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28th November 2011, 16:17
The format is most likely going to be the same because Sundays never brought any revenue for the organizers. AFAIK the 2012 route will be published in the end of February.

28th November 2011, 17:01
Organisers haven't put out any official word, but I guess the basic information will be published in December, at least in past few years they've done so by putting out a newsletter. And by basic information I mean only format of the rally: the day it begins and the day it ends and perhaps if the route will take any particular direction. But like Juha mentioned, for Rally Guide 1 with route info we must way until late February (last Thursday as it have been) or perhaps early March as the rally is ran one week later than previous few years.

This year, like we all know, the rally route took a turn to Southern Finland and even if organisers have officially said it was success financially, I read between the lines that the experiment won't be repeated. This is pure guessing, and I think there might be forum members that already know better. For example Lahti Historic ERC Rally is ran week after Rally Finland and that quite clearly indicates that WRC won't take a turn to Lahti region. If they won't to broaden their route, I think Tampere region would be likely welcomed by fans. Then again, if SS Leustu, SS Surkee, SS Urria or SS Jukojärvi won't run again, hell has frozen over. We'll see.

28th November 2011, 18:40
Organisers haven't put out any official word, but I guess the basic information will be published in December, at least in past few years they've done so by putting out a newsletter. And by basic information I mean only format of the rally: the day it begins and the day it ends and perhaps if the route will take any particular direction. But like Juha mentioned, for Rally Guide 1 with route info we must way until late February (last Thursday as it have been) or perhaps early March as the rally is ran one week later than previous few years.

This year, like we all know, the rally route took a turn to Southern Finland and even if organisers have officially said it was success financially, I read between the lines that the experiment won't be repeated. This is pure guessing, and I think there might be forum members that already know better. For example Lahti Historic ERC Rally is ran week after Rally Finland and that quite clearly indicates that WRC won't take a turn to Lahti region. If they won't to broaden their route, I think Tampere region would be likely welcomed by fans. Then again, if SS Leustu, SS Surkee, SS Urria or SS Jukojärvi won't run again, hell has frozen over. We'll see.

I hope you´re right about everything you write. I think LAhti this year meant too much driving for spectators (or maybe that´s what they wanted) and it was shown on some of the stages on friday which didnt have so many spectators as was expected.

I welcome Tampere as well but have never been on stages west of Orivesi.

Remeber also that they have sacked Ouninpohja more or less since a couple of years so anything could happen? I hope Kai T have something exciting in mind...!

28th November 2011, 18:43
Remeber also that they have sacked Ouninpohja more or less since a couple of years so anything could happen?

Is nothing sacred???

29th November 2011, 00:23
Ouninpohja road (or atleast the beginning of it) has received pretty major overhaul over this period of not being used. Rumours telling that it has gotten slower, old lines which have straightened out because of years of cutting have been restored, etc. So, maybe we'll see Ouninpohja back in 2012... I remember Kai Tarkiainen talking about it before this year's rally in a mysterious way. Then on the other hand, Hassi (parts of Ouninpohja reversed) was a real success this year (althought there were some "issues" too) so it's going to be interesting to see what will happen.

I would love to see stages around Tampere/Pirkanmaa region, lot's of legendary stuff. For example Juupajoki has not been used in a while, one of my favourite Finnish stages. If they really skip Lahti region (which I believe they'll do) it leaves a complete day to be re-planned. As long as they don't get too cautious, I'm totally up for it. Talviainen, Päijälä, Västilä, Parkkola, mmmmm... :)

5th December 2011, 14:12
Not so much about the route next year yet because even the organiser doesn’t know what the route will be.

News from the clerk of the course (http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=fi&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=fi&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi%2Fsisap iirinuutiskirje%2F2011%2Fsisapiiri1511%2Fkilpailu% 2Fdefault.aspx)

Something from last summer.

“Results of the visitor inquiry provided interesting information for the organisers”

In Lahti 30% of the spectators where first-timers vs. 13,5% in Jyväskylä.

In Lahti 23,4% of the spectators where more experienced (more than 4-5 as a spectator) vs. for Jyväskylä 45,9%.

The results of the visitor inquiry (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/en/31887.aspx)

5th December 2011, 16:01
^ I'd love to see the whole inquiry, not just the bits organizers chosen to put out. Those numbers OldF quoted support the on site observations I made.

5th December 2011, 16:42
Yes, it would be nice. If I remember correctly there was also on NORF’s web page an inquiry, a link to AKK’s web page. At least I haven’t seen any results from that inquiry but I don’t visit AKK’s web page so often.

18th December 2011, 18:05
Anyone who already knows how the format will be? On which days will the rally be held?

Nothing on the format yet. We'll have to wait...

23rd December 2011, 02:17
Rumours circulating that Ouninpohja would be back for 2012... Well, it's only about two months till the route is published, then we'll know. :)

7th January 2012, 14:05
Some weeks have passed now, no more news about the format yet?

Nothing. We'll let you know the minute we know.

11th January 2012, 21:12
Hartusvuori and OldF, how did you find the friday's leg last year?

I personally didn't like it. It was a very long day to follow, basicly one way to south with everybody else and a pretty tight schedule if you wanted to see maximum amount of stages :/

12th January 2012, 06:40
Hartusvuori and OldF, how did you find the friday's leg last year?

I personally didn't like it. It was a very long day to follow, basicly one way to south with everybody else and a pretty tight schedule if you wanted to see maximum amount of stages :/

We did Hassi, Koukunmaa and Mynnilä. Three stages, some 18 hours and hundreds of kilometres. We didn't want to miss Hassi, and glad we didn't. Koukunmaa was weird experience after all the people in Jyväskylä and Jämsä region, suddenly the atmosphere dropped notably. Also we managed to choose quite a boring place, though after we left some bigger number car crashed... Mynnilä, again a long liason. The place we picked wasn't spectacular but so relaxing, because instead of two-kilometre or so walk from the car, it was 40 metres :-)

I'd prefer them to keep in smaller area this year or at least to do the intinerary with more natural flow. Any rumours you've heard of about the route?

12th January 2012, 07:58
We also didn't want to miss Hassi. But unfortunately no-one else didn't want to miss it either so the location we chose was a total chaos :/. After that we also did Mynnilä and Koukunmaa and I could describe them like you did. Because of the lack of time we also settled for pretty boring spectating places. We ended the day in Sysmä, can't remember the stage name but I can remember I wasn't too pleased friday night.

All the rumours I've heard support the fact they are bringing the route to south of Lahti again I'm afraid. I hope they are not.

12th January 2012, 09:39
We also didn't want to miss Hassi. But unfortunately no-one else didn't want to miss it either so the location we chose was a total chaos :/. After that we also did Mynnilä and Koukunmaa and I could describe them like you did. Because of the lack of time we also settled for pretty boring spectating places. We ended the day in Sysmä, can't remember the stage name but I can remember I wasn't too pleased friday night.

All the rumours I've heard support the fact they are bringing the route to south of Lahti again I'm afraid. I hope they are not.

Mynnilä is near Sysmä.

If Lahti Historic ERC is ran week after NORF, how that fits into the picture with NORF coming to Lahti? Then again, last year they talked about two-year contract. I too hope they stay away from Lahti. If they choose to go away from Jyväskylä, Tampere region could fit better. Anyway, if the route is planned so that there wouldn't be 100 km between stages, it should be okey.

12th January 2012, 18:56
I have heard some rumours that Jokimaa would have two year contract. That would mean visiting Lahti area.

Personally I think that in today's world a smaller area would work the best. (for rally Finland)

12th January 2012, 19:37
Yeah, I have also heard (very reliable) rumours that part of the Lahti leg will be on the route again this year. To be honest I'm not very exited about it.

13th January 2012, 19:44
For us coming from south it was not so much driving the first day for us but we had to skip Thursday instead. If the Lahti leg were run this year again I would prefer it being on Saturday, on our way home. Lahti leg or not it’s a minimum driving of about 700 km for us.

If you want to go and spectate every day it’s better if the route is in a smaller area and rent a cottage as central as possible. Last year we was moving around with a 30 year old camper car and it was not so nice to travel with a car which the most pleasant travelling speed was sound wise about 80 km/h.

30th January 2012, 06:54
According to this Killeri super-special is back this year -> does it mean that the focus of the route is back to its roots and not towards Lahti, I guess we´ll find out soon.

Ralli pysynee Jyväskylässä kolme vuotta | Keski-Suomi | yle.fi (http://yle.fi/alueet/keski-suomi/2012/01/ralli_pysynee_jyvaskylassa_kolme_vuotta_3210235.ht ml)

30th January 2012, 07:01
I've heard that rally starts from Lahti at thursday. 2-3 stages (Hyväneula?, Jokimaa Superspecial and Mynnilä), then Friday and Saturday around Jyväskylä...

31st January 2012, 08:57
AKK Sports and City of Jyväskylä have made yet again a new 3-year-deal securing that Jyväskylä will be the main host city of the rally in 2012-2014 as well:

Jyväskylä solmi kolmivuotisen rallisopimuksen | Keski-Suomi | yle.fi (http://yle.fi/alueet/keski-suomi/2012/01/jyvaskyla_solmi_kolmivuotisen_rallisopimuksen_3219 200.html)

10th February 2012, 08:44
Route for Rally Finland 2012 will be published on Wednesday February 15th.

10th February 2012, 08:52
We wait.....

10th February 2012, 17:05
Most likely start from Lahti on Thursday, one superspecial (Jokimaa) and one proper stage (maybe 2 or 3), then two days in Jyväskylä region. Ouninpohja included with 95% probability.

13th February 2012, 19:02
Only two days and we´ll know the route of NORF 2012!! :bounce:

T.Maanteiden kuningas
13th February 2012, 19:37
Two stages in Lahti. SuperSpecial ja on proper stage.

MM-rallia ajetaan Lahdessa ensi kesänäkin - MTV3.fi - Urheilu - Ralli - Uutiset (http://www.mtv3.fi/urheilu/ralli/uutiset.shtml/2012/02/1494484/mm-rallia-ajetaan-lahdessa-ensi-kesanakin)

13th February 2012, 20:39
Possibly some "basic" stages finally in reversed form, or atleast parts of them...

15th February 2012, 08:10
Now that´s a power-stage.

15th February 2012, 08:14
Legendary Ouninpohja is back (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/en/32940.aspx) :) :) :)

That is one proper Power Stage!

Neste Oil Ralli 2012 - Route

Wednesday 1.8.

Qualifying Ruuhimäki 4,90 19.30

Thursday 2.8.

Kokoomatauko, Lahti, Satama

30 min 16.00
EK 1 Koukunmaa 13,68 km 17.23
EK 2 Jokimaa 2,00 km 19.00
EK 3 Mynnilä 14,40 km 20.50

Service A 45 min 22.35

Friday 3.8.

Service B 10 min 6.30
EK 4 Urria 12,75 km 7.42
EK 5 Jukojärvi 22,33 km 8.39

Service C 30 min 10.05
EK 6 Mökkiperä 1 11,38 km 11.28
EK 7 Palsankylä 1 13,92 km 12.14
EK 8 Lankamaa 1 23,09 km 13.32

Service D 30 min 14.45
EK 9 Mökkiperä 2 11,38 km 16.08
EK 10 Palsankylä 2 13,92 km 16.54
EK 11 Lankamaa 2 23,09 km 18.12
EK 12 Killeri 20.00

Service E
45 min 20.30

Saturday 4.8.

Servicer F 10 min 7.00
EK 13 Surkee 1 14,90 km 7.56
EK 14 Leustu 1 21,50 km 8.54

Service G 30 min 10.07
EK 15 Surkee 2 14,90 km 11.18
EK 16 Leustu 2 21,50 km 12.16

Service H 30 min 13.29
EK 17 Ouninpohja 1 33,01 km 15.37
EK 18 Ouninpohja 2 (Power Stage) 33,01 km 18.00

Service I 10 min 20.03
Podium Jyväskylä, Paviljonki 21.00

Total SS 302,82 km

15th February 2012, 08:19
That is one proper Power Stage!

Indeed! :up:

15th February 2012, 08:31
Note that stages Leustu and Surkee are being driven in reversed form.

Pretty straight-forward route this year...

15th February 2012, 09:25
Hard earned points from Power Stage, I must salute NORF organisers!

15th February 2012, 09:32

15th February 2012, 09:41
When Petter won the stage in 2004 stage length was 33,24 km He sat a time 15:18,5 130.28 km/h

The stage was run again in full length in 2007 now as 33,01 km and I sort of remember they had put chicanes in it?
Anyway , Marcus Gronholm did it in 15:19,8 129.20 km/h

So what will be Powerstage winners time?? :)

15th February 2012, 09:54
Saturday 4.8.

Servicer F 10 min 7.00
EK 13 Surkee 1 14,90 km 7.56
EK 14 Leustu 1 21,50 km 8.54

Service G 30 min 10.07
EK 15 Surkee 2 14,90 km 11.18
EK 16 Leustu 2 21,50 km 12.16

Service H 30 min 13.29
EK 17 Ouninpohja 1 33,01 km 15.37
EK 18 Ouninpohja 2 (Power Stage) 33,01 km 18.00

Service I 10 min 20.03
Podium Jyväskylä, Paviljonki 21.00

Total SS 302,82 km

I can see some serious traffic jams when everybody is heading to Ouninpohja on Saturday afternoon. But still good to see Ouni is back!

15th February 2012, 10:11
I can see some serious traffic jams when everybody is heading to Ouninpohja on Saturday afternoon. But still good to see Ouni is back!

And when planning, take into consideration that highway E9 is not in use between Jämsä intersections/roundabouts south and north. There's a bridge repair work going on for most of the year and all of the traffic will be detoured through Jämsä city center. It can be a long wait.

15th February 2012, 12:59
lets see if Petters record will broke at this famous stage.Hands up for Finn organisers!

15th February 2012, 13:24
lets see if Petters record will broke at this famous stage.Hands up for Finn organisers!
Thumbs up you meant! :D

Indeed, nice that this famous stage is back as a Power Stage!

15th February 2012, 13:28
I remember hearing some stories some year(s) ago that they planned to do some work on the Ouninpohja road, meaning after the work the road would be a bit slower since you couldn´t cut the corners so easily. Don´t know if they have done those modifications but I´d assume so, since the stage is back in the schedule this year.

So it might not be 100% match to the one Petter drove his record in, but hella fast nevertheless. And corners are meant for cutting, no matter what they do with the road.

15th February 2012, 13:37
I remember hearing some stories some year(s) ago that they planned to do some work on the Ouninpohja road, meaning after the work the road would be a bit slower since you couldn´t cut the corners so easily.

Good point. The beginning of Ouninpohja was completely renewed in these years when it wasn't driven. Maybe it's a bit slower but I don't think very much...

15th February 2012, 13:48
Thumbs up you meant! :D

Indeed, nice that this famous stage is back as a Power Stage!

thanks Tolis but i can t edit it. :dozey: my english are not so good,sorry.

15th February 2012, 13:54
I don`t remember the stage, but Ouninpohja stage was an acces road to a spectator spot in previous year, and the whole lenght was with deep ditches on both sides and didn`t look hi-speed at all.

Brother John
15th February 2012, 13:58
I don`t remember the stage, but Ouninpohja stage was an acces road to a spectator spot in previous year, and the whole lenght was with deep ditches on both sides and didn`t look hi-speed at all.

Ouninpohja stage not high speed??? do not make me laugh, have you ever been there? :eek:

15th February 2012, 14:09
I`m no saying that, I`m saying that the part of the Ouninpohja stage, which was used as acces road to a stage this year, was slower because of the roadworks/ditches. I just believe that the roadworks could be a contribution to the decision to run Ouninpohja again. And yes, I`ve been there more than once, think 4 times, not counting previous year.

15th February 2012, 14:30
Crazy power stage !!!

Martin Luijk
15th February 2012, 14:33
For the ones who never have seen this video. Petter Solberg in the legendary stage Ouninpohja with his record run. It takes 17 minutes but it's amazing to watch.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMLbn4PmGes (part 1)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0xFXOB5EHc&feature=fvwrel (part 2)

I think I've seen this onboards 5 times, but it's still amazing.

15th February 2012, 15:03
Crazy power stage !!!

Dream scenario.
First overall with 2,3sec difference from second, before power stage.At power stage, not only the 3 points, but the whole rally!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: mother of battles!

15th February 2012, 15:15
Dream scenario.
First overall with 2,3sec difference from second, before power stage.At power stage, not only the 3 points, but the whole rally!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: mother of battles!

In terms of experience, Loeb and P. Solberg gets upper hand in Ouninpohja. Hirvonen has some good experience too before 2007, Latvala only from 2005 with Corolla WRC. Of course with repair works done and years in between it's new pace notes for everyone, but just to point out.

I truly hope the tight battles of past two seasons would happen again in Rally Finland, with Ouninpohja as final acts!

15th February 2012, 16:06
I think I've seen this onboards 5 times, but it's still amazing.

After six and half minutes flat out driving when they turn left in Mutanen Phil says "It get's faster now..." :D

Martin Luijk
15th February 2012, 16:10
After six and half minutes flat out driving when they turn left in Mutanen Phil says "It get's faster now..." :D

After I watched the on-boards this afternoon again, I've been thinking of posting that too ;)

15th February 2012, 16:13
(Partial) Hirvonen onboard from Ouninpohja 2007. One badass stage.


15th February 2012, 17:42
So shall we regard the whole Ouninpohja-stage as PS? Isn´t PS only about 4 K? :confused:

15th February 2012, 17:52
That is not mandatory. Last year some events had long power stage as well. I think Mexico or Portugal?

15th February 2012, 17:57
That is not mandatory. Last year some events had long power stage as well. I think Mexico or Portugal?

Not Portugal I think. I was there and was told that only the last part of the final stage was PS. But when you say this I´m become doubtful about that as well....even though I was at the last stage also.

15th February 2012, 18:00
That is not mandatory. Last year some events had long power stage as well. I think Mexico or Portugal?
Indeed, the first events had a PS more than 4 kms. Then, FIA thought that it was better to be short in order to broadcast all the effort of each crew. So, FIA said that the PS should be around 4kms. In last year's Acropolis Rally, the PS was scheduled to be 11 kms, but then FIA changed it to only 4 kms for the reason I mentioned.

In Portugal last year the PS was around 30kms long.

15th February 2012, 18:01
Not Portugal I think. I was there and was told that only the last part of the final stage was PS. But when you say this I´m become doubtful about that as well....even though I was at the last stage also.

i don t remember a so long power stage at last year.At Acropolis it was 4 or 5 km and was part of a bigger stage.

15th February 2012, 18:02
Indeed, the first events had a PS more than 4 kms. Then, FIA thought that it was better to be short in order to broadcast all the effort of each crew. So, FIA said that the PS should be around 4kms. In last year's Acropolis Rally, the PS was scheduled to be 11 kms, but then FIA changed it to only 4 kms for the reason I mentioned.

was this the reason,or they wanted short ones to be broadcasted by tv?

15th February 2012, 18:04
was this the reason,or they wanted short ones to be broadcasted by tv?
That's what I said. They wanted shorter PS in order to broadcast each crew from the beginning till the end.

15th February 2012, 18:04
Not Portugal I think. I was there and was told that only the last part of the final stage was PS. But when you say this I´m become doubtful about that as well....even though I was at the last stage also.

Yes, it was Portugal. 31 kms, just checked it. Loeb's winning time was over 22 minutes ;)

15th February 2012, 18:41
This is the way to go with the power stage: iconic stages that show how great rallying is. Not just 3 times around the parking lot as in Hagenau, France. I hope other organizers will follow this example.

Andre Oliveira
15th February 2012, 18:42
Here in Portugal the power stage was big too. What a great finnish in Finland this year... last 2 stages will be... Ouninpohja ;) Fantastic. Can´t wait... The onlt thing left is El Durazno - Ambul with 66km in Argentina be power stage ;) eheheh

15th February 2012, 18:49
Yes, it was Portugal. 31 kms, just checked it. Loeb's winning time was over 22 minutes ;)

They had chosen the stage before Power Stage system, with live TV, was announced. Then they realised that broadcasting it with that length was very difficult. In fact, we only saw on TV last kilometres of the stage. This year the PS is going to be the last part of last year Santa Clara stage, called Sambro (5,08 km).

15th February 2012, 19:21
They had chosen the stage before Power Stage system, with live TV, was announced. Then they realised that broadcasting it with that length was very difficult. In fact, we only saw on TV last kilometres of the stage. This year the PS is going to be the last part of last year Santa Clara stage, called Sambro (5,08 km).

So maybe that was the reason why I mixed it up because of the live-broadcasting only was the last 5 K, but PS for whole stage.

Anyway, the PS of NORF 2012 will be a huge challenge for the drivers!!

ANd the route of the rally will be challenge for all the spectators (with roadwork in Jämsä) and transport from Leustu to Ouninpohja in Saturday afternoon.

19th February 2012, 13:26
Great news that Ouninpohja is back....
Give me a lot memories back when i was there last time...

20th February 2012, 16:15
Do we have any date when Rallyguide #1 will be presented?

22nd February 2012, 11:18
All in all the route is much more sensible than last year. Me like very much. :up:

29th February 2012, 13:02
I heard RG1 will be presented in the end of March according to new WRC rules.

29th March 2012, 17:02
Shock! The official spectator's guide won't be produced by Vauhdin Maailma (VM) as it have been for like since the times before Jesus, but instead AKK-Motorsport have made a deal with A-Lehdet and their car magazine Tuulilasi will do the job. Good thing is that it'll be all new, but I hope that will mean it'll be improved, not plagued by newbie mistakes.

Also, Citroen and its Finnish importer Auto-Bon have inked a sponsor deal.

Oh, and no sign of RG1 yet... Maybe tomorrow.

29th March 2012, 21:32
Good shock :)

30th March 2012, 06:14
Perhaps we get two spectators' guides now...

30th March 2012, 06:36
Perhaps we get two spectators' guides now...

I think they'll need more than that...

30th March 2012, 07:22
I think they'll need more than that...

A loudspeaker?

30th March 2012, 08:20
Hartusvuori, do you know anything more about the deal AKK made with A-lehdet or more precise, why they did it? More money?

30th March 2012, 08:37
Hartusvuori, do you know anything more about the deal AKK made with A-lehdet or more precise, why they did it? More money?

Just this piece from the newsletter: Uudet yhteistyökumppanit - Neste Oil Rally Finland (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/sisapiirinuutiskirje/2012/uudetyhteistyokumppanit/default.aspx) (Finnish)

30th March 2012, 09:24
Hartusvuori, do you know anything more about the deal AKK made with A-lehdet or more precise, why they did it? More money?

More money, I'm sure though VM will have spectator guide like always but it won't have "official" status this time.

30th March 2012, 11:32
RG1 published: Competitors - Neste Oil Rally Finland (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/en/competitors/)

30th March 2012, 12:33
Some dates:
Mon May 28th - entries open, supplementary regulations published
Mon 2 July - entries close
Fri 6th July - entries draft published, RG2 published for competitors

Rally week
Mon-Tue-Wed - Recce
Wed - Free practise, Qualification, P3 Shakedown

11th April 2012, 15:25
FIA has warned organizers of the rally that they have to place artificial chicanes at various points along the Ouninpohja stage, especially in the long straight of its middle part. :mad:

11th April 2012, 15:36
FIA has warned organizers of the rally that they have to place artificial chicanes at various points along the Ouninpohja stage, especially in the long straight of its middle part. :mad:

Like in 2007.

Neste Ralli 2007 Ouninpohja ChicaneCam - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxXZ20S3NiQ)

11th April 2012, 16:07
Like in 2007.

Neste Ralli 2007 Ouninpohja ChicaneCam - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxXZ20S3NiQ)

Or Hirvonen onboard at 5'58. Chicanes are boring but still a great stage.


I used to go to the place at 5'30 a few years ago. Good spot.

T.Maanteiden kuningas
11th April 2012, 19:38
FIA has warned organizers of the rally that they have to place artificial chicanes at various points along the Ouninpohja stage, especially in the long straight of its middle part. :mad:

That´s why because other than FINNS + (P.Solberg) can´t drive full flat out. Others are slow scary chicken ladyboys in real rally FINLAND.

11th April 2012, 20:13
say that there will be no rallyradio by YLE. :(
Olympic games take all the resurses ....

11th April 2012, 20:29
say that there will be no rallyradio by YLE. :(
Olympic games take all the resurses ....

I don´t believe in that rumour. In my world Finns can´t be more interested in olympic games than gravel F1.

11th April 2012, 22:55
That´s why because other than FINNS + (P.Solberg) can´t drive full flat out. Others are slow scary chicken ladyboys in real rally FINLAND.

Hopefully JML will not crash into said chicanes...

11th April 2012, 23:07
say that there will be no rallyradio by YLE. :(
Olympic games take all the resurses ....


Hope that's not true. That would be the first time in like, what, how many years?

12th April 2012, 08:00

Hope that's not true. That would be the first time in like, what, how many years?

Wasn´t there a couple of years in the mid-90s when only the local commercial radio did the rally radio coverage instead of YLE?

Anyways I´d still prefer to have a proper rally radio on the actual radio, not just some vague stream in the intertubes.

12th April 2012, 09:42
say that there will be no rallyradio by YLE. :(
Olympic games take all the resurses ....

Thats bad news if true.

12th April 2012, 15:23
say that there will be no rallyradio by YLE. :(
Olympic games take all the resurses ....

YLE rallyradio producer shoots down that rumour on rallyradio's Facebook page. Olympic games will be aired nationwide on a different frequency compared to rally radio's local Mhz's.

10th May 2012, 18:06
Hi all - Since all you guys seem local I figured you are the best to ask (i'm not getting anywhere on other forums or by contacting others).

We are going to be traveling from the US to Scandinivia for 2 weeks this summer. I booked the trip during the Finland Rally with hopes we could catch at least a day of action. Our itinerary right now has us taking the Ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki and arriving in Helsinki around 10:00 Thursday morning. We plan to leave from Helsinki and drive to Jyvaskyla area right away, I have tried to look at the rally stage map and coordinate stage start times with where we need to be to catch the most stages. Are there stages happening in the south on the way from Helsinki to Jyvaskyla that we could attend?

We plan on staying somewhere in the area Thursday night (although I have not found accommodations yet) and catching action Friday before heading back to Helsinki Friday afternoon.

This is my first WRC rally and I am only used to American rallies which can sometimes be chaotic getting to spectator areas but nowhere near the level of an event like this. Just looking for any pointers so I can catch a few good locations either day. Is Laukaa a very far drive from any stage action or Jyvaskyla proper (looking at a hotel there)?

Thanks all

10th May 2012, 19:08
Hi all - Since all you guys seem local I figured you are the best to ask (i'm not getting anywhere on other forums or by contacting others).

We are going to be traveling from the US to Scandinivia for 2 weeks this summer. I booked the trip during the Finland Rally with hopes we could catch at least a day of action. Our itinerary right now has us taking the Ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki and arriving in Helsinki around 10:00 Thursday morning. We plan to leave from Helsinki and drive to Jyvaskyla area right away, I have tried to look at the rally stage map and coordinate stage start times with where we need to be to catch the most stages. Are there stages happening in the south on the way from Helsinki to Jyvaskyla that we could attend?

We plan on staying somewhere in the area Thursday night (although I have not found accommodations yet) and catching action Friday before heading back to Helsinki Friday afternoon.

This is my first WRC rally and I am only used to American rallies which can sometimes be chaotic getting to spectator areas but nowhere near the level of an event like this. Just looking for any pointers so I can catch a few good locations either day. Is Laukaa a very far drive from any stage action or Jyvaskyla proper (looking at a hotel there)?

Thanks all

As you arrive Thursday morning to Helsinki, don't hurry up north. The rally begins in Thursday afternoon with the southern stages, ceremonial start in Lahti harbour at 16.00 and SS1 Koukunmaa (first car 17.23), being roughly 1 hour 15 minute drive from Helsinki harbour. If you continue to SS3 Mynnilä, you go north and most propably towards the accommondation you will reserve. Friday stages are all within touching distance from Jyväskylä (around 30-60 minute drive). Laukaa is not far either, SS8/11 Lankamaa 1&2 is ran in Laukaa. But if you are going to leave the rally already on Friday afternoon, for accomdation Keuruu, Petäjävesi or even Jämsä or Mänttä might be better because the morning stages are on that direction. If you go to SS3 Mynnilä, it's at least 1h30min drive to location of Friday morning stages. Please note that it'll be late when you arrive from the southern stages and the Friday stages start early, so for one night perhaps the most expensive option for accomdation is not the most recommendable. Feel free to ask more, there are a lot of help around in this forum.

10th May 2012, 19:28
Very good, really appreciate the information. I was kind of finding the same thing as I looked at the maps, take our time leaving Helsinki to get to SS1 south of Lahti. Is it possible to watch SS1 and get to SSS2 (Super special?) in order to see first car? Then we could carry on to possibly it's looking like Keuruu would be our best stay so we can catch SS4 and maybe SS6 before heading back to Helsinki later in the day.

Jyvaskyla is pretty much booked solid by all the teams, media etc from what I found out so i'll check in the surrounding towns that you mentioned.

As far as what time to arrive at the spectator area to see the first car due, should I account for a long amount of time to park, walk, etc? Is every stage viewable for spectating in some capacity?

Thanks again

10th May 2012, 20:29
Very good, really appreciate the information. I was kind of finding the same thing as I looked at the maps, take our time leaving Helsinki to get to SS1 south of Lahti. Is it possible to watch SS1 and get to SSS2 (Super special?) in order to see first car?

Possible, maybe, but I wouldn't bother. There's a mere 1,5 hours between first cars and considering the reversed starting order, not good. Traffic conditions could mean that you end up with nothing special, especially considering that SSS Jokimaa is not anything worth hurrying into. I'd say find a relaxed spot on SS1 and stay there as long as you like.

Jyvaskyla is pretty much booked solid by all the teams, media etc from what I found out so i'll check in the surrounding towns that you mentioned.

Add Korpilahti, Muurame and Koskenpää to your check list. Those and the ones I mentioned before are small or smaller towns, accomdation is mostly cabins, cottages, etc. Perhaps some hotel or b&b vacancy in Jämsä or Mänttä, I would guess.

As far as what time to arrive at the spectator area to see the first car due, should I account for a long amount of time to park, walk, etc? Is every stage viewable for spectating in some capacity?

This depends on many things. If it's a roadside park and you arrive late-ish, it could mean a walk of few kms. If it's field parking, then less. But everything is possible. For the 1st stage of the day I'd count at least one hour from parking the car to walk to the stage, just in case. There are a lot of people moving around during the rally, so traffic jams etc. will be there but past few years it hasn't been anything too chaotic. This year for Saturday's Ouninpohja it could be another thing...

Every stage is viewable of course. Hardly any no access areas. Some restrictions occur, of course, and organizers likes to keep people in pointed areas, but you can walk freely if it's well before 1st car, you're in the woods and not damaging anyone's property/harvest. When you arrive in Helsinki, get the spectator's guide for information.

10th May 2012, 22:30
Jyväskylä Booking (http://www.jyvaskylabooking.fi/index_eng.html) From there you can book a room from Majoituspalvelut (http://www.alkio.fi/majoituspalvelut) which I have used past seven years. The location is perfect and the price is reasonable. Breakfast is included. There still might be vacancy.

11th May 2012, 19:28
Thanks all - when I contacted Jyvaskyla Booking they only had two options, Hotel Hivri and another hostel type place (Christian something...) so looks like stuff is getting book.

I was able to reserve a room just north of Jyvaskyla though yesterday close Laukaa (25KM) so not too bad, and they will do a late check in Thursday if we decide to check out SS3.

Will they have lights on by SS3? Will it be dark enough yet at that time of year?

11th May 2012, 19:37
Will they have lights on by SS3? Will it be dark enough yet at that time of year?

It should get dark for bigger numbers, but definitely not for top cars. From summer solstice to NORF is about the same as to summer solstice from now, and now it gets dark around 22:30.

15th May 2012, 19:22
Historic-ralliautot esittäytyvät Neste Oil Rallissa (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/33673.aspx)

Some historic rally cars will be presented in Rally Finland's showcase area in Lahti harbour on Thursday. Historic cars will also run through SSS2 Jokimaa. 40 cars max. It's all for promoting the historic ERC event in Lahti the weekend after Rally Finland.

17th May 2012, 22:49
Apologies if this is a stupid question, but is Ouhninpohja back?

17th May 2012, 22:52
Yes, as PS on Sunday!

18th May 2012, 06:52
Apologies if this is a stupid question, but is Ouhninpohja back?

From some of us it never left...

22nd May 2012, 15:24
SS17 15.37 Ouninpohja 1
SS18 18.00 Ouninpohja 2 (Power Stage)
both 33,01km

22nd May 2012, 15:45
During recce acropolis Kevin Abbring said his next vw-skoda start is Finland, so probably no Mikkelsen in Finland.
Sadly, because Ogier-Mikkelsen fight is far more interesting than Ogier-Abbring

22nd May 2012, 16:01
Don't be so sure about Mikkelsen not being there ;)
I hope he will be there with WRC if not with vw

22nd May 2012, 16:21
Unfortunately I don't expect Mikkelsen or certain other driver(s) in Finland.

22nd May 2012, 17:59
Don't be so sure about Mikkelsen not being there ;)

Do you know something we don't?

23rd May 2012, 09:01
Historic-ralliautot esittäytyvät Neste Oil Rallissa (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/33673.aspx)

Some historic rally cars will be presented in Rally Finland's showcase area in Lahti harbour on Thursday. Historic cars will also run through SSS2 Jokimaa. 40 cars max. It's all for promoting the historic ERC event in Lahti the weekend after Rally Finland.

What a nice car they choose for the photo

Kinda like my car (says the man who was driving the last Saab 96 in VM rally)(In the last event the car before homologation expired)

23rd May 2012, 16:25
Kimi Raikkonen hopes to compete in Rally Finland - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/99777)
I have some hopes that this rally will also go in rotation so that we can have some other events in calendar like Australia/Brazil/RSA...

23rd May 2012, 17:25
Kimi Raikkonen hopes to compete in Rally Finland - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/99777)
I have some hopes that this rally will also go in rotation so that we can have some other events in calendar like Australia/Brazil/RSA...

Yeah, let's replace Finland with Mongolia.

23rd May 2012, 17:40
Yeah, let's replace Finland with Mongolia.

or USA.
I'm sure they could scrape together 4-5 cars.

28th May 2012, 18:23
Entries are open. I'm expecting an entry from Fabrizio de Sanctis anytime soon :-)

29th May 2012, 19:12
Does anyone know who did the longest jump in Rally Finland?
Was it that one: Longest jump in rally finland - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH9DJ9ePNLA)

29th May 2012, 19:13
wilks is a contender also

Rally Finland 2007 Guy Wilks - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SXKRNZmr60)

29th May 2012, 19:29
Does anyone know who did the longest jump in Rally Finland?
Was it that one: Longest jump in rally finland - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH9DJ9ePNLA)

I think that Markko Märtin's jump from Ouninpohja 2003, Yellow House jump, is the longest measured one from modern days. 57 metres at 173 km/h if I recall right. That Guy Wilks' flight is from SS Leustu, jump best known for Novikov's stunt in 2009. Last year they had metre marks up to 55 metres there and they roughly landed at 45-50 metres. Wilks' jumps must've been around 55 metres at least. I think we would have some nice lenghts from SS Himos "Nikara's jump" as well. Only Ouninpohja's jump is ran to direction measured here this year.

From the 1970s this jump by Juhani Kynsilehto in 1975 is rather big one. Legend says it landed around 70 metres, but that's not accurate of course. Co-driver was, by the way, one Martin Holmes.



30th May 2012, 16:42
Does anyone know who did the longest jump in Rally Finland?
Was it that one: Longest jump in rally finland - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AH9DJ9ePNLA)

same spot, different angle WRC Neste Rally Finland, longest jump ever, Markko Martin - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk9YAGIJcXI)
good comparison with Grönholm :)

30th May 2012, 19:41
same spot, different angle, good comparison with Grönholm :)

Grönholm didn't like to jump. Gigi Galli was very surprised when he heard that MG did that jump in 130km/h and Gigi did it over 170. And still he lost about 1sek/km in Ouninpohja...

new record Gigi Galli 58m!!! 0001 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptzoX9ptVag&feature=related)

Here is Galli's jump -05 and I remembered his time wrong. He lost only 2 sek to MG... And if I'm right that Gigi's jump was only 55m(no 58 like thay said in video) long but he did it fastest ever, 175km/h... So Martin did longest jump but Galli did it fastest speed...

31st May 2012, 10:26
Where can I check out the list of the drivers who have already been entried to rally Finland? I've tried Kiti but it doesn't even tell when the entrying starts there.

31st May 2012, 10:44
Where can I check out the list of the drivers who have already been entried to rally Finland? I've tried Kiti but it doesn't even tell when the entrying starts there.

They will be in Kiti but entry just started so there is no one yet...

6th June 2012, 09:54
I found this, NORF 2012 event in FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/423434171020761/

7th June 2012, 13:57
Yle Uutiset Keski-Suomi: Koe Leustun erikoiskoe ratin takaa | Tv | Areena | yle.fi (http://areena.yle.fi/tv/1578131)
(If there's a pop-up window after you hit the link, say "ei kiitos" to the survey.)

Some recent incar footage from SS Leustu filmed and published by YLE Ralliradio. It's not the whole stage, starts around 6 km and goes on a little bit after the Novikov jump, at around 15,2 km they exit the stage. This year the stage is reversed and also quite some roadwork done to the now-first part of the stage. Should be must like a new stage then.

7th June 2012, 18:29
Yle Uutiset Keski-Suomi: Koe Leustun erikoiskoe ratin takaa | Tv | Areena | yle.fi (http://areena.yle.fi/tv/1578131)
(If there's a pop-up window after you hit the link, say "ei kiitos" to the survey.)

Some recent incar footage from SS Leustu filmed and published by YLE Ralliradio. It's not the whole stage, starts around 6 km and goes on a little bit after the Novikov jump, at around 15,2 km they exit the stage. This year the stage is reversed and also quite some roadwork done to the now-first part of the stage. Should be must like a new stage then.

Voi, voi, they have done the stage much more wider on the interesting parts around the small lake where some spectators use to bath or row their rafts in. Also after that. Seems those parts of the stage will not be so interesting any more...?

9th June 2012, 18:37
N4 Finnish Champion Juha Salo will drive with S2000 car in Rally Finland. Next friday they keep a press conference where they tell more about this... Maybe J.Salo will drive next year with S2000 because he has not got a chance against Esapekka Lappi and S2000 Fiesta this year..

12th June 2012, 06:37
N4 Finnish Champion Juha Salo will drive with S2000 car in Rally Finland. Next friday they keep a press conference where they tell more about this... Maybe J.Salo will drive next year with S2000 because he has not got a chance against Esapekka Lappi and S2000 Fiesta this year..

Salo was already testing his new S2000 car!

Proton S2000 Test - Sweet Lamb [HD] - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RphJ2WA75Ps&list=UU-U4hTfCxOlFYur7sGm72WA&index=1&feature=plcp)

12th June 2012, 13:30
Salo was already testing his new S2000 car!

Proton S2000 Test - Sweet Lamb [HD] - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RphJ2WA75Ps&list=UU-U4hTfCxOlFYur7sGm72WA&index=1&feature=plcp)

at 1,12 the date is wrong(15-6-12)????

12th June 2012, 13:39
at 1,12 the date is wrong(15-6-12)????
Official press conference of who is driving is 15.6

13th June 2012, 17:51
The list of entries as of June 12th: http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/attachements/2012-06-12T12-13-40253.pdf

No much, but Fabrizio is there :-) And Breen and Prokop.

Most propably this link (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/kilpailijat/ilmoittautuneet/) will have the further updates as well.

14th June 2012, 15:23
Most propably this link (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/kilpailijat/ilmoittautuneet/) will have the further updates as well.

Updated thursday 11.00

14th June 2012, 15:46
Esapekka Lappi in Fiesta S2000 as expected. Propably using his SWRC wildcard. Also Al Rajhi in RRC Fiesta.

14th June 2012, 20:45
Hi everyone, my family and I are planning on going to Lankamaa (SS 8 & 11) on the Friday. It's our first time at Rally Finland and we've got no idea how you get tickets. The official site says that tickets will be on sale at the stage. Does that mean we just turn up on the day somewhere on the stage and pay? We've been planning this trip for quite some time and are nervous that we'll turn up and then not get in - any help is greatly appreciated from Rally Finland veterans! We'll be staying in Hankasalmi on the Thursday and Friday nights.

14th June 2012, 21:21
If you're planning go to just one stage, just turn up at the stage, they'll cash you most propably. No need to make any plans beforehand, they can't sell out. It'll cost you 20 euros I think.

Welcome to Finland and tell us how did you liked it

14th June 2012, 21:28
Mika Turkki, Andreas Amberg and Ken Block are also the drivers who surely participate in rally Finland.

15th June 2012, 10:46
Hi everyone, my family and I are planning on going to Lankamaa (SS 8 & 11) on the Friday. It's our first time at Rally Finland and we've got no idea how you get tickets. The official site says that tickets will be on sale at the stage. Does that mean we just turn up on the day somewhere on the stage and pay? We've been planning this trip for quite some time and are nervous that we'll turn up and then not get in - any help is greatly appreciated from Rally Finland veterans! We'll be staying in Hankasalmi on the Thursday and Friday nights.

HAnkasalmi is nice place. I´ve been on the camping there, and it´s really nice.
If you planned to go just to one stage (?) then just pay at the entrance. Marshalls will be there making sure you pay.

Otherwise you buy a weekend pass for about 60 Euros.

15th June 2012, 15:32
If you're planning go to just one stage, just turn up at the stage, they'll cash you most propably. No need to make any plans beforehand, they can't sell out. It'll cost you 20 euros I think.

Welcome to Finland and tell us how did you liked it

Thanks for the info. Really looking forward to visiting your stunning country - hope the weather is better than England!

15th June 2012, 15:34
HAnkasalmi is nice place. I´ve been on the camping there, and it´s really nice.
If you planned to go just to one stage (?) then just pay at the entrance. Marshalls will be there making sure you pay.

Otherwise you buy a weekend pass for about 60 Euros.

Thanks Rallyper - I'm guessing the rally guide will show us where the entrance is?

16th June 2012, 18:16
Thanks Rallyper - I'm guessing the rally guide will show us where the entrance is?

Yes it will. If you follow the official locations for parking, they will sell the tickets there. For each special stage, there are several. Just remember there will a few others also so minor traffic jams are possible.

16th June 2012, 20:16
An unofficial (I guess) but still great overview of SS1 Koukunmaa (in Finnish):
Heikin_Pätkä 2012.avi - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4D4nTTxjqY)

17th June 2012, 00:26
- - - hope the weather is better than England!

Marcus Gronholm is not a meteorologist - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwukCdGKOdY)


20th June 2012, 09:05
Rumours tell that tests for NORF has began!

28th June 2012, 14:26
Most propably this link (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/kilpailijat/ilmoittautuneet/) will have the further updates as well.
updated 28.6
41 cars so far
still only 3x WRC
but 9x S2000
PG and Salo are in
Ogier and Mikkelsen for VWSkoda

and very many tourist with 2wd +academy fiesta drivers

28th June 2012, 15:56
Pontus Tidemand in R2 Fiesta. I would've hoped an S2000 for him to compare with Lappi.

28th June 2012, 16:54
Pontus Tidemand in R2 Fiesta. I would've hoped an S2000 for him to compare with Lappi.

Pontus drives in academy so thats why the R2....

Xsara Fan
30th June 2012, 17:59
It seems Ott Tanak will miss Neste Oil Rally. Wilson said 'NO MORE!!!'

30th June 2012, 18:10
It seems Ott Tanak will miss Neste Oil Rally. Wilson said 'NO MORE!!!'

Whois going to drive his fiesta? Matt?

30th June 2012, 18:26
It seems Ott Tanak will miss Neste Oil Rally. Wilson said 'NO MORE!!!'

That would be an very odd decision. Hope it´s only a rumour, despite you seem to have often inside information. Very sad I´d say, if it´s true.

How about new engine for Evgeny in NORF? Will he get an equal as JML and Petter?

30th June 2012, 18:47
It seems Ott Tanak will miss Neste Oil Rally. Wilson said 'NO MORE!!!'

If Wilson pays Tanaks or offers the car for free its his choice to do whatever he wants...

It is a pity for Ott especially in a rally like Finland... but he pushed his luck a bit too much also.

Lets hope the car gets a worthy replacement or none at all, instead of a useless sick dog of nothingness.

Xsara Fan
30th June 2012, 18:52
Info about Tanak and NORF is from Estonia.
I know only one fact - in NZ (3 day) Malcolm said to Ott: 'Don`t push! You must finish this rally'. But everybody saw, what Tanak did...

30th June 2012, 18:56
If Wilson pays Tanaks or offers the car for free its his choice to do whatever he wants...
I think this is the case...

30th June 2012, 20:40
I drove through the Ouninpohja today and man, it's (still) fking insane! The road is in perfect condition. Now that we have so many drivers who haven't at least driven it for years or maybe at all there will be action, I guarantee. I won't be able to go to Ouni but if you are, GO! :)

The jump of the Yellow House:


30th June 2012, 20:44
I think this is the case...

My feeling is that it´s not. Why would Ott have free car when PG who is way faster on the paper had to pay over 100 000 euros for taking part in sweden, his home event. (Having said that no matter what Pg then did in the event)

So having Ott as a paid driver, no matter what connections he has with Markko Martin and what he might help him with, I should take a bet on Ott doing much better in NORF. He´s learning period is way not over yet.

30th June 2012, 21:03
The jump of the Yellow House:


And to clarify: That picture is taken to the direction from where cars will be coming.

30th June 2012, 21:08
I drove through the Ouninpohja today and man, it's (still) fking insane! The road is in perfect condition. Now that we have so many drivers who haven't at least driven it for years or maybe at all there will be action, I guarantee. I won't be able to go to Ouni but if you are, GO! :)

The jump of the Yellow House:


Did you push? :D

30th June 2012, 21:25
I would give third car to Latvala for Sweden and Finland. :D

30th June 2012, 21:29
My feeling is that it´s not. Why would Ott have free car when PG who is way faster on the paper had to pay over 100 000 euros for taking part in sweden, his home event. (Having said that no matter what Pg then did in the event)

So having Ott as a paid driver, no matter what connections he has with Markko Martin and what he might help him with, I should take a bet on Ott doing much better in NORF. He´s learning period is way not over yet.
Tanak is 25 and one day may become a world champion. PG cannot become a champion anymore. He is like Hanninen, capable but not so young. Also Tanak seems that he doesn't have any major sponsors. Also M-Sport sogned him last year for 5 years. So don't think Ott pays gor it.

30th June 2012, 22:05
I have said it many times before....

The way Citroen and Ford treats their proteges this year shows the difference between the teams on other levels as well....

30th June 2012, 23:14
The way Citroen and Ford treats their proteges this year shows the difference between the teams on other levels as well....

Partly yes but what we don't know is what has been told to drivers. And in Tanak's case it seems he was given specific orders to bring the car safely to finish, which he didn't manage to do.

30th June 2012, 23:43
Partly yes but what we don't know is what has been told to drivers. And in Tanak's case it seems he was given specific orders to bring the car safely to finish, which he didn't manage to do.

wasn t the same advice to Jari?

1st July 2012, 00:04
wasn t the same advice to Jari?Don't think Wilson's opinion about Tanak's driving in NZ was based on his advises to Jari.....who btw did bring the car to the finish.

1st July 2012, 01:27
I wouldn't write PG off just yet. Marcus was in his 30s when he got a great seat in 1999-2000. I think the economic situation is not as good now as it was then (which is probably a factor) but if he shows his speed in SWRC/APRC, maybe even beats Paddon; his careers could get a second wind.

1st July 2012, 08:18
Info about Tanak and NORF is from Estonia.
I know only one fact - in NZ (3 day) Malcolm said to Ott: 'Don`t push! You must finish this rally'. But everybody saw, what Tanak did...

If it's from a forum, then a number of people have been banging that subject since the first offs. And now the article in Autosport added more fuel to the fire.

2nd July 2012, 14:17
One hour and 43 minutes is the time left for making an entry for this year's Rally Finland. Entries will close at 6 PM Finnish time.

And I guess the rally passes will be for sale this week at Neste gas stations.

2nd July 2012, 15:20
Who from you guys will be also in Jyväskylä for an evening beer... ;? Just press "Like" pls and we can exchange phone numbers by pm.

2nd July 2012, 17:44
Finnish rising star Esapekka Lappi testing his S2000 Fiesta for NORF at the same region as VW Motorsport:
Esapekka Incar - Printsport Pictures (http://printsport.smugmug.com/Rally2012/Test-Terrijarventie-2862012/Esapekka-Incar/23859627_3M9jJS#!i=1934603175&k=Q9vzrw6&lb=1&s=A)

2nd July 2012, 17:57
Finnish rising star Esapekka Lappi testing his S2000 Fiesta for NORF at the same region as VW Motorsport:
Esapekka Incar - Printsport Pictures (http://printsport.smugmug.com/Rally2012/Test-Terrijarventie-2862012/Esapekka-Incar/23859627_3M9jJS#%21i=1934603175&k=Q9vzrw6&lb=1&s=A)

Fantastic road and nice performance from Esapekka. Amazing!

2nd July 2012, 18:08
Best camera position-angle by faaaaaaarr!!!!.Is it so hard for wrc a camera like this?

2nd July 2012, 18:23
Finnish rising star Esapekka Lappi testing his S2000 Fiesta for NORF at the same region as VW Motorsport:
Esapekka Incar - Printsport Pictures (http://printsport.smugmug.com/Rally2012/Test-Terrijarventie-2862012/Esapekka-Incar/23859627_3M9jJS#%21i=1934603175&k=Q9vzrw6&lb=1&s=A)

More to come!

2nd July 2012, 18:33
That video was already posted few days ago on the other Finland thread, but it doesn't matter as at least I could watch that video over and over ad infinitum. It's rare that you caught the feeling of speed from an incar but this truly has it. And if they sometimes say that some roads are like rollercoaster rides, this must be the road they mean! Also, what Dimvii noted and I've noted it myself earlier, Lappi-Ferm's camera position is the best, it gives you all. Now I have crossed my hands up to elbows and wish them two the best of luck and super-fast stage times in Rally Finland!

2nd July 2012, 19:40
also the "light control" is remarkable. most of the others are dark incar and shining road

4th July 2012, 13:32
84 crews entered this year's edition of Rally Finland. List of entries is now subject to FIA approval and it will be published as soon as it gets the approval.

Entries have closed for Neste Oil Rally Finland (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/en/34075.aspx)

PS: Could some of the moderators change the name of this thread to something more general like "WRC Rally Finland 2012"? I think it would suit better.

4th July 2012, 15:15
nice onboard from lappi!

4th July 2012, 20:13
I would put Lappi in a WRC car in a second.

4th July 2012, 20:17
I would put Lappi in a WRC car in a second.
Be patient, it's not always the best solution to put a very inexperienced driver into a top machinery. Give him time, everything has to be done step-by-step not in huge leaps.

4th July 2012, 20:31
Maybe this year's NORF is the first time when Lappi really has an opportunity to make a big (monumental) impression worldwide. I hope he manages to keep his cool and calm attitude and does a result which portrays him well. I'm eagerly waiting to see the S2000 battle, many fast drivers and in Finland there's always the possibility of a mega-surprise. :)

I think that Lappi should drive this season with S2000, next season also but with a much more international programme and perhaps then later in the year make few WRC outings if possible. I hope to see him in a tarmac rally soon, he's a former karting driver (and he has done some tarmac rally sprints) so he has more feeling for the tarmac stuff than Finns usually. Also credit to Janne Ferm - in the onboards, the note reading rhythm is very good, never too late and all the time with very clear articulation and tempo. :up:

4th July 2012, 20:38
Tipical example - Ott Tanak. I think he made very good WRC debut in Wales and now everyone is expecting too much from him.

4th July 2012, 20:49
How old is this Lappi ? has he faced any real competition yet ?

His results are rather nice in the european rounds he contests but with inferior machinery and with B class drivers...

I understand of course Finnish people and their starvation of seeing another champion after around a decade of loss, after loss, after loss, after loss.... but by rushing things you cannot achieve many things in top level...

and definately a round in your back yard doesn't make heads turn anymore... at least of the serious teams... local sponsors is another story.

4th July 2012, 21:04
Except for Finland, is Lappi going to do any international rallies this year?
@NOT: He is 21 years old.

4th July 2012, 21:06
Lappi is 22 years old, I think. About same age as Mikkelsen and Tidemand. And if I haven't forgot something very obvious, he hasn't competed outside Finland yet - that exactly makes very interesting to be able to compare his pace against more experienced drivers. He is definitely a driving in the making and absolutely no need to rush things. I just hope that he would get the chance and we, the Finns, after years of loss, despair, 1-point defeats, kaamos, mosquitos, alcoholism (mostly own tears lately, though), shattered dreams, wasted education, lost hopes - did I mention loss, despair and tears yet? - and Mikko Hirvonen would have someone that could become a potential champion.

4th July 2012, 21:11
More info about Lappi here: eWRC-results.com - profile Esapekka Lappi (http://www.ewrc-results.com/profile.php?p=9371&t=Esapekka-Lappi)
@Hartusvuori: He competed in ADMV Rallye Zwickauer Land (http://www.ewrc-results.com/driver_info.php?e=1668&d=80233&t=ADMV-Rallye-Zwickauer-Land-2010) in 2010 and in Saaremaa Ralli 2011! :D

4th July 2012, 21:12
Except for Finland, is Lappi going to do any international rallies this year?

He has said in an interview about the possibility do tarmac WRC round this year.

4th July 2012, 21:15
@Hartusvuori: He competed in ADMV Rallye Zwickauer Land (http://www.ewrc-results.com/driver_info.php?e=1668&d=80233&t=ADMV-Rallye-Zwickauer-Land-2010) in 2010 and in Saaremaa Ralli 2011! :D

Saaremaa I should've remembered. But I guess we all agree he hasn't competed yet anywhere outside Finland that matters.

4th July 2012, 22:18
Saaremaa was quite a disaster for him and Korhonen as far as I remember. Both of them crashed and surprisingly times were not good as well, but that's Saaremaa Rally ;)

4th July 2012, 22:22
I think Lappi will be in top3 @ swrc in this event. And i´m sure he will do even some fastest ss-times. I think he has possibility to go forward and his future is well planned. He doesnt rush to wrc and goes step-by-step. He is managed by EvenRally (Same as Mikkelsen) EVEN Rally (http://www.evenrally.com/)

4th July 2012, 22:35
I think Lappi will be in top3 @ swrc in this event. And i´m sure he will do even some fastest ss-times. I think he has possibility to go forward and his future is well planned. He doesnt rush to wrc and goes step-by-step. He is managed by EvenRally (Same as Mikkelsen) EVEN Rally (http://www.evenrally.com/)
Top-3 is nothing.

4th July 2012, 22:54
I don't think it's big words. Who is the opposition in SWRC this year? Paddon and? PG has Proton and most likely won't finish anyway, Salo I guess will be similar case. The real benchmark - VW guys are not counted into SWRC...

4th July 2012, 23:00
Indeed Mirek, I agree! What about Breen, will he do Finland or not?

4th July 2012, 23:47
The biggest mistake is if he stays in Finland and win the local village people over and over again...like many finnish drivers did in the last few years and they were considered talents but when they left the border they were ridiculed...

The only 2 succefull (short of) Finnish drivers we have had international careers in italy and UK respectively along with beating the locals...

In the last few years the finns tend to stay in their country and build a name there driving on roads they eventually learn by heart and when they tackle different surfaces or roads they get beaten senseless... let me tell you a liitle secret because i am a nice person deep inside... this is the model greek "rally" (LOOOOL) drivers do and the only thing they manage to do is have armies of yes men... but it does not lead them anywhere apart from when they get at the near death age of 60-65 they claim they could be world class, and as my bike mechanic is saying to me " I could beat Pedrosa or give him a challenge easily when i was 20, but i did not left the greek borders" and then all hell breaks loose....

what about the IRC finnish guy Pajunen ?? what is his age ?? i actually confused lappi with him when i was refering to the european events he contested....

5th July 2012, 04:59
Will you lend the money for Finnish drivers? Because you didn't use that word once and that's also the missing thing in many young drivers' plans, that fact goes globally. Going through the same villige idiot rallies over and over again is an option when you love to rally but don't have resources for anything else. That why I tend to use the word "chance" in Lappi's case.

what about the IRC finnish guy Pajunen ?? what is his age ?? i actually confused lappi with him when i was refering to the european events he contested....

Mikko Pajunen, compared to Lappi, is a senior citizen in the current age model of world rallying. He is around 28. And he is hardly an "IRC guy", but still doing rounds in Italy this year. Perhaps you mistaken him for Nikara?

5th July 2012, 05:06
Will you lend the money for Finnish drivers? Because you didn't use that word once and that's also the missing thing in many young drivers' plans, that fact goes globally. Going through the same villige idiot rallies over and over again is an option when you love to rally but don't have resources for anything else. That why I tend to use the word "chance" in Lappi's case.

Right, just like i have an excellent plan and years of Hex-speriance, just no money for the current level..

Mikko Pajunen, compared to Lappi, is a senior citizen in the current age model of world rallying. He is around 28. And he is hardly an "IRC guy", but still doing rounds in Italy this year. Perhaps you mistaken him for Nikara?

MY GOD! 28! he's 10 years past the "sell by" date....

Times have changed, somebody tweet him! It used to be you needed experience and that took time to accumulate....

Now, its all over by 21.

Poor guy, he'll probably take up drinking and be totally on the street by 31.

5th July 2012, 08:56
Entry list: http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/attachements/2012-07-05T10-06-48253.pdf

5th July 2012, 09:00
Entry list: http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/attachements/2012-07-05T10-06-48253.pdf

Rantanen and Lindholm in with Fiesta WRCs! Atkinson with DS3 under the Qatar WRteam. Tänak also in... Along with Henning.

Pajunen continues with R4 Subaru, Nikara in with Evo9.

5th July 2012, 10:19
By far the best entry list of the year.

I am evil Homer
5th July 2012, 10:45
Indeed Mirek, I agree! What about Breen, will he do Finland or not?

Honestly have you not heard the news?!? I'd be amazed if Breen does Finland after the last few weeks - a lot to think about and perhaps just too soon to jump back in a car, if indeed, he wants to right now.

5th July 2012, 10:57
Honestly have you not heard the news?!? I'd be amazed if Breen does Finland after the last few weeks - a lot to think about and perhaps just too soon to jump back in a car, if indeed, he wants to right now.
I agree with You! You never know though!

5th July 2012, 11:12
Abbring said in the Acropolis Rally that his next rally was supposed to be Finland. No Finland for him though. :(

5th July 2012, 11:19
Also for a fact now is that Juho Hänninen misses his home event.

In general I'm very happy about the entry list. All the top driver except Sordo + few nice surpises.

5th July 2012, 11:29
No real works MINI´s and very disappointed that Juho Hänninen is not on the entry list. It seems that he was not allowed to drive any other car than Skoda, so no World Rally Car for Juho. Also VW Motorsport has decided that Skoda Motorsport is not allowed to compete in the same event. Why on earth? There would not have been better place to compare Ogier, Mikkelsen and Hänninen behind the wheel of the Fabia Super 2000. It must be that Hänninen´s road to the Volkswagen has finally closed (he said already that he has to look some other teams) and of course they is no room if JML is really coming...

In the SWRC it is unfair to Mikko Pajunen compete the R4 Subaru against the Super 2000 cars (maybe he can still change the car inside the class 2).

Very sad that there is no enough financial support for Jarkko Nikara. Once again only the old Mitsubishi Evo 9. There is so much hype about Esapekka Lappi (Fiesta S2000) winning the every round of the Finnish Championship this year (he is fast and very talented without the doubt), but Nikara driving the Evo 9 was almost able to beat him in Lapua (only 1,8 seconds separeted). Now would have been the time to drive the S2000 car again (only once in 2010) or already World Rally Car...

Glad that Chris Atkinson will get the chance to drive the DS3 WRC and Matti Rantanen is once again back after one year complete silence. The 51-year-old Sebastian Lindholm´s entry has to be the same tradition like Kankkunen, Alen, Salonen and Vatanen have done earlier. When you are at least 50-year-old Finnish rally driver you have to compete in Rally Finland...

5th July 2012, 11:51
Lindholm in ford after more then ten years and escort wrc entry.

5th July 2012, 11:54
Abbring said in the Acropolis Rally that his next rally was supposed to be Finland. No Finland for him though. :(

Yes I find this very strange as well....

5th July 2012, 12:32
Abbring said in the Acropolis Rally that his next rally was supposed to be Finland. No Finland for him though. :(

Yes, Finland was a 'definitly' for Abbring whilst Germany a 'maybe'. I expect him in Germany now, but I honestly think Finland would've been better for him.

Pity about Hänninen too, likely no WRC appaerance for him this year...

5th July 2012, 12:57
So Abbring is the opposite case than finnish drivers only competing in Finland? Only home events on tarmac, no competition on gravel? Am I wrong or is it economical or what?

5th July 2012, 13:34
VW's choice I guess...

5th July 2012, 13:53
No real works MINI´s and very disappointed that Juho Hänninen is not on the entry list. It seems that he was not allowed to drive any other car than Skoda, so no World Rally Car for Juho. Also VW Motorsport has decided that Skoda Motorsport is not allowed to compete in the same event. Why on earth? There would not have been better place to compare Ogier, Mikkelsen and Hänninen behind the wheel of the Fabia Super 2000. It must be that Hänninen´s road to the Volkswagen has finally closed (he said already that he has to look some other teams) and of course they is no room if JML is really coming...

In the SWRC it is unfair to Mikko Pajunen compete the R4 Subaru against the Super 2000 cars (maybe he can still change the car inside the class 2).

Very sad that there is no enough financial support for Jarkko Nikara. Once again only the old Mitsubishi Evo 9. There is so much hype about Esapekka Lappi (Fiesta S2000) winning the every round of the Finnish Championship this year (he is fast and very talented without the doubt), but Nikara driving the Evo 9 was almost able to beat him in Lapua (only 1,8 seconds separeted). Now would have been the time to drive the S2000 car again (only once in 2010) or already World Rally Car...

Glad that Chris Atkinson will get the chance to drive the DS3 WRC and Matti Rantanen is once again back after one year complete silence. The 51-year-old Sebastian Lindholm´s entry has to be the same tradition like Kankkunen, Alen, Salonen and Vatanen have done earlier. When you are at least 50-year-old Finnish rally driver you have to compete in Rally Finland...

Yes, since the start of the season it looks like no direct fight between VW and Škoda Motorsport is allowed. I heard Juho stays with Škoda for next year but I don't know if it's true. His starts in ERC anyway makes sense if he is supposed to beat new works Peugeots 208 R5...

5th July 2012, 14:07
Such a shame about no Juho Hänninen, I Think he's really fast and deserves a drive. I guess VW have decided on Andreas since he's probably just as fast, while being a bit younger. Breen would be a surprise given the recent events, will be interesting to see the pace of Hayden Paddon.
Nice to see Atkinson in an event again, not sure how he will go, but he will be able to compare the Ford and Citroen performance this year. Disappointing not to see Dani Sordo, hope for a miracle and full envolvement for two Prodrive minis someday.

30 WRC and s2000 entries, makes me wish I was coming over again this year. Next year will have to do :)

5th July 2012, 14:24
About Lappi. First time in ages there talented guy whos creating career with sense. Been learning rallying 3 years, now first year with 4WD machine and from first stage hes been beating Salo whos fastest Mitsubishi driver in europe at the moment. Lappi and and Evenrally are doing great job with no rush, step by step learning new things and not trying to ruin his career with too quick moves to top level. Experience and competing is what he needs most!

N.O.T. is one year with 4WD car in Finland too long time in homeland?

From here Lappi will get that speed he needs to get on top level, next year(s) he will gain experience from different rallyes and surfaces. That is the way to make top drivers nowadays, not by jumping in WRcar at age of 18-20 without real experience of rallying itself. Look at where guys are who´ve done that... Latvala still nervewreck and mistakes, Novikov bit mature now, Mikkelsen building new career with sense, Östberg finally some maturity and results, Rautenbach, Wilson...

In reality it takes years and millions to build up a career and that is something that most of us here in internet dont ever understand. Becoming rallydriver in WRC, IRC or even at national level aint videogame and fantasy management!

5th July 2012, 15:27
Thinking of doing my 8th Rally Finland this year and doing some pre-planning for kicks.

I remembered that someone said that there will be some road works going on in the area. Any news on the (possible) road works during the rally?

5th July 2012, 15:51
Thinking of doing my 8th Rally Finland this year and doing some pre-planning for kicks.

I remembered that someone said that there will be some road works going on in the area. Any news on the (possible) road works during the rally?

Yeah, the former outside service park area doesn't exist anymore and if my memory serves me right you can drive through harbour if you're not coming across the bridge.
By the way, I'm glad that Block and Duplessis are there, makkng Finland famous for the Americans.

5th July 2012, 17:32
N.O.T. is one year with 4WD car in Finland too long time in homeland?

From here Lappi will get that speed he needs to get on top level, next year(s) he will gain experience from different rallyes and surfaces. That is the way to make top drivers nowadays, not by jumping in WRcar at age of 18-20 without real experience of rallying itself. Look at where guys are who´ve done that... Latvala still nervewreck and mistakes, Novikov bit mature now, Mikkelsen building new career with sense, Östberg finally some maturity and results, Rautenbach, Wilson...

I said that because the last few years finnish drivers tend not to go abroad... like ketomaa, when he finally did it he was too old and he failed so hard it is not even funny.... yet he was hyped way too much like the next big thing... LOLORZ same for rantanen, lidroos and the list goes on and on and on...

The WRC needs the TRUE finnish champions back... not the wannabies, manager lap doggys, and media little kids we got fed for some time now

If what you say about lappi is true and he approaches his career like that then i wish him all the best and his chances are already look brighter than the jokes the media presented as future champions.

In reality it takes years and millions to build up a career and that is something that most of us here in internet dont ever understand. Becoming rallydriver in WRC, IRC or even at national level aint videogame and fantasy management!

I think everyone is aware of that... that is why rallying is not for "favela boys" and you must be prepared to lose a lot of money if you want to get some back (and that is a big IF).

However i disagree that becoming a rally driver in IRC or WRC it isn't video game.... Nobre with no driving skills at all (let alone rally skills) proves that to become a WRC rally driver you need MONEY...

To become a manufacturer driver is a different story and not even talent, money, sponsors, connection can help you if you do not have luck and be there at the right time.

5th July 2012, 17:56
Lets start to warm up... :) Rare onboard with Hirvonen/Lehtinen from 2007 on SS5, Vellipohja 2. Maximum attack.

Special thanks to G0Dfather0815 for uploading this, as I do not have the French DVD which had these SS5 onboards.

5th July 2012, 18:03
Lets start to warm up... :) Rare onboard with Hirvonen/Lehtinen from 2007 on SS5, Vellipohja 2. Maximum attack.

Special thanks to G0Dfather0815 for uploading this, as I do not have the French DVD which had these SS5 onboards.

ΤΑΠΑ !!!

nice video but not that rare.

T.Maanteiden kuningas
5th July 2012, 18:31
Basic driving at finnish highway. What a video!

5th July 2012, 18:47
Maybe Loeb will win and this year. :D

5th July 2012, 18:49
By the way, a Finnish actor and showman Sami Sarjula who is known from the TV-show Salatut elämät (Hidden lives), is gonna take part in rally Finland. If anyone remembers, he was Teemu Horkama's co-driver in NORF 3 years ago, now it's vice versa when Horkama is Sarjula's co-driver.

5th July 2012, 18:58
By the way, a Finnish actor and showman Sami Sarjula who is known from the TV-show Salatut elämät (Hidden lives), is gonna take part in rally Finland. If anyone remembers, he was Teemu Horkama's co-driver in NORF 3 years ago, now it's vice versa when Horkama is Sarjula's co-driver.

And the best thing is that he's not a tourist driver. He has done good results with VW Polo in smaller (blind) rallies.

Trying hard has also resulted to few situations :) : Lohjan pienoisralli ja sami sarjulan kaato ek-3 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0scDm4K8sw) (roll), Black Rocket Ralli 14.5.2011 [RJSM, HRT] - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=NYfIXwq9h2M#t=352s) (excellent close call) and 27.9.2008 - Turku Karting XXXII Rantaralli [NuSM/LC, HRT] - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=BJBcjxxOX9Y#t=267s) (a bit heavier roll).

5th July 2012, 19:16
Yeah, the former outside service park area doesn't exist anymore and if my memory serves me right you can drive through harbour if you're not coming across the bridge.
By the way, I'm glad that Block and Duplessis are there, makkng Finland famous for the Americans.

What you mean there's no outside service park? According the appendices (http://www.nesteoilrallyfinland.fi/attachements/2012-07-05T14-50-52253.pdf) the service park is actually quite similar as it has been during the past years. It's true that there are heavy constructions going on but I guess they will get it at least in a reasonable condition.

Everybody who are coming to spectate NORF - be aware that the bridge construction site in Jämsä is already causing heavy traffic jams so it will be a hundred times worse during NORF! There goes a detour through Jämsänkoski which can be good option. I tried to find a map about it but no results so far...

5th July 2012, 19:22
Very sad that there is no enough financial support for Jarkko Nikara. Once again only the old Mitsubishi Evo 9. There is so much hype about Esapekka Lappi (Fiesta S2000) winning the every round of the Finnish Championship this year (he is fast and very talented without the doubt), but Nikara driving the Evo 9 was almost able to beat him in Lapua (only 1,8 seconds separeted). Now would have been the time to drive the S2000 car again (only once in 2010) or already World Rally Car...

Nikara's situation is really a pity. Not enough sponsors to get a real chance with top machinery. He's a guy that seems to have always some speed in reserve as Latvala (and crashes often too ;) ). Like rp said Nikara was much faster driver than Lappi in last Finnish Championship rally and it's not a first time he gives competitors some hell with that hell old EVO.

5th July 2012, 19:25
Oh, I thought they're not gonna use it as a service area because of the constructions going on but great if they can change it to a service area again despite the constructions, or are they done by then?

5th July 2012, 19:54
I said that because the last few years finnish drivers tend not to go abroad... like ketomaa, when he finally did it he was too old and he failed so hard it is not even funny.... yet he was hyped way too much like the next big thing...
Everything has went really bad for Ketomaa but in my opinion there has not been many things the driver himself could have been doing better.

2009: Only event was Finland with slow and old Impreza. He drove like a madman and got 7th place.
2010: SWRC with useless Chinese FCACA team. Almost won the SWRC. Engine blows before event, not starting at service at NORF etc etc. I was there witnessing that the Chinese team had guys there wearing mechanics overalls but that were completely useless, maybe not mechanics at all. Speedwise Ketomaa was as fast as Hänninen still (NORF). Also posted really good speed in his first proper tarmac rally. After season it was agreed that FCACA team will continue and high possibility even with WRC. Unexpectedly they made an announcement that team quits and no drive for Ketomaa and too late to arrange other. The whole team was lost underground.
2011: Only NORF. One fastest stage time and fast enough with that testing. Crashing was bad, there's no denying that.
2012: Forced to drive with slow DMACK's. In a way the deal is great but I think it can also end Ketomaa's career. As long as we have no other proper driver with DMACK's 90% of the people just think he has lost his speed.

5th July 2012, 20:11
If I remember right the FCACA Fiesta S2000 in the SWRC was run by British Autotek team. That time all Fiestas in the world suffered a lot of technical problems not just this one. The reliability of the car was really bad back than.

5th July 2012, 20:19
If I remember right the FCACA Fiesta S2000 in the SWRC was run by British Autotek team. That time all Fiestas in the world suffered a lot of technical problems not just this one. The reliability of the car was really bad back than.
Thanks for the info. NORF service was funny to watch as there were maybe 1-2 good (European) mechanics/engineers and then about 5 Chinese guys standing on their way as best as they can. :) Hmm...I wonder...I might have seen that sometimes at work also...

5th July 2012, 20:58
Google Earth Map Neste Oil Rally Finland is now out Programme du Rallye Wrc de Finlande 2012 (http://planetemarcus.free.fr/finlande12.htm)

5th July 2012, 23:31
And the best thing is that he's not a tourist driver. He has done good results with VW Polo in smaller (blind) rallies.

Trying hard has also resulted to few situations :) : Lohjan pienoisralli ja sami sarjulan kaato ek-3 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0scDm4K8sw) (roll), Black Rocket Ralli 14.5.2011 [RJSM, HRT] - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=NYfIXwq9h2M#t=352s) (excellent close call) and 27.9.2008 - Turku Karting XXXII Rantaralli [NuSM/LC, HRT] - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=BJBcjxxOX9Y#t=267s) (a bit heavier roll).

He is a little bit crazy =)

Btw, i was in that place in Black Rocket 2011 =)

5th July 2012, 23:54
Will you lend the money for Finnish drivers? Because you didn't use that word once and that's also the missing thing in many young drivers' plans, that fact goes globally. Going through the same villige idiot rallies over and over again is an option when you love to rally but don't have resources for anything else. That why I tend to use the word "chance" in Lappi's case.

Mikko Pajunen, compared to Lappi, is a senior citizen in the current age model of world rallying. He is around 28. And he is hardly an "IRC guy", but still doing rounds in Italy this year. Perhaps you mistaken him for Nikara?

no i am aware of nikara... i just think i saw pajunen enough times this year in IRC entry lists hense the title irc guy.

5th July 2012, 23:59
Will you lend the money for Finnish drivers? Because you didn't use that word once and that's also the missing thing in many young drivers' plans, that fact goes globally. Going through the same villige idiot rallies over and over again is an option when you love to rally but don't have resources for anything else. That why I tend to use the word "chance" in Lappi's case.

I did not use the word money simply because it is as essential as having both of your hands... not because i think they are irrelevant.

As for the reason they do not test themselves abroad, if it is money, then i guess the media and all the managers fans ects should not bother with them in the first place to crown them champions or candidates for titles,wins and factory drives.

6th July 2012, 04:14
Atko in DS3 for Finland.
Chris Atkinson to drive a Citroen DS3 in Rally Finland - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/100910)

6th July 2012, 07:30
As for the reason they do not test themselves abroad, if it is money, then i guess the media and all the managers fans ects should not bother with them in the first place to crown them champions or candidates for titles,wins and factory drives.

That kind of discussion is common and also essential to any sports: supporting someone, hoping the best - and also provocating and irritating the others while at it. You know how to read between the lines; you just can't tell people to shut it before there's results to show, it just doesn't work like that.

Taking an example from a rally driver, following some future hope's career from the first signs of talent, it sure feels better from fan point of view when the driver take his first big win, than starting to support/follow the driver after the first big win. It could be seen as a waste of energy, but in general the productivity from following sports' lies somewhere else than in sheer results. For teams and drivers it real world of course, I'm talking from fan point of view.

And taking money factor as you did is simplifying it quite a lot. It is essential yes, but using the same figure of speech, not all rally drivers are born with two hands then.

6th July 2012, 07:33
Everybody who are coming to spectate NORF - be aware that the bridge construction site in Jämsä is already causing heavy traffic jams so it will be a hundred times worse during NORF! There goes a detour through Jämsänkoski which can be good option. I tried to find a map about it but no results so far...

I believe this cannot be too much emphasised if it doesn't change somehow for the rally weekend. There's already queues on normal days, and for example on Midsummer's, there was incoming traffic which is heavier than normal combined with a rock festival in Jämsä and for hours there were 4-5 kilometres of almost standstill cars from Jämsä towards Tampere. Just imagine how it'll be before Ouninpohja, when EVERYONE spectating the rally will be on their way through that jam...

6th July 2012, 09:33
Short test video from yesterday Lappi's test:


6th July 2012, 10:29
Not everyone is going to use that road... :)

But the majority will. Also if you want to see the morning stages, then taking the road 9 is the shortest way to Ouninpohja. So quite big traffic jams.

Doug Woods
6th July 2012, 18:30
By the way, I'm glad that Block and Duplessis are there, makkng Finland famous for the Americans.

This will be the second time that two American drivers have competed in Finland in the same year. The first time was 1973, Scott Harvey and Bob Hourihan.

6th July 2012, 18:42
Maybe Loeb will win and this year. :D

Hirvonen to win to make up for the Portugal cock up with Loeb happy enough with another haul of big points in second ;)

Ford to self destruct.... again!

6th July 2012, 18:54
Mika Salo tweets he will drive with Prodrive Mini in NORF.

6th July 2012, 19:14
Mika Salo tweets he will drive with Prodrive Mini in NORF.

Interesting, as the list didn't contain him...

6th July 2012, 19:19
Mika Salo tweets he will drive with Prodrive Mini in NORF.

wrc.com stands he will drive PROTON. Does Prodrive Mini compete in NORF?

6th July 2012, 19:23
wrc.com stands he will drive PROTON. Does Prodrive Mini compete in NORF?

No. Juha Salo will drive Proton. Mika Salo is some other person :-)

6th July 2012, 19:26
Interesting, as the list didn't contain him...

Radio Central Finland Rally Radio´s "specialist" suggested that one World Rally Car and driver is still missing, so it must be the MINI and Mika Salo...

6th July 2012, 20:24
No. Juha Salo will drive Proton. Mika Salo is some other person :-)

O, my bad, sorry. I didn't solved the mystery with the missing entry :(
I wonder more though if Mika Salo will drive Prodrive Mini, where is Sordo then?

6th July 2012, 20:39
O, my bad, sorry. I didn't solved the mystery with the missing entry :(
I wonder more though if Mika Salo will drive Prodrive Mini, where is Sordo then?

It is not so easy when there will be many Salos. Not (Timo) Salonen anymore, but at least there is (Jani) Salomaa :-)

Sordo is at home. If someone is able to pay Prodrive will lend their Minis, but how much it would have added the costs if also the second Prodrive´s Mini would compete in Finland. Such a shame!

6th July 2012, 20:50
Can they still swap drivers? Perhaps Mika Salo asks Sordo to be his co-driver ;-)

There are many Salos in Finnisj rallying. Sometimes also two Juha Salos in same event.

Also, it's very stupid to wish someone to go off in the first corner. I wish the top 3 fights for victory until the last corner, and that means Latvala stays in :-)

6th July 2012, 20:51
It is not so easy when there will be many Salos. Not (Timo) Salonen anymore, but at least there is (Jani) Salomaa :-)

Sordo is at home. If someone is able to pay Prodrive will lend their Minis, but how much it would have added the costs if also the second Prodrive´s Mini would compete in Finland. Such a shame!

I guess there are even more "Salos" out there in Finland :) Nothing bad, always enjoy Finn's driving style.

Indeed it is shame, would be interesting though ex F1 pilot in WRC factory car.

6th July 2012, 21:24
I guess there are even more "Salos" out there in Finland :) Nothing bad, always enjoy Finn's driving style.

Indeed it is shame, would be interesting though ex F1 pilot in WRC factory car.

Maybe it is good to see Mika Salo once driving Rally Finland, but there would have been so many other Finnish drivers (and preferably young guns) to get that kind of chance.

I guess that Rally Finland´s main sponsor Neste Oil is supporting Salo (just like Kankkunen in 2010), because he has been their advertisement face at least during this year...

7th July 2012, 02:58
It is not so easy when there will be many Salos. Not (Timo) Salonen anymore, but at least there is (Jani) Salomaa :-)

Sordo is at home. If someone is able to pay Prodrive will lend their Minis, but how much it would have added the costs if also the second Prodrive´s Mini would compete in Finland. Such a shame!

How old is Mika now anyway? He can't be older than Salazaar earlier this year? I was thinking Patrik would come to NORF too...?

7th July 2012, 18:27
I think he is 45 years old. I may be wrong but surely I'm too lazy to google it.

8th July 2012, 17:38
To go off topic, I guess Matty and Henning aren't coming back then...?

8th July 2012, 18:22
To go off topic, I guess Matty and Henning aren't coming back then...?

I guess not, they seem to be clouded in mystery for some time, Henning was supposed to race in Greece (I think) but don't know what happened. Wilson also was supposed to be back by now. Strange.

8th July 2012, 19:03
To go off topic, I guess Matty and Henning aren't coming back then...?

lets hope they stay where they are now...

8th July 2012, 19:38
Isn't Henning on the entry list?

8th July 2012, 20:09
Isn't Henning on the entry list?

he was in acropolis as well...

8th July 2012, 22:57
To go off topic, I guess Matty and Henning aren't coming back then...?

Maybe everything Matthew does, includes a five year plan? So, start really waiting 2017. :)

8th July 2012, 23:24
I think the fairytale/joke (depending on point of view) lasted too much and began to annoy even those who had some remote hope of him becoming a rally driver with a future...maybe if he had a different approach in his career he could be more likable....his last name sure did not help in that sector, neither his dads job did.

If he was just another young kid with a dream and started modest without those comparisons to Mcrae and Burns he could at least achieve to avoid the verbal abuse, because there are many kids like him who just test themselves and once they realise they do not belong in the WRC (or the WRC ousts them) they just depart and then they become just food for those nerdy freaks who dig too deep into the WRC championship to find every useless driver ever competed since 1656 B.C

I really doubt any serious person will miss Wilson... and for those that want more WRC tourists in the top leaugue, with the current format/rules of the championship i think they get them.

9th July 2012, 00:06
I always supported him as though he wasn't hugely on the pace, he kicked it up significantly each year, and as long as he was going in the right direction, I was happy. It was only a concern when he seemed to actually get slower from 2010 onwards... To be 18 minutes off the win in Monte Carlo was disappointing to say the least. There were times I got a little frustrated, especially when he seemed to be very content to finish 40sec down in a stage in years 4-5-6 etc cos it looked to me like a lack of hunger...

I thought his Finland performance last year was reasonable. Easily the fastest he had been yet, so maybe some progress was still being made.

(see how I brought the topic back to Rally Finland? :) )

I sometimes wondered if he would have been better if he'd had a bit more support from people! I felt guilty on the few occassions I gave in to impatience and attacked him... But I think maybe the biggest thing was seemingly NEVER being allowed to make a mistake or dad would be cross. It seems to me that mistakes have to be made in order to learn and be fast. Doesn't mean you have to be all Jani Paasonen about it though :P

9th July 2012, 00:41
Henning Solberg, yes, looks like all he wanted from WRC is to enjoy himself, and he did. Matt Wilson... I really don't what his agenda is, and I don't want to judge anybody, but with all these years in WRC he should have some progress. I mean, what is stopping him? Everything is setup to him, he don't have the problems of most of the young drivers - to find a sponsor and a good team, struggling over the years again and again with these. May be he is bored to be in the second Ford team?

uuu, that might be little harsh.

9th July 2012, 02:05
I spoke to Ilka in NZ and she said that she was running in Finland with Henning.

disclaimer follows.........

I do realise that things change and I also know that I shouldn't believe everything that I'm told! Everyone satisfied? ;) :p :D

9th July 2012, 02:23
I personally would if Ford gets 1-2, but probably that's too much :D