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16th January 2012, 15:33
Ugh. This is cold, even for these parts :s

Calgary, Alberta - 7 Day Forecast - Environment Canada (http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/city/pages/ab-52_metric_e.html)

I'm looking increasingly forward to our upcoming holiday in Cancun... :mark:

Hope you're all cozier than here.

16th January 2012, 15:48
Toque and Stanfield's weather for sure .
And , for sure , that damned Alberta Nipper is coming my way .

Could you , by chance , give it directions towards Churchill , could you ?

We were -16deg the night before last . That's almost cold enough .

16th January 2012, 15:57
Winter here too, but not so bad:

Tampere - Paikallissää - Ilmatieteen laitos (http://ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/saa/Tampere)

donKey jote
16th January 2012, 17:47
A balmy -2°C this morning in Hannover, the first day this Winter with frosty windscreens in the morning :dozey:
Wetterstation Hannover-Flughafen - Vorhersage (http://wetterstationen.meteomedia.de/station=103380&wahl=vorhersage)

16th January 2012, 17:58
no winter here, temps above 0 and rain. :(

The unusual warm "winter" or rather lack of winter have been causing allot of problems for the ice-racing sport.
Warm weather means that there have been hard to find tracks that have a proper ice.
The Swedish championship is supposed to be held the upcoming weekend but judging by weather forecasts
who knows if they will be able to do any racing.

donKey jote
16th January 2012, 18:16
The unusual warm "winter" or rather lack of winter have been causing allot of problems for the ice-racing sport.
Warm weather means that there have been hard to find tracks that have a proper ice.

I believe you... we have the same problem for our "tyre-testing sport" in north Sweden.

17th January 2012, 14:54
-30C this morning. Probably the coldest day of the year... and the heater on this morning's bus wasn't working :mad:

race aficionado
17th January 2012, 16:16
-30C this morning. Probably the coldest day of the year... and the heater on this morning's bus wasn't working :mad:

DAG! that's cold!!!!! Or should I say: freek'n freezing!!!!!

Over here in NYC its a balmy 41 degrees.

17th January 2012, 16:25
Arrival of winter hereabouts is because I finally made the decicion not to ski at all here and bought a turbo trainer for my road bike. If i'd continue thinking about skiiing or even better, bougth some snowshoes, it'd still be +5C as it was a week ago.

17th January 2012, 18:37
Well, last night and today it finally snowed around here, would have been the first snowless winter ever in Vienna.
I love winter and snow, the only downside being having to drive to work surrounded by all the snails who should have taken the bus instead.

donKey jote
17th January 2012, 18:49
Well, last night and today it finally snowed around here, would have been the first snowless winter ever in Vienna.
I love winter and snow, the only downside being having to drive to work surrounded by all the snails who should have taken the bus instead.

My first Winter in Vienna (or Bad Vöslau to be precise) was regularly under -20C and saw snow on the roads from October to April - the first time I ever used Winter tyres (or actually found out they existed :p ).
Was a bit scary at first: when the trams zipped past you felt the air jolt the car and you had a couple of inches to them on one side and to parked cars on the other.
Best bit was cutting through the fields when you couldn't see the road anymore, or burying a mate's Corsa in snow :D
Last couple of months were a bit ****tier though: grey sludge all over the place. :s

17th January 2012, 18:59
My first Winter in Vienna (or Bad Vöslau to be precise) was regularly under -20C and saw snow on the roads from October to April - the first time I ever used Winter tyres (or actually found out they existed :p ).
Was a bit scary at first: when the trams zipped past you felt the air jolt the car and you had a couple of inches to them on one side and to parked cars on the other.
Best bit was cutting through the fields when you couldn't see the road anymore, or burying a mate's Corsa in snow :D
Last couple of months were a bit ****tier though: grey sludge all over the place. :s

Heh heh! The trams and the tram rails in winter are a 'pleasure'! :D
You had bad luck to get -20 back then, this winter -6 was the coldest in Vienna, with up to 10 degrees in December! At one point I was wondering why did I even bother to get winter tires.

Grey/black sludge is why I prefer cold and snowy winters to what we get now.

Did you take a picture of that Corsa? ;)

17th January 2012, 19:00
Its very very cold in the UK at the mo. :(

Quantify it!

17th January 2012, 19:17
I've just saw the weather forecast in Schmenke's link, thats pretty bad! What surprises me is the variations in climate, -30 then back to 0 !

It was -6 here this morning, no wind so it wasn't so bad. Not as bad as the -16 I saw last year at one point :mad:

17th January 2012, 20:11
I've just saw the weather forecast in Schmenke's link, thats pretty bad! What surprises me is the variations in climate, -30 then back to 0 ! ...

Typically caused by a weather phenomenon unique to these parts whereby a high pressure system in British Columbia is drawn towards a low pressure system in southern Alberta. As the high pressure system passes over the western side of the rocky mountains the air is forced to high altitude, compressed, then released on the leeward side causing violent winds and a significant increase in temperature. This is locally referred to as a Chinook system. I believe “Chinook” is a native term meaning “snow-eater”.
Winds with gusts of over 100kph are not uncommon during this phenomenon.

17th January 2012, 21:27
I want a Chinook.....NOW!

18th January 2012, 19:52
We're expecting 27 today - Celsius -. Looks like it will be accompanied by a hot blustery nor'wester which my vegetable garden will not appreciate.

Rudy Tamasz
23rd January 2012, 11:02
It's about -6C here and going down to -12C by the weekend. I was going to celebrate my B-Day in the countryside, but now I'm afraid guests might chicken out.

24th January 2012, 02:43

For your enjoyment! :D

race aficionado
1st February 2012, 22:19
61 degrees F in NYC - Feb 1st, and it's been balmy for a while now . . . . - go figure.

I'm not complaining.


donKey jote
1st February 2012, 22:27
Here it's gone to -10°C all of a sudden, but blue skies and sunny so I'm not complaining either :cool:

1st February 2012, 23:06
Beautiful here this week. Temps well on the happy side of freezing :) . Even got a little optimistic on the weekend and swapped the winter ti(y)res back to summers on the wife's swagger-wagon :) . ...of course, I've probably now gone and tempted Mother Nature :uhoh:

Bob Riebe
1st February 2012, 23:35
This was, or has been another miserable warm winter, with the twits, on the evening news pee and moaning about how bad last year supposedly was.
Fortunately on weath girl had the brains to say that this is not really good as the farmers have been saying this winter could really hurt then by spring, so at least a few out there that report weather actually use their brains.

2nd February 2012, 07:49
-24 degC this morning in my car. The coldest this year this far.

2nd February 2012, 09:43
My cousin who lives 150 north of Vancouver ,at Powell River has the best idea,Every November he gets his 40ft O Kanagan trailer out ,backs his 6 wheeler Volvo unit under it,then puts his Smart car across the back,and makes his way down to Yuma,for the SUN !!
And I am away from Yorkshire to winter in Warwick Australia,where today it was 28degrees Centigrade,just a tad warmer than Yorkshire !

2nd February 2012, 14:24
It's so mild here that one of the local public golf courses opened up here yesterday.
It's the first time ever that a course has opened up around here during mid-winter :mark: .

2nd February 2012, 15:04
It's so mild here that one of the local public golf courses opened up here yesterday.
It's the first time ever that a course has opened up around here during mid-winter :mark: .
That's because you've sent the cold air here :mad: I met some magpies. They said they're going back to Canada.

3rd February 2012, 14:11
kvikkjokk-Årren (http://g.co/maps/78kt6) had -40,2 the past night.

3rd February 2012, 19:57

How not to drive in winter, highway crash near Helsinki today.

donKey jote
3rd February 2012, 20:01
voi vittu !

3rd February 2012, 20:13
How not to drive in winter, highway crash near Helsinki today.
Yes, they said on the news that while the visibility was 8 meters, some people drove 120 km/h.

donKey jote
3rd February 2012, 20:17

3rd February 2012, 21:43
Yes, they said on the news that while the visibility was 8 meters, some people drove 120 km/h.

At worst, the visibility was at some point even less than 8 meters. Personally, I have not driven as poor conditions ever in my life that it was today. Luckily, I didn't crash.

3rd February 2012, 21:56
Laws of nature beat even the best drivers and the best cars at some point. The best drivers know beforehand where that point is.

4th February 2012, 07:10
I didn't know about the really bad weather because I didn't have time to check le internet before leaving work. I began to think something was wrong when I stood on my normal bus stop for 25 minutes until I realized that bus route wasn't working at all. I walked back to Kehä3 and took the first bus that took me to the right direction. Later i checked the public transport company's web site and they had so many cancelled departures they didn't bother singling them out.

Today weather seems to be okay. just too cold, only question is will my car start after not being used for two weeks. :p

4th February 2012, 09:25
-25 C in Tallinn at the moment. Despite central heating it has been getting cold in the room too now, my fingers are freezing. :)

5th February 2012, 09:55
Kåttjokk, which is just south of Arjeplog (http://g.co/maps/hm74q) had -48,7 on Saturday morning.


Kan bli nytt köldrekord | Nyheter | Aftonbladet (http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article14318508.ab)

donKey jote
5th February 2012, 16:58
A balmy -8°C in Hannover today :bandit:


5th February 2012, 17:45
A barmy -22°C in hangover this morning.

6th February 2012, 21:32

It was +12 C. with bright sunshine on Saturday afternoon. My kids were in t-shirts riding their bikes :) .
Today was -6 and snowing :mark: .

20th February 2012, 15:17
Does anyone need a used driver's licence, I should give away my own and ditch driving alltogether. I got stuck in my parking lot today, the first time I've been stuck since 1998 with a car I've driven. And only 15cm of packed snow in the ground. Bloody useless.

race aficionado
20th February 2012, 17:24
We will be averaging 45-55 degrees this week on NYC. Our extended Fall continues......

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Garry Walker
20th February 2012, 17:29
I got stuck in my parking lot today, the first time I've been stuck since 1998 with a car I've driven. And only 15cm of packed snow in the ground. Bloody useless.
Are you sure you aren't this person?
Swedish man Peter Skyllberg survives in frozen car for two months by eating handfuls of snow | Mail Online (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2103339/Swedish-man-Peter-Skyllberg-survives-frozen-car-months-eating-handfuls-snow.html)

20th February 2012, 23:02
I am fed up with winter already :( But meant to be getting milder here as the week goes on :D

20th February 2012, 23:32
I am fed up with winter already :( But meant to be getting milder here as the week goes on :D

The temperatures dont really bother me, its the fact that its dark at 5pm, by the time you finish work (depending on shift patterns of course) you cant do anything on a night time. This is getting really old for me!

21st February 2012, 15:39
It's well above freezing during the day and so far there have only been two snows of any kind this winter. They were both pretty fierce, but only lasted a few hours.

Most of the winter has been dry enough to bike to work.

21st February 2012, 15:51
Still unseasonably mild here, although I just blissfully missed a week of winter chasing the kids on a beach in Cancun! :D

21st February 2012, 18:32
I heard mentioned that yesterday the capital area here reached last years record snow height, the difference being that last year permanent snow came mid November, this winter it was mid January.

21st February 2012, 21:43
And today it all got wet and heavy. Great for the roofs around :mark:

donKey jote
1st March 2012, 21:26
all "geared" up for a weekend in the snow and today it went and rained :s
You can even see the zebra crossing :crazy:
Arvidsjaur kommun Webcam (http://www1.arvidsjaur.se/kamera.html)

I hope the lake hasn't melted :eek:

race aficionado
2nd March 2012, 01:29
No Winter has arrived here yet . . . dang! it's March 1st and I haven't had a chance to throw a slusher on my son's face/ *slusher for the neophytes is a wet mushy snow ball.

The only snow that has fallen on this end of the pond happened on Halloween, yes, Halloween, where no snow had arrived before . . .

. . . and then it was scared away by some freaky goblin.

Global warming I tell you!!!! :hot:

I would appreciate a big snow storm before Spring comes upon us. It's unfair for all the children that that are dying to use their snow sleds and for us dads that want to sling some mean snow balls.


:s mokin:

2nd March 2012, 14:57
It’s been a relatively mild, dry winter here too.
I had swapped the ti(y)res on the swagger-wagon from winters to all-seasons back in late January, and only swapped them again this past weekend due to the ~5cm of snow that recently fell. I’d swap back to the all seasons again if it wasn’t for the complete lack of city snow clearing in residential areas :mark: .

Forecast for the next few days is above zero temps.

Hopefully this bodes well for an early attempt at chasing little white balls amidst the tall grass :D

donKey jote
2nd March 2012, 19:33
all "geared" up for a weekend in the snow and today it went and rained :s
You can even see the zebra crossing :crazy:
Arvidsjaur kommun Webcam (http://www1.arvidsjaur.se/kamera.html)

I hope the lake hasn't melted :eek:

cancelled :(
just went over the lake and the snow is all gone, sorry Tiff !
Twitter (http://twitter.com/#!/tiff_tv)

2nd March 2012, 20:59
Starting to get lighter in the evenings and now only three weeks until the clocks spring forward :bounce:

Been reasonably warm the last couple of days here but about to get cooler again with some snow over the hills :(

2nd March 2012, 22:26
It's raining at the moment, but should change to ice sometime tonight. I see the fog is starting to close in.

3rd March 2012, 09:53
It's raining at the moment, but should change to ice sometime tonight. I see the fog is starting to close in.


race aficionado
17th March 2012, 18:40
Winter? What winter??

Spring has sprung, flowers are starting to bloom, leaves are popping out and the meteorologists are left with all these broken "heat records" that happened in this unusual winter in NYC.

And out I go to enjoy the weather and the views.

:s mokin:

donKey jote
17th March 2012, 18:58
I'm just back from a very green Texas :crazy:

donKey jote
22nd March 2012, 21:00
Changed back onto Summer tyres yesterday... about a month earlier than normal :)

22nd March 2012, 21:08
Will likely do the same in the next few days.
We had a bit of snow today but no real accumulation.

donKey jote
22nd March 2012, 21:23
We had 16° and sun today... warmer than a lot of summer days :eek: :p
Meanwhile, it's been snowing in much of Spain :laugh:

race aficionado
22nd March 2012, 21:36
We had 16° and sun today... warmer than a lot of summer days :eek:
Meanwhile, it's been snowing in much of Spain :laugh:

it's global warming I tell you! :o

Best part on this end is that the young muchachas are coming out showing off their beautifulness and I'm like a burrito in the spring. Very contento !!! You can relate Donks. :hot:

i may be married but I aint blind.

:s mokin:

22nd March 2012, 21:39
It's 24° now, but only because it started raining. Been in the high 20s for a week now. I dug the summer wheels out of storage two weeks ago.

23rd March 2012, 08:47
We had 16° and sun today... warmer than a lot of summer days :eek: :p
Meanwhile, it's been snowing in much of Spain :laugh:

Snow in Spain grows only on the plow.

4th April 2012, 14:48
Just swapped the tires on the swagger-wagon and now the forecast is for 10cm of the white stuff :s

Calgary, Alberta - 7 Day Forecast - Environment Canada (http://www.weatheroffice.gc.ca/city/pages/ab-52_metric_e.html)

Meanwhile I have to get the camper trailer out of storage for some spring maintenance. This is spring, right? :s

4th April 2012, 14:57
We had some new snow here as well. Boo, snow!! :arrows:

donKey jote
4th April 2012, 16:50
Forecast for tomorrow: rain all over Spain and snow in the Madrid mountains.

The Semana Santa processions are in danger of being cancelled again, like in 2011.

Good! Means they won't wake me up at 7:00am on Friday :p

race aficionado
20th December 2012, 04:14
Back to our good old Winter! thread, how is it around your neighborhood?
This is what we are going through in NY this week.



race aficionado
20th December 2012, 04:17

double pix post -

20th December 2012, 07:53
Northern Moldova covered by snow with many villages isolated for days.
Orange code of snow and snow storms in the south-east.
Last week we "enjoyed" a minimum of -31C ( -17C in Bucharest during night ).

Hope that my gas heating system will finally become functional.
Otherwise I have all chances that next morning to be found "with clenched teeth".

20th December 2012, 15:19


20th December 2012, 18:53
Here it is 6ºC and windy, they reckon it feels like -1ºC so not much of a winter weather for many of you... :D

20th December 2012, 22:11
Here it is 6ºC and windy, they reckon it feels like -1ºC so not much of a winter weather for many of you... :D

That's short-sleeve weather in July :D

28th December 2012, 17:57
Its about 18 C here in Phoenix. You should come down for the winter. Lots of Canadians including ourselves do. It really breaks up the Canadian winters.

donKey jote
28th December 2012, 19:09
Sunny T-shirt weather in Daimiel (http://www.google.com/search?q=39.0692%2C-3.6127&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:de:IE-SearchBox&ie=&oe=) today, :D
although the locals were all wandering around as if it were Winter :laugh: :bandit:

28th December 2012, 20:29
we had som snow during x-mas but the forecast for the nearest couple of days are temps above 0 and rain. :(
We received maybe some 20cm, on top of the 20cm we already had, during the night between x-mas eve and the x-mas day.

So i spent some 30-40 min with the snow blower (http://www.snoslunga.nu/cms/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/partner-psb270-325.jpg) and the snow shovels to clear the snow from the road and the parking area.

28th December 2012, 21:45
It is a little on the cool side for SD. High 64F down to 47F over night ;) :cool:

28th December 2012, 21:57

Kind of cloudy but still better than it is for most

29th December 2012, 08:02
With about 40-60 cm of snow around these parts, snow shoeing has been the the best way to move around the local forests. Tomorrow I might go again to make some biking trails accessible. The goal is to start commuting once week through the woods on my mountain bike again.

race aficionado
29th December 2012, 19:29
Our first official winter snow in NYC.
Not much and it will melt right away.

30th December 2012, 00:34

Looks like the summer temperatures around here! ;)

race aficionado
30th December 2012, 00:59
Looks like the summer temperatures around here! ;)

We want our snow - we had no snow last winter (only in Halloween and that is not considered Winter)
So yes, we want it colder and white.

31st December 2012, 15:26
At my age, winter.....SUCKS. Leaving for two weeks in Mexico in 31 days.... Usually winter is pretty much over or what is left is at least tolerable by the time we get back.

My wife has been trying to get me t omove south for years. It's sounding better and better every year.

Rudy Tamasz
3rd January 2013, 06:59
I am less than happy with the current winter. It seems that it started and ended in December. Initially the temperature went below zero, then we had huge snowfalls, then it became pretty cold, down to 15 degrees below zero Centigrade. But then it became warmer and all we have now are piles of melting dirty snow. Not really the right thing for the New Year and Christmas.

3rd January 2013, 08:06
Nice winter in Sanremo so far, sunshine and + 15...unfortunately I must go back to cold Denmark in a few days :(

Rudy Tamasz
3rd January 2013, 11:38
And I also had a plan of erecting a huge snowman in my yard. I figured that a massive snowman weighing some 200 kilograms covered with ice would survive at least till May. Alas, I was away from home during snowfalls and my plan didn't work. Villeicht das nachste zeit, I mean, maybe next time.

3rd January 2013, 12:25
I'm finally happy that all the snow has melted and all streets are dry. I hate winter, snow and humidity in general from the bottom of my heart.
I hate all those conationals who want a white winter in our city and I secretly pray that they'll break their as*es on the ice.

3rd January 2013, 13:28
34 degrees! It never gets to that in summer here! (Race: I'm surprised at you using strange outdated measurement systems ;) )

Pretty mild here recently for the time of year 11 degrees at the moment, been out walking and cycling instead of the usual staying indoors!

3rd January 2013, 14:47
Our cold snap has finally ended and about time too. The family was starting to get cabin-fever :s . About +5 here today, and ~0 deg. forecast for the next few days. Mind you, the warm temps are typically accompanied by high winds and headaches :s

3rd January 2013, 17:29
It was around 29 (-2) this morning when I rode to work. Then walked about two miles after a tire went flat. It was faster than trying to fix it in the cold, but as I've got lunch plans I'll have to repair it after five (1700 for the sticklers). :(

After seeing cross country skiers in the parks around Quebec I'd like to give it a try along the lake, but there's still not enough snow. Maybe when I go to Michigan in a few weeks for the first rally of the year...

donKey jote
4th January 2013, 22:48
a tire went flat
again? :crazy:
methinks you need foam rc tire (http://www.motorsportforums.com/chit-chat/156730-foam-rc-tire.html) :eek: :andrea:

donKey jote
4th January 2013, 22:52
Back in Hannover now, similar temperatures to Madrid at ~10°C, but back to 150 shades of grey skies for a while I guess :dozey:

race aficionado
4th January 2013, 22:54
Yes but it's going to be hot again this weekend with la liga back in business. :)

6th January 2013, 05:15
again? :crazy:
methinks you need foam rc tire (http://www.motorsportforums.com/chit-chat/156730-foam-rc-tire.html) :eek: :andrea:
I found a piece of glass embedded in the tread. It looked fine when it's fixed and inflated, then pokes a new hole when I actually put weight on it riding.

6th January 2013, 09:44
Same here the other day. Thankfully I found the glass before patching the tube.

6th January 2013, 16:16
What is this 'winter' you all speak of?

6th January 2013, 16:42
What is this 'winter' you all speak of?
:s ailor: snap for the win!!! ;)


6th January 2013, 18:52
What is this 'winter' you all speak of?
It's the best time of of the year so far. ;)

Today hour and a half on snowshoeing around the local woods, temps at -5C, only little wind. Snow was packed hard so no pushing through soft stuff. Great fun.

6th January 2013, 20:41
It's below freezing but still dry around Chicago. I did put in a good 15 miles riding to a wheel construction class and back, though. It took two sweaters and two pairs of wool socks, but it was very comfortable once I got moving.

7th January 2013, 06:49
What is this 'winter' you all speak of?

As a schoolboy of the 4th grade who has to do a composition would say:

Winter is a dreadful old lady with iron teeth. She use to drizzle clouds of snow and to send us siberian frost. As a result the traffic is messed up, the bills for gas and electicity may cause nightmares and our as*es are in danger to be broked.

snap for the win!!!

Selfish b******!
Do you know how we feel when our a**es are freezing?

Woke up and saw a brand new snow layer. Has a skate until getting to work....
-9 C degrees forecasted for tonight.....

7th January 2013, 12:08
I want a Chinook.....NOW!

7th January 2013, 17:52
As a schoolboy of the 4th grade who has to do a composition would say:

Winter is a dreadful old lady with iron teeth. She use to drizzle clouds of snow and to send us siberian frost. As a result the traffic is messed up, the bills for gas and electicity may cause nightmares and our as*es are in danger to be broked.

Selfish b******!
Do you know how we feel when our a**es are freezing?

Woke up and saw a brand new snow layer. Has a skate until getting to work....
-9 C degrees forecasted for tonight.....Why yes I do!!!! :) I used to do quite a bit of snow camping, and I remember one trip pulling into the mountain town of Idyllwild, Ca. at 10 am and it was 20F ~ -7C at the 5000 ft altitude. It was blowing really hard and this does not include the wind chill factor. It was so windy on assent we never would have made it without the use of Gripons as the snow on the trails was as hard and slick as ice. We found a reasonably well sheltered place to camp at about 8.500 ft where my thermometer read an overnight low of 2F ~ -17C. I froze my ass off breaking camp and getting on my way, however we made the summit that afternoon (just under 11,000 ft) around 1pm, then hiked down to the aerial tramway for the decent. I remember it being a really fun adventure.
BTW you have to stop cursing. You know what it does when you talk dirty to me, no? :facelick:

8th January 2013, 08:02
Why yes I do!!!! :) BTW you have to stop cursing. You know what it does when you talk dirty to me, no? :facelick:
In real life I have a strange ( and probably insane ) feeling that I annoy everybody. Now it happens even on the forum. Thanks for your contribution to my sentiment of guilt. ;(
I'll try to be the ever polite person I used to be.

Back to winter: Moldova is again under snow storms:
Viscolul a pus stapanire pe sosele: Zeci de drumuri au fost blocate noaptea trecuta a1.ro (http://a1.ro/news/social/viscolul-a-pus-stapanire-pe-sosele-zeci-de-drumuri-au-fost-blocate-noaptea-trecuta.html)

Just got an e-mail with pics of terrible russian winters. Makes me realise I have no reason to complain.

8th January 2013, 14:56
The schmenke family will have a short reprieve from enduring our winter at the end of March as we’ve just booked a holiday to Mexico :bounce:

race aficionado
8th January 2013, 17:40
And nice weather.
Good for you.

8th January 2013, 18:16
In real life I have a strange ( and probably insane ) feeling that I annoy everybody. Now it happens even on the forum. Thanks for your contribution to my sentiment of guilt. ;(
Sorry if you misunderstood my rather weak attempt at humor. I meant ...well… that dirty talk from Romanian Foxes is a turn-on.:


[quote="schmenke"] The schmenke family will have a short reprieve from enduring our winter at the end of March as we&#8217]

Mexico by James Taylor - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1z7-PCTmTE) ;)

8th January 2013, 18:50
It was -4ºC when I went to work today and it is 1ºC now, it has been a rather foggy and unpleasant day. So far no traces of snow around here and since it is not that common for it to be annoying I really want some snow this winter.

9th January 2013, 07:43
Sorry if you misunderstood my rather weak attempt at humor. I meant ...well… that dirty talk from Romanian Foxes is a turn-on.

"La tía Julia y el escribidor" - Chapter I. Do you remember? :laugh: :laugh:

[quote="schmenke"]The schmenke family will have a short reprieve from enduring our winter at the end of March as we&#8217]
I envy you. I'd like a holiday in a sunny place.

About -7C this morning. "Cried" all the way to work.

9th January 2013, 09:43
"La tía Julia y el escribidor" - Chapter I. Do you remember? :laugh: :laugh:.

"Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps."

About -7C this morning. "Cried" all the way to work.

"What's gone and what's past help
Should be past grief."

The Winter's Tale

9th January 2013, 10:12
Well, around here (SE England) the brass monkeys have had a reprieve this week but I think the weather gods are getting their breath back before they hit us with the next nasty.

9th January 2013, 10:33
Doc, if we have to "fight" in quatations then read the page no 7, first paragraph:
( couldn't find an English version )

9th January 2013, 10:57
Doc, if we have to "fight" in quatations then read the page no 7, first paragraph:
( couldn't find an English version )

there is nothing either good or
bad, but thinking makes it so.

9th January 2013, 11:35
To end up until we kill the others of boredom:

The rest is silence.

9th January 2013, 12:26
Orleans: 'Give the devil his due.'

Henry IV Part 1

9th January 2013, 12:31
Now seriously, it's time to come back to "the winter of our discontent". :devil:

9th January 2013, 12:45
"the winter of our discontent".
Your favorite author :devil: ;)

Now seriously, it's time to come back to "the winter of our discontent". :devil:
OK back to the weather:

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, whose scientists have tracked American weather trends for 118 years, said in its annual report that last year's national average temperature of 55.32 degrees was a full degree warmer than the old all-time record set in 1998. Climate changes are usually measured in tenths of a degree or even smaller, so the difference of a full degree between the two records is extraordinary, the climate scientists said.

2012 was hottest year on record - SFGate (http://www.sfgate.com/science/article/2012-was-hottest-year-on-record-4177995.php#ixzz2HTuO77Gz)]

9th January 2013, 12:56
Your favorite author :devil: ;)

Not really. It was more of a:

Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this son of York;
And all the clouds that low'r'd upon our house
In the deep bosom of the ocean buried.

Richard The Third Act 1, scene 1, 1–4

Back to the weather: it's sunny now but a sun with teeth.

9th January 2013, 15:58
Good work, you caught me napping (I know how fond you are of Hemmingway ;) )
Try to stay warm, and I mean it!!

9th January 2013, 18:49
Winter , we haven't had one around here in a number of years .

In the early nineties , we arrived in a snowstorm .
Somewhere around ninety-eight or so(it's all a blur now) , we had constant snow about a foot or two a day from Christmas through New Years .
I remember pitching my kid into a seven foot drift right outside my front door on the main street , and having him tunnel out at my feet .

We made an annual trip down to Tucson for the gem show at that time , and I remember calling home in ninety-one or two and finding the temperature was -40C .
It was a cool 74F there at the time , being winter and all , and boy , were they freaked out when they started to understand that the scales meet at -40degrees .

But , that was then , and it's almost 5C here now on the ninth of January .
The inch or two of snow we do have will all be gone soon at this temperature .

Meanwhile , we had one of , if not the worst droughts on record this past year in our area .

Winter , I'm waiting .
Send me some .

9th January 2013, 20:10
+6 here today with a forecast high tomorrow of -16! :crazy:

10th January 2013, 07:32
Good work, you caught me napping (I know how fond you are of Hemmingway ;) )

Ţţţţţ......Such a mistake from a refined reader like you...
( I mean "winter of our discontent" is by John Steinbeck :p )

-11C this morning ( -15 outside the city ). Almost had a fall - Ibrahimovic style ( overhead bicycle kick ) although it's dry.

10th January 2013, 21:37
Ţţţţţ......Such a mistake from a refined reader like you...
( I mean "winter of our discontent" is by John Steinbeck :p )

-11C this morning ( -15 outside the city ). Almost had a fall - Ibrahimovic style ( overhead bicycle kick ) although it's dry.
Ouch, major brain-fade by yours truly. Stay warm Gadji.

11th January 2013, 08:11
It rained all night and the water has frozen. The city is a natural rink.
It's a miracle I got to work on my feet.

donKey jote
11th January 2013, 17:55
at last -1°C and a bit of snow again :D

11th January 2013, 20:42
I had a thin layer of ice on my car this morning, so cold.

Poor car.

12th January 2013, 08:07
When I left home it was dry, when I left the subway entrance it was raining, now I look through the window and can't see anything because it's snowing. And I'm not dressed properly...

donKey jote
12th January 2013, 09:18
beautiful day today... dry crisp -2, not a cloud in the sky, and a light dusting of the white stuff :bandit:

12th January 2013, 16:54
15cm of snow and -10.
Good thing for the Donkinentals :p :

13th January 2013, 01:30
Some snow forecast here on Monday but probably not so much. I am praying for lots of thick heavy snow for as long as possible but will probably be disappointed :(

13th January 2013, 11:28
Nothing to do with the weather. A couple of days ago we had some sunshine. I looked out of the window and on the roof of a neighbour's shed there was a fox enjoying the sunshine. Needless to say, I couldn't find a camera!

13th January 2013, 12:23
Nothing to do with the weather. A couple of days ago we had some sunshine. I looked out of the window and on the roof of a neighbour's shed there was a fox enjoying the sunshine. Needless to say, I couldn't find a camera!

And you don't have a smart phone or a tablet?

13th January 2013, 12:48
Still haven't touched or driven over snow this winter :( A few quick drops at night but all has melted before noon. Quite unusual but it has its good sides too.

13th January 2013, 13:55
The snow is just history now here .
It rained all day yesterday , with 10C temperatures .

We should be sitting under at least a few feet of snow , and experiencing -20C on the thermometer .

I cringe when I hear people speak about how great it is to have spring so early .

Is there anyone out there who is getting even close to having what would be a normal winter season ?

13th January 2013, 14:20

Vantaa - Paikallissää - Ilmatieteen laitos (http://ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/saa/vantaa)
About 40cm of snow on the ground here.

N. Jones
13th January 2013, 14:33
Winter, don't I wish. This is the second year in a row where Chicago see no snow and temperatures stay well above freezing.

I hate it! :mad:

13th January 2013, 18:31
Winter, don't I wish. This is the second year in a row where Chicago see no snow and temperatures stay well above freezing.

I hate it! :mad:

Wasn't global warming just a myth?

14th January 2013, 16:00
Is there anyone out there who is getting even close to having what would be a normal winter season ?

I think we're pretty close to norrmal here. First significant snowfall (about 20cm) came a little earlier than normal (mid November). Since then it's been a couple of cm's here & there every few days.

We almost had a blizzard this weekend. There are official minimum requirements for a blizzard (minimums for snowfall, wind speed and duration of that wind) over here. We missed the minimum wind duration criteria by 9 minutes. Spent most of saturday morning & afternoon shovelling mine & my moms driveways. Yesterday afternoon was spent making a big snow heap with my younger son, in preparation of digging a quinzy.

So it's been pretty close to normal here, except that we haven't had any days (that I can remember) where temps. have plummeted below -30C (pretty close a few times though). But the forecast is for -28 later this week so.....

15th January 2013, 13:32
I think we're pretty close to norrmal here. First significant snowfall (about 20cm) came a little earlier than normal (mid November). Since then it's been a couple of cm's here & there every few days.

We almost had a blizzard this weekend. There are official minimum requirements for a blizzard (minimums for snowfall, wind speed and duration of that wind) over here. We missed the minimum wind duration criteria by 9 minutes. Spent most of saturday morning & afternoon shovelling mine & my moms driveways. Yesterday afternoon was spent making a big snow heap with my younger son, in preparation of digging a quinzy.

So it's been pretty close to normal here, except that we haven't had any days (that I can remember) where temps. have plummeted below -30C (pretty close a few times though). But the forecast is for -28 later this week so.....

A "quinzy" , eh ?
You're digging up Jack Klugman ?

My quagmire driveway just froze up again as we're sitting on -2.9C , but there's not a flake of snow to be seen . It's wierd .

If you could let that almost blizzard know we'd love to host an event , I would be grateful .

15th January 2013, 14:26
A "quinzy" , eh ?
You're digging up Jack Klugman ?

My quagmire driveway just froze up again as we're sitting on -2.9C , but there's not a flake of snow to be seen . It's wierd .

If you could let that almost blizzard know we'd love to host an event , I would be grateful .

Yes, a quinzy. My son and I look like quite The Odd Couple when we're out in the snow digging around.
I'll do my best with the blizzard - how about, I'll keep the snow and you can have the -30C ???

15th January 2013, 14:37
Similar to Firstgear we’ve had pretty much steady snow since early November. In fact, Nakiska opened for business in mid-October, the earliest ever.

Another ~5cm yesterday to add to our already hazardous streets. Mind you, forecast high for the next couple of days is on the happy side of zero, so it’ll get pretty sloppy :s

15th January 2013, 14:42
Wednesday and Thursday is forecast for max -2C both days. While this is nowt compared to some of you, its somewhat unusual for daytime temps to stay below zero all day here.

15th January 2013, 15:52
Shouldn't have gone outside, my fingers hurt now :(

donKey jote
15th January 2013, 17:43
dry roads and -8°C this morning in Hannover, up to a balmy -3 during the day :bandit:

15th January 2013, 22:26
It snowed on Monday here and it reminded me how crap the Viennese are at driving on anything but dry pavement. They were all doing 30 km/h when 50 would have been just fine. The good part was that there were no parking restriction due to the snow fall.

16th January 2013, 08:03
Forecast for +9C today. I remember that last year this time we thought we fooled the winter and then after 20 Jan. we faced a terrible weather.
Seems that the history is repeating.

16th January 2013, 09:02
-8C here, that's too cold :(

16th January 2013, 09:33

- 11 and sunshine, love it :p :

16th January 2013, 09:38
Finally!!!! The sun has risen even on my street!

16th January 2013, 18:40
Heavy snowfall is expected for tomorrow around here. I'll have to leave 1 hour earlier to make it in time to work while taking care of all those snails who should have left their cars parked at home.

16th January 2013, 23:17
Well I put my winter tyres back on last weekend after seeing the forecast and have to say that I'm extremely impressed by them :up: There has only been a few cm of snow here but it was coming down on Monday as I was driving to work and I had great pleasure overtaking a multitude of cars who were crawling along at 20-40mph on gritted main roads. It was just starting to lie so looked white but nothing to worry about. Obviously some other drivers must have thought I was driving really nicely so were flashing, waving and tooting as I passed them :D :up:

17th January 2013, 07:36
I'll have to leave 1 hour earlier to make it in time to work while taking care of all those snails who should have left their cars parked at home.

I bet you're one of those annoying drivers who think the roads were built only for them.
You're probably driving close behind "the snails" and send them nervous light signals with the headlights. If you still lived here you'd even honk impatiently....

+7 for today. Associated with a british fog that makes imposible to see the horrible building across the plaza.

17th January 2013, 14:44
+9 today! Will have to switch on the AC :s hock: :p :

17th January 2013, 16:44
it is +8 here, it is colder than Canada!!!!!!!!!! :D

donKey jote
17th January 2013, 17:01
-2 here, colder than León !!!!!! :D

17th January 2013, 18:25
-23 here, colder than Leon & Canada !!!!! :D

17th January 2013, 18:45
You polar bears... :p

17th January 2013, 22:43
20 centimeters of snow today here. Took some time finding the car tonight as it was all covered up, then removing the snow before driving it home.
And for once the radio did their job well, with them telling everyone to leave their cars home as by 7:00 AM there were already plenty of accidents reported, and somehow people listened and very few were driving at 08:00 when I left home.

17th January 2013, 22:46
I bet you're one of those annoying drivers who think the roads were built only for them.
You're probably driving close behind "the snails" and send them nervous light signals with the headlights. If you still lived here you'd even honk impatiently....

Yep I'm one of those who do not turn of their brain when getting behind the wheel, nor do I start texting as soon as I get in the car.
Luckily we have lights and horns though otherwise I don't know how I could wake up some of the somnambulists on the street in order to save their lives and mine.

17th January 2013, 22:51
On Tuesday I watched BBC weather and they said Friday would see snow in the UK. So they said keep in touch with the forecast.

I live in Chelmsford in the south east and on Wednesday they said it would snow quite heavily here, then Thursday morning they said there would be little snow. By lunch time we were getting snow again on Friday afternoon, now in the evening they say heavy snow by 10am.

Keeping in touch with the forecast leads me to think they haven't a clue. :eek:

They could have just said, "hey theres snow around, will you get any? How the hell should we know. Look out the window that day". :rolleyes:

18th January 2013, 06:52
Yep I'm one of those who do not turn of their brain when getting behind the wheel, nor do I start texting as soon as I get in the car.
Luckily we have lights and horns though otherwise I don't know how I could wake up some of the somnambulists on the street in order to save their lives and mine.

Hey! You forgot to mention those annoying pedestrians who don't move fast enough when they cross the street. I also bet that on your way you don't miss any puddle just to apply them the wet correction they deserve.

18th January 2013, 07:09
Don't know how many degrees were this morning but it's raining and the wind is blowing strongly. For the first time I'm happy with the extra kilos I put on this Christmas. They prevented me from flying without wings.

However I ended up with a scattered hair that made me look scary ( I think so because 2 different hounds of stray dogs barked at me ).

18th January 2013, 08:31
Well I live right in the red warning zone apparently and woke up this morning to about 15cm of snow. That's pretty bad for the UK and work is cancelled today. Happy days :)

For only 15 cm?!!!!???!

18th January 2013, 11:11
For only 15 cm?!!!!???!

My thoughts exactly. A little snow and entire Britain (except maybe Scotland) goes http://hfboards.hockeysfuture.com/images/smilies/scare.gif
Perhaps it's time that they realize that they are in Northern Europe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Europe) and not at the Mediterranean. ;) :p

18th January 2013, 11:21
My thoughts exactly. A little snow and entire Britain (except maybe Scotland) goes http://hfboards.hockeysfuture.com/images/smilies/scare.gif
Perhaps it's time that they realize that they are in Northern Europe (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Europe) and not at the Mediterranean. ;) :p

Surrounded by sea - that means most years we only have 3 -4 days of snowfall in populated areas (no one lives on top of Scafell Pike or Snowden). Our government and infrastructure managers therefore deem it not cost effective to have comprehensive contingencies in place. Which means that there is little snow clearance from roads, de-icing can be slow to mobilise and very few members of the population have spikes for their shoes. So for the first day of any snow period the country is alway caught by surprise - we have learned to mistrust weather forecasts.

18th January 2013, 11:28
I want snow dammit! London keeping everything to themselves as usual. :p :

18th January 2013, 11:55
. So for the first day of any snow period the country is alway caught by surprise - we have learned to mistrust weather forecasts.

Our authorities always say they were "caught by surprise" although it's a fact that our winters are tough and a lot of public money goes to snow clearance companies.
Our president is famous for his deep dicton from the times he was Mayor of Bucharest and was, of course, "caught by surprise": "Winter is not like summer".

18th January 2013, 14:44
Well I live right in the red warning zone apparently and woke up this morning to about 15cm of snow. That's pretty bad for the UK and work is cancelled today. Happy days :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I love those kinds of days - and on a friday too! You go outside and shovel some snow in the fresh, crisp air. Then go back inside and just relax, because all the roads are closed so you can't go anywhere.
Your maternity wards will be busier than usual 9 months from now. :p :

18th January 2013, 20:24
It's been pretty cold for two days now and forecast for tomorrow morning promises -27C, that's a bit too cold for me to go outside. :(

18th January 2013, 21:27
Hey! You forgot to mention those annoying pedestrians who don't move fast enough when they cross the street. I also bet that on your way you don't miss any puddle just to apply them the wet correction they deserve.

There's no puddles around here and also people are civilized enough to take care of pedestrians.

18th January 2013, 21:30
To be fair you'd have to nuts to try and drive here today. The roads aren't clear and trying to descent 1300 feet down mountain roads to work is just not something I wish to try. That may seem weak to people who live in countries used to this sort of weather but I don't see the point in risking my life for the sake of a 5 hour shift.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

25 centimeters of snow around here today, a beauty all is white and silent right now outside.
By now you've got it, I love a snowy winter, my favorite season since I was a kid growing up in the mountains!

19th January 2013, 08:14
..... and also people are civilized enough to take care of pedestrians.

I was talking about you....

Snowing this morning but fortunately it stopped. Warm enough to melt quickly.

19th January 2013, 16:10
To be fair I agree with Henners, I went out for a play in the snow yesterday, but I went out at lunchtime when there was no traffic about on the moors. Anyway there wasn't 15cm of snow.....

19th January 2013, 21:55

- 11 and sunshine, love it :p :

Were you out with Arturo again? :p

Our little one got her first taste of snow yesterday :)


19th January 2013, 21:58
Well I put my winter tyres back on last weekend after seeing the forecast and have to say that I'm extremely impressed by them There has only been a few cm of snow here but it was coming down on Monday as I was driving to work and I had great pleasure overtaking a multitude of cars who were crawling along at 20-40mph on gritted main roads. It was just starting to lie so looked white but nothing to worry about. Obviously some other drivers must have thought I was driving really nicely so were flashing, waving and tooting as I passed them :D :up:

They were just congratulating you on your car control :)

My Panda was also fantastic in the snow too :p


19th January 2013, 22:08
You weren't driving in South Wales on Tuesday were you lol? I was in a slow moving line of traffic on a dual carriageway on my way to work on Tuesday morning when a guy in a Volvo decided to overtake in the lane that hadn't been used. As he passed our cars he covered us in snow and grit and made it momentarily very hazardous for everyone involved. It must have been great for him though. Unfortunately he wasn't dying in a mangled wreck further up the road no matter how much I crossed my fingers lol. If I had the spare cash I'd invest in winter tyres for piece of mind. I drove my bosses Audi A8 last year fitted with winter tyres and it certainly makes you feel like you have more grip. :)

Obviously someone shouldn't overtake you like that and shower you with crap, but it does illustrate the difference!

I know I've talked about this before but it really isn't that much of an outlay, yes you have to pay for tyres, but it just means your tyres last twice as long. There is the cost of wheels, but they will have a value when you sell them on anyway :) Because your summer tyres wear more in winter, you may actually find that your tyre bill gets cheaper as your summers will last more miles if they're only used when the weather is warm enough for them to work. That's what I've found with our 500.

I got a Panda 4x4 a few months ago and I put my winter tyres on that and went up for a play on the moors yesterday. I only saw one non-4x4 attempt it and that was a little Fiat Cinquecento and she turned back after a few hundred metres. My tyres are going through their 4th winter now and are past their best yet still did a really good job. I'm selling my Panda soon so will either sell the wheels with the car and keep the Panda's alloys, or run the winters on the 500 after the winter and wear them out so I can fit new winters next winter. Haven't regretted it for a moment.

20th January 2013, 09:44
I know it's different for you guys but I really did laugh at that picture henners88, that's how mine looks pretty much every morning and afternoon at work so far this winter. ;)

20th January 2013, 09:52
Henners, with winter tyres your car would be moving :)

20th January 2013, 10:08
Well the coldest I have ever experienced was when we were taking the ExToivonen escort (NUG) across to Finland to do the Hankki rally .We arrived at the dockside at Stockholm to catch the Sylja line coat to Helsinki,and the sea was frozen thick,it was only when I work half way through the night that we were not travelling through thick ice .It was minus 40 with a wind factor that made it feel colder.When we got to Helsinki,Harri T took us to Kometa to get the tyres,and also to Ari,s own garage too .I have some winter tyres for my Fiesta they are Colway remoulds,with a very chunky tread and are 135 x14 ,as narrow tyres cut through the snow and ice ,whereas wide tyres slide about on top of the snow polishing the surface,so do what the Finns do get very narrow tyres ,like the Finns use on snow rallies ,to cut through the snow and ice

20th January 2013, 10:10
You use them for 4months a year anyway :) When your wife can go out shooing or whatever she wants to do regardless of the weather then she won't care :)

donKey jote
20th January 2013, 10:18
I have nice wide 235x18 winter tyres on my Smax so I can also get a decent drive when not on a snow rally in Finland. ;) :p
No spikes either. :)

20th January 2013, 12:45
Slippery street becomes internet hit | Anglia - ITV News (http://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2013-01-18/slippery-street-becomes-internet-hit/) [attachment=1:3pwisl8j]icon_evil2.gif[/attachment:3pwisl8j]

20th January 2013, 16:22
I have nice wide 235x18 winter tyres on my Smax so I can also get a decent drive when not on a snow rally in Finland. ;) :p
No spikes either. :)

Which Finish rally have you done on studded tyres don ?
A GOOD driver can get a decent if not an exceptional drive on ANY tyres,and good drivers don't need Winter tyres either,because their car control is second to non!
Do truck drivers and coach drivers need winter tyres ?

20th January 2013, 16:50
Rofl, you're trying to teach him about tyres? Interesting :)

donKey jote
21st January 2013, 05:58
Which Finish rally have you done on studded tyres don ?
None, precisely the point. 99% of the time you won't need to
do what the Finns do get very narrow tyres ,like the Finns use on snow rallies ,to cut through the snow and ice. A tyre that cuts through ice?!? Finns also like studs (the only thing which will give you a decent ride on ice, no matter how GOOD a driver you are ;) ), but studs aren't allowed on our roads.

A GOOD driver can get a decent if not an exceptional drive on ANY tyres,and good drivers don't need Winter tyres either,because their car control is second to non!
A GOOD driver knows what tyres he should use. :)

Do truck drivers and coach drivers need winter tyres ?
Nobody needs Winter tyres. Chains or staying home like Henners are always excellent alternatives for those cases where even the BEST of drivers would run out of grip (and car control).

21st January 2013, 15:18
-12 and still no snow. Stupid city. At least my car is warm in its garage until I head off to this year's first Rally on Thursday. I do hope there's some snow there!

donKey jote
21st January 2013, 16:55
On my way to work:

At work:

And back home:

great fun! :D
... and I can get some practice in before flying up to Lappland again on Friday :p

21st January 2013, 17:16
Can't wait for Michigan. The whole state's a peninsula and it usually gets plenty of snow from lakes Michigan and Superior.

21st January 2013, 19:54
Laugh away :)
I'm quite proud to say we don't get weather like this often yet we seem to be known for our bad weather? As has been said before on here, your local authorities probably cope better than ours with conditions like this and you probably don't have summer tyres on your cars during the winter. When we get weather like this everything tends to grind to a halt. It doesn't matter how deep the snow is if you're not prepared its bad whatever.

It was the same in sunny France, everyone came to work with their cars, then during the day it snowed some 3 centimeters and they all chose to go home by bus and left their cars there, I couldn't understand how can they be so afraid of 3 centimeters of snow. In the end all you need is to drive stable trajectories with stable and well suited speed. No heavy foot for gas pedal nor for the brakes (use engine braking / downshifting instead). Also no sudden jerking of the steering wheel, and that's pretty much all you need to know.

21st January 2013, 19:55
I was talking about you....

Me too. :D

21st January 2013, 19:56
Were you out with Arturo again? :p

Our little one got her first taste of snow yesterday :)


Why do you keep a squirrel on leash?

21st January 2013, 20:10
I'm fine driving in snow usually it's just I don't trust a particular road I have to use which is full of idiots at the best of times. It's also incredibly steep and has lorry escape lanes towards the bottom. They closed it Friday so I wouldn't have been able to use it anyway. I got to work fine this morning even if the snow is almost completely gone in Cardiff but still a good 10cm where I live. It's deeper than we usually get but we have ice most of the winter so conditions are often tricky.

You're decidedly better then those French I was mentioning above. ;)

21st January 2013, 21:24
On my way to work:

great fun! :D .. and I can get some practice in before flying up to Lappland again on Friday :p

Where is this? Finland?

donKey jote
21st January 2013, 21:31
Where is this? Finland?
No, the pics are Germany (Hannover and Jeversen) :p

Swedish Lapland for the weekend :)

21st January 2013, 21:31
Why do you keep a squirrel on leash?
Don't always keep her on a leash :p

donKey jote
21st January 2013, 21:34
Fenton !!! :D

21st January 2013, 22:53
No, the pics are Germany (Hannover and Jeversen) :p

Swedish Lapland for the weekend :)

Oki. The white house looks like a typical Nordic family house. So I thought it was Finland or Sweden first. :p :

22nd January 2013, 06:59
Me too. :D
Aha! You're the exception that proves the rule. ;)

+12C for today. Perfect weather for virosis.

22nd January 2013, 07:51
It snowed, it snowed... It won't last but here's what this morning looked like: 3082

22nd January 2013, 07:52
It snowed, it snowed... It won't last but here's what this morning looked like:


22nd January 2013, 11:01
It snowed, it snowed... It won't last but here's what this morning looked like:


your link does not work.

22nd January 2013, 12:02
your link does not work.

Oooops, let's see if it works now:


22nd January 2013, 13:56
Oooops, let's see if it works now:


It does. :up:

race aficionado
22nd January 2013, 14:46
It's starting to feel like winter today....


22nd January 2013, 15:27
19 degrees. That's summer :D

race aficionado
22nd January 2013, 16:47
Well, I went out and my face froze.

Definitely not summer.

22nd January 2013, 16:57
-16C (or 2F) at the moment. Still no snow. Tomorrow it should be all the way up to -2 and I'll feel comfortable commuting on the bike again.

Dave B
22nd January 2013, 18:38
My car isn't going anywhere lol.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Seriously? My car looked like that this morning and took about 5 minutes to completely clear - and I mean "completely", not a small gap in the windscreen like some bell-ends I've seen over the last few days.

22nd January 2013, 20:47
Aha! You're the exception that proves the rule. ;)

+12C for today. Perfect weather for virosis.

Take care, stay at home, don't take the public transportation, we do not want to lose your input around here.

22nd January 2013, 20:51
Well, I went out and my face froze.

Definitely not summer.

Weichei! :p

(In literal translation it means 'soft egg').

22nd January 2013, 20:54
-10 C to -15 C announced for the week end, without snow fall though which makes it really crap.

22nd January 2013, 20:56
Yeah seriously.

It looked a little worse this morning but I managed to get to work in 1hr 20 mins. We were told to go home by mid day but the main roads had been cleared anyway. I got my car stuck when I stopped at traffic lights at 6am this morning and had to dig it out. The chap I picked up had to walk for 20 mins to meet me as the hill up to his house was totally blocked. I shall be working from home tomorrow as it really was a struggle to get in and was silly to risk it at certain points.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Looks like a really nice winter! Enjoy it, it might be a once in a lifetime experience in the UK, something you will be able to tell to your grand kids 50 years from now!

race aficionado
22nd January 2013, 23:03
Weichei! :p

(In literal translation it means 'soft egg').

I'm no soft egg . . . :mad:

Remember us gringos do Fahrenheit, not Celcius.

So my 19 degree Fahrenheit is your very cold -7.222222222 degrees Celsius.

That would freeze your face!

:s mokin:

22nd January 2013, 23:21
Joan, of the last 4 winters we've had this 3 times :)

23rd January 2013, 07:00
We were told to go home by mid day ....

Merciful heaven! Once I dared to say to the manager of our department that it's already 19.00, it's dark and it's a terrible snow storm outside so it's time to go home.
And she replied that I have a communist mentality... :confused:

23rd January 2013, 07:03
of the last 4 winters we've had this 3 times :)

Start spreading the news
I am leaving today
I want to be a part of it
UK, UK....
la, la, la, la......

23rd January 2013, 07:44
I'm no soft egg . . . :mad:

That would freeze your face!

Can't see the connection between egg and face...
Either I'm dumb or I have again dirty thoughts ( shall I say I prefer the former option ?) .

23rd January 2013, 09:05

Never heard of it.

race aficionado
23rd January 2013, 12:10
Farenheit! Gesundheit!


23rd January 2013, 14:46
-10 and light snow here today.
I'm no egg and am not freezing my face off :p : .

race aficionado
23rd January 2013, 15:12
-10 Farenheit?
That doesn't make eggs soft, it makes them very very small.

23rd January 2013, 15:40
I don't think Canadians believe in Fahrenheit.
That said it's 14F (-10C) this morning with a thin dusty snow falling that will cover nothing at all.

23rd January 2013, 18:07
I don't think Canadians believe in Fahrenheit....

Correct. -10 Celcius here today, although the forecast for tomorrow is a balmy +1. The eggs may expand a bit... :erm:

23rd January 2013, 18:21
Ain't global warming wonderful? :)

Really glad I don't live in North Dakota, Minnesota or most of Canada this time of year. You guys stay home, have a hot chocolate (with a little drop of something good in it) and prop your feet up by the fireplace.

23rd January 2013, 18:26
Joan, of the last 4 winters we've had this 3 times :)

You're luckier then we are in Austria. :(

23rd January 2013, 18:30
I'm no soft egg . . . :mad:

Remember us gringos do Fahrenheit, not Celcius.

So my 19 degree Fahrenheit is your very cold -7.222222222 degrees Celsius.

That would freeze your face!

:s mokin:

C'mon, we all know that human body has a temperature of approx. 36 C, no way -7.222222222 would freeze your face.
It's between -20 and -25 C that exhaled vapor will start frozing on your beard, moustache, eye brows and hair, and at -35 C it does so very fast (been there done that).

race aficionado
23rd January 2013, 18:58
Oh come on!
I was born in what is called "the city of eternal spring"
Anything below very very cold freezes my face.

So sue me!

23rd January 2013, 19:17
Oh come on!
I was born in what is called "the city of eternal spring"
Anything below very very cold freezes my face.

So sue me!

Last time I checked suing and egg was not possible! :p

24th January 2013, 09:52
The weather in Chester-le-Street and Stockton has been fine. However I have to drive past Bowburn to get here and the weather there is always horrid! This morning it was thick fog, yesterday it was a hail shower, the day before it was thick with ice.

24th January 2013, 12:59
Well it looks like all my whining about having a snowless winter has paid off .
I spent much of yesterday shovelling .

A buddy of mine said he'd come out and help me build some stairs , and we spent the time digging him out of the end of my driveway .
In the end , the mighty minivan yanked the hapless pick-up out of the drift .

We started the day somewhere around -17C after a much colder night , and moved on up to a balmy -9C mid afternoon .
I'm gonna have to lean on my neighbour to get him to blow out the drive now , though , as it's likely all filled in with what we got last night .

This is a lot more like where I live .
The snowmobilers are a happy bunch now , whereas just last week they were in real danger of slitting thier wrists , with no snow , and expensive , heavily insured machines sitting idle .

24th January 2013, 13:35
It's between -20 and -25 C that exhaled vapor will start frozing on your beard, moustache, eye brows and hair, and at -35 C it does so very fast (been there done that).

I did a whole pile of shovelling yesterday , and had significant moustach-icles at -9C when I came in from the cold .

24th January 2013, 13:37
All those who are still sighing villonian-style "Mais où sont les neiges d'antan?" are invited in my hometown as we have a weather warning of 3 days with a yellow code of strong winds, abundant snow and siberian snow storms.

24th January 2013, 15:22
Tell those sledders to "Idle No More"
Over night low of -35C here last night and only going up to -19C today. It's been a cold week. All the fluids in the cars thicken up. The seat feels like a rock ('til the car warms up), the steering feels stiff, and the suspension feels like something out of The Flintstones. It's supposed to start snowing this afternoon - and with that comes warmer weather. Single digit negatives by the weekend.

24th January 2013, 20:29
All those who are still sighing villonian-style "Mais où sont les neiges d'antan?" are invited in my hometown as we have a weather warning of 3 days with a yellow code of strong winds, abundant snow and siberian snow storms.

3 days of winter, big deal.
Back in my childhood there was snow from November to March! Those were the beautiful days!

25th January 2013, 07:03
3 days of winter, big deal.
Back in my childhood there was snow from November to March! Those were the beautiful days!

Yeah, in the brains of the mountains where you were brought up....
I'm a solar person, I'm out of order when there aren't warm sunny days and my ideal of happiness is a sunny beach.

Anyway, big "ţeapă" from the Meteo services. No snow in Bucharest but an annoying cold rain. But orange code of snow in Moldova. It's time to cut the subventions to these incompetents...

25th January 2013, 09:57
Powercut overnight and the heating went off at work. Just needs someone to switch it back on, but nobody can find the key - or rather nobody can be bothered to look for the key.

25th January 2013, 14:06
Well , I took my snowblower in for service yesterday .
I had to dig it out of the snowbank , ironically .

Nothing runs like a Deere with a drive chain that keeps jumping off , and a tire that won't hold air .
It runs nicely , but gets nowhere .

But then , a free snowblower is a free snowblower , so it's worth fixing .
I hope to be a happy non-shoveller soon .

25th January 2013, 14:09
Powercut overnight and the heating went off at work. Just needs someone to switch it back on, but nobody can find the key - or rather nobody can be bothered to look for the key.

Just make sure you have the fire near an open window , because medium density fibreboard and melamine in office desks can put out some really nasty fumes .

25th January 2013, 14:13
But orange code of snow in Moldova. ...

Orange snow may just mean they are getting far too much vitamin C in their diets .

It'd probably mean you could read the name easier , though .

donKey jote
25th January 2013, 19:06
-12 this morning in Hannover, and -12 this afternoon in Lapland :p

25th January 2013, 19:50
-12 this morning in Hannover, and -12 this afternoon in Lapland :p

Say hello to Rudi.

donKey jote
25th January 2013, 19:58
He won't be too happy... i just ate some of his kin for dinner :p

25th January 2013, 20:27
He won't be too happy... i just ate some of his kin for dinner :p

Don't tell him!

27th January 2013, 13:42
Well , I thought we were starting to have a normal winter .
It was down to -18C a couple of days ago , with two or three feet of snow .

But , tomorrow , we are supposed to be getting 5C degrees , and tuesday , we are expecting 10C and rain .

Good-bye snow .

One three-sled family nearby has told me they're selling the snowmobiles after this season .
And , I'll bet there's a bunch more thinking of doing the same around here .

27th January 2013, 15:49
-12 this morning in Hannover, and -12 this afternoon in Lapland :p
What kind of differences do you generally get between the pseudo winter tyres(one's used in central Europe) and proper winter tyres(used in Northern Europe, non studded) when they are new?

I did a test yesterday with few year's old tyres. Brake test from 50kph to standstill. First with my Civic and the Conti studless winter tyres, the car stopped in 17 meters distance. The my dad's Rav4 with Nokian somethingsomethings(pseudo winters) and braking distance was 30 meters.

I hope my dad got the hint and is looking for proper studded tyres. :)

donKey jote
27th January 2013, 18:29
What kind of differences do you generally get between the pseudo winter tyres(one's used in central Europe) and proper winter tyres(used in Northern Europe, non studded) when they are new?

I did a test yesterday with few year's old tyres. Brake test from 50kph to standstill. First with my Civic and the Conti studless winter tyres, the car stopped in 17 meters distance. The my dad's Rav4 with Nokian somethingsomethings(pseudo winters) and braking distance was 30 meters.

I hope my dad got the hint and is looking for proper studded tyres.

:eek: I hope your dad got the hint and is looking for a new car ! :p

Winter and Nordic tyres aren't all that different in snow braking (ice is another matter!). Around 5% longer stopping distance on compacted snow is normal, if you measure them on the same vehicle. ;)
Your results would be typical for summer tyres :laugh:


27th January 2013, 18:40
The test road I used is more icy than compacted snow, especially compared to that picture, Pretty similar to buss stops which get polished with all the braking and accelerating. The tyres on the SUV are pretty bad, I think they're few years older than the ones on my car. It probably affect at least 50% of difference in braking distance.

donKey jote
27th January 2013, 19:22
we just had liquid drizzle here... and it's -18 ! :crazy:

28th January 2013, 02:45
irelands just as cold

30th January 2013, 16:25
Today was probably the worst driving weather for weeks. +1C,lot of snow in the air and quite windy
Really pretty though.


30th January 2013, 17:04
Worst driving in +1 ? :laugh: Worst I've driven in was -20, with snow semi-melted-then-froze, big hard icy ruts everywhere and my cheap oil dampers were stiff as riding a chariot :eek: