View Full Version : Whats so great about 2012?

4th January 2012, 13:12
So we are four days into 2012 and we should still at a point where the majority of us can still say its been a good year so far. We have the summer Olympics and European football championships to look forward to. A new president could be elected in the USA (good or bad I dont know?). There are going to be super heros kicking butt all over the place with new Batman and Spiderman films. We may even get to see the Hobbit released at the cinema's. You know we've all missed Frodo these last couple of years.

On a personal level I'm going to try and work really hard this year and hopefully help win back a fair few million on behalf of the British tax payer. I also plan on taking part in a cycle ride from Lands End to John O'Groats to some degree. I'm not quite sure whether I will ride part of the 900 or so mile journey or just think sod it and do it all. I have a couple of holidays planned to Ireland in a couple of months and a family trip to Center Parcs in the Summer.

All in all, I think I am going to make a real effort to make the most of 2012. What are you guys going to do? Anyone getting married, having babies, getting a divorce? Who's going travelling and who is planning on making a career change?

4th January 2012, 13:40
If this is the year of the apocalypse, maybe, given the state the world is in right now that might just be a good thing.

5th January 2012, 19:10
I better go marry a Mayan woman incase the Apocalypse is real

5th January 2012, 20:55
It's gonna be the year that Vettel again is World Champion again,and Loeb WRC champion again.When hopefully interest rates rise,when Stephen Lawrence,s parent finally get some satisfaction,,when the opponents for Obama,s presidency,are not strong enough,when I finally retire,when we finally have a deal that all party,s agree on in Afganistan,and hopefully the killing stops,as the Taliban agree to talks.I could go on but you next ....

6th January 2012, 06:14
It's gonna be the year that Vettel again is World Champion again,and Loeb WRC champion again.When hopefully interest rates rise,when Stephen Lawrence,s parent finally get some satisfaction,,when the opponents for Obama,s presidency,are not strong enough,when I finally retire,when we finally have a deal that all party,s agree on in Afganistan,and hopefully the killing stops,as the Taliban agree to talks.I could go on but you next ....

pass the bong

14th January 2012, 12:16
yet i don't have any great thing happened to me hoping for the best!

14th January 2012, 16:00
o my god that's great to here and all the best...

Bolton Midnight
3rd February 2012, 14:52
On a personal level I'm going to try and work really hard this year and hopefully help win back a fair few million on behalf of the British tax payer.

Take a massive pay cut, that'll work far better.

No point paying someone 60k a year plus extras to regain 1k tax from an ebay trader is there?

Bob Riebe
5th February 2012, 04:04
Well last year was the one hundreth anniversary of the Isle of Man TT's current form, of the time since the first Indianapolis 500 and of the John Browning Government Model so if this is the year of the end of the world as we know it- that's OK.

7th February 2012, 08:56
At last, the Sith will reveal themselves. At last, the Sith will have their revenge. :D

7th February 2012, 10:29
Take a massive pay cut, that'll work far better.

No point paying someone 60k a year plus extras to regain 1k tax from an ebay trader is there?

£1k, Pah! I dont work with such menial figures. :laugh: I do like your attempt at trolling though. :p

7th February 2012, 14:29
Well, I've already changed jobs this year and have since received another offer, so things are looking o.k. career-wise.

Looking forward to a family holiday in Cancun in a few days time.

Home renovations after that, then probably list to sell and look for a new schmenke-shack later in the year.

Them's the plans for 2012 anyways :mark: .

7th February 2012, 15:15
Well so far 2012 is looking ok for me :) .

Career wise, I've taken a significant pay cut since what I was earning this time last year, although with far less travel expense. But for the first time since 2001 I have a permanent* job, not one where my contract is due to run out by next year. So I don't have a looming deadline any more.

Personally speaking, my 7 month old daughter is keeping me busy so, happy times :)

7th February 2012, 19:16
I guess everything is going ok for me too, could be worse. I have just volunteered for redundancy in my job (it was a good offer) and should find out if I'm accepted in the next 6 weeks, so may be a big change coming up. Although saying that I have become far far too comfortable in this job and should be doing something on more money. So will have to see what happens :)

Other than that, I am trying to get fitter so I can climb Ben Nevis later in the year :s

7th February 2012, 21:24
2012 is probably the year I'm likely to step onto the mortgage treadmill. The thing is for Sydney, even a crappy house in the 'burbs will still cost half a million. Decent property in Sydney can't be had for anything less than A$750K any more.

7th February 2012, 21:30
I know but I can't tell you guys yet.

8th February 2012, 10:44
Other than that, I am trying to get fitter so I can climb Ben Nevis later in the year :s

You dont need to be fit to climb Ben Nevis. Although I would advise that you set out with plenty of time and dont plan on doing anything for a couple of days after.

8th February 2012, 11:45
For me, it's a year where I fully get over health issues from last year.


8th February 2012, 12:58
I know but I can't tell you guys yet.

Come on AFF, spill the beans! :)

8th February 2012, 13:04
You dont need to be fit to climb Ben Nevis. Although I would advise that you set out with plenty of time and dont plan on doing anything for a couple of days after.

Well I gave up when I tried last year, though to be fair a) I have next to no determination, b) I was soaked and freezing, c) visibility was about 5 metres, d) I didn't take a map, e) my feet hurt :p : and f) I have next to no determination :p :

But I will look for a weather window and give it another go :up:

8th February 2012, 13:24
The fact that you even attempted it means you have more determination than me, I have no determination whatsoever to climb Ben Nevis. A nice pint outside a pub in Fort William looking at Ben Nevis is good enough for me :D

8th February 2012, 15:54
I know but I can't tell you guys yet.

I know too but can't tell you guys :p :

8th February 2012, 16:26
Well I gave up when I tried last year, though to be fair a) I have next to no determination, b) I was soaked and freezing, c) visibility was about 5 metres, d) I didn't take a map, e) my feet hurt :p : and f) I have next to no determination :p :

But I will look for a weather window and give it another go :up:

We are slow walkers and it took 5 and a half hours to get up and 4 and a half hours to get down if thats any indication for you. If you were soaked and became cold I wouldn't have bothered attempting it in the first place. If you're cold and wet after one mile you hardly going to enjoy the next 9 on that walk plus it will be further when you take into account gradient. Great views though. :)

donKey jote
8th February 2012, 17:33
I know too but can't tell you guys :p :
AFF's missus has your pizza in the oven? :andrea: :p

8th February 2012, 19:42
...I would advise that you set out with plenty of time and dont plan on doing anything for a couple of days after.

Sounds somewhat similar to planning an evening’s activities with the missus in the boudoir...



8th February 2012, 20:40
AFF's missus has your pizza in the oven? :andrea: :p
I was going to congratulate AFF, but maybe I'll hold off and wait for more details.

Garry Walker
9th February 2012, 15:58
Anyone getting married, having babies, getting a divorce? Who's going travelling and who is planning on making a career change?

No career change, just an insane work schedule.

It's gonna be the year that Vettel again is World Champion again,and Loeb WRC champion again.When hopefully interest rates rise,when Stephen Lawrence,s parent finally get some satisfaction,,when the opponents for Obama,s presidency,are not strong enough,when I finally retire,when we finally have a deal that all party,s agree on in Afganistan,and hopefully the killing stops,as the Taliban agree to talks.I could go on but you next ....Seriously, I can actually give you the petrol and matches.

I know too but can't tell you guys :p :

Can you tell the girls?

9th February 2012, 16:03
Can you tell the girls?

Only if they agree to a kiss......?

Garry Walker
9th February 2012, 16:07
Only if they agree to a kiss......?

Well, that will depend on the weight of those girls.

9th February 2012, 16:13
Well, that will depend on the weight of those girls.

Remind me not to sit next to you at a forum meet....! :laugh:

Garry Walker
9th February 2012, 17:21
Remind me not to sit next to you at a forum meet....! :laugh:
I'd prefer a big breasted brunette anyway :p

10th February 2012, 02:36
Have you actually met some of the people off here then??!! :eek:

Many of the forum regulars meet up at least once yearly. We simply don't invite those people we think wouldn't... ummm... nevermind. Never met anyone from here. :D

Garry Walker
11th February 2012, 12:22
Many of the forum regulars meet up at least once yearly.

I can just imagine how much fun someone like dunnell or eki would be.

11th February 2012, 19:29
Well, I've met few people from this forum many times and at least for my part, I can call them really good friends now :)

12th February 2012, 19:14
Holidays for me in Greece later in the year!
I'd like to do the coast to coast cycling route aswel (Although this is nothing compared to lands end to john o groats :p )
And more track days hopefuly if I dont run out of money or spend it on beer!

Yep, thatll do me. And this time next year, I'll be another year older. How depressing!