View Full Version : anyone know of any jobs in motorsport

7th December 2011, 01:26
looking to get into a job in motorsport been a mechanic since i left school 10 years ago just fancy the next step if anyone knows of or has anything please let me know


Dave B
7th December 2011, 15:11
You and thousands of others, I'm afraid. The job market in general is fiercely competitive, and motorsport especially so. You need experience and luck, not necessarily in that order, and if you already have some skills you might be best served helping out some local karters or junior formula drivers - don't expect to be paid much if at all for this! None of the mechanics in national or international series just walked into the job, they went through years of grafting their way up just the same as the drivers did.

Are you near a circuit? Try going down on a trackday or test session and asking around, or bombarding all your local teams and drivers with polite emails (and I genuinely don't wish to be harsh but I wouldn't even finish reading an email with grammar like your opening post, so make sure you take your time to get it right).

Good luck :)

7th December 2011, 16:49
Dave, it's true that an above average proportion of "I want a job in motorsport" posts, have terrible capitalisation, punctuation and grammar.

In order to get a job in even the minor leagues of motorsport you need to be exceptional, in every aspect.

donKey jote
7th December 2011, 18:11
capitalisation is overrated, said billy as he helped his uncle jack off a horse.

7th December 2011, 18:25
Don't be so harsh. Is this really what capitalism has taken us to, capital punishment?

7th December 2011, 19:46
Dave, it's true that an above average proportion of "I want a job in motorsport" posts, have terrible capitalisation, punctuation and grammar.

In order to get a job in even the minor leagues of motorsport you need to be exceptional, in every aspect.

Very true. The number of engineering undergrads who say they want to work in F1 is very, very high. I don't think that they realise how much work they have to put in to get even close to that level.

I try to inform them of the dedication required in the nicest possible terms....

7th December 2011, 20:28
Only after it's been tried in an upper case court.
I rest my case.

7th December 2011, 21:07
Thanks guys, very appreciated!!

Wasn't expecting to get much out of the original post, i was just putting out some feelers at early hours of the morning. Sorry for any punctuation missed ect , wasnt aware grammar was a "must" on a forum post.

As everyone clearly points out about the motorsport industry I know its not a job you can just walk into , thats why i am asking the questions! I currently run my own small company breaking and building cars for people, so am fully aware of how many people are in the industry. The people i help are just local drivers nothing big scale, but i enjoy what i do so thought i would ask about any jobs a bit higher up that was all.

Thanks for all the replys
hope i dont come across like a arse (as im not)

autoworks nova sports

8th December 2011, 20:31
Sorry you did not get any leads from on here,but there are vacancies out there,I have friends who were working at local Ford !and British Leyland dealerships,who left to work for RED developments,at Widnes,which belonged to Geoff Fielding,and one or them finished up at Fords rally Dept at Boreham.So everything is possible,just try the small teams and see where it gets you.Out of small acorns grow large trees.Best of luck with it

8th December 2011, 23:00
Cheers buddy, something constructive

Thanks very much will keep looking

9th December 2011, 09:59
start calling


WORKING AT RED BULL RACING (http://www.redbullracing.com/cs/Satellite/en_INT/Article/Working-at-Red-Bull-Racing-021243118050528)

Careers (http://www.m-sport.co.uk/index.php/careers)

9th December 2011, 11:45
Thanks guys, very appreciated!!

Wasn't expecting to get much out of the original post, i was just putting out some feelers at early hours of the morning. Sorry for any punctuation missed ect , wasnt aware grammar was a "must" on a forum post.

It's not, otherwise we'd have no posts here :D . But we're just pointing out that you have to be exceptional in all aspects to get into the field you are looking for. This does include your own presentation, which may well in the first instance be entirely represented by your writing skill - it needs to be spot on.

As everyone clearly points out about the motorsport industry I know its not a job you can just walk into , thats why i am asking the questions! I currently run my own small company breaking and building cars for people, so am fully aware of how many people are in the industry. The people i help are just local drivers nothing big scale, but i enjoy what i do so thought i would ask about any jobs a bit higher up that was all.

You have some experience and ambition, this is good!

Thanks for all the replys
hope i dont come across like a arse (as im not)

Of course not mate. Just find that shift key and we're almost there :bounce:

9th December 2011, 19:04
looking to get into a job in motorsport been a mechanic since i left school 10 years ago just fancy the next step if anyone knows of or has anything please let me know


Yes - America needs a driver !!

Brown, Jon Brow
11th December 2011, 21:06
I sent my CV and a letter to literally every motor racing team in the UK looking for marketing roles and the responce was the same each time. 'Thanks for showing interest but we don't have any vacancies matching your skills.'

race aficionado
11th December 2011, 21:17
I sent my CV and a letter to literally every motor racing team in the UK looking for marketing roles and the responce was the same each time. 'Thanks for showing interest but we don't have any vacancies matching your skills.'

Don't give up! :)

11th December 2011, 21:18
'Cold calling' motor racing teams for any type of role will generally produce the same response.