View Full Version : Where Have All The Men Gone?

13th December 2011, 14:06
With all these threads and chats about life not being fair and the injustices of the world, I was wondering......where have all the men gone?

You know the ones that used to knuckle down and get things done for themselves. That worked day and night if needed without complaining. Who took responsibility for their actions and their families. Who knew how to change a spark plug or a light bulb if required.

All we are left with are blubbering fools with no b@!!s. WTF is going on out there these days?

13th December 2011, 14:55
Blame culture, reliance on the state, PC and a host of other 'initiatives' that encourage mediocrity and punish endeavour.

The West has a soft underbelly just like Smaug and is lead by faceless bureaucrats that suppress the populace and feed it on scraps.

Eventually though there will be a backlash and real men, and women, will be pushed too far. The political system in the West is in for a bit of a shock I think.

13th December 2011, 15:12
Erm, I just changed the spark plugs in my vehicle... :erm:

13th December 2011, 15:24
Which reminds me, I really must replace that bulb in the kitchen. It's blummin hard hunting for food in the dark :p :

13th December 2011, 15:26
I'm a real man...

...What's a spark plug?

Now if you'll excuse me I've got to exfoliate before my spa treatment ;)

13th December 2011, 15:33
I just changed the spark plugs in my Diesel Jaguar. Beat that :p

Captain VXR
13th December 2011, 16:16
Blame culture, reliance on the state, PC and a host of other 'initiatives' that encourage mediocrity and punish endeavour.

The West has a soft underbelly just like Smaug and is lead by faceless bureaucrats that suppress the populace and feed it on scraps.

Eventually though there will be a backlash and real men, and women, will be pushed too far. The political system in the West is in for a bit of a shock I think.

How does being polite to others encourage mediocrity and punish endeavour?

13th December 2011, 16:46
With all these threads and chats about life not being fair and the injustices of the world, I was wondering......where have all the men gone?
I agree; someone should have been throwing bombs into banks by now and kidnapping financiers. Slackers.

13th December 2011, 17:04
How does being polite to others encourage mediocrity and punish endeavour?

There is a big difference between being polite and censuring speech because it might upset a certain group.

13th December 2011, 17:07
There is a big difference between being polite and censuring speech because it might upset a certain group.
Not when thanks to Fox News I can't tell if someone is actually wishing me a Merry Christmas or wanting to start a fight.

13th December 2011, 17:42
Not when thanks to Fox News I can't tell if someone is actually wishing me a Merry Christmas or wanting to start a fight.

LOL :laugh:

13th December 2011, 18:37
Not when thanks to Fox News I can't tell if someone is actually wishing me a Merry Christmas or wanting to start a fight.

Funny....Stupid but funny!

13th December 2011, 19:32
Funny....Stupid but funny!

For a moment, I thought this was an "Introduce yourself" thread.

13th December 2011, 19:41
Erm, I just changed the spark plugs in my vehicle... :erm:
With whom and what?

13th December 2011, 20:22
It's called having some common sense,and if you watch craftsmen ,you can pick up tips of how to do odd jobs,then tackle these jobs yourself and save paying others to do jobs you can do yourself

13th December 2011, 20:32
You know the ones that used to knuckle down and get things done for themselves. That worked day and night if needed without complaining. Who took responsibility for their actions and their families. Who knew how to change a spark plug or a light bulb if required.

There's one right here.

13th December 2011, 20:34
With all these threads and chats about life not being fair and the injustices of the world, I was wondering......where have all the men gone?

You know the ones that used to knuckle down and get things done for themselves. That worked day and night if needed without complaining. Who took responsibility for their actions and their families. Who knew how to change a spark plug or a light bulb if required.

All we are left with are blubbering fools with no b@!!s. WTF is going on out there these days?

I always do everything on my own.
And I work a lot, without complaining about it.
Does that mean that I can't have a moderate opinion?

13th December 2011, 20:36
With whom and what?


With myself and a socket-wrench :p : .

I would ask Knockie the same question :p : .

13th December 2011, 20:37
...Does that mean that I can't have a moderate opinion?

Opinions are not permitted around here :p :

13th December 2011, 20:37
Opinions are not permitted around here :p :

Especially moderate ones! :D

13th December 2011, 20:51

With myself and a socket-wrench :p : .

I would ask Knockie the same question :p : .
You replaced the plugs with a socket wrench? Does it work? I've heard some people have replaced a fuse with a coin and it has worked.

13th December 2011, 22:17
You replaced the plugs with a socket wrench? ....

Why not. A socket-wrench provides torque.

race aficionado
13th December 2011, 22:21
Where have all the women gone? :confused:

This forum of ours use to be blessed with their presence.

I miss them. Too much testosterone in our threads.

We probably scared most of them away.


13th December 2011, 22:47
Who knew how to change a spark plug or a light bulb if required.

What sort of light bulb? Bayonet, Screw or Prong Type? Bi-pin? Incandescent, Halogen or Energy Saver? H1, H3, H4? Blinker? C5W, H6W, P21s?
What sort of question is this anyway? Do you need to undo press clips, covers or use some special implement?
More information please!

Psst!... Most Spark Plugs are No.19 sockets. You can get a specialist magnetic socket which will do that job for very little money. It can be a real bother to change the rear two on a V8 engine where there's limited space; the LX Torana springs to mind.

13th December 2011, 23:12
Psst!... Most Spark Plugs are No.19 sockets. You can get a specialist magnetic socket which will do that job for very little money. It can be a real bother to change the rear two on a V8 engine where there's limited space; the LX Torana springs to mind.
Try a Subaru some time. Although once you get the air intake, battery and washer bottle out it's not so bad. What I consider a major failure of car's design is you need to remove the intake and battery to change the headlight bulbs. Not easy when it's getting dark, well below freezing, and you're 300 miles from your destination.

14th December 2011, 00:33
That's a piece of cake. The Chevy Monza V-8 required you unbolt the motor mount and lift the motor about an inch to get to one of the rear plugs.

The Chevy Monza and the Holden Torana hatch. They're very much in the same sort of spirit aren't they? The difference being that the 350cube wouldn't have fitted in the Torana, it only got the 308.


Dear GM,
Y U NO make cars like this any more? Have you forgotten about style? We still want cars that look like they could rip out your spinal cord and then flog you with it. What gives?

14th December 2011, 00:59
I always do everything on my own.
And I work a lot, without complaining about it.
Does that mean that I can't have a moderate opinion?

ioan, for once, I'm sure you speak for several of us. Well said.

A ridiculous thread posted by someone with far too narrow a definition of what constitutes a 'man'.

14th December 2011, 06:31
I always do everything on my own.
And I work a lot, without complaining about it.
Does that mean that I can't have a moderate opinion?

Yes you can boet! We just don't have to agree with it :p :

14th December 2011, 06:34
Try a Subaru some time. Although once you get the air intake, battery and washer bottle out it's not so bad. What I consider a major failure of car's design is you need to remove the intake and battery to change the headlight bulbs. Not easy when it's getting dark, well below freezing, and you're 300 miles from your destination.

Yep. The first time I tried to change the plugs on my Scooby I swore enough to make a sailor blush! A 5 minute job that takes 30 minutes to do :crazy: :p

14th December 2011, 06:37
What sort of light bulb? Bayonet, Screw or Prong Type? Bi-pin? Incandescent, Halogen or Energy Saver? H1, H3, H4? Blinker? C5W, H6W, P21s?
What sort of question is this anyway? Do you need to undo press clips, covers or use some special implement?
More information please!

Any type of bulb! About 5 years ago I was at my brother in laws place and his cars indicator lamp blew. He wanted to take it to the garage to have it replaced!!! After kaking him out royally for being such a fag I showed him how to do it and saved him 500 bucks! For a guy who did not know what the dirfference between a screwdriver and a spanner 5 years ago, the boy has come a long way today!

14th December 2011, 06:40
ioan, for once, I'm sure you speak for several of us. Well said.

A ridiculous thread posted by someone with far too narrow a definition of what constitutes a 'man'.

How come anything I post is ridiculous but not your posts? I'm not allowed an opinion but you are? What gives?

And yes, I think this thread makes perfect sense. REAL men are an endangered species these days being replaced by whinning little b!tches that should be wear training bra's.

14th December 2011, 06:50
Why not. A socket-wrench provides torque.
True, but does it provide sparks?

14th December 2011, 06:54

14th December 2011, 10:32
You replaced the plugs with a socket wrench? Does it work? I've heard some people have replaced a fuse with a coin and it has worked.

Real men use the coin to buy a packet oWrigley'sys chewing gum and wrap he silver foil around the fuse to make the connection.

That way you have a fuse that will still blow if you have an underlying wiring short rather than your loom deciding to turn intburningring amalgamation of burnt plastic and wire. You also have several additional fuses wrapped around lumps of chewing gum which make great emergency dental products should some bird chuck herself at you after a dozen pints.

Stay tuned for next weeks tips for men including:

. 1001 uses for Gaffer tapesociallysocically acceptable to usdeodorantdeoderant?
. Molegrips and flat screwdriver - are any other tools really needed?

14th December 2011, 10:50
I just fitted a new lighting set to the fish tank. Does that count?

14th December 2011, 11:10

14th December 2011, 11:27
. Molegrips and flat screwdriver - are any other tools really needed?
I clip my nails with big scissors, which is quite girly. In the army I clipped them with a knife.

Brown, Jon Brow
14th December 2011, 11:29
I just did the ironing!


wrong thread :(

14th December 2011, 13:25
I just did the ironing!


wrong thread :(

Can you come live in my house. :D I have a man that will change light blubs and do DIY but no man that will do ANY ironing.

14th December 2011, 14:56
I just did the ironing!


wrong thread :(
Have you considered competing in Iron Man games?

14th December 2011, 15:27
...A ridiculous thread posted by someone with far too narrow a definition of what constitutes a 'man'.

With all do respect BDunnel I disagree. This is a much-needed enjoyable, light-hearted thread :)

14th December 2011, 15:36
With all do respect BDunnel I disagree. This is a much-needed enjoyable, light-hearted thread :)

That is too much for said subject to comprehend :p

14th December 2011, 19:05
Yes you can boet! We just don't have to agree with it :p :

That's the beauty of diversity.

14th December 2011, 19:11

Unfortunately the men in the US have decided to take a extended nap while the spend their inheritance. This is obviously visible as we cannot even find a suitable person to run for President of our country. However stand by because it won't take too much longer for our people to wake the Fu up

14th December 2011, 19:38
I cook the dinner and beat my chest at the same time, does that count? :p

You're one level above Tarzan. :D
He could only beat his chest! ;)

14th December 2011, 20:05
I look great in a loincloth too... :kiss:

I dare you to post a picture! :D

14th December 2011, 20:17
I've already turned down your PM request ioan you dirty devil, lets not get silly :p :)

I knew you'll chicken out! :p

Anyway let's not hijack this marvelous thread, with 'unmanly' jokes! ;)

15th December 2011, 14:05
I clip my nails with big scissors, which is quite girly. In the army I clipped them with a knife.

Ahhh, but if you turn your feet upside down, use the flat of the screwdriver as a chisel and hit it with the molegrips, you could chop your toenails off that way. Wimp ;)

15th December 2011, 14:10

Unfortunately the men in the US have decided to take a extended nap while the spend their inheritance. This is obviously visible as we cannot even find a suitable person to run for President of our country. However stand by because it won't take too much longer for our people to wake the Fu up

Come on Uncle. Didn't take you for a whiner.

Put up, shut up or do something about it.

15th December 2011, 15:31
I bet uncle cooks a great quiche :p :

15th December 2011, 15:46
I bet uncle cooks a great quiche :p :

Perhaps we can swap his golf clubs for a badminton racquet, his Red wine for a Babycham and his Cigar for a menthol slim in a holder.

Yep, Fousto is Mr Metrosexual.


15th December 2011, 20:34
I just did the ironing!

How hard can it be?


15th December 2011, 20:51
I bet uncle cooks a great quiche :p :

I have your quiche hanging

15th December 2011, 20:54
How hard can it be?


Extreme Ironing ~ Damn Cool Pictures (http://www.damncoolpictures.com/2008/06/extreme-ironing.html)

15th December 2011, 20:57
Perhaps we can swap his golf clubs for a badminton racquet, his Red wine for a Babycham and his Cigar for a menthol slim in a holder.

Yep, Fousto is Mr Metrosexual.


right fagboy we all know this is you

donKey jote
15th December 2011, 20:58
nah... looks more like billy's missus ! :bandit:

15th December 2011, 21:01
All I have heard is that knock on has taken more loads than a 8 year old rabbit :)

15th December 2011, 21:46
right fagboy we all know this is you

True. We all know Roasty is the one on the right here (back row):


16th December 2011, 06:23
keep dreaming Elton EKI

16th December 2011, 09:30
Me thinks Fousto doth protest too much.

Come on Uncs, fess up. You like a bit of clandestine man love, don't you :kiss:

Rudy Tamasz
16th December 2011, 12:16
It took me staying away for a while to take care of business and you guys turned this forum into a complete mess. :\

race aficionado
16th December 2011, 17:09
Me thinks Fousto doth protest too much.

Come on Uncs, fess up. You like a bit of clandestine man love, don't you :kiss:

Knocks - are you flirting with fousto? Be careful or he will give you a Holiday Wedgy. :o Unless you are a hot latina, don't waste your time.

:s mokin:

Bolton Midnight
17th December 2011, 15:30
You know the ones that used to knuckle down and get things done for themselves. That worked day and night if needed without complaining. Who took responsibility for their actions and their families.

Nu Labour tried to do away with them, but they are making a slow come back.

But it will take a few years to undo Labour's mess.