View Full Version : It's Over!

28th November 2011, 15:21
So the 2011 season is done and dusted!

What was your take on the season, teams, drivers, Pirelli, Dumb Racing Solution (DRS) etc?

Discuss :)

28th November 2011, 15:26

28th November 2011, 15:36
Finally the season's over! And I've finished my Xmas shopping before the red lights went out!

Big Ben
28th November 2011, 15:43
season... boring
teams... RBR and the rest...
drivers... Button beating Hammy... that was the surprise of the year for me.
pirelli... did exactly the job they were asked to...
drs... the reason I'm not looking forward to the next season

so I guess I have no problems it's over. I've missed most of the races anyway.

28th November 2011, 16:31
So the 2011 season is done and dusted!

What was your take on the season, teams, drivers, Pirelli, Dumb Racing Solution (DRS) etc?

Discuss :)

Well, to sum up the season. Some of the racing was good. I really liked Pirelli tyres, the best thing of the whole season. I also liked that passing was easier than in the past, although admittedly DRS zones were too long on several circuits. But this is something that can be fixed.

What I didn't like. The performance differences across the teams have been too big this year, perhaps the sign of financial crisis that only a few teams have managed to have a really competitive budget and not needed pay drivers for instance. Even though we had some fights and passes on track, we could have had much more if the field was closer, like it was in 2008-2009. But now with the exception of the opening two races, only five drivers collected all podiums, even Massa didn't have a look in.

Other teams behind the first three are lightyears behind. And looking at the back, someone like Lotus never had even a remote chance of getting a point. I mean 20+ years ago there were teams that were worse than current Lotus/Caterham, yet they got championship points during a season and back then only Top6 got points! Now the reliability levels are so high that it's difficult to get a point even if Top10 are awarded points. I really hope other teams behind the Top3 find a way to close the gap and start mixing with them, getting surprise podiums like Renault managed early in the season. But I'm not sure their budgets and infrastructure allow them to make such a challenge.

Most memorable moments of the season? Perhaps Button's comeback win in Canada and the fight between Top3 at Monaco was quite thrilling too. Overall 2011 won't go into the history as a classic. The racing has improved, but we need a close title fight and generally a tighter field to make it memorable for all fans. :)


Hmm, and finally evaluating some drivers and teams. Whoever doubted the excellence of Vettel or Button, were proven wrong. But perhaps the rules suit them really well as well, enabling to get the best out of themselves. Sutil has gradually been driving off the bad reputation from his early years. For Massa 2010 may have looked like an exception, but if a driver has multiple very underwhelming seasons in a row, it can be claimed with more confidence that the driver has lost it and Ferrari should start looking for a change.

Red Bull Racing looked very impressive in past two seasons already, but there were doubters, who thought this is only temporary and soon McLaren/Ferrari will start beating them. But RBR has proven in 2011 that despite their success in 09-10 they were still in development phase (!), that they have still been capable of improving and becoming even a more complete team, and left all the chasers in dust. So the bar has been raised to an extremely high level for 2012 for anyone aiming to beat that team.

In contrast Ferrari has indeed really dropped back to their 94-95 days with the difference of having an excellent reliability (I can't remember any car problems for Alonso this year). Last year Ferrari managed to improve the car in the second half of the season, getting a few wins in the process, making it look like they are still very good. But in 2011 the Prancing Horse got only a sole win over a full season, just like in 94-95. Ferrari should be grateful that they have a driver in the caliber of Alonso to maximize the point-score as much as possible.

28th November 2011, 17:33
2011.. A season to forget for me. It's a pity as the first few races were -fantastic- I thought we were really in for a classic year. But then either the teams got used to the Pirelli tyres; or Pirelli changed the tyres which took away the variables which were present at the start of the year. Then Red Bull and Vettel really hit their stride and the usual F1 problem of predictability came back to haunt us again. It doesn't matter how good Vettel is, and he's very good, any season where the championship ends 6 races before the end is going to be boring.

It's many a long year since I'd been less interested in the end of a Formula 1 season - I barely remembered that Brazil was happening and in the end I watched the race on Sky+ and skipped through a lot of it. Contrast that to 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 where I was glued to the TV for every second of the last race weekend.

28th November 2011, 17:37

It's many a long year since I'd been less interested in the end of a Formula 1 season - I barely remembered that Brazil was happening and in the end I watched the race on Sky+ and skipped through a lot of it. Contrast that to 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 where I was glued to the TV for every second of the last race weekend.


I didn't even watch the last three races this season :mark:

28th November 2011, 17:47
It was a very good season with a very strong champion. But too long. 16 races were the optimal amount IMO.

28th November 2011, 18:00
Yeah, the end of the season was a bit anticlimax and as it is fresh in the memory, it devalues the season as a whole. And as we saw in Abu Dhabi, it's not just about Vettel's dominance, it has generally been about (lack of) racing at the end of the season.

But I think the general high-period of the year was mid-season. Monaco, Canada, UK, Germany, Hungary, Belgium - all were excellent races. Earlier China was pretty stunning too I think.

28th November 2011, 18:22
Part of the problem was that once it was obvious that the championship was going to be won by Red Bull / Vettel every team then pretty much stopped development on their 2011 cars in preference to 2012, which basically meant that Vettel had a clear run for the remainder of the season.

It remains to be seen what that means for the 2012 season, but equally as McLaren and Ferrari were concentrating on their 2012 efforts, so was Red Bull.

28th November 2011, 18:37
Regarding the extreme rate of reliability this season, I would like to mention one record 2011 has managed to accomplish. Fewest amount of drivers to finish in a Top6 position during a season: 13. This is a clear record as the previous lowest was 15, done last year. As we remember with the past top6 points system, usually we had 16-20 drivers getting championship points during a season. In 1989 even as many as 29.

28th November 2011, 19:10
Regarding the extreme rate of reliability this season, I would like to mention one record 2011 has managed to accomplish. Fewest amount of drivers to finish in a Top6 position during a season: 13. This is a clear record as the previous lowest was 15, done last year. As we remember with the past top6 points system, usually we had 16-20 drivers getting championship points during a season. In 1989 even as many as 29.

Very interesting.

I'm afraid F1 left me utterly cold in 2011, largely because of the introduction of DRS, a gimmick much too far. Vettel's season was one of the most outstanding I can recall, but let's not be fooled into thinking that this made the 2011 season inherently any more interesting.

28th November 2011, 19:40
...But I think the general high-period of the year was mid-season. Monaco, Canada, UK, Germany, Hungary, Belgium - all were excellent races. ...

Although one of the most memorable, Canada was one of the least enjoyable races I've seen in a long time :s

28th November 2011, 20:02
Oh, I forgot one thing. Surely the low point was the shameful Bahrain fiasco, which, were there any justice, should have blotted F1's copybook for ever more.

The Black Knight
28th November 2011, 22:59
An Ok but fairly average season. It could have been a really good year if it weren't for the constant meddling by the Stewards handing out silly penalties at every single race.

Driver of the year: Vettel, Alonso and Button in that order.
Surpise of the year: Button outscoring Hamilton. Button was also made look better than he is I feel by Hamilton's turbulent season, however, he did have some really good races so let not take anything away from him and he surprised us all. Next year might be a different story.
Drive of the year: Schumacher or Button in Canada ( I can't give it to Button because I really feel he was exceptionally lucky to win that day, nevertheless, he wouldn't have won without a supreme drive towards the end), Hamilton in Nurburgring. I thought there was some amazing driving this year even in the midfield, so my choices aren't limited to the previous but the ones that stand out in my mind right now. Hard to pick absolute drive of the year really.
Overtake of the year: Probably Hamilton on Alonso in Nurburgring.
Missed chance of the year: Hamilton in Hungary
Biggest Donkey of the year: Maldonado for intentionally crashing into Hamilton in Belgium. I still feel a hefty fine and ban was in order there.

That's it.

29th November 2011, 00:04
Finally, now I can look forward to skiing during the winter week ends! :D

29th November 2011, 01:41
Interesting. Judging by the responses it will go do down in history as a forgettable season a la 2004 - which had a great scrap for best of the rest in the second half of that season.

Some DRS moments were a low point but on the whole I thoroughly enjoyed this season. An all time great season IMO.

What I didn't like. The performance differences across the teams have been too big this year, perhaps the sign of financial crisis that only a few teams have managed to have a really competitive budget and not needed pay drivers for instance. Even though we had some fights and passes on track, we could have had much more if the field was closer, like it was in 2008-2009. But now with the exception of the opening two races, only five drivers collected all podiums, even Massa didn't have a look in.

Other teams behind the first three are lightyears behind. And looking at the back, someone like Lotus never had even a remote chance of getting a point.

I disagree to an extent.

The midfield teams have been exceptionally competitive. STR, FI, Sauber,Renault fighting for points till the end; FI and MGP fighting to be fourth best team on race day.

Kovy has been solid all season but IMHO had Lotus had a special driver I reckon he could've dragged that car for a point.

True, Vettel/RBR was the class of the field but the driving was has been truly exceptional. The guys that managed a podium deserved it because they worked their asses off trying to catch/beat Vettel.

29th November 2011, 02:35
Get rid of DRS. I remember Turkey in particular had a lot of overtaking, most of which was totally meaningless.

29th November 2011, 05:39
2011 was pathetic, boring. worst year of f1 by far since i started following in 2003. bring back the 3.5 liter v10's, and keep v8s and give em a turbo too to mix things up, and let v6s with twin turbos :) get rid of drs and kers. get rid of qualifying (no points = who cares) and invert the field for every race based on finishing position the last race. that way smiley finger boy vettel wont make f1 boring like he did this year. get rid of team orders for good, get rid of number 1 driver status and demand all teams give equal treatment to both drivers. get rid of boring slow tracks with too many hairpin turns, except for monaco. get rid of many stupid chicanes, they have made f1 overly safe. get rid if refueling ban. lets see more than 1 tire manufacturer. give all drivers points, last place gets 1 point, hell they worked hard as anyone else, give em a flippin point! bring back traction control. bring back big rear wing, let them run whatever downforce they want. put electric starters in the car, get rid of gravel runoffs, get rid of oversized slippery kerbs. GET RID OF BERNIE. allow in season testing. allow f1 fans to upload whatever the hell videos they want to youtube (fom removed almost all fan vids) make the brakes smaller, get rid of paddle shifters (maybe), get a race back in california already.

29th November 2011, 08:05
2011 was pathetic, boring. worst year of f1 by far since i started following in 2003. bring back the 3.5 liter v10's, and keep v8s and give em a turbo too to mix things up, and let v6s with twin turbos :) get rid of drs and kers. get rid of qualifying (no points = who cares) and invert the field for every race based on finishing position the last race. that way smiley finger boy vettel wont make f1 boring like he did this year. get rid of team orders for good, get rid of number 1 driver status and demand all teams give equal treatment to both drivers. get rid of boring slow tracks with too many hairpin turns, except for monaco. get rid of many stupid chicanes, they have made f1 overly safe. get rid if refueling ban. lets see more than 1 tire manufacturer. give all drivers points, last place gets 1 point, hell they worked hard as anyone else, give em a flippin point! bring back traction control. bring back big rear wing, let them run whatever downforce they want. put electric starters in the car, get rid of gravel runoffs, get rid of oversized slippery kerbs. GET RID OF BERNIE. allow in season testing. allow f1 fans to upload whatever the hell videos they want to youtube (fom removed almost all fan vids) make the brakes smaller, get rid of paddle shifters (maybe), get a race back in california already.


29th November 2011, 08:48
DRS should be dumped immediately.

I feel like throwing something everytime someone says it is/ever was a good idea, and worse when commentators celebrate an 'excellent' DRS overtake.

29th November 2011, 12:29
I'm a bit surprised to see so much negativity. I enjoyed the season. My impression was that we had competitive racing for podium positions most of the way through most races. How many seasons have we seen in the past when the podium positions have regularly been set at the end of lap 1.

For me the main negative wasn't on the track, it was in the stewards' room. Too many penalties given out for straightforward hard racing.

29th November 2011, 13:11
Get rid of DRS. I remember Turkey in particular had a lot of overtaking, most of which was totally meaningless.

I completely agree but there's no denying that it has helped in Australia (no overtaking but the car behind could catch up); especially Abu Dhabi & Barcelona which are stonewall snorefests; but useless at Valencia.

I'm a bit surprised to see so much negativity. I enjoyed the season. My impression was that we had competitive racing for podium positions most of the way through most races. How many seasons have we seen in the past when the podium positions have regularly been set at the end of lap 1.

For me the main negative wasn't on the track, it was in the stewards' room. Too many penalties given out for straightforward hard racing.

At last, another agrees!

This year reminds of 1993. Prost/Williams was the class of the field but that was a great year - and arguably Senna's best ever. Prost/Vettel, Hamilton & Button/Senna, and Alonso causing a nuisance for a podium a la Schumi that year.

29th November 2011, 16:14
I disagree to an extent.

The midfield teams have been exceptionally competitive. STR, FI, Sauber,Renault fighting for points till the end; FI and MGP fighting to be fourth best team on race day.

Exceptionally competitive? Don't think so. They had comparable performance to each other and that's why they all managed to get some points every now and then, but we saw in 2009, what being 'exceptionally competitive' really means for midfield teams. Force India getting a pole and a podium on merit. Williams getting many 4th and 5th places. Red Bull, who back then was considered as a traditional midfield team, becoming a front-runner. In 2008 STR was 'exceptionally competitive' by getting a win on merit. Even in 2010 Kubica was getting a few podiums pretty much on merit! In 2011 all midfield teams were getting lapped most of the time, even Ferrari got lapped once. This I don't consider as 'exceptionally competitive'. Renault got closest to it in 2011 by outracing Ferrari on merit in the first two races. No-one else ever managed it again.

Kovy has been solid all season but IMHO had Lotus had a special driver I reckon he could've dragged that car for a point.

Lotus' best result was P13. Which was the race they got closest to P10 time-wise? I think they were always well over half a minute behind P10 and only outraced a car from an established team if they had a problem. I don't see, how was a point possible. It almost sounds like if Minardi had had an exceptional driver in, for example, 2001 (well, they had Alonso :p : ), they would have got a point...

30th November 2011, 01:43
Exceptionally competitive? Don't think so. They had comparable performance to each other and that's why they all managed to get some points every now and then, but we saw in 2009, what being 'exceptionally competitive' really means for midfield teams. Force India getting a pole and a podium on merit. Williams getting many 4th and 5th places. Red Bull, who back then was considered as a traditional midfield team, becoming a front-runner. In 2008 STR was 'exceptionally competitive' by getting a win on merit. Even in 2010 Kubica was getting a few podiums pretty much on merit! In 2011 all midfield teams were getting lapped most of the time, even Ferrari got lapped once. This I don't consider as 'exceptionally competitive'. Renault got closest to it in 2011 by outracing Ferrari on merit in the first two races. No-one else ever managed it again.

2009 had radical rule changes and that can always upset the applecart and form guide. 2009 FI got lucky with their low DF package.

In 2005 tyre changes were banned, Williams were a midfield team and yet Heidfeld managed pole and a threat for a race win.

Rules stability can give a level of monotony.

Lotus' best result was P13. Which was the race they got closest to P10 time-wise? I think they were always well over half a minute behind P10 and only outraced a car from an established team if they had a problem. I don't see, how was a point possible. It almost sounds like if Minardi had had an exceptional driver in, for example, 2001 (well, they had Alonso :p : ), they would have got a point...

It's subjective and therefore open for opinion and debate!

30th November 2011, 10:11
I'm a bit surprised to see so much negativity. I enjoyed the season. My impression was that we had competitive racing for podium positions most of the way through most races. How many seasons have we seen in the past when the podium positions have regularly been set at the end of lap 1.

For me the main negative wasn't on the track, it was in the stewards' room. Too many penalties given out for straightforward hard racing.

I'm with you on the stewards.

And if they're gonna have DRS, let the drivers use it at any place they want (like in qualifying).

30th November 2011, 10:54
I'm with you on the stewards.

And if they're gonna have DRS, let the drivers use it at any place they want (like in qualifying).

I'd agree with that, if you are with a second at the detection point, then you can use it anywhere for an entire lap.

30th November 2011, 14:11
In 2008 STR was 'exceptionally competitive' by getting a win on merit. Even in 2010 Kubica was getting a few podiums pretty much on merit!

Jens, its been a long year but Renault grabbed a couple of podiums at the start of the year before they went backwards. Petrov 3rd in Australia, Heidfeld too in Malaysia - he made a sensational start by jumping up to P2 from sixth.

1st December 2011, 14:20
Regarding the extreme rate of reliability this season, I would like to mention one record 2011 has managed to accomplish. Fewest amount of drivers to finish in a Top6 position during a season: 13. This is a clear record as the previous lowest was 15, done last year. As we remember with the past top6 points system, usually we had 16-20 drivers getting championship points during a season. In 1989 even as many as 29.

I think this may have to do with the performance gap that existed between the top four teams and the rest for sure. With eight drivers of those top 4 teams having by far the fastest cars, clearly the top 6 was going to be contested primarily between them. I would say this made races and quals quite boring to watch. Unless Renault, Williams, Force India, and others make some progress to at least match Mercedes, I don't see this situation changing even next year.