success....If anyone of you have any kind of new idea then please do suggest me.I will be waiting for that.

27th February 2012, 22:20
I think that electronic cigarette could help you. Must important is that you will evade all toxins that normal cigarettes got, and after some time normal cigarettes will be disgusting for you. I hope i helped

27th February 2012, 23:30
That must have been one of the quickest 'likes' in Forum history. Just 4 posts :up:

donKey jote
28th February 2012, 20:50
e-cigs are a con though, at least in Germany :p

29th February 2012, 11:10
e-cigs are a con though, at least in Germany :p

Sorry Donks, can you elaborate a bit.

I would have thought they were the same wherever you purchased them in Europe.

The results from people I know that have used them in the UK has been very positive.

donKey jote
29th February 2012, 19:55
E-Zigarette unter Feuer: Bundesregierung stuft E-Glimmstängel als Arznei ein - Gesundheit | STERN.DE (http://www.stern.de/gesundheit/e-zigarette-unter-feuer-bundesregierung-stuft-e-glimmstaengel-als-arznei-ein-1793594.html)

As they contain nicotine they are clasified as "Arzneimittel" (medicine / drug), which means they fall under the "Arzneimittelgesetz", which I guess means you need a special license to import/sell them, which most resellers don't have.
As for their consumption they are now treated as normal cigarrettes, meaning you can't "smoke" them in non-smoking areas etc.
They are also seen as a ploy to get young people into smoking.
Some states have gone so far as to ban them.
And they can explode in your face :p

1st March 2012, 11:36
I did a quick search and there's plenty of German companies dealing in e-cigs.

As for batteries, they can fail just as a mobile phone one can but the cases that have been reported seem to have happened when the users have modified the device.

I'm in my 3rd month of not smoking now and e-cigs have been a great help. In my opinion, anyone that wants to give up should consider them. As for getting people to start smoking, I have no data but it's a lot easier to get hold of a pack of fags than the expense and wait of ordering an e-cig. There's also the fact that a cig tastes terrible after using the e-cig for a few days.

3rd March 2012, 17:49
Why would anyone want to stop smoking? Smoking is the best, and you might not get cancer! ;) And even if you do, it was worth it! :D

Despite my boisterous and slightly trollish post two weeks ago, I've now decided to try to stop smoking as well. Just to see what it's like to not smoke. I'm gonna try it for a month and then decide what to do next. Got a few nicotine patches as well to get me through the first days.

I'll let you know how it went. :)

4th March 2012, 23:12
Despite my boisterous and slightly trollish post two weeks ago, I've now decided to try to stop smoking as well. Just to see what it's like to not smoke. I'm gonna try it for a month and then decide what to do next. Got a few nicotine patches as well to get me through the first days.

I'll let you know how it went. :)

It was nice knowing you :D
Seriously though, good luck!
Patches made me feel awful, almost to the point of being physically sick, an yet my friend who quit, diddnt have any bad affects. I think they just affect different people in different ways.
I got an E cig' a while back, works really well for a day or two but then the cravings come back :mad:
Apparently the one I have has now been banned, and now shops over here sell disposable e-cig's, although I havent bought any yet. Does anyone know why the non disposable e-cigs were banned?

5th March 2012, 09:29
It was nice knowing you :D
Seriously though, good luck!
Patches made me feel awful, almost to the point of being physically sick, an yet my friend who quit, diddnt have any bad affects. I think they just affect different people in different ways.
I got an E cig' a while back, works really well for a day or two but then the cravings come back :mad:
Apparently the one I have has now been banned, and now shops over here sell disposable e-cig's, although I havent bought any yet. Does anyone know why the non disposable e-cigs were banned?

I use a non disposable eCig and can still get them?

5th March 2012, 09:32
It was nice knowing you :D
Seriously though, good luck!
Patches made me feel awful, almost to the point of being physically sick, an yet my friend who quit, diddnt have any bad affects. I think they just affect different people in different ways.

Thanks! I've noticed no adverse effects from the patch, and it seems to be working well, since I'm my usual jolly self. :) Of course, it's only day two, so very-very early days...

5th March 2012, 13:44
All depends how many you smoked - less than 20 a day and your only halfway addicted and should be able to stop easily - more than 30 you are addicted and need help.

Read one of Alan Carr's books "The easy way to give up smoking" is the most common there's also "The only way ...." which says the same and I think a couple of variations. Or visit the website

If that doesn't work then go to one of the Alan Carr clinics. Half a day of brainwashing plus ceremonially smoking your last cigarette followed by light hypnotherapy to make sure you've got the message.

All I can say is that it worked for me. 30 a day then a total stop with no pangs and no wish to smoke again. That was ten years ago or so (I haven't been counting)

Patches and dummy cigarettes work insofar that they treat the nicotene craving. But that's just swapping from one form of addiction to another.

The only problem is food tastes better so you eat more. And subconsciously you have a need for something in your mouth so you tend to eat more sweets (at least initially). Result weight gain, but that is manageable.

6th March 2012, 16:04
Not to start an argument but i found the best way to stop is the deep desire to quit. I woke up one day and put a cigg to my lips and as i was lighting it i heard myself say what am i getting out these things. Haven't had one since that morning. of course i did use the patch to get off them but i believe one has to have the deep desire first.

6th March 2012, 18:25
'Twas a horribly hot evening in a Belgian hotel room that made me quit. I was just smoking because, at the time, I smoked; suddenly, I thought to myself 'This is horrible' and cut the packet in half. A bit melodramatic, but it worked, pretty much. The occasional bit of falling off the wagon since has never made me want to take it up again.

7th March 2012, 13:01
Don't start in the first place.

Thats weird I just said that myself and was scrolling down to post it when I saw yours!

We are in agreement :)

7th March 2012, 13:53
It is indeed the best solution. Which is why a lot of effort is put into stopping people taking up smoking, which is usually in teenage years. But it's very hard to put a stop to something which is often done because it's seen as rebellious in the first place.

10th March 2012, 22:35
Not to start an argument but i found the best way to stop is the deep desire to quit. I woke up one day and put a cigg to my lips and as i was lighting it i heard myself say what am i getting out these things. Haven't had one since that morning. of course i did use the patch to get off them but i believe one has to have the deep desire first.Totally agree.
What the Alan Carr method does is reinforce what desire you have to quit so it becomes deep enough to work. After all, you've got to want to quit to buy his book or enrol on one of his clinics. OK, you could be given the book but you'll only read it if you want to stop.
As I've said - it worked for me.

Valve Bounce
11th March 2012, 05:24
This is how I stopped smoking:
I used to smoke two packs of Rothmans a day, and that was costing too much. So I decided on a dreadful procedure. I switched to Templebars, (similar to Gitanes), and put them in my breast pocket. I vowed to smoke every cigarette in the packet before getting a new pack. By the third day, the cigarettes were bent, tobacco hanging out of the ends, and tasting very stale. Took me three days to finish off the first pack.
Repeated the procedure with a second pack which lasted five days and tasted even more horrible by the fifth day. Bought a third pack, but after the sixth day, they tasted so horrible that I could not finish the remaining cigs in the pack.
I just went off cigarettes after that.

13th March 2012, 14:25
I made a tattoo on my right hand, every time I was about to take a cigarette I saw my tat and I was encouraged somehow by it so it helped me.

13th March 2012, 18:16
I made a tattoo on my right hand, every time I was about to take a cigarette I saw my tat and I was encouraged somehow by it so it helped me.

Did the tattoo say "don't smoke" or...? :)

13th March 2012, 21:08
I reckon it said "Don't smoke spam instead"......

I reckon you might be right, but I'd like to give the new member the benefit of the doubt. ;)

14th March 2012, 12:11
You can't smoke spam. It just blackens the tin.

15th March 2012, 08:46
I was going to put the comma in straight after I posted and realised, but thought it was better as it had two meanings.. :p

Sorry, I was wrong. Doh!

http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS7xhRPAkz3GzGqNIDBuXNjENNm0fMl_ 5qXoWujsGWBrUXvOD2B

16th March 2012, 04:08
These are few of the many benefits from using paper bags. And the good thing is, they are quiet fashionable these days, as well. Gone are the days when Paper Bags mean dull-looking brown bags made of paper. There are so many Attractive Paper Bags that are fashionable nowadays. These Colored Paper Bags are available in varied colors, sizes and designs, making them so hip-looking and so cool. This is one of the reasons why a lot of department stores, boutiques and even huge shopping malls are now shifting to Paper Bags in packing their merchandise. Aside from costing less, these Shopping Paper Bags can be a very good marketing material as well without compromising the looks. No wonder why these Fashionable Paper Bags are trending nowadays. They are cheaper, easy to carry, hip-looking and they are not dangerous to the environment. [url=http://paperbagsbyc.tumblr.com/ ]Colored Paper Bags

18th March 2012, 07:09
Get addicted to sex.

3rd April 2012, 16:51
Despite my boisterous and slightly trollish post two weeks ago, I've now decided to try to stop smoking as well. Just to see what it's like to not smoke. I'm gonna try it for a month and then decide what to do next. Got a few nicotine patches as well to get me through the first days.

I'll let you know how it went. :)

So... it's been a month! :)

I have to say that the first few days were very easy. The nicotine patch did its job! After I quit the patch, it got difficult... I felt like... not patting my cat very much. :p : I felt like ****.

But after a few days, it got noticeably better and now I'm ok. I think I won't smoke again.

3rd April 2012, 16:56
Great stuff! :D

Today after a week of sunshine we've got freezing cold high winds outside and it's lashing down with rain. Yet the smokers still went outside at 3.30 - as they had to!

3rd April 2012, 17:00
Well done, studiose!

I, too, have recently quit smoking.
I was a pack-a-day for 40 years.

Quit cold turkey. No real withdrawal problems after a month.

I've found it helpful to carry on some smoking related habits, without the smokes, like sitting outside after dinner for 10 minutes with my glass of wine in my old smoking chair.

I am now looking forward to further improving my health by exercising.

3rd April 2012, 17:06
Thanks, mateys! :cool: I have the same idea, edv. Perhaps we should join the "get fit club"? :D :cool: And well done yourself! ;)

7th May 2012, 08:54
Control your self you can leave this..

1st July 2012, 18:31
Me too. Means I can walk into any establishment and not be affected by smoke. I don't hear many complaining about it. We still have the issue that you can't sit outside on a sunny day without smoke being blown at you.

Brown, Jon Brow
2nd July 2012, 12:18
Where is Dr. Bolton Midnight with his counter argument about the economic benefits of smoking?