View Full Version : Nanny State Gone Mad!

Brown, Jon Brow
24th January 2012, 21:42
Eat Plenty of Fish
Never sleep over a backache
Try Tea
Walk for Health
Stop smoking

WTF is going on? :confused:

Stop telling me what to do!!!

24th January 2012, 22:06
I always figure that when this sort of thing happens, the best thing to do is to take the piss out of the threads.

Actually they've kind of helped me to remember the Public Information Films that we used to get on telly, back when there were only 3 channels (maybe 4). When you combine adverts designed to scare you about everything; Daleks, Cybermen and Macra on Doctor Who; Jimmy Saville merely just being on telly and Ms Thatcher as PM, it's surprising that kids growing up in the '70s and '80s didn't all develop morbid phobias and neuroses about everything.

24th January 2012, 22:37
I always figure that when this sort of thing happens, the best thing to do is to take the piss out of the threads...

Meh, I just try to ignore them figuring Mark et al will deal with them :mark: .

24th January 2012, 22:41
Meh, I just try to ignore them figuring Mark et al will deal with them :mark: .

Indeed. They should be deleted, surely?

24th January 2012, 22:57
Look both ways when crossing the road.

24th January 2012, 23:00
Mind the gap.

25th January 2012, 03:45
Don't feed the trolls! :)

25th January 2012, 04:26
Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it.

25th January 2012, 06:15
Slippery when wet!

donKey jote
25th January 2012, 07:25
If you must pick your nose, make sure you choose a good one.

25th January 2012, 10:59
How many noses do you have to choose from?

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

25th January 2012, 11:10
They aren't doing any harm at the moment, makes a change from "The USA is better", "No it's not", "Yes it is", "Israel", "Second World War".. etc etc etc forever.

25th January 2012, 13:15
Don't sleep in the subway .
Don't eat yellow snow .
Don't stop thinkin' about tomorrow .

26th January 2012, 19:41
It's a little known fact that, just south of the Isle of Dogs, is the lesser-known Isle of Goats. Now that's a nanny state...

26th January 2012, 20:02

donKey jote
26th January 2012, 23:49
If you feed on the fruits of love, don't throw the skins out the window.

27th January 2012, 05:39
Just kill yourself haha

30th January 2012, 04:15
If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding! How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?!

30th January 2012, 08:34
It's more usually eat all your greens :p

30th January 2012, 11:34
"You! Yes, you behind the bikesheds, stand still laddie!"

donKey jote
30th January 2012, 18:11
It's more usually eat all your greens :p

you don't need no education... ;) :p

Dave B
30th January 2012, 19:48
you don't need no education... ;) :p

Hay! Yes you do. You just used a double negative. </moss>

30th January 2012, 21:45
Hay! Yes you do. You just used a double negative. </moss>

You'd think that Moss would know that this uses the literary device of "litotes"; sometimes it's not a bad idea.

<Brick Heck whisper mode> self-reference </Brick Heck whisper mode>

donKey jote
30th January 2012, 21:46
Hay! Yes you do. You just used a double negative. </moss>
all in all you're just another prick in the wall

donKey jote
30th January 2012, 21:57
Hay! Yes you do. You just used a double negative. </moss>
You've got big balls Roy.

31st January 2012, 09:56
Who is this Nanny State and what sent her mad :crazy:

Is she related to Mrs Bancroft?

31st January 2012, 11:41
Who is this Nanny State and what sent her mad :crazy:

Is she related to Mrs Bancroft?

No, but it's rumored she is married to Grandpa State............

Bolton Midnight
3rd February 2012, 15:12
It's more usually eat all your greens :p

err don't fancy eating this clueless bint


it's surprising that kids growing up in the '70s and '80s didn't all develop morbid phobias and neuroses about everything.

They have all got jobs for loony left councils paid for by the taxpayer - don't do that don't say that ban this ban that..........

3rd February 2012, 16:17
Oh Lord, who let him back in? :rolleyes: :p :

Bolton Midnight
3rd February 2012, 16:36
Been allowed back for a while, but forgot about it for a while until today.