View Full Version : Stephen Lawrence

3rd January 2012, 17:34
Will some other London guys be frightened of a knock on their door tonight,after todays verdict ?

3rd January 2012, 17:41
I hope so!

Dave B
3rd January 2012, 18:11
Hopefully. 18 years to deliver a verdict, longer in fact than the victim's lifetime.

4th January 2012, 06:19
I think it was a foregone conclusion really. Having a racist past and DNA found on your clothes is always going to sway a jury IMO. Hopefully Stephen's parents can grieve for their son rather than fighting to find his killer. It must have been a traumatic 19 years especially after the botched first trial. Thank goodness there is some closure.

No, there willl be an appeal, and even a possible new trial, some 15 or so years in the future

4th January 2012, 13:31
No, there willl be an appeal, and even a possible new trial, some 15 or so years in the future

This is why I think the death sentence should be brought back - hard to appeal using a clever lawyer with no morals when you are 6ft under.

Captain VXR
4th January 2012, 17:16
This is why I think the death sentence should be brought back - hard to appeal using a clever lawyer with no morals when you are 6ft under.

It is also hard to prove your innocence after you're dead, there were significant doubts about the guilt of the man executed in Georgia a few months back
I think the death penalty should only be used on people who have killed several and were 100% proven guilty beyond doubt, such as Anders Behring Breivik being caught at the scene, or if their killing of one person was particularly brutal and again it is proven beyond doubt

5th January 2012, 08:57
Freaking out on the news this morning that the dedicated team of police officers for this case will now be assigned other tasks. Well, no **** sherlock...

5th January 2012, 14:48
Very rarely will a moderate be happy to say this but:


Dave B
5th January 2012, 15:03
Very rarely will a moderate be happy to say this but:

What? For previously printing a publicity seeking headline which could have put the fairness of the trial in jeopardy? Or for taking one day off from peddling bigotry and racism to print the updated version?

6th January 2012, 00:26
What? For previously printing a publicity seeking headline which could have put the fairness of the trial in jeopardy? Or for taking one day off from peddling bigotry and racism to print the updated version?

Stephen Lawrence's parents thank Daily Mail for 'going out on a limb' | Media | guardian.co.uk (http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2012/jan/04/stephen-lawrence-parents-daily-mail?newsfeed=true)

Former journalist and chairman of the Human Rights Commission Trevor Phillips described the decision to brand the accused as murderers as an "act of great courage" by the paper's editor Paul Dacre.

"But it was also a shrewd recognition by the most acute judge of middle England's temperature that attitudes to race had changed profoundly."

Sir Peter Bottomley, the Tory MP who represented the suburb of Eltham at the time, said that in 1993 the media didn't care because the boy was a black kid from south London.

"I would like to give praise to the Daily Mail and Paul Dacre for their bravery in naming the suspects on 14 February 1997.

"This helped keep the attention of the country and police on the need to find the evidence which would lead to a full trial and possible conviction of the killers.

"Without the Daily Mail, I do not believe this would have happened."

The full impact of Paul Dacre's decision to run the headline he has described as a "monumental risk" was revealed today by the former home secretary Jack Straw.

He told the paper today that it helped secure the co-operation of the police inquiry into the Met's handling of the case.

"The Daily Mail's intervention made my job much easier in getting agreement from the Metropolitan police to set up the inquiry, which itself changed the face of policing in Britain."

Dave B
6th January 2012, 08:03
The Daily Mail (http://www.butireaditinthepaper.co.uk/2012/01/05/the-daily-mails-initial-coverage-of-the-stephen-lawrence-murder/)

6th January 2012, 11:59
So what? Whatever the Daily Mail's hidden agenda an ounce of good has come out it and for once it should be applauded

It would be churlish not to recognise the enormous, and crucial, role played by the Daily Mail in securing convictions for the murder of Stephen Lawrence...

....Praise the paper. Praise the editor. Praise its journalists. They done well.

Mail wins some praise from rivals for Lawrence convictions - but not enough | Media | guardian.co.uk (http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/greenslade/2012/jan/04/lawrence-dailymail)

9th January 2012, 18:25
I doubt any others will be brought to trial, the two convicted last week seem pleased with what they did, and unlikely to "grass" the others.


13th January 2012, 14:32
Are you guys speaking of the murder of a young blackman by a group of thugs in the '90's?

14th January 2012, 16:08
read the stuff it is confusing to me can you more clearly explain me.........

14th January 2012, 21:23
Yes that's what the threads about,and your views are;

Bolton Midnight
3rd February 2012, 14:00
Nice to see that any unsolved murder will be given unlimited resources to find the culprits, jolly good

oh hang on, no that's not the case is it, wonder why not?