View Full Version : Wyedean Forest Rally

17th January 2012, 20:46
Hi , First post here .

I photograph alot of circuit racing but never done a rally, am looking at going to the Wyedean Rally thats coming up, how do you go about finding out the route of the course or spectator areas?

17th January 2012, 20:59
Welcome to the site :)

The Wyedean is a brilliant rally and spectator info is on the rally website a few days before giving the locations of the car parks and stage times. Then its just a case of turning up early and going for a stroll down the stage to find a good spot. Of course if you get to know people they will email you maps of the stage layouts :)

The entry list is looking good already, though im not convinced that the Landy Discovery is WRC spec ;)


17th January 2012, 22:43
thanks, it says on the site that details will be released a couple days before the rally.

Might have to organise a weekend away with the missus with the "oh, look at that there appears to be a rally on!" :p

25th January 2012, 21:42
It's a great rally in a great area, really friendly/easy going marshalls and usually a decent entry list. There are spectator car parks (details and OS references provide on the website) but other than that you generally get a good chance to watch anywhere (as long as it's reasonably safe). As far as first rallies go, you probably couldn't have picked a better one. Lots of others (like the Somerset Stages) can be really limited in terms of information, mainly because they don't want too many people trampling the areas that the stages are in. Hope you enjoy it :up:

26th January 2012, 10:14
that cannot be the SEEDED entry list,its got to be as entered,otherwise what are Charlie Payne ,and Theo Bengry doing so low down the list.AND Pete Smith said he was doing the event,but cannot see his entry

26th January 2012, 13:05
that cannot be the SEEDED entry list,its got to be as entered,otherwise what are Charlie Payne ,and Theo Bengry doing so low down the list.AND Pete Smith said he was doing the event,but cannot see his entry

Theo Bengry is often quite far down the lists these days I think. But no it's not seeded, hence why number 1 is an MGZR ;) Think it's just up in order that the entries were received.

26th January 2012, 19:27
:laugh: Deffo not seeded!

Unless im being blind I cant see David Wright and his anti-lag tastic evo on that list which is a shame.

26th January 2012, 20:20
Still torn about going to this one. Exeter City are playing Sheffield Wednesday on that day and the last time they came down to Exeter we beat them 5-1...on the other hand the Wyedean is my favourite rally of the year, I don't fancy the expensive Sunseeker, will only make the morning of the Somerset Stages and can't see myself going to many other rallies this year :(

27th January 2012, 07:05
Well im hearing rumors that theres no racecourse stage this year. That Speechouse is a route not used in 25 years. And that a 2ndWelsh stage not used for years will make an appearence. So will that be Trellech common.
As said above, for a 1st rall its one of the best, with easy accsess to the stages. Easy to jump from one stage to another, and see the top boys 4 times. Or just as nice to stay put, and see 2 compleate runs of the stages. Each side of lunch. Mabe recomened Serridge, as it is being used twice again. BUt you could easily cross the road and walk into Speechouse, which is one of my faviouts.
I also belive that entrys are up to 160 at the moment, and i belive a full house of 180 is expected. It will be a cracker.
Just rember that the Silverstar championship (1.4L 2 wheel drive) run at the head of the field. The WRC cars and quick boys come after. With an half hour gap in between, so dont leave and miss them.

28th January 2012, 18:18
We always do Serridge twice now as the entry is always so big, there is only usually a short wait till the second run. Turns out though that ive got to be in Clevedon by 6.30pm on the day of the rally, so plans might change depending on the stage order etc :rolleyes:

6th February 2012, 09:41
Maps availble on the website now

........Team GMF Wyedean Forest Rally........ (http://www.wyedeanrally.com/)

306 Cosworth
6th February 2012, 18:33
Stage maps/spectator car parks/full seeded entry now available on the Wyedean rally website.

........Team GMF Wyedean Forest Rally........ (http://www.wyedeanrally.com)

I'll be there filming the event as part of our coverage, of the Get Connected REIS BTRDA Rally Championship.

7th February 2012, 21:02
If someone going for Wyedean Forest Rally from London and have one place free in car... maybe I could join. I'm offer good company and money :) (share costs - fuel or any other). Please let me know via e-mail [email:38kpijrd]lukasz.mikulski@gmail.com[/email:38kpijrd]

7th February 2012, 21:10
If someone going for Wyedean Forest Rally from London and have one place free in car... maybe I could join. I'm offer good company and money :) (share costs - fuel or any other). Please let me know via e-mail [email:1gc8tr04]lukasz.mikulski@gmail.com[/email:1gc8tr04]

8th February 2012, 17:46
What an amazing entry list, cant wait for Saturday :D

8th February 2012, 18:25
Does anyone here know what the Trellech Common stage is like?

8th February 2012, 20:35
Does anyone here know what the Trellech Common stage is like?

Which one's that? Chepstow Park?

Been trying to work out if we can make 4 stages this year, starting with Sallowvallets, then Speech House, Chepstow Park and Serridge 2. Think we might drop Chepstow from that because it's an arse ache travelling down and then back up...otoh an extra stage would be nice :D

8th February 2012, 22:00
Which one's that? Chepstow Park?

Been trying to work out if we can make 4 stages this year, starting with Sallowvallets, then Speech House, Chepstow Park and Serridge 2. Think we might drop Chepstow from that because it's an arse ache travelling down and then back up...otoh an extra stage would be nice :D

Trellech is a separate stage, although it's non-spectator so it's not on the website. Hasn't been used for years so I have no idea what it's like.

Sallowvallets / Speech House / Mailscot (or Trellech depending on what the stage is like) is probably our plan. Sick to death of Serridge so avoiding that at all costs.

8th February 2012, 22:08
Can't wait to spectate this again, but it won't be the same without that Peugeot Cosworth at full throttle being heard throughout the whole of the Forest of Dean...

8th February 2012, 22:10
Trellech is a separate stage, although it's non-spectator so it's not on the website. Hasn't been used for years so I have no idea what it's like.

Sallowvallets / Speech House / Mailscot (or Trellech depending on what the stage is like) is probably our plan. Sick to death of Serridge so avoiding that at all costs.

The only map i can find of Trellech common,

8th February 2012, 22:34
Cheers, I've got the stage map - but there's only so much that and google earth can show you...

9th February 2012, 16:45
According to Steve Perez its going to be full on snow. Hope I can actually get there to watch!

9th February 2012, 17:08
Not so sure it'll be full snow, there's a lot of snow forecast for overnight tonight but not sure how much of it will be left by Saturday morning. At one point earlier the BBC were forecasting 2 to 4 inches for E. Devon, but they scaled that back and now I'm not sure we'll get any down here.

Getting to the forests should be alright, me and the old man managed a couple of years back, despite the M5 being down to 1 lane in a lot of places and the radio urging people not to travel except in an emergency (first gravel of the year is pretty important IMO ;) )

Be nice to have a bit laying though, although it can go one of two ways. One year it snowed and was really interesting, but another they scraped it back and it was one of the most boring rallies I've ever been to.

9th February 2012, 21:13
Well its raing in Abergavenny at the momement, 25 miles away.
Thinking there will be a cover of snow on the stages, but will freeze hard Friday night, going to be slippery.

10th February 2012, 15:13
Are the two Peugeot 107s on entrylist fitted with original engine(Toyota 3-cyl.)or another engine :confused:

10th February 2012, 15:21
Are the two Peugeot 107s on entrylist fitted with original engine(Toyota 3-cyl.)or another engine :confused:

Given the class they are running in the 2 cars will have their standard engines. From my understanding of RF1.0 is it almost just a standard car with the necessary safety modifications.

10th February 2012, 16:41
Thanks Rsmith ;)

10th February 2012, 18:15
Link for online results?

10th February 2012, 18:37
Link for online results?

Results - Main Index (http://www.btrdarallyresults.co.uk/results/?e=130)


Getting well excited now, still not sure what stages we'll be heading to...although we've decided definitely not to do Chepstow Park, even though it would fit quite nicely in a 4 stage day.

10th February 2012, 19:54
Deffently doing Speechouse in the morning.
Not sure about afternoon. May try Chepstow park, then Serridge 2.
Just spoke to a mate who lives in the forrest. Snow only on the high sections, but a lot of sheet ice in the carparks, and stages.


10th February 2012, 20:58
Deffently doing Speechouse in the morning.
Not sure about afternoon. May try Chepstow park, then Serridge 2.
Just spoke to a mate who lives in the forrest. Snow only on the high sections, but a lot of sheet ice in the carparks, and stages.


Chepstow is such a dog leg to get back to in the middle of the day. I'm tempted to do Sallowvallets, Speech House, Mailscot and Serridge, although Serridge might be pushing it a bit so will depend on how good a spot we find in Mailscot.

10th February 2012, 21:07
Might do Sallowvallets 1 then Serridge 2, but wont be doing any chasing about, we will see how things are when we get there.

Have a good day all :cool: :cool:

11th February 2012, 08:32
Tom Cave in a Mitsubishi GrN :confused: His DS3 isn't ready yet ???

11th February 2012, 14:50
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/p480x480/418281_10150594626168686_755793685_8913561_1127473 9_n.jpg

Photo by JMvideo

Perez went off. Cutting a bit too much :o :p

11th February 2012, 17:25
Well just back in from one of the slippiesrt rallies ive ever been on. Walked about 2 miles of Speechouse, and it was inch thick sheet ice. Cars sliding off at 20 mph. Also some great car control.
Julian Wilks got his 1400cc Nova into 3rd overall, go's to show how slippery the conditions were.
Post my video later, but i got borred watching it lol

11th February 2012, 21:23
Well done by Shaun Gardener, second overall. He is still doing some good results in his old Evo 5 Gr. A.

11th February 2012, 23:56
Amazed that Wilkes got to 3rd o/a, you'd have thought that the 4WD stuff would be king. Couldn't believe it when I checked my phone after the first stage and found out that he'd been so far up. Also hats off to the other 1400 boys that were up near the top (think it was Ash Slights and Dave Bennett...also Justin someone was putting in some solid times).

Not a great day stages wise, made a cock up on the timing leaving the first stage and turned up 10 minutes late for Speech House. Also managed to forget lunch so lost some time finding something to eat and gave Mailscot a miss too.

Hideous conditions for the drivers, some of the 2wd stuff just couldn't find any traction, there was one 1400 Focus that I reckon I could have run along side for a bit (like people do at the Tour De France). The spot we watched at Serridge 2 was also nasty, plenty of drivers locking up on the ice or having tame spins. I quite like the ice though, it makes you look at drivers in a different way, for example a Daihatsu Sirion (or something like that) was one of the most impressive cars of the day because he was throwing it about and controlling it well, that wouldn't necessarily have stood out under normal conditions.

12th February 2012, 09:20
Here's a couple of pics from a very tricky Wyedean..




Still absolutely amazed at Julian Wilkes' 3rd overall in a 1.4 Nova! Astounding.

12th February 2012, 10:55
Great photos there. Yep a day where the top boys had to many horses under the bonnet

12th February 2012, 13:22
Tom Cave in a Mitsubishi GrN :confused: His DS3 isn't ready yet ???

I suspect that he's running the Evo in the BTRDA Championship and the DS3 in the British Rally Championship.

Nice pics Fly_Half, makes me wish I'd found a sunny spot as it really makes them 'pop'. My photos are just uploading to Flickr, probably shoulod have done another run through to cut out a few more of the crap ones before unleashing them on my ****ty internet connection!

12th February 2012, 14:36
I said to my boss on Friday that someone in a Nova could do something amazing this weekend and he just laughed... how wrong was he :D

We were at a 90 left in Serridge with some people really attacking it and others crawling past in what was bloody difficult conditions! Steve Perez was bloody quick, while Dave Wright spun and stalled in front of us (pics to follow) before pulling away very slowly once he had been pushed out! In the afternoon we watched from a long up hill left hander not long after the start, which was alright with some nice, big power slides!

I dont really understand why people wanted snow and ice, it just turned it into a bit of a lottery (no offence to those who finished) and it was much fun watching people go so slowly. Anyway pics to follow in the next couple days!

12th February 2012, 15:18
Here's a few of what I managed to get, spent most of the day going for slow shutter speed stuff, which meant an awful lot of crap photos. Pleased with these ones though.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7182/6862344193_21d23e2dfa_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrjanyeo/6862344193/)
IMG_4060 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrjanyeo/6862344193/) by Jan Yeo (http://www.flickr.com/people/mrjanyeo/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7200/6859388883_35eb6a114e_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrjanyeo/6859388883/)
IMG_3898 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrjanyeo/6859388883/) by Jan Yeo (http://www.flickr.com/people/mrjanyeo/), on Flickr

Quite chuffed with this last one because the lower end of the 1400s probably weren't doing much around 20mph as it was out of a hairpin, was down to 1/40th of a second to get the blurring
http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7192/6858558465_edf646d033_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrjanyeo/6858558465/)
IMG_3709 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrjanyeo/6858558465/) by Jan Yeo (http://www.flickr.com/people/mrjanyeo/), on Flickr

12th February 2012, 15:42
Hey Jan the Yellow Peugeot 107 is not a 1400 but a 998cc car! and was driven by my 18 year old son Harry on his first ever forest rally. Great Photo :s mokin:

Harry finished 1st in RF1000 class and the Junior RF class. If you could kindly email some Hi Res versions we may use them in a press release to the motorsport press.

Check out Harrys facebook page Harry Threlfall Rallying | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/Harrythrelfallrallying)



12th February 2012, 16:01
Hey Jan the Yellow Peugeot 107 is not a 1400 but a 998cc car! and was driven by my 18 year old son Harry on his first ever forest rally. Great Photo :s mokin:

Harry finished 1st in RF1000 class and the Junior RF class. If you could kindly email some Hi Res versions we may use them in a press release to the motorsport press.

Check out Harrys facebook page Harry Threlfall Rallying | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/Harrythrelfallrallying)



No worries, PM me an e-mail address and I'll send it across. Sadly don't think I managed to get any others, or anything at Brean the other week.

He must have been well chuffed just to get to the end of the event though, let alone first in class.

12th February 2012, 17:16
I enjoyed the event, but I say that as a speccy.
If it had been a full snow event then at least knobbly forest tyres would provide some grip. However, sheet ice, and no studded tyres means no grip.
One question, how many drivers in all honesty, really enjoyed the event? Also, I don't blame people for pulling out, there wasn't a lot to be gained from slipping & sliding through the stages, with little traction. Not my idea of fun.
Have to once agree with others about the speccies in Speech House; standing in stupid places, turning up late and standing right in front of others trying to take photos......

12th February 2012, 17:48
[quote="MrJan"]Here's a few of what I managed to get, spent most of the day going for slow shutter speed stuff, which meant an awful lot of crap photos. Pleased with these ones though.

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7182/6862344193_21d23e2dfa_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrjanyeo/6862344193/)
IMG_4060 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrjanyeo/6862344193/) by Jan Yeo (http://www.flickr.com/people/mrjanyeo/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7200/6859388883_35eb6a114e_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrjanyeo/6859388883/)
IMG_3898 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mrjanyeo/6859388883/) by Jan Yeo (http://www.flickr.com/people/mrjanyeo/), on Flickr

Quite chuffed with this last one because the lower end of the 1400s probably weren't doing much around 20mph as it was out of a hairpin, was down to 1/40th of a second to get the blurring[quote="MrJan"]

Now them 2 photos are awsome, that Sirieon was well on it past us. And that 2nd shot, fantastic.
Best photo i seen so far.


12th February 2012, 20:51
I suspect that he's running the Evo in the BTRDA Championship and the DS3 in the British Rally Championship.

Nice pics Fly_Half, makes me wish I'd found a sunny spot as it really makes them 'pop'. My photos are just uploading to Flickr, probably shoulod have done another run through to cut out a few more of the crap ones before unleashing them on my ****ty internet connection!
DS3 is not available yet. Debut maybe in Sunseeker and otherwise for sure in Bulldog rally.

He was planning to do this event in his Impreza till the engine wouldn't run and hired last minute a Evo IX from Barry Clark Motorsport.



12th February 2012, 21:09
Great video, at 4.34 I was stood next to you guys :)

13th February 2012, 20:40
Some of my pics...

David Wright spinning

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7186/6864920031_433d1d33e4_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/allyc85/6864920031/)
Wyedean 2012 Serridge 1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/allyc85/6864920031/) by Allyc85 (http://www.flickr.com/people/allyc85/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7063/6864925623_6cfe07ba6b_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/allyc85/6864925623/)
Wyedean 2012 Serridge 1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/allyc85/6864925623/) by Allyc85 (http://www.flickr.com/people/allyc85/), on Flickr

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7070/6864929961_12574f01c1_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/allyc85/6864929961/)
Wyedean 2012 Serridge 1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/allyc85/6864929961/) by Allyc85 (http://www.flickr.com/people/allyc85/), on Flickr

My new desktop, Steve Perez pushing on!

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7188/6864887155_4837c32d02_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/allyc85/6864887155/)
Wyedean 2012 Serridge 1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/allyc85/6864887155/) by Allyc85 (http://www.flickr.com/people/allyc85/), on Flickr

And a very unusual Volvo!

http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7060/6864735701_e55563f0fa_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/allyc85/6864735701/)
Wyedean 2012 Serridge 1 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/allyc85/6864735701/) by Allyc85 (http://www.flickr.com/people/allyc85/), on Flickr

The rest be here Wyedean Rally 2012 - a set on Flickr (http://www.flickr.com/photos/allyc85/sets/72157629289883191/)