View Full Version : What is wrong in the current rally forum?

Brother John
5th January 2012, 10:25
Currently, much nonsense has been written in all threads. Is that the future of rally here on the forum?
Especially many members with little posts here. Too many threads have the same issue or even have nothing to do with the current rallies in the various championships.
The entire forum will be a mess with so many irrelevant threads.
We urgently need some new moderaters.
Moderaters that use time to keep the forum clean and some that are not afraid to move or delete posts.
Maybe I can get candidate. ;)

5th January 2012, 11:03
well this thread also belongs in the forum feedback section...not here, so you are no helping yourself.

Brother John
5th January 2012, 11:28
Why should I not post this thread here? Can a forum does not look clean.
It is not to help myself.
Can you not see that many older members no longer post here?
There's too much nonsense written here?
There are too many unnecessary threads?
In my opinion there should definitely be kept clean some threads here, or are you afraid of this here?

5th January 2012, 11:30
Do you wish to be a moderator ?

Brother John
5th January 2012, 11:38
Do you wish to be a moderator ?

Yes Mark, why not. I really want to talk about this whit you. Send me an e-mail and I'll call you.

5th January 2012, 12:35
Why should I not post this thread here? Can a forum does not look clean.
It is not to help myself.
Can you not see that many older members no longer post here?
There's too much nonsense written here?
There are too many unnecessary threads?
In my opinion there should definitely be kept clean some threads here, or are you afraid of this here?

i agree in a way, but there is not much you can do, stupidity unfortunately is not done in purpose that is why its unpredictable and dangerous. It is a mental handicap people have.

by banning it its is like pushing a person in front of you because he is crippled and you want to walk faster..... would you do it ???

Brother John
5th January 2012, 12:58
i agree in a way, but there is not much you can do, stupidity unfortunately is not done in purpose that is why its unpredictable and dangerous. It is a mental handicap people have.

by banning it its is like pushing a person in front of you because he is crippled and you want to walk faster..... would you do it ???

The main point is that I can move some posts in the correct thread. My intention is not immediate Banning people here. I know that I also sometimes overcome to hard in a post, Anyone may respond there and I will respond to that post and remove it myself. Do you have ideas yourself send that to my inbox on the forum, help is always welcome N.O.T.

5th January 2012, 13:01
oh ok then, i agree that many threads get derailed from the subject.

5th January 2012, 13:02
Oh, Mark, please undo.

Brother John
5th January 2012, 13:09
Oh, Mark, please undo.

It's easy to coment before I do something like a Moderater.

5th January 2012, 16:58
wow, can we all be moderators? :) :)

In our little rally forum in USA called Rally Anarchy - Don't Panic (http://www.rallyanarchy.com) everybody is a moderator as soon as they make one post.
We have so many moderators that we need ways to distinguish them, like who outranks who if you are a "Super Moderator" and the other one is a "Mega Moderator"? So I came up with another idea (yes the make everybody a moderator was my brilliant idea) so my friend who runs the place made a little program so each time you post you're randomly a new type of moderator. This time maybe a Junior moderator, next time a Mega, next time an "Infallible Moderator"

So we're all special.

Want to be a moderator, just sign up and say hi!

One rule at that forum: you can have some silly screen name like "Subie-bugger-er" but your real full name and real location must be in the signature or under the cutsie name...

Works amazingly well.

5th January 2012, 17:11
In our little rally forum in USA called Rally Anarchy - Don't Panic (http://www.rallyanarchy.com) everybody is a moderator as soon as they make one post.
We have so many moderators that we need ways to distinguish them, like who outranks who if you are a "Super Moderator" and the other one is a "Mega Moderator"? So I came up with another idea (yes the make everybody a moderator was my brilliant idea) so my friend who runs the place made a little program so each time you post you're randomly a new type of moderator. This time maybe a Junior moderator, next time a Mega, next time an "Infallible Moderator"

So we're all special.

Want to be a moderator, just sign up and say hi!

One rule at that forum: you can have some silly screen name like "Subie-bugger-er" but your real full name and real location must be in the signature or under the cutsie name...

Works amazingly well.

I used to a moderator of one big car forum some six or seven years a go and it was horrible. I would never do it again despite rallyforum is very calm and pleasant place to stay compared to that one. I must admit one of the reasons why it was so bad was my age. I was only something like twenty and to do this a man shall have some ability to rise above which comes mostly with growing experience.

5th January 2012, 18:48
Congrats Brother John :up:
Its good to have a moderator who is a 100% rally fan!

5th January 2012, 18:59
Then things like this wont happen -
To some poor bloke who made his own blog.

5th January 2012, 20:07
To be fair that guy was using the forum to get free advertising. If it hadn't have been Christmas I'd have probably deleted the posts and banned him. But I was feeling generous ;)

5th January 2012, 21:45
To be fair that guy was using the forum to get free advertising. If it hadn't have been Christmas I'd have probably deleted the posts and banned him. But I was feeling generous ;)

Fair game :D

Coach 2
5th January 2012, 22:06
As I've mentioned before on this forum "to say the most with the fewest possible words" requires that anyone who reads what is written, try to read between the lines and understand irony.
The one who I think do this well, is NOT, though I do not always agree with him, I think I understand what HE means.
Compared with other forums, I think there is very little BS here.
But one thing I miss sometimes, as Brother John mentions, feel free to criticize what I (someone) write, but tell me (them) why.
I think many people have very strong opinions (sometimes), but justifying them with very few words.
Otherwise, I would like to thank everyone who write here, congratulations with the best rally forum I know of.

PS. Of course, I think it is a part BS on the forum, but some may think what I write is BS too.

6th January 2012, 02:20
I used to a moderator of one big car forum some six or seven years a go and it was horrible. I would never do it again despite rallyforum is very calm and pleasant place to stay compared to that one. I must admit one of the reasons why it was so bad was my age. I was only something like twenty and to do this a man shall have some ability to rise above which comes mostly with growing experience.

+1 I totally agree.

I have had similar frustrations in my "real"/forum life as well. It is very frustrating and sometimes intimidating to make your point against people you know are older than you and equally think that they are "right" and have no time for the enthusiasm of youth. Of course with age you get better at enunciating your views.

6th January 2012, 08:15
Great stuff Brother John, I know you have more time than Jonathan or I do! :up:

6th January 2012, 17:26
Welcome to the zoo, Brother John :up:

6th January 2012, 17:30
Great stuff Brother John, I know you have more time than Jonathan or I do! :up:

Quit the facebook and other nonsence, after that you get more time, and real friends ;)

Brother John
6th January 2012, 19:21
Quit the facebook and other nonsence, after that you get more time, and real friends ;)

Thank you Tomi for your reaction and i hope to see you back ain the future.

7th January 2012, 10:32
I dont know if anything is wrong!? Or maybe that it feels quite boring nowdays. And its way to technocratic...I miss the more philosofical discussions of the past.

Brother John
7th January 2012, 10:44
Most post in this thread are from another thread, I think I have to remove them.
it is better to see this as a new own topic thread!

9th January 2012, 08:37
Well, I am still here, twice everybyear at least...:-) Looking for results on Grönholm, and at times even hoping for Mäkinen to have av point or few. But I am beginning to suspect that I have missed out on something.

Probably will be going to the Swedish Rally again thisnyear though - as everybyear since 2000...

The best to you all!

Btw: am planning on regaining the BSC this year. Lastbyear the competition was a bit to tough I am afraid :/

10th January 2012, 22:37
Maybe I should start posting again and give you some moderating work Brother John !!! :D

Brother John
11th January 2012, 08:56
Maybe I should start posting again and give you some moderating work Brother John !!! :D

That can be dangerous A.F.F. :p
Wait until you're my driver during my next visit in Finland during the rally. ;)

11th January 2012, 21:36
You still have that goodybag with the eggs and stuff?? Backseat is available, Pino has the front :)

Brother John
12th January 2012, 09:51
You still have that goodybag with the eggs and stuff?? Backseat is available, Pino has the front :)

Thanks backseat is okay. yes i still have the goodybag and I can not forget the promised CDs.

12th January 2012, 09:55
Folks here probably don't know this fact about our new moderator but Brother John carries a backbag in rallyes in which he has boiled eggs, mayonese, bookseries about himself, his wife is in there... it's like that bag Hermione Granger has in Harry Potter movies/books, it contains everything. :p :