View Full Version : Business car insurance?

speedy king
23rd March 2007, 11:57
At the moment the contract that i have for a job includes company car and fleet insurance however i have just been offered a permenant position and as for now (they're trying to get company car's for everyone permenantly) I'll have to use my own car for a lot of travelling around. This brings a problem...i'm not the main driver on my policy, my mum is, and being only 17 if i declare the car for business use my insurance will go through the roof apparently? Are there any good companies your aware of that specialises only for business use that can give good deals?

23rd March 2007, 18:18
I don't know if your insurance premium will go through the roof. I have business use on my insurance policy as being a teacher I sometimes have to ferry the little darlings around to fixtures and to other schools. I have never ever paid extra for it. I use Direct Line for insurance, but have used Norwich Union and my local broker in the past and they kept the price the same as a policy just for personal use.

I know it is expensive, but the sooner you get your own policy and start earning NCB the better. Good luck.

23rd March 2007, 21:44
Liverpool Victoria often give good prices to young drivers. I used to be with them and couldn't complain.

23rd March 2007, 22:15
At the moment the contract that i have for a job includes company car and fleet insurance however i have just been offered a permenant position and as for now (they're trying to get company car's for everyone permenantly) I'll have to use my own car for a lot of travelling around. This brings a problem...i'm not the main driver on my policy, my mum is, and being only 17 if i declare the car for business use my insurance will go through the roof apparently? Are there any good companies your aware of that specialises only for business use that can give good deals?
My advice :) Call up your insurance company and ask. Dont' give details just give your car spec and mum's age and your age.

Hazell B
24th March 2007, 20:28
Have to agree with Caroline and Daniel on this - it might not be as bad as you expect.

My Landie is personal use only, even though it's used to carry and tow for my business, because the insurance company threw it in for free. They send a two page letter each year with one page normal insurance and the next business cover FREE OF CHARGE :) They limit the number of passengers and the weight, but to within the law anyway so it's not a real limit at all. They don't limit the miles, yet oddly do limit them on my normal TPF&T or Fully Comp (I've just swaped from one to the other) to something like 15k.

It's worth asking, you don't have to say you're already using it for business use. One word of warning though, if you tell them it's already used for work they will stop your cover instantly :s