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23rd January 2012, 16:33
The Acropolis Rally this year will be held 24-27 May.
Rally Guide 1 is published HERE... (http://www.xwmatinos.gr/xwma/doc/12/2012_RG1.pdf)

This year the rally has a night stage on Thursday, after the ceremonial start! ;)
411.38 gravel kilometres!
The rally also counts for PWRC and WRC Academy.

23rd January 2012, 16:38
And I will be there this year, can't wait! :D :D

23rd January 2012, 17:35
The route was somewhat expected... let the planning begin.

Pity the power stage is the same as last year...

23rd January 2012, 17:43
The route was somewhat expected... let the planning begin.

Pity the power stage is the same as last year...

Why pitty Greg? Did you were at power stage last year?Very fast stage,plenty of 5th-6th speed flatout curves.

23rd January 2012, 17:52
the stage was nice of course but i think they should have gone for something different for the power stage.

23rd January 2012, 18:13
the stage was nice of course but i think they should have gone for something different for the power stage.


23rd January 2012, 18:32
some quick stuff to start getting into the mood

pic from thiva (2km mark)

IMG_0116 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5842370549/in/set-72157626858800491)
IMG_0330 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5842924728/in/set-72157626858800491)

pics from power stage ( 1 km from finish..give or take)

IMG_2020 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5849620301/in/set-72157626858800491)
IMG_0417 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5850158516/in/set-72157626858800491)

basically those were just the 2 places that offered some action for me in 2011 due to problems i could not go through the stages before the event as i usually do so the rest of the places i visited were the ones suggested by the guide and they SUCK !!! if you have some standards of course, if you visit events just for the sake of it then they are fine....

23rd January 2012, 22:12
Just saw the coverage from 1999, it's great rally.

23rd January 2012, 22:22
Just saw the coverage from 1999, it's great rally.

the rally was legendary back then...

but in Greece the only thing that matters is the pigdogs of Athens to get fatter and fatter so they changed the location of the event since 2005...

The rally after 2005 became a shadow of its past self...

23rd January 2012, 22:24
Roads were horrible but great. :D

24th January 2012, 04:26
How are the roads for drivers? Nice and rough? Good to photograph?

Also, access to stages - I was told you don't need a 4WD just a normal hatchback car would do.

24th January 2012, 08:33
Access is easy indeed. No need for a 4x4. We really liked it last year and will be back this year :)

24th January 2012, 11:15
Had a quick look at the Rally Guide, quite a lot of driving, but it has to be possible to do 12 stages easily; Shakedown, Nightstage, 4 on Friday, 4 on Saturday and 3 on Sunday :)
Friday is definitely easier to plan than last year.

24th January 2012, 14:45
How many stages in one day? I will look at guide tomorrow. If 6 I would/could do 5!!

How much driving is needed? Hah

24th January 2012, 15:03
How many stages in one day? I will look at guide tomorrow. If 6 I would/could do 5!!

How much driving is needed? Hah

you will drive a lot that is for sure...especially this year.

access is ok you will not need a 4x4 car...although you will see a lot of 4x4 driven by dogs from the capital who have no clue.

about spectating depends what you are after really....if you want to follow the athenian sheep and go to the places the guide recomends then 3 is a good target without much stress (you will have to skip the bottom entries though)

If you want to go through the stages 1-2 days before or earlier to find your own place then 2 stages and maybe 3 but in one stage you will have to follow the guide (to have an easy go in-get out)

not all places of the guide are terrible...1-2 are ok or they are close to some ok palces (walking 1-2 kms max)...but the majority are boring.

It also depends what you want to watch...one thing that is great about acropolis rally is that it has a big variety of road conditions and road speeds...

24th January 2012, 18:34
#WRC Acropolis Rally of Greece 2012 program & itinerary is now out Programme du Rallye Wrc de Grèce-Acropole 2012 (http://t.co/AEToP0WJ)

24th January 2012, 23:33
And I will be there this year, can't wait! :D :D

Me too :D

25th January 2012, 00:17
Thanks N.O.T.

Media guide will have some advantages as well for where I should go and roads/directions.

Appreciate your feedback :)

25th January 2012, 01:03
Thanks N.O.T.

Media guide will have some advantages as well for where I should go and roads/directions.

Appreciate your feedback :)

yes the spectator guide which is published online around 1 month before the event is very detailed and comes with a rally-style roadbook for the directions.

25th January 2012, 02:18
Hopefully I will bump into you again this time NOT as you disappeared last year :s ;) But looks like you got far better pics than me from the power stage, I didn't like it and have never seen marshalling as strict in Greece :s Hopefully your car fares better than last time on your recce!!

Schedule looks good, was hoping that the shakedown was the same as last 2 times as I really liked it, but should still be good. Shame also they have switched the refuel on day 2 to after Kefalari as it might mean missing it due to 20 mins less road section :(

25th January 2012, 08:25
Hopefully I will bump into you again this time NOT as you disappeared last year :s ;) But looks like you got far better pics than me from the power stage, I didn't like it and have never seen marshalling as strict in Greece :s Hopefully your car fares better than last time on your recce!!

Schedule looks good, was hoping that the shakedown was the same as last 2 times as I really liked it, but should still be good. Shame also they have switched the refuel on day 2 to after Kefalari as it might mean missing it due to 20 mins less road section :(

indeed...i was trying to locate my mates and they have walked 3 kms into the stage...they almost got to the end...so i didn't had the heart t walk uphill another 4 ks to find you...this year will be different hopefully.

25th January 2012, 09:40
But looks like you got far better pics than me from the power stage, I didn't like it and have never seen marshalling as strict in Greece :s

Thought you said Marshall's are much better then anywhere else? Problems on stages for you guys?

Is it like where in Australia, marshall's make you stay all together in small places like cattle?

25th January 2012, 09:50
Didnt have any problems with marshalls :)
Looks like Jamie is just talking about the powerstage.

25th January 2012, 11:53
Thought you said Marshall's are much better then anywhere else? Problems on stages for you guys?

Is it like where in Australia, marshall's make you stay all together in small places like cattle?

our marshals are not a big problem... they usually are not very strict and are talkative, of course there are some odd ones but they are the minority, never had any problems with them in 14 years of attendance.... very rarely we have those spectator pens, usually they are on spectator areas were the stage is flat along with the ground...but we do not have many areas like that.

if you arrive early on the stage (3 hours before the start) you can enter with your car and find a good place.

In the power stage they were a bit nervous i must say but it was their first year so i can understand since it would be a huge embarassement if the stage was cancelled or delayed.

This year they start a volunteer marshal program... which might end in tears and bruises because when you give an Athinoid power they usually tend to overreact, i really hope they set some good standards to accept them... otherwise its FUN FUN FUN for everyone...

I would like to see if we have the same crowds as last year...i must say i did not expect to have such a big draw last year...lets see if those austerity measures finally took their toll in spectating as well.

25th January 2012, 12:37
Yeah it was just on the power stage which I can understand they don't want any problems live on tv. Anywhere else, you can generally stand wherever you want - if you can manage after walking up hills in the heat :D

25th January 2012, 15:52
Hills and Heat??? Oh man!

Hey that's rally. I do a lot for my only Favourite sport!! :D

26th January 2012, 18:44
SS Zireia today!!! :D

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/406551_10150563855113699_547053698_8901132_2094638 064_n.jpg

26th January 2012, 21:04
The date points at a muddy event rather than a usual acropolis...if the rally last year was held on this years date many stages i think would be shortened and access to them would be very limited....

all remains to be seen...

26th January 2012, 21:18
SS Zireia today!!! :D

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/s720x720/406551_10150563855113699_547053698_8901132_2094638 064_n.jpg

Nice picture.

26th January 2012, 21:20
The date points at a muddy event rather than a usual acropolis...if the rally last year was held on this years date many stages i think would be shortened and access to them would be very limited....

all remains to be seen...

It better bloody not be, especially after an unusually mild Rally GB :laugh:

26th January 2012, 21:32
It remains to be seen, but around the end of May last year the area was hit by heavy rain storms...many villages and towns had flood problems.

28th January 2012, 21:12
some quick stuff to start getting into the mood

pic from thiva (2km mark)

IMG_0116 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5842370549/in/set-72157626858800491)
IMG_0330 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5842924728/in/set-72157626858800491)

pics from power stage ( 1 km from finish..give or take)

IMG_2020 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5849620301/in/set-72157626858800491)
IMG_0417 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5850158516/in/set-72157626858800491)

basically those were just the 2 places that offered some action for me in 2011 due to problems i could not go through the stages before the event as i usually do so the rest of the places i visited were the ones suggested by the guide and they SUCK !!! if you have some standards of course, if you visit events just for the sake of it then they are fine....

HERE (http://www.xwmatinos.gr/Gallery/11/RallyAcropolis2011.htm) you can find more photos from last year. Can't wait till the end of May!!! :D

5th February 2012, 16:34
Nice photos tolis - you have one of me and Jonathan in there too! :D :up:

9th February 2012, 21:08
Rally Guide 1 Vol.2 here: http://www.acropolisrally.gr/userfiles/CMSFiles/2012/V2_2012_RG1.pdf

10th February 2012, 17:31
Access is easy indeed. No need for a 4x4. We really liked it last year and will be back this year :)

So we can expect a new video from our national event?

24th February 2012, 19:08
Can't wait!!! When you refresh the page, it gets updated automatically!


24th February 2012, 23:45
So we can expect a new video from our national event?

Yeah, booked flights and hotel yesterday ;)

25th February 2012, 11:26
Way ahead of you MartijnS, I have been booked for ages! I have a few days in Madrid and then onto Athens from there :)

26th February 2012, 15:56
Athanassoulas Fiesta WRC - Greece Team????

28th February 2012, 09:05
No night stage this year...

28th February 2012, 11:20
Too bad! So no stages on Thursday than..

28th February 2012, 11:27
Indeed, no night stage. :(
@MartijnS: Let's wait for the official announcement. ;)

28th February 2012, 11:29
Too bad! So no stages on Thursday than..

there is going to be something my guess is, since during that time in Greece we still have daylight until 7 pm or so...

28th February 2012, 11:32
I heard organizers were still doing the stage, just a bit earlier however. Would be nice to know why they wont do it at night, dust problems maybe?!

28th February 2012, 11:36
According to planetemarcus the stage will be driven at 18.30. Reason should be that ss1 and 2 would be too close?

28th February 2012, 11:40
I heard organizers were still doing the stage, just a bit earlier however. Would be nice to know why they wont do it at night, dust problems maybe?!

this, and lack of marshals i guess....

28th February 2012, 14:02
this, and lack of marshals i guess....
The reason is NOT that. Wait for official announcement.

28th February 2012, 15:51
you mean wait for what the organisers give us as reason....

28th February 2012, 16:21
this, and lack of marshals i guess....
The dust wouldn't have been a problem with a 4 or 5 minute gap. You can't say 3 months before that there is a lack of marshalls... ;)

28th February 2012, 18:57
The dust wouldn't have been a problem with a 4 or 5 minute gap. You can't say 3 months before that there is a lack of marshalls... ;)

judging from last year where indeed the marshaling was lacking a bit, (apart from the night stage) and that the economy got worse i think that we might have some problem this year...the fact that they want volunteers this year also points at that direction as well....the main men behind the rally loves the sport but unforunatelly he doesn't do it alone and there are a lot of others who seek personal exposure...you should know that very well since last year they practically stole your list with the short description of the crews and used it at the opening ceremony...i really hope you got an excuse or some short of compensation (not financial) from them afterwards..

so don't tell me that the greek organisers who when it comes to national events 99% of the desicions are political, that they are all saints and never lie...

28th February 2012, 19:08
Edit: Just found the next page :)

28th February 2012, 19:11
Have they decided to cancel the Thursday evening stage NOT?

not an official announcement yet J4mie

28th February 2012, 19:25
Programme du Rallye Wrc de Grèce-Acropole 2012 (http://t.co/AEToP0WJ)

28th February 2012, 19:37
the fact that they want volunteers this year also points at that direction as well

Do they not normally have volunteers? The sport wouldn't survive in the UK were it not for volunteers, in fact there'd be very few people involved at all.

28th February 2012, 19:45
Programme du Rallye Wrc de Grèce-Acropole 2012 (http://t.co/AEToP0WJ)
Merci beaucoup Monsieur Dimitris! :)

@NOT: You are right, but for the cancellation the reason is not the lack of marshalls, trust me. ;)

28th February 2012, 20:51
Do they not normally have volunteers? The sport wouldn't survive in the UK were it not for volunteers, in fact there'd be very few people involved at all.

Volunteers are very limited... as far as i can remember this is the first time the organisers openly and officially called for volunteers...

28th February 2012, 20:53
Do they not normally have volunteers? The sport wouldn't survive in the UK were it not for volunteers, in fact there'd be very few people involved at all.

Usually no.Some times there is an assistant of assistant of assistant who is not in the payroll.This year is the first time that the organisers ask officially for volunteers.

28th February 2012, 21:46
Volunteers are very limited... as far as i can remember this is the first time the organisers openly and officially called for volunteers...

That's really ****, to me part of what makes the sport great is that it's held together by people doing things because they love it...I'm amazed that it's not the same in other countries. Over here marshals will travel hundreds of miles, paying for food and accomodation themselves, to marshal on some single venue event.

28th February 2012, 22:29
Trust me its a good thing we do not have any volunteers... when you give Greeks authority out of nowhere they become a very interesting species of individuals...

Plus when you try to enforce rules to Greeks and especially the Athenian feral kind you get spontaneous combustion sometimes...

If i manage to be in Greece for the Acropolis this year I might capture a few and run various tests on them in my lab to examine their behavior further... they might not survive, but you cannot ask for perfection when it comes to science...

2nd March 2012, 19:26
Ceremonial Start will be at 17.00 in Zappeion!
Note that the rally counts also for the Greek championship. Drivers competing in the Greek championship will run SS10-SS11-SS12-SS13 on Saturday and all the Sunday stages.
More info in Greek HERE... (http://www.xwmatinos.gr/xwma/doc/12/RALLY_ACROPOLIS_GREEK_INFO.pdf)

2nd March 2012, 20:52
i think posting a bullettin about Greek rally crews only in Greek language in here is a bit far fetched......don;t you think ???

2nd March 2012, 20:56
Don't make a problem of something that's not a problem.

Google Oversetter (http://translate.google.no/translate?hl=no&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.xwmatinos.gr%2Fxwma%2Fdoc%2F12% 2FRALLY_ACROPOLIS_GREEK_INFO.pdf)

2nd March 2012, 21:31
these set of rules are for Greek crews only.... what is the use of it in here ?

3rd March 2012, 12:24
these set of rules are for Greek crews only.... what is the use of it in here ?

Επειδη εχει πληροφοριες και για μη αγωνιζομενους.... απλο δεν ειναι;

10th March 2012, 14:13
hello from belgium,

will have been spectator on all Acropolis Rallys from 1995 onwards, is my absolute favorite! so 2012 will be present again, would have liked the organisers cover more of the greek inland for the stages, such nice places and roads to discover for drivers and spectators, it was a relief when rally crossed corinth channel again, but up north would have like more stages in karpenissi area, kalambaka,....also east of road from mandra to thiva, there were nice stages to see, livadia area was also very nice, challenging stiri stage, can't wait to land on greek soil again, know the small roads better then in my home country !

if you want to discover nice places, a 4x4 is recommandable, rent one at airport, economiccarrentals, have used last 5 years, cheapest 4x4 i found on the internet apart from local rental agencies


19th March 2012, 20:27
the new web site of the event is up

Acropolis Rally - Acropolis Rally 2012 (http://www.acropolisrally.gr/EN/2012/)

20th March 2012, 08:27
N.O.T./ Do you know where SD/QS is situated?

20th March 2012, 09:29
Shakedown and qualifying stage are located in the the last 6 kms of Agioi theodoroi stage but is run backwards... in other words they start where the finish line of the ss18 is and finish 6kms after.

20th March 2012, 09:32
LOCATION - STAGE LENGTH The Free Practice/Qualifying stage is the last part of SS 18/20 Aghii Theodori, in the opposite direction.

copy from rally guide 1

20th March 2012, 10:07
LOCATION - STAGE LENGTH The Free Practice/Qualifying stage is the last part of SS 18/20 Aghii Theodori, in the opposite direction.

copy from rally guide 1

OK, haven´t read RG1 so close yet. Just tried to find it on appendix, but didn´t succed on that.
So it´s the same route as PS but in opp dir.

Not far away from Loutraki then. Good.

20th March 2012, 11:44
OK, haven´t read RG1 so close yet. Just tried to find it on appendix, but didn´t succed on that.
So it´s the same route as PS but in opp dir.

Not far away from Loutraki then. Good.

distances...again from RG1

Distance from the service park exit to the FP / QS Start: 9.09 km
Length of the actual FP / QS: 6.20 km
Distance from the FP / QS finish back to the start: 16.28 km
Distance from the FP / QS finish to service park/parc fermé IN:16.70 km

FP/QS = Free practice/Quilifying stage

the SP is in the outskirts of Loutraki

20th March 2012, 19:42
OK, haven´t read RG1 so close yet. Just tried to find it on appendix, but didn´t succed on that.
So it´s the same route as PS but in opp dir.

Not far away from Loutraki then. Good.

Is very close....the start of SD is about 10 minutes by car from S/P .

26th March 2012, 11:03
I also noticed that RG1 says SS1 Kineta starts at 2113 hours.
In official Itinerary it says 1828 hours.

Which time could be the right one?

26th March 2012, 11:24
18.28, has been changed later on.

26th March 2012, 12:05
18.28, has been changed later on.

That means 18.28 is the official time?

MAybe there will be an RG2 with a correct time schedule then?

26th March 2012, 14:14
That means 18.28 is the official time?

MAybe there will be an RG2 with a correct time schedule then?
18.28 is official time.
Have a look at the supplementary regulations.
Acropolis Rally 2012 - Competitors - Supplementary Regulations (http://www.acropolisrally.gr/EN/2012/competitors_2-2012/supplementary_regulations-2012/)

A documentary about the Acropolis Rally is going to be released this Friday. A trailer about it in Greek: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15zG-Gg6v80

26th March 2012, 20:54
u know where is jump at 1.11 ?? plz thanks ;)

26th March 2012, 23:20
the jump is at around 1.47 km of Thiva stage...from the start using your google maps from last years event.

IMG_0296 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5842376531/in/set-72157626858800491)

IMG_0037 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5842913912/in/set-72157626858800491)

IMG_0273 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5842922228/in/set-72157626858800491)

IMG_0192 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5842918790/in/set-72157626858800491)

Its a nice spot if you visit the rally for the first time and the access is pretty easy....usually its also in the official specator guide which the organisation publishes each year...

27th March 2012, 12:19
So SR = Uppdated RG1?

27th March 2012, 12:43
So SR = Uppdated RG1?

to avoid confusion with the retarded RG1 - 2 - 147 and all the blah blah blah nonsense of the organisers...

here is the CORRECT time schedule as it stands until today....

Programme du Rallye Wrc de Grèce-Acropole 2012 (http://planetemarcus.free.fr/grece12.htm)

27th March 2012, 17:17
the jump is at around 1.47 km of Thiva stage...from the start using your google maps from last years event.

IMG_0296 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5842376531/in/set-72157626858800491)

IMG_0037 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5842913912/in/set-72157626858800491)

IMG_0273 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5842922228/in/set-72157626858800491)

IMG_0192 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/5842918790/in/set-72157626858800491)

Its a nice spot if you visit the rally for the first time and the access is pretty easy....usually its also in the official specator guide which the organisation publishes each year...

are u sure this jump is in 2012 edition ?

27th March 2012, 17:55
are u sure this jump is in 2012 edition ?

the maps of individual stages haven't been published yet...so i do not know for sure...but they have never left that part out when Thiva was run since 99' i think, so chances are it is going to be included this year as well.

27th March 2012, 20:13
thanks ;)

i look for watersplash too.. we will see on map i hope ;)

27th March 2012, 20:37
thanks ;)

i look for watersplash too.. we will see on map i hope ;)

that depends on the weather really... last year we had many of those :) this year the rally should be drier if the weather goes as it is now...but you never know. I will visit ALL the stages 1 week before the event to find some good places and will keep you informed.

27th March 2012, 21:08
Big Thanks !!!! ;)

27th March 2012, 23:16
that depends on the weather really... last year we had many of those :) this year the rally should be drier if the weather goes as it is now...but you never know. I will visit ALL the stages 1 week before the event to find some good places and will keep you informed.

Me and my wife will be i Loutraki at the rally. Do I dare to meet you at a pub any of the nights? ;)

27th March 2012, 23:57
Me and my wife will be i Loutraki at the rally. Do I dare to meet you at a pub any of the nights? ;)

I will be staying at my uncles house in Philothei in the dogcity of athens unfortunatelly so i might not visit Loutraki at all (except if i include a service park in my plans)...if you plan on visiting the shakedown we could meet there..i will be more than happy to meet any of the people visiting.

It is still early to make any plans for the rally...i usually make my plans 2-3 days before the event and after visiting the stages the weekend before.

28th March 2012, 11:55
I will be staying at my uncles house in Philothei in the dogcity of athens unfortunatelly so i might not visit Loutraki at all (except if i include a service park in my plans)...if you plan on visiting the shakedown we could meet there..i will be more than happy to meet any of the people visiting.

It is still early to make any plans for the rally...i usually make my plans 2-3 days before the event and after visiting the stages the weekend before.

What about a meeting at Thursday evening after the stage at Loutraki?

28th March 2012, 12:43
What about a meeting at Thursday evening after the stage at Loutraki?

probably will head straight to the ss01 afterwards to make it in time before the stage closes for the spectators if of course i find a good place which cannot be reached through a side-road... still plenty of time until the rally, many things can change until then. The best bet for a meeting is during the sd or Power stage since its a short stage.

28th March 2012, 13:09
probably will head straight to the ss01 afterwards to make it in time before the stage closes for the spectators if of course i find a good place which cannot be reached through a side-road... still plenty of time until the rally, many things can change until then. The best bet for a meeting is during the sd or Power stage since its a short stage.

after qualifying stage(start 10,30 finish 11,00) and ss1 (18,28) we have plenty of time(more than 7 hours)I thought about after power stage on Sunday,but maybe some foreign mates wants to catch the flights,and they havent got any time.

28th March 2012, 13:32
after qualifying stage(start 10,30 finish 11,00) and ss1 (18,28) we have plenty of time(more than 7 hours)I thought about after power stage on Sunday,but maybe some foreign mates wants to catch the flights,and they havent got any time.

finishes at 11:00 ?? cool then we might arrange something for sure.... i thought it ends around 13:00

28th March 2012, 13:49
finishes at 11:00 ?? cool then we might arrange something for sure.... i thought it ends around 13:00

have a look here,they are in parc ferme at 11,03

28th March 2012, 13:55
dimviii is right. It ends around 11.00. However, the shakedown continues with the rest of the drivers-the tourists according to NOT.

28th March 2012, 17:18
It is still early to make any plans for the rally...i usually make my plans 2-3 days before the event and after visiting the stages the weekend before.

I was just going to let Jamie make all the plans and then blame him if it goes wrong :D

28th March 2012, 19:02
good plan :)

there is always nice to have someone to yell at when things go wrong :D :D :D

28th March 2012, 19:38
I was just going to let Jamie make all the plans and then blame him if it goes wrong :D

Me too :D

30th March 2012, 23:42
Really enjoyed the documentary about the Acropolis Rally today! Nice work!

P.S.: Lambros Athanassoulas won't do the rally this year.

31st March 2012, 10:21
Really enjoyed the documentary about the Acropolis Rally today! Nice work!

P.S.: Lambros Athanassoulas won't do the rally this year.
Where we can see it on net?

31st March 2012, 10:24
Where we can see it on net?
The documentary is going to be released very soon.

31st March 2012, 10:26
Tolis, thanks also for the links from MotorsTV last night.

31st March 2012, 17:37
Where we can see it on net?

It will be the best way to learn Greek. lol

31st March 2012, 18:59
It will be the best way to learn Greek. lol
I think there will be an English version. I don't know how they'll translate the "Kiria Popi"...lol

1st April 2012, 10:32
I was just going to let Jamie make all the plans and then blame him if it goes wrong :D

If you don't make a plan, then it can't possibly go wrong :D

I always blame the navigator anyway...

1st April 2012, 18:43
I always blame the navigator anyway...

I used that one when we forgot to take our lunch on the Wyedean...seeing as I was driving it seemed only fair to say it was the old man's fault :D

One website my brother sent me a link to for planning rallies is Rally Map | Rally-Maps.com (http://www.rally-maps.com/map) Not had a proper look myself but shows stages, decent spots to watch and has a Google Earth flyover feature. Also apparently has links to videos for some of the spots. The flyover thing is quite a good touch because it gives a better idea of topography than simple stage maps.

2nd April 2012, 10:33
Let's see what we can expect...

Citroen DS3 WRC
Al Attiyah

Ford Fiesta WRC

Mini WRC

Skoda Fabia S2000

Mini S2000
Al Kuwari

Mitsubishi Evo

Subaru Impreza

Ford Fiesta ST

Ford Fiesta R2
Du Plessis
van der Marel

Renault Clio RS

2nd April 2012, 13:59
a bit optimistic list as WRCs go...

add some Greeks to that list as slowly moving sponsor signs... and you are pretty much spot on

2nd April 2012, 18:43
Not getting to enter youself then NOT? ;)

3rd April 2012, 15:56
More detailed maps are online: http://www.acropolisrally.gr/GR/2012/event-2012/maps-2012/
Yazeed Al Rajhi will do the Acropolis Rally. Last year he came in Greece, did some tests but had to leave on Thursday due to an illness.

3rd April 2012, 21:58
I love the look of that! :up:

3rd April 2012, 22:24
Yazeed Al Rajhi will do the Acropolis Rally. Last year he came in Greece, did some tests but had to leave on Thursday due to an illness.

I heard from someone that he was gambling and drinking all night at the casino the night before :D

4th April 2012, 00:35
Ok, our plan is as sorted as it can be without a recce :D I can't wait for the rally to start.... only 49 days to go :bigcry:

4th April 2012, 09:18
More detailed maps are online: http://www.acropolisrally.gr/GR/2012/event-2012/maps-2012/
Yazeed Al Rajhi will do the Acropolis Rally. Last year he came in Greece, did some tests but had to leave on Thursday due to an illness.

Elikonas seems to be a new one or not run in the near past - even hard to identify on google earth

4th April 2012, 10:46
Elikonas seems to be a new one or not run in the near past - even hard to identify on google earth

Yes Elikonas is a new one .Ziria (SS 13/17) also is new.

4th April 2012, 11:40
Ok, our plan is as sorted as it can be without a recce :D I can't wait for the rally to start.... only 49 days to go :bigcry:

Nothing to cry for, you are still going...I am not :(

4th April 2012, 12:11
around 10 days before the event i will visit definately these 2 new special stages...i will post some pictures of some places i consider interesting afterwards for your help...

Yesterday i did a very rough schedule.

thrs : SD and ss1
Frd: ss4 and ss8 OR ss5 and ss7 OR ss5 and ss8
Strd: Not yet decided... probably 2 stages and the last service park of the day.
Snd: ss18, ss20, ss22

again it all depends on the places i find after i go through the stages... we will see.

4th April 2012, 12:39
In Greece is it possible to walk in to a road closure and spectate or do you have to go to dedicated spectator points?

4th April 2012, 13:33
you can walk.

4th April 2012, 13:36
Last time I was there we were allowed to walk into the stages and stay almost every way. I remember staying along with Jamie on an inside turn where we almost could touch the cars ;) :s

4th April 2012, 13:46
Yeah thats awesome - In Aus last year we did that a couple times but it involved a lot of negotiating with marshals who wanted to kick us out. Its not that we were standing in dangerous spots, they just didn't really want anyone there

4th April 2012, 17:05
Last time I was there we were allowed to walk into the stages and stay almost every way. I remember staying along with Jamie on an inside turn where we almost could touch the cars ;) :s

Acropolis is the most spectator friendly wrc rally.You can almosty do everything and free.At ''everything'' is not including stupid things.

4th April 2012, 17:25
Acropolis is the most spectator friendly wrc rally.You can almosty do everything and free.At ''everything'' is not including stupid things.

Never did stupid things when at Rallying...only exciting things ;)

4th April 2012, 17:41
It was a great spot and quite safe. Close but not close enough to touch ;)

Was the shakedown just outside Lamia. Still one of the best places you have been Pino? :cool:

6789 Greece is excellent for spectating, maybe the best in the world with lots of freedom, I'd definitely recommend it. The strict marshalling puts me off going back to Australia...

4th April 2012, 18:04
It was a great spot and quite safe. Close but not close enough to touch ;)

Was the shakedown just outside Lamia. Still one of the best places you have been Pino? :cool:

Indeed it was one of the best spot I've been along with a dozen hairpins from Sweden...all of them on the inside and very close to cars, remeber them ? :D

4th April 2012, 18:43
Yes of course I remember, but I think I've been closer than you ;)

You must get back to Greece :D

4th April 2012, 18:51
You are all welcome guys!!! :)

4th April 2012, 19:16
Yes of course I remember, but I think I've been closer than you ;)

You must get back to Greece :D

Can't go there this year due to my work but it's on top of my list for 2013 ;)

4th April 2012, 19:50
around 10 days before the event i will visit definately these 2 new special stages...i will post some pictures of some places i consider interesting afterwards for your help...

Yesterday i did a very rough schedule.

thrs : SD and ss1
Frd: ss4 and ss8 OR ss5 and ss7 OR ss5 and ss8
Strd: Not yet decided... probably 2 stages and the last service park of the day.
Snd: ss18, ss20, ss22

again it all depends on the places i find after i go through the stages... we will see.

Thanks NOT in advance, that will be a good help to know something about the new stages- I will arrive around Tuesday but I'm not sure to be able to see the new ones, the rest of the stages known from 2009 and earlier

4th April 2012, 23:22
You are all welcome guys!!! :)

So where and when do we meet and have some pub-talk?

5th April 2012, 11:20
6789 Greece is excellent for spectating, maybe the best in the world with lots of freedom, I'd definitely recommend it. The strict marshalling puts me off going back to Australia...

Yeah its definitely a rally that I want to do, cheers for that. In Australia last year marshals were giving all spectators 5 min lectures on not leaving the designated area if the drivers went off the road

10th April 2012, 19:02
Hello, I will be in Greece for the Acropolis for the first time. I will have to rent a car. The official rally site promotes avance rent-a-car.

Has anyone got experience with this company or can you recomend another car rental company ?

thanks for your advice, looking forward to my trip to greece :cool:

13th April 2012, 08:06
according to rallye magazin Sordo & Prodrive need a miracle to run in Akropolis!

13th April 2012, 13:59
according to rallye magazin Sordo & Prodrive need a miracle to run in Akropolis!

Yes, Acropolis just 2 weeks later than the Tour de Corse, logistically still possible but with limited sources the chance lower, they spend the money to IRC.

13th April 2012, 14:47
Yes, Acropolis just 2 weeks later than the Tour de Corse, logistically still possible but with limited sources the chance lower, they spend the money to IRC.

The car for TDC is fully prepared by Drive-Pro, Prodrive has nothing to deal with it!

13th April 2012, 15:28
Abdulaziz Al Kuwari will drive a Mini John Cooper Works WRC in the Acropolis Rally.
He'll also do Rally Italia Sardegna later in the year!

13th April 2012, 17:45
according to rallye magazin Sordo & Prodrive need a miracle to run in Akropolis!

Prodrive will only contest 4 more rallies this season. Probably with a 1-car entry in NZ.

14th April 2012, 00:48
Who will be in for NZ?

14th April 2012, 10:29
Sordo I guess?

15th April 2012, 16:37
Updated RG 1-no big changes: http://www.acropolisrally.gr/userfiles/CMSFiles/2012/Race/V2_RG1.pdf

Expected entries-Updated

Citroen DS3 WRC
Al Attiyah

Ford Fiesta WRC

Mini WRC
Al Kuwari

Skoda Fabia S2000

Ford Fiesta RRC
Al Rajhi

Mitsubishi Evo

Subaru Impreza

Ford Fiesta ST

Ford Fiesta R2
Du Plessis
van der Marel

Renault Clio RS

So, we have 14 WRC cars for sure and we are expecting 16-17 WRC's.

15th April 2012, 17:00
The car for TDC is fully prepared by Drive-Pro, Prodrive has nothing to deal with it!

In the official press-release it said the car was run/prepared by SMG Motorsport. Where have you read it was prepared by Drive-Pro?

Edit: Ahhh I see they have merged.

16th April 2012, 15:36
:( No Sordo, disappointed!

16th April 2012, 15:39
:( No Sordo, disappointed!

you should not be....the Al KAWARAJWI (or something like that) will participate in the mini instead of him so we will not see any less WRCs !!! FUN FUN FUN...

16th April 2012, 16:18
No Acropolis for me then. Better to hope they go full time next year alongside VW and save my money for then.

16th April 2012, 18:10
No Acropolis for me then. Better to hope they go full time next year alongside VW and save my money for then.

I think you should reconsider...if Sordo is the only reason for your decision i think you are mistaken to miss the event...despite the problems in the country the acropolis is a very spectator friendly event and nobody has a bad time (not even me who is the grumpiest person on earth)... you can ask all the foreigners who visited if they liked it. You are going to have a great time...it is almost guaranteed.

16th April 2012, 18:10
you should not be....the Al KAWARAJWI (or something like that) will participate in the mini instead of him so we will not see any less WRCs !!! FUN FUN FUN...

Sounds like Nobre has competition then ;)

16th April 2012, 18:11
Sounds like Nobre has competition then ;)

yes for 1 or 2 stages...

16th April 2012, 18:58
SubaruNorway, I reckon you should go this as well as next year ;) You won't regret it. Best event I have been to except Sweden/Norway :up: (& safari)

16th April 2012, 19:35
I think you should reconsider...if Sordo is the only reason for your decision i think you are mistaken to miss the event...despite the problems in the country the acropolis is a very spectator friendly event and nobody has a bad time (not even me who is the grumpiest person on earth)... you can ask all the foreigners who visited if they liked it. You are going to have a great time...it is almost guaranteed.

Confirmed, I was there since 1996 around 7 times, last time in 2009 and I can recommend, I go there also this year. No fight with marshalls, easy acces, no traffic jam, easy to find spectacular places. (also good if you like to take nice photos, videos)

16th April 2012, 19:56
Maybe Latvala won't be in Greece also.

16th April 2012, 20:10
Maybe Latvala won't be in Greece also.

I think he will make it.

16th April 2012, 20:40
To go off again. :D

16th April 2012, 21:04
Looks like Araújo is going to race with the 01B version of the Mini...

16th April 2012, 23:23
I think he will make it.

Fingers crossed!

17th April 2012, 19:18
rally guide 2 is up

Acropolis Rally 2012 - Competitors - Rally Guide 2 (http://www.acropolisrally.gr/EN/2012/competitors_2-2012/competitors_rally_guide_2/#)

very well written with some great information and maps...

17th April 2012, 20:30
great !

17th April 2012, 20:50
great !

it has all the info you need to do your google maps :D pages 68-83 :)

17th April 2012, 21:04
it has all the info you need to do your google maps :D pages 68-83 :)

it's hard to identify the route of Elikonas stage on google earth

17th April 2012, 21:22
it's hard to identify the route of Elikonas stage on google earth

you are right, by entering the co-ordinates for the start of the stage as they are on the RG2 the spot is located in the sea...LOL

i found the problem they give the coords using degrees and not decimal places...you need to convert them.

you can go here and convert them


17th April 2012, 21:47
hmmmm it doesn't seem to work...

17th April 2012, 22:06
ok i found it you have to change the way google earth presents the coords... go to

Tools>3D> in the show lat/long choose degrees, decimal minutes

Now you can put the coords from the RG2 to google search and have your results :D

for elikonas start put the coords in the search tab like this

38 21.066, 22 47.038

and VOILA !!!

18th April 2012, 00:46
Looks like Araújo is going to race with the 01B version of the Mini...

This could be a great new if that Mini is as good as the Prodrive ones. If it is to be a 01B with the same level as the actual MI 01, then is "deja vu" story.

18th April 2012, 01:33
Dear god, they must be mad to run that last part of SS2 :crazy:

700m almost flat out straight on extremely steep downhill, that is insane, they should stop the stage on the junction at the top of the hill. I hope nothing goes wrong, because if it does it will go very wrong indeed :s Or at least stop anybody standing near to the road, not easy when it's not far from the main road at the bottom.

You know the road I mean NOT? tolis?

http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/269982_10150661108065612_529115611_19460914_251300 9_n.jpg
(facing uphill)

Ziria looks very spectacular though :up:

18th April 2012, 01:45
Actually looking at the other stages it must be the stop line so that should be ok, just hope nobody has lost their brakes ;)

I wish Colin Clark etc good luck walking up the hill for the end of stage reports :D

18th April 2012, 08:32
Dear god, they must be mad to run that last part of SS2 :crazy:

700m almost flat out straight on extremely steep downhill, that is insane, they should stop the stage on the junction at the top of the hill. I hope nothing goes wrong, because if it does it will go very wrong indeed :s Or at least stop anybody standing near to the road, not easy when it's not far from the main road at the bottom.

You know the road I mean NOT? tolis?

http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/269982_10150661108065612_529115611_19460914_251300 9_n.jpg
(facing uphill)

Ziria looks very spectacular though :up:

The place you mention was not part oft he stage last year... this year according to the coordinates is included...maybe the coordinates refer to the finish TC and not the actual flying finish, otherwise it is a pretty dangerous place...

In other news: torrential rains are sweeping the country...a bit like last year...lets hope the weather improves as we get closer to the event.

18th April 2012, 08:52
Yes the start line was at the top of the hill, that road up is where Latvala broke his diff as he was going up. It is also the hill that damn nearly killed me :bigcry: I got overtaken by the zero car as I was crawling up, luckily the stage was late in starting so I just made it in time :D

18th April 2012, 14:45
Dear god, they must be mad to run that last part of SS2 :crazy:

700m almost flat out straight on extremely steep downhill, that is insane, they should stop the stage on the junction at the top of the hill. I hope nothing goes wrong, because if it does it will go very wrong indeed :s Or at least stop anybody standing near to the road, not easy when it's not far from the main road at the bottom.

You know the road I mean NOT? tolis?

http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/269982_10150661108065612_529115611_19460914_251300 9_n.jpg
(facing uphill)

Ziria looks very spectacular though :up:

Great road.

19th April 2012, 09:13
Great road.

Errrrrrrr..... No. Not competitively downhill.

19th April 2012, 11:32
Acropolis Rally of Greece Google Earth Map is now out Programme du Rallye Wrc de Grèce-Acropole 2012 (http://planetemarcus.free.fr/grece12.htm)

19th April 2012, 12:50
Thank you :)

19th April 2012, 16:05
Google earth maps including the access points to the special stages

Acropolis Rally 2012 - Spectators - Google Earth (http://www.acropolisrally.gr/EN/2012/spectators-2012/google-earth/)

21st April 2012, 17:47
part of the ss Ziria (ss13/17) was used last year in a rally sprint... the sprint started 14 kms into the stage that is going to be used for acropolis (here you can see the map for the sprint 31 (http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=203067954572041670353.0004a9239e4d3c43e279f&hl=el&doflg=ptm&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=14)) and turned towards a different direction where ss13 access point 2 is on google maps from the official site google map access points.

you can get a taste of how the road is below ... it looks like the WRCs are going to pack some serious speed....and it remains to be seen if the artificial slowing chicanes will be used for the WRC route as well... enjoy.

Rally Sprint "trikala korinthias" 2011 in car - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlIYt-HGpHo)

22nd April 2012, 10:04
Any news from the entry list?

22nd April 2012, 10:18
According to RG, it will be revealed this Friday.

23rd April 2012, 20:09
47 entries till now! Deadline is tomorrow night!
Expected entries-Updated

Citroen DS3 WRC
Al Attiyah

Ford Fiesta WRC

Mini WRC
Al Kuwari

Skoda Fabia S2000

Ford Fiesta RRC
Al Rajhi

Mitsubishi Evo

Subaru Impreza

Ford Fiesta ST

Ford Fiesta R2
Du Plessis
van der Marel

23rd April 2012, 20:36
Are the names you post confired ?? because some have questionmarks still.... if you exclude sordo the list is top notch.

Also post the Greek entry list for the championship if you can of course.

23rd April 2012, 21:14
Are the names you post confired ?? because some have questionmarks still.... if you exclude sordo the list is top notch.

Also post the Greek entry list for the championship if you can of course.

The one's in the questionmark are not 100% sure. However, I think Oliveira and Wilson will finally come to Greece.
Don't be surprised if you see Sordo in the place of Latvala. Ford may not risk Latvala! Let's wait and see till tomorrow, when the manufacturer's entries will be published in FIA's website!
About the Greek championship, I've heard about 10 possible entries, but nothing confirmed yet.

23rd April 2012, 21:40
oh ok...

47 is a good number i was expecting around 40... now we have to wait to see if there s quility in those 40 or just time wasters...

Latvala will be in Greece. There is nothing to risk anymore...

26th April 2012, 14:32
Finally, 54 entries!!!

26th April 2012, 21:13
Finally, 54 entries!!!

number of WRC's known?
I know, I know NOT, that number says nothing because of ladyboy drivers etc... :)

26th April 2012, 21:16

tomorrow the list will be published... the number i think its going to be between 15 and 20...

26th April 2012, 21:21

tomorrow the list will be published... the number i think its going to be between 15 and 20...

you start to comment like Malcolm....be carefull..

26th April 2012, 21:47

tomorrow the list will be published... the number i think its going to be between 15 and 20...
Between 15 and 18 I would say. Definitely not 20.

26th April 2012, 21:50
pity... i would like to see an armada of WRCs driven by AL AHLALAHS at dog walking pace... but its ok.

26th April 2012, 23:19
Does anyone know if Wilson/Henning will compete? They reckon Wilsons leg-shortening april fools operation should be all done now :p But what about Henning?
I await the sarcastic responses from N.O.T ;)

27th April 2012, 09:32
a small change in shakedown schedule

Acropolis Rally 2012 - Notice Board (http://www.acropolisrally.gr/EN/2012/notice-board-2012/)

awaiting the entry...

27th April 2012, 16:24
Maybe the most expensive entry fee in the whole championship.

27th April 2012, 16:29
still no entry list on the website....typical greek organisers keeping the entry list secret for no reason....retardation at its best...this happens in the majority of greek national events also...never understood the reason.

27th April 2012, 16:49
still no entry list on the website....typical greek organisers keeping the entry list secret for no reason....retardation at its best...this happens in the majority of greek national events also...never understood the reason.
FIA has to accept the entry list. Then, the entry list will be published in the website. It'll be announced today.
However, they could have written the names, when they register, like Rallies Sweden and Argentina do.
@Barreis: I compared our prices with the Portuguese one's and it's approximately the same.

27th April 2012, 16:56
they could have written the names, when they register, like Rallies Sweden and Argentina do.

that is what i am talking about... it is always the same every year... i cannot coprehend why they do not publish the names as they receive them...

27th April 2012, 17:46
someone know when Media Safety book will be out ? thx ;)

27th April 2012, 19:05
Manufacturer entries: Acropolis Rally - Entries (http://fia.com/en-GB/mediacentre/pressreleases/wrc/2012/Pages/wrc-entries-acr.aspx)
Oliveira and Haigh-Smith confirmed.

27th April 2012, 20:20
Entry List published: http://www.acropolisrally.gr/GR/2012/event-2012/entry_list-2012/

27th April 2012, 20:25
19 WRC cars. Nice.

Be interesting to see how the little Academy cars fare on this rough event. Quite the challenge they're being set.

27th April 2012, 20:38
17 WRC cars.

27th April 2012, 20:45
17 WRC cars.

Whoops. Ogier and Andreas wish they were in WRC cars!

27th April 2012, 20:50
expected entry....no wilson :)

27th April 2012, 20:54
The good surprise is Mikkelsen I think!

27th April 2012, 21:06
The good surprise is Mikkelsen I think!
seems that finally they woke up in vw

27th April 2012, 21:07
expected entry....no wilson :)

No Ketoma, but Henning

Any knowledge about greek and ukraine driver?

27th April 2012, 21:11
No Ketoma, but Henning

Any knowledge about greek and ukraine driver?


27th April 2012, 21:12
Any knowledge about greek and ukraine driver?
Pavlides drives only for fun. He run PWRC for 2 years, but nothing important. More info: eWRC-results.com - profile Spyros Pavlides (http://www.ewrc-results.com/profile.php?p=144&t=Spyros-Pavlides)
Tamrazov also drives for fun. He will do full IRC this year. More info: eWRC-results.com - profile Oleksiy Tamrazov (http://www.ewrc-results.com/profile.php?p=2747&t=Oleksiy-Tamrazov)
Nothing special though.

27th April 2012, 21:16
so now you got the long version and the short version. :D

27th April 2012, 22:10
strange to not see Ketomaa.. Greece was in his program...

27th April 2012, 23:55
he would be a nice addition...maybe the dream is over for him after his terrible results...now maybe only has budget for Finland.

28th April 2012, 01:09
Entry List published: http://www.acropolisrally.gr/GR/2012/event-2012/entry_list-2012/

What is the story with Hennings team? Will we see the HSWRT :p Good to see him back!

28th April 2012, 19:42
just finished my "recce" plans

the stages i am going to do to find places are

ss1 Kinetta
ss3/9 Thiva (just the first 10 kms)
ss4/8 Elikonas
ss5/7 Bauxites
ss12/16 Kefalari
ss13/17 Ziria

i will post pictures and kms of the places i find in here to help those who need a more inside info of the stages...

Lets hope the weather doesn't derail my plans....

28th April 2012, 20:10
just finished my "recce" plans

the stages i am going to do to find places are

ss1 Kinetta
ss3/9 Thiva (just the first 10 kms)
ss4/8 Elikonas
ss5/7 Bauxites
ss12/16 Kefalari
ss13/17 Ziria

i will post pictures and kms of the places i find in here to help those who need a more inside info of the stages...

Lets hope the weather doesn't derail my plans....

Waiting for it very much....if you see watersplash please note it, + Elikonas interest also, thanks for the efforts

28th April 2012, 21:14

unfortunatelly we have elections the following sunday in Greece, so i will visit those stages on the weekend 12-13 of May.

29th April 2012, 12:24
great thanks !!!

for sure i look for a watersplash too ;)

29th April 2012, 15:01
great thanks !!!

for sure i look for a watersplash too ;)

Maybe we find water now, but not in the end of May....

29th April 2012, 16:21
That is also true... but the weather is not that hot though still at sea level...let alone in the mountains...

The problem is that there are not many water splashes in the event as far as i know... but will have my mind for them.

29th April 2012, 18:35
That is also true... but the weather is not that hot though still at sea level...let alone in the mountains...

The problem is that there are not many water splashes in the event as far as i know... but will have my mind for them.

In 2009 there was no watersplash, I know because I had time to "recce" the stages. In 2011 there was some but I think those stages are not in the route this year. So the only hope Elikonas and the Ziria

29th April 2012, 19:13
As long as it is hot, dry and dusty I don't mind if there is a watersplash now and again :p :

29th April 2012, 21:38
Next stop...Acropolis: Next Event: the 2012 Acropolis Rally of Gods - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GnMWWCD4bD4)

29th April 2012, 22:09
Yes guys!!!!I am counting the days!!!Less than a month!!!

30th April 2012, 17:36
Argentina got my veins pumping so a slight alteration in my plans...

tommorow i will visit ss6/7 Bauxites, so expect a report for the stage tommorow afternoon :)

30th April 2012, 17:53
Mads says on his homepage that he will increase the risk in Hellas, due to the results so far this season.
Hopefully he will still be able to stay on the road and avoid damages on the car. Lets see how much more tempo he has in him!!

30th April 2012, 18:26
good news and also nice that refers to our country with its true name :)

30th April 2012, 19:30
i'm planning to visit vauxites for sure during the rally.I'm thinking to see the stage when it starts to go downhill.The stage starts to go downhill after 7 kilometers(aproximately) from the tarmac part of the stage(in that place there are no trees)(ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/269/53930439.jpg/)).If you visit that place please tell me your opinion,if you post photo of that place it would be perfect.

30th April 2012, 19:40
ok i will keep it in mind... the previous times i visited bauxites in the early 00s when it was used as shakedown was always in the first 2 kms of the stage which was a nice place and i think it still is... pino can confirm it :)

i will post pictures of every place i find interesting.

30th April 2012, 19:59
maybe it is too optimistic.. but with the timetable.. what do u think about this program ? .. DAY1 QS+SS1 .. DAY2 SS2+SS3+SS5+SS7+SS9... DAY3 SS10+SS12+SS14+SS16+SS17 ... too much ? thx ;)

30th April 2012, 20:16

to be honest i was never a fan of watching more than 3 stages per day... so i am no expert to say that the program you set is doable...

ss2 and then ss3 sounds a bit crazy i do not think it can be done... maybe if you just watch 10-15 cars and then go to next but still the schedule is tight...but ss5 ss7 and then ss9 is doable.

as for day 3 the stages are close to each other but again the programming is frantic... if you stay just for the WRCs and then go maybe is possible but still you must wish you do not encounter any difficulties with traffic..

someone who prefers to watch many stages would be more suitable to answer.

30th April 2012, 20:32
yes .. SS2 and SS3 maybe too crazy, i'm agree.. i have to look more details in map, but maybe to SS2 or SS3 .. and after SS5+7+9 .. we will see ;)

So do u know the time between each rally cars ?? 2mn or 3mn ?? .. if 2mn.. then 30 first rally car.. and go other place.. we will see..

30th April 2012, 20:41
yes .. SS2 and SS3 maybe too crazy, i'm agree.. i have to look more details in map, but maybe to SS2 or SS3 .. and after SS5+7+9 .. we will see ;)

So do u know the time between each rally cars ?? 2mn or 3mn ?? .. if 2mn.. then 30 first rally car.. and go other place.. we will see..

it usually is 2 mins...maybe they will give 3 mins if we have very dry weather with no winds in order to avoid dust...

but from the weather predictions i doubt it...we still get sporadic rains and storms and they plan to continue throughout next week...

30th April 2012, 20:42
ok thanks.. ;)

30th April 2012, 21:59
maybe it is too optimistic.. but with the timetable.. what do u think about this program ? .. DAY1 QS+SS1 .. DAY2 SS2+SS3+SS5+SS7+SS9... DAY3 SS10+SS12+SS14+SS16+SS17 ... too much ? thx ;)

We're going to try and to the same, but skip 2 ;)
Saturday we did 5 stages last year too including nightstage, but will try to do 4 at least too this year :)

30th April 2012, 22:32
We will also try the same, leaving after Mikkelsen ;) Was thinking of SS2 also but the sun won't be out that early, we will see...
I hope to see the big cut on a right hander after start of Kefalari, I have it all mostly planned but will look out for NOT's updates with interest :cool:

The only MUST thing for me this year is to avoid climbing up so many hills, that spoiled it last time and I wasn't fit enough to run into stages at the last minute :p : Of course, parking is the key to how close you can get, I hope they let you get a bit closer than last year.

1st May 2012, 09:44
We're going to try and to the same, but skip 2 ;)
Saturday we did 5 stages last year too including nightstage, but will try to do 4 at least too this year :)

yes for DAY1 .. to skip SS2 or SS3 ... ;)

1st May 2012, 09:53
Of course, parking is the key to how close you can get, I hope they let you get a bit closer than last year.

Compare to other rallies, is parking really far from the stage ?
SS Access are they easy ?
You're right, that's always the key !

1st May 2012, 11:24
No, not that far..
We only had to walk more than 2 km to the nightstage, all the others stages we parked within a few minutes of the stage.

1st May 2012, 11:56
No, not that far..
We only had to walk more than 2 km to the nightstage, all the others stages we parked within a few minutes of the stage.
at night stage i walked only 300-400 meters :D at middle of stage where asphalt part begins.But i drove more than 15km in gravel :dozey:

1st May 2012, 12:31

I've tried Google translate but I still have no idea what the meaning of this word is :D

1st May 2012, 12:37
Access is really good, and usually not too rough If you have to drive on gravel. However for Klenia last year we had to walk quite far as police were stopping cars getting closer, whereas in 2009 I parked 50m from the stage. But I am more organised this time already :D

1st May 2012, 12:39
I've tried Google translate but I still have no idea what the meaning of this word is :D

You don't want to know, death is a preferable option :bigcry:

1st May 2012, 17:20
Just got back..the stage is fantastic, bone dry and ready to run...very smooth surface but a lot of embedded rocks which might become a hazard after many passes.....

full report on the spots i found with pics in a few minutes...

1st May 2012, 17:46
ok here we go... for the Km distances i used the cars trip meter so they might not be dead accurate... 50 meters - +

1.2 Kms from the start there is a small steep rocky hill where you can climb with ease and have a nice view of the stage here is what you see, this is the spectating spot i used when the rally was run in early 00s as shakedown. The cars move from left to right

IMG_0006 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/6986257460/in/set-72157629577175658)
IMG_0007 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/6986258930/in/set-72157629577175658/)
IMG_0008 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/6986259928/in/set-72157629577175658/)
IMG_0009 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/6986260806/in/set-72157629577175658/)

2.8 from the start there is a tight hairpin

4.1 from the start another hairpin which is wide at entry but tightens on the exit

4.5 another Hairpin

4.9 there is a flat high speed section if you like that stuff its a nice spot

IMG_0011 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/6986261568/in/set-72157629577175658/)

6.4 there is a a high speed corner 5th gear maybe... there is a nice view of the cars coming to the corner

IMG_0014 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/7132348823/in/set-72157629577175658/)
IMG_0013 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/6986263374/in/set-72157629577175658/)

8.9 there is the access point 1 to the stage and also the place where the cars go onto tarmac....now this spot was very interesting....the accent is very very steep...maybe they lift a wheel or even jump...but really do not know... i might spectate here.

IMG_0017 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/7132351503/in/set-72157629577175658/)
IMG_0018 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/7132352409/in/set-72157629577175658/)
IMG_0019 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/6986268562/in/set-72157629577175658/)
IMG_0020 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/7132354451/in/set-72157629577175658/)

12.4 is a spot i will definately spectate it is a very fast S with 2 rather big dips...so definately the cars will be off balance or even lift their wheels...the picture unforunately doesn't give the place justice. To reach this sport enter the stage from access point 3 (after the tarmac acces points) and you have to walk around 1.6 kms opposite of the stages direction

IMG_0023 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/7132357147/in/set-72157629577175658/)
IMG_0025 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/7132359129/in/set-72157629577175658/)

@ Nafpaktos i tried to locate the place you asked for but i wasn;t sure were it was neither i located something really spectacular 7 kms after the tarmac..sorry.

Some general info about the stage...It is uphill but the climb is not steep at all... it looks more like a straight than uphill on most parts. the gravel i very very smooth, but the embedded rocks might create problems after the cars deteriorate the surface.

a bonus pic from the stage at 7.9 mark

IMG_0015 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/6986264994/in/set-72157629577175658/)
IMG_0016 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/6986265818/in/set-72157629577175658/)

NOTE: the above places are the best according to my opinion...different people like different things so keep that in mind.

next update on the weekend 11-12-13 with the rest of the stages...

I doubt there are going to be any watersplashes....

1st May 2012, 17:51
toawrds the end of the stage around 2-3 kms from the end there are many places to camp if you wish.... today there were many people there doing barbeques...

1st May 2012, 17:52
Too bad Sordo won't be there.

1st May 2012, 18:28
i just realised i %$%$ up big time and did a wrong turn towards the end of that stage.... at the hairpin at 16.9 mark...so i did not do the last 7 kms... i was tricked and i followed the old stage karoutes...damn.

@Nafpaktos...the place you told me to find was upwards so i did not pass it...really sorry.

also ignore post no 235

1st May 2012, 18:38
the funny part of the whole story is that on the place i did the wrong turn there was this stone indicating towards the right direction and which i ignored.....

IMG_0030 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/6986510070/in/set-72157629577175658)

1st May 2012, 18:46
the funny part of the whole story is that on the place i did the wrong turn there was this stone indicating towards the right direction and which i ignored.....

IMG_0030 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/6986510070/in/set-72157629577175658) :rotflmao:

1st May 2012, 18:48

exactly... and the stone is there i kid you not !!!

1st May 2012, 18:49
the funny part of the whole story is that on the place i did the wrong turn there was this stone indicating towards the right direction and which i ignored.....

IMG_0030 | Flickr - Photo Sharing! (http://www.flickr.com/photos/51932399@N07/6986510070/in/set-72157629577175658)

ahahahahahahahaha :D

1st May 2012, 18:52
exactly... and the stone is there i kid you not !!!

You even made a picture of it.....

1st May 2012, 18:58
ahahahahahahahaha :D

πραγματικα απιστευτο...οταν το συνειδητοποιήσα παροτι ειχα παρει αναποδες με τι βλακεια που εκανα, ακομα χαμογελαω... ακομα μια ακροπολικη αναμνηση εκτος αγωνα...

1st May 2012, 18:59
Don't worry, we weren't expecting perfection :p :

Thanks for the tips!

1st May 2012, 19:08
Don't worry, we weren't expecting perfection :p :

Thanks for the tips!

perfection no, but what i did was stupid.... :(

the positive thing is that i only missed 1/3 of the stage (although it was the downhill one) and i found 2 good places to spectate so not all was lost after 750 kms today.

1st May 2012, 19:33
NOT Nonetheless very good effort.I recognise your are really passionate about rallies.750 km in one day,only for recce unbelivable!!! :eek:

1st May 2012, 19:45
I have a sneaky suspicion that we will see that stone again on Solberg or Latvala's onboard :D

1st May 2012, 19:54
perfection no, but what i did was stupid.... :(

Oh, I never said that it wasn't stupid :D

1st May 2012, 20:04
Oh, I never said that it wasn't stupid :D

:D :D :D