View Full Version : Ugliest Car of 2007

23rd March 2007, 22:03
What do you think is the uglyest car of 2007 based on both the livery and chassis?

I think the Renault is the worst looking.

23rd March 2007, 22:12
What do you think is the uglyest car of 2007 based on both the livery and chassis?

I think the Renault is the worst looking.

23rd March 2007, 22:25
In terms of chassis they're all much of a muchness, so I'll pick Honda for it's horrible livery.

23rd March 2007, 22:50
Toss up between the Renault and the Honda, but I think the Renault is the ugliest livery and the Honda the stupidest.

23rd March 2007, 22:58
I like the Renault. :)
I like the Honda as well. :)

Toyota is probably the most boring one(as always).

23rd March 2007, 23:02
i agree with erki that toyota is the most boring

as for the ugliest..not sure..as for shapes there isn't much difference, but for livery, i dont like the renault livery, and the honda one is interesting.

I dont think there is a clear 'winner' for ugliest 2007 f1 car...


24th March 2007, 00:22
Absolutely, positively no contest, the ugliest car on the grid is the Honda. IMO.

It supposedly promotes saving the planet but it looks like the world has had a big bite taken out of it and been mangled in the process. It kind of reminds of the digusting end of a soggy cigar.

I need to study the globe so's I can work out which country's suffered at the hands of the artistic geniuses who came up with this perfect image mated to an imperfect canvas.


24th March 2007, 02:48
To be honest I think that my boy Kimi's Ferrari is the ugliest "shaped" car. Those mirrors out on the radiator inlets are just wrong, probably very practical, but they just don't look right.

I mean, com'on, it's not the prettiest of the bunch. Just have a look.


(p.s.Last year I thought the renault was.)

Livery has got to be Honda. As much as I don't understand their reasoning, I think their livery looks like rotten barf from and distance.

24th March 2007, 02:51

24th March 2007, 03:00

24th March 2007, 03:31
ferrari livery is awful. renault livery is good because it is. spyker chassis looks like a new jordan to me. but overall, the Honda's are all around the ugliest ones now.

24th March 2007, 05:23
not impressed with all the liveries so far this year...but honda definetly the worst of the lot...

24th March 2007, 05:31
Toyota for sure.
I like the Honda livery.
The Renault livery is growing on me.

24th March 2007, 06:24
The Renault is growing on me too - I've gotta say Toyota - it's been pretty much EXACTLY the same since 2002...I understand it's their corporate colours, but so is the Super Aguri and that's a smart looking machine, while the Toyota looks like a six year old threw a couple of cans of paint at it!

24th March 2007, 06:55
Renault, Honda and Spyker. I don't like the Mclaren either. The Ferrari I love.

24th March 2007, 09:31
Renault and Honda

BMW needs more blue too.

24th March 2007, 11:27
Honda had a good ideea but with the shape of today's F1 cars it didn't work out imo. So the ugliest is Honda for me. I didn't like the Renault either at first but out on the track it's not so bad. Toyota could indeed do something new with their livery, it's not bad but it's been almost identical since they joined F1. Ferrari looks good in all red but I'd like it more if it was just a tad darker (unfortunately Marlboro picks the color).

24th March 2007, 14:55
I quite like the Honda and Renault, they look a lot better on track than they did when I saw the first pictures. The one I'm not sure about is the Super Aguri, perhaps because it's a seemingly random red and white mix that fails to disguise a general lack of sponsors...

24th March 2007, 15:16
for me its got to be the Toyota. All that money they have and still they cant invest in a half decent livery. I know the colours represent their national colours in which i respect, but we viewers have to watch their cars going round at snails pacewith drivers always saying "this will be our year". The nicest car has got to be the BMW Sauber. The blue just is gorgeous and goes so well with the white.

24th March 2007, 16:29
I think BMW and Toyota because they are plainly boring and make the cars look uninteresting.

Mp3 Astra
24th March 2007, 17:29
Honda looked good in the press shots, but combined with long shot camera angles and the speed of them, they look like a blurry mess when they're driving around.

24th March 2007, 19:00
On a more positive note - I love the new Spyker and the Renault is growing on me day by day (I do think orange goes well on a racing car) - while the all red Ferrari makes a nice change from the half white one of recent years (like when they went back to all red in 1979 and 1994)

25th March 2007, 06:05
toyota - least interesting (most boring) followed closely by bmw
renault - worst colour combination
honda - just stupid, poor idea, poor execution

McLaren - Silver alone sucked last year, Vodafone red, sweet
Williams - Classy and classic
Ferrari - Gotta love the subliminal cigarette

25th March 2007, 07:40
uglist chassis - Honda... i hate the thin nose at the front

uglist livery - toss up between the ill colour mix of the Renault and the non-flattering for sponsors design of Sypkers paintjob

25th March 2007, 07:58
Worst overall livery - Honda (but I still don't like the "chrome" McLarens - looks like they were made out of old, recycled bumpers from 1960's American cars!)

25th March 2007, 10:08
The BMW-Sauber livery would look so good if it was similar to Garry Rogers Motorsport in the V8 Supercars!!!

25th March 2007, 10:20
Most Interesting Chassis: Super Guri, I really like their front wing.

Most Interesting livery: McLaren has meshed the red with silver better than I thought would be possible, Spyker is distinct (love that 911 GT3 RS colour), Ferrari is still perhaps the most homogenous though.

Worst Livery: The Renault is pure ugly, the Toyota is utterly boring. I don't see why everyone hates the Honda, they couldn't come up with a title sponsor, so what were they to do? Run the car blank?

25th March 2007, 10:52
Toyota needs a redesign. It's not the fact that their livery hasn't changed, but its the fact that they had an iffy livery to start off with. If they had the old Castrol livery from their last WRC tenure then I would like them a bit more, but their current livery just doesn't work for me.

If Honda had a bit more structure to their livery, then it would look pretty good.

Renault doesn't look that great... Makes me want to see Mild Seven back in the game.

Ferrari was better than last years. The barcode works better than the black dots on the White rectangle, but it still would look better with the word "Marlboro" their instead.

Spyker have got the colours right, but just need a better livery structure. The rest are pretty good.

25th March 2007, 11:10
ferrari is ugly???????? i find the f2007 the sexiest ferrari ever..!!!
a red ferrari origin.!! and the bar code is looking very nice this year on that all red car!
ugliest out there is Honda for sure

Garry Walker
25th March 2007, 17:52
I hate the way Toyota looks. Renault is actually quite interesting and nice.

Big Ben
26th March 2007, 19:33
BMW and Toyota... the most boring liveries. Ferrari has the ugliest car... I hate those mirrors and the nose. But then again... ugly and fast... so who gives a s###?

26th March 2007, 22:53
I think they all look pretty much like each other these days, and with the addition of so many add-on aero parts I'd say all of them are ugly.

27th March 2007, 01:11
The Ferrari and the Renault have the nicest bodywork, too bad about the new livery on the Renaults...I don't know if it's so bad but compared to the Blue/Yellow it just does not cut it.

Ugliest car: Honda. Ugly from any angle and that's before the put the "swamp" on the body. What's with the black 'space' at the back?? What were they smoking??

27th March 2007, 03:47
i don't see what so many of you have against honda's new livery. it's a change from just pasting up a title sponsor's colors with a bunch of brand-names strewn about. i like it.

toyota's is ugliest. how long has it been since they changed/updated it?

27th March 2007, 04:11
Renault isnīt that bad... but itīs still a bad livery. Yellow + orange is OK, but yellow + orange + white + blue is a mess.

But there are worse things. I havenīt seen them live, and I hope people who say they look better when youīre in forn of them are right, because the ugliest cars of 2007 are the McLarens. Seen on TV theyīre a grey thing with a red (and horrible) spot on them.

Toyota, Red Bull and BMW may be dull, Renault messy, Honda strange, Spyker, Super Aguri, Toro Rosso and Ferrari OK and Williams really good. But for an ugly car, look at McLaren.

27th March 2007, 05:45
My picks
The best:

The worse:
None of them, but if I have to pick it might go to STR, Redbull, and Honda, as opposed to BAR Honda that in my opinion they were one of the best looking car.

just Fine
Spyker, Toyota, Renault, Super Aguri

Thought I will conclude this survey in more readable following form as of my pick posted, including mine. This of course very much depends on my perception reading your posts that I found some still in doubt about decision, like wording 'buts' and 'ifs' tend to have negative perception, in this case means worse :)

The best chassis/livery (indicated by one of words: awful, love, growing, ok, fine, best)
Ferrari= 10
Renault= 7
Spyker= 5
Honda= 5
McLaren, Williams, BMW = 3
Aguri= 2
STR= 1

The worst chassis/livery (indicated by one of words: ugliest, horrible, boring, dull, messy, and strange)
Honda= 17
Toyota= 15
Renault= 12
Ferrari= 4
Spyker, McLaren= 3
BMW= 2
Redbull= 2
Aguri, STR= 1

27th March 2007, 11:03
Renault. Yuck !

Brown, Jon Brow
27th March 2007, 12:14
Renault is my favourite, closely followed by Williams.

Toyota and Ferrari are the worst, and Honda's doesn't work.

27th March 2007, 18:43
For me there are no ugly cars, because IMO colours in this world are not meant to be hated. :) I even can't recall any car, whose livery I couldn't stand. Some colours may not suit together, but for me there isn't such intolerable option at the moment. As long as all the cars are different and can be separated from each other, then it's OK for me (for example in the early 80s McLaren and Alfa Romeo and in the late 80s/early 90s Ferrari and Dallara needed a close look not to disarray them).

27th March 2007, 21:08
I'm unsure whether it's a simple bodywork update that is to blame, or simply the odd splodge of Vodafone red that's creating any kind of illusion, but the 2007 McLarens certainly don't look as, well, clunky to me as their equivalents from '06. Just my quirky observation, I suppose. :\

Erm, other than that I'd give a positive vote to the aesthetic appeal of them all. Diplomatic of me, I know. :|

28th March 2007, 00:39
Toyota`s livery always been boring and this years F1 ain`t exception.

Valve Bounce
28th March 2007, 13:29
This one; no question: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_Multipla

28th March 2007, 21:41
This one; no question: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_Multipla

:laugh: Good one! :up:

Especially as the title of the thread and also the introductive post of the thread does not indicate that we should talk only about F1. ;)

29th March 2007, 08:32
This one; no question: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fiat_Multipla

I like your thinking VB, but it doesn't look like that now ;)

http://www.fiat.co.uk/cgi-bin/pbrand.dll/FIAT_UK/carconfig/carconfig.jsp?BV_SessionID=@@@@1308036901.11751526 52@@@@&BV_EngineID=cccfaddkiegdmjfcefecejgdfiidgnk.0&modelKey=0061

30th March 2007, 23:31
I miss Eddie Jordan!

12th April 2007, 19:07
I think TOYOTA, is boring. I love Honda and McLaren. Renault i donīt know.

13th April 2007, 04:34
I hate the Honda livery. I like the Renault livery better now than when I first saw it.

13th April 2007, 08:17
give me a break :P

13th April 2007, 18:03
I agree with CarlMetro, they're all ugly. Take the flips, flaps, spoilers, and other aero crap off them...have a single plane front and rear wing....now let's see what they look like. The current configurations make them look more like insects than sexy race cars.

13th April 2007, 22:59
Renault... looks like what in the garbage can of a teen house party :/:

14th April 2007, 23:21
Renault, without question. I can only assume that the livery design was done by someone who was color blind.

15th April 2007, 04:39
why is everyone hating on the renault livery. I like it. Perhaps it is a good number of peole who are color blind and can't distinguish between the yellow and orange. I personally like it. It is distinctive, creative, very lively and well recognizable. It isn't like the inside-out twins of Williams and BMW, or Super Aguri and Toyota, or Red Bull and Torro Rossi.

The ugliest hands down is the Honda livery.
The green comes off terrible, the black back portion looks awful and plain. Just a completel lack of creativity on their part. I could have designed a better concept to celebrate/honor the planet and environmental awareness

15th April 2007, 08:57
Luckely, the updated Honda looks a lot better.