View Full Version : Alonso: "Hamilton the best driver in Formula 1"

11th November 2011, 10:02
Link: Formula 1 (http://www.formula1.com/news/interviews/2011/11/12766.html)

Q: Ferrari’s Fernando Alonso recently paid you a huge compliment, saying that he believes you are the only driver in the field who can win races with a car that is not as competitive as the best car on the grid. He said he will be watching you during the winter tests…

LH: I am honoured that Fernando is so positive about my qualities, despite this season and the differences that we had. Our relationship has got a lot stronger and the respect that we have for each other is much stronger. It is great to see that he has come out with these compliments, as I have also always said that he is one of the best drivers. So in general it is really good to hear that I have received support from other drivers as well.

I'm doing a bit of tabloid douchebaggery myself and hence the title can be misleading, but well, you can pretty much extract that from what Alonso said. :p Does anybody have a link to the interview where Fernando said this? If the official website is claiming it, it must be true, but I never thought Alonso would be giving Lewis such compliments.

He is 100% correct though. :D

11th November 2011, 13:44
:s hock: NFW :crazy:

The Black Knight
11th November 2011, 15:16
Link: Formula 1 (http://www.formula1.com/news/interviews/2011/11/12766.html)

I'm doing a bit of tabloid douchebaggery myself and hence the title can be misleading, but well, you can pretty much extract that from what Alonso said. :p Does anybody have a link to the interview where Fernando said this? If the official website is claiming it, it must be true, but I never thought Alonso would be giving Lewis such compliments.

He is 100% correct though. :D

Alonso has always said that Hamilton is a great driver. This rift between them that has been reported in the media is nonsense. They are actually quite good friends. Kudos to Alonso for what he said. I believe he is correct, but I also belive that Alonso is of a similar level to Hamilton maybe not just quite as quick through an entire season as Hammy.

11th November 2011, 15:27
Alonso, like Hamilton, is a bit Marmite. He's a brilliant driver and him and Lewis in the same team was Nirvana if it would have worked. However, there wasn't enough room in Surrey for 2 ego's of that size and it went Pete Tong in spectacular fashion.

Over the past few years, there has been several stories detailing their mutual respect as competitors and personally, I find it refreshing from what I consider to be the 2 best drivers in F1 at the moment.

11th November 2011, 15:39
I'm not sure Alonso and Hamilton are exactly friends like claimed here, but they seem to get on fine.

As for being the "best". Well, currently there are at least 3 drivers in F1, who are better than Hamilton. A year ago with different regulations that claim would have been believable.

11th November 2011, 17:04
saying that he believes you are the only driver in the field who can win races with a car that is not as competitive as the best car on the grid

Jensen's driven the same car. ...And won more! This means nothing. Alonso's softening Hamilton psychologically (..and some on this forum :) )! Lol. Hamilton thinks things are good now and Alonso will sneak attack him....

11th November 2011, 22:51
FORMULA ONE - F1: Hamilton Tells Nemesis Massa To 'Be A Man' (http://formula-one.speedtv.com/article/f1-lewis-hamilton-tells-nemesis-felipe-massa-to-be-a-man/)

The Spaniard, who is Massa's Ferrari teammate, recently admitted he thinks
Hamilton is one of very few F1 drivers who can win races even
without the best car.

how did a few become 1 ?

11th November 2011, 23:33
I was at a Motorsport evening in the North not long ago,when one of the presenters Rob Smedley,when asked who he thought was the best driver in F1 said Lewis Hamilton.I put it on this forum ,and it was laughed down by many.Why do so many on here froth at the mouth so much,when another driver or team member gives an opinion that mentions Lewis as in their opinion as a good driver ?

12th November 2011, 08:03
Best and good is a big difference. Alonso's the best. Hamilton is good (kfzmeister puts on flamesuit!)

12th November 2011, 11:07
It's just mind games directed against Button.
At the beginning of the season he was saying something else.

12th November 2011, 13:01
I was at a Motorsport evening in the North not long ago,when one of the presenters Rob Smedley,when asked who he thought was the best driver in F1 said Lewis Hamilton.I put it on this forum ,and it was laughed down by many.Why do so many on here froth at the mouth so much,when another driver or team member gives an opinion that mentions Lewis as in their opinion as a good driver ?

It's called living in denial. Check out kfzmeister's post. I'm pretty sure he's trolling with the "sneak attack" theory, but if not, that's some pretty potent toxic ink on the rolling paper.

12th November 2011, 13:09
It's just mind games directed against Button.
At the beginning of the season he was saying something else.

Yep, because if Alonso has learned one thing from his time in Formula 1, is that his main competitor has always been Button. :laugh: Not only that, he is so fearful of Button's amazing raw pace in 2012 that he's protecting his interests by going out of his way to make statements and play mind games when 2011 isn't even over yet. :rotflmao:

Lewis' biggest rival at one time has just said he considers him to be the best, it's straight from the horse's mouth, YET people will come up with the most absurd logic to convince themselves otherwise. It's cute.

12th November 2011, 13:24
Jensen's driven the same car. ...And won more! This means nothing. Alonso's softening Hamilton psychologically (..and some on this forum :) )! Lol. Hamilton thinks things are good now and Alonso will sneak attack him....

Out of the 3 races Button has won this year, two of them were in changing conditions, his specialty, and all three of them were capitalizing on mistakes. Canada when Vettel outbraked himself, Hungary when Vettel and Lewis made mistakes, and Suzuka was a good race for him, but still, Red Bull were taking it easy for Vettel's championship. He hasn't shown raw pace like Lewis did at Shanghai and Nurburgring and "TAKE" the victory, not capitalize on other's misfortune.

This has been the worst season ever by Lewis' standards, and while Button has done very well, kudos to him, on raw pace he's still behind Lewis by quite a margin. I mean in the last two races, he has outqualified Jenson twice by almost half a second. Races is where Button is shining at the moment, the degradation factor helping him, and once that is sorted out and Lewis stops having accidents, the cream will rise to the top again.

12th November 2011, 15:07
Yep, because if Alonso has learned one thing from his time in Formula 1, is that his main competitor has always been Button. :laugh:

Because it is not Button that Alonso is battling for 2nd place in the championship?! Do you even watch F1? LOL

12th November 2011, 15:18
Because it is not Button that Alonso is battling for 2nd place in the championship?! Do you even watch F1? LOL

Yeah , he's the best ......and I'm going to beat him .

12th November 2011, 15:32
Yeah , he's the best ......and I'm going to beat him .

Yep, just like he was saying how great Massa is, a week ago, in order to make himself look even better.

12th November 2011, 15:51
Lewis' biggest rival at one time has just said he considers him to be the best, it's straight from the horse's mouth, YET people will come up with the most absurd logic to convince themselves otherwise. It's cute.

Absurd logic? Driver, who is getting beaten by his team-mate, just cannot currently be the best. Absurd would be to claim the other way around. Perhaps Webber and Massa are the best drivers. So what that they are getting beaten by team-mates? At least they have "potential" and that's why they are the best! If you so much like to do it, better say that Hamilton was the best, just like Schumacher was, not is.

12th November 2011, 16:05
Link: Formula 1 (http://www.formula1.com/news/interviews/2011/11/12766.html)

Does anybody have a link to the interview where Fernando said this? If the official website is claiming it, it must be true, but I never thought Alonso would be giving Lewis such compliments.


but i heard it....Alonso said that Hamilton was the best driver who has won races in a less than competitive car this year such as that Maclaren.....and then started laughing, and then added, "but only if you ignore Button........" :vader:

Besides as I said before, team mate comparsions no longer have the same validity as before, because of car design and set up favoring one over the other can create big gaps.......

12th November 2011, 16:20
Because it is not Button that Alonso is battling for 2nd place in the championship?! Do you even watch F1? LOL

And how many times has Alonso played mind games with rivals in the past?

12th November 2011, 16:22
Absurd logic? Driver, who is getting beaten by his team-mate, just cannot currently be the best. Absurd would be to claim the other way around. Perhaps Webber and Massa are the best drivers. So what that they are getting beaten by team-mates? At least they have "potential" and that's why they are the best! If you so much like to do it, better say that Hamilton was the best, just like Schumacher was, not is.

Button is not beating Lewis in the same way that Vettel is beating Webber. On raw pace, Button is still behind Lewis, without doubt, and this is quite obvious. He has done a solid job to keep out of trouble and capitalize on Lewis' incidents and penalties.

12th November 2011, 16:52
There are a lot similarities between alonso and lewis. Both horribly overrated, both crybabies and prima donna, both get raped by vettel on a weekly basis. No one even talks/cares about alonso/ham anymore. They all talk about vettel and just where he's going to end up on the all time greats list. The only time anyone talks about ham is when he wrecks someone else. Maybe that's why he keeps doing it?

12th November 2011, 16:54
Button is not beating Lewis in the same way that Vettel is beating Webber. On raw pace, Button is still behind Lewis, without doubt, and this is quite obvious. He has done a solid job to keep out of trouble and capitalize on Lewis' incidents and penalties.

Last I checked, they drove the same cars. So Alonso is either dumb as hell or that was translated from Spanish by a moron.

12th November 2011, 19:09
Jensen's driven the same car. ...And won more! This means nothing. Alonso's softening Hamilton psychologically (..and some on this forum :) )! Lol. Hamilton thinks things are good now and Alonso will sneak attack him....

Exactly. This is a double whammy psychological warfare with both Massa and Hamilton.
Moral is to the physical as 3 is to 1.

12th November 2011, 19:39
I think people can and will read a million different things into this. My take on it is that what Alonso wants to say is that Hamilton is the best driver at making up for the deficiencies of a car that isn't the best on the grid. When the McLaren drivers were asked in an interview together to rate the other's strengths, Button said something very similar. The other question is, though, why is he driving a car that isn't the best? Because he couldn't bring six tenths of second to its development, perhaps? Being the best at driving round the car's limitations isn't the same as being the best...

12th November 2011, 20:38
Alonso, like Hamilton, is a bit Marmite. He's a brilliant driver and him and Lewis in the same team was Nirvana if it would have worked. However, there wasn't enough room in Surrey for 2 ego's of that size and it went Pete Tong in spectacular fashion.

Over the past few years, there has been several stories detailing their mutual respect as competitors and personally, I find it refreshing from what I consider to be the 2 best drivers in F1 at the moment.
:up: couldn't have said it better

12th November 2011, 20:54
No one even talks/cares about alonso/ham anymore.

Its funny though because most F1 discussion forums talk about Hamilton more than anything else and this one is no different. Its not always positive but he generates the most interest and thats undeniable. The press are no different in my experience.

Selective quoting. You're stooping lower every time.
Just putting things straight with vhatever's full post:

There are a lot similarities between alonso and lewis. Both horribly overrated, both crybabies and prima donna, both get raped by vettel on a weekly basis. No one even talks/cares about alonso/ham anymore. They all talk about vettel and just where he's going to end up on the all time greats list. The only time anyone talks about ham is when he wrecks someone else. Maybe that's why he keeps doing it?

'nuff said.

12th November 2011, 21:42
Or maybe you have indeed exposed a bit of a contradiction in his post? "Nobody talks about him anymore..... But they talk about him loads based on this this and this bla bla".. lol. You're the armchair expert who are we to argue? ;)

I always thought English was your native language, I'm not sure anymore.

PS: He didn't use any buts, he used : 'the only time when...'. Slight difference that only a good English speaker will understand it.

12th November 2011, 22:22
You don't know me, never assume.. ;)

Looks like it.
Anyway, I think we should stop the bickering before pino chimes in.

12th November 2011, 22:42
I always thought English was your native language, I'm not sure anymore.

PS: He didn't use any buts, he used : 'the only time when...'. Slight difference that only a good English speaker will understand it.

ioan, forgive me for butting in, but if you are to make criticisms of the English used by others, yours had better be perfect. It isn't, as the formulation of the first sentence above with a comma separating the clauses when a semi-colon would be more suitable, and the unnecessary 'it' at the end of the last sentence, make clear.

12th November 2011, 22:53
ioan, forgive me for butting in, but if you are to make criticisms of the English used by others, yours had better be perfect. It isn't, as the formulation of the first sentence above with a comma separating the clauses when a semi-colon would be more suitable, and the unnecessary 'it' at the end of the last sentence, make clear.

No one is perfect.

12th November 2011, 23:13
No one is perfect.

All I am saying is that you are in no position to lecture others on their English.

13th November 2011, 13:42
All I am saying is that you are in no position to lecture others on their English.

Get off the high horse before you fall down and break something.

13th November 2011, 14:36
Get off the high horse before you fall down and break something.

ioan, I do find you quite incredible sometimes. You lecture others on their English, while making grammatical mistakes in that very post; then you make the comment above. Do you not see why I might find this contradictory to say the least?

13th November 2011, 14:47
There are a lot similarities between alonso and lewis. Both horribly overrated, both crybabies and prima donna, both get raped by vettel on a weekly basis. No one even talks/cares about alonso/ham anymore. They all talk about vettel and just where he's going to end up on the all time greats list. The only time anyone talks about ham is when he wrecks someone else. Maybe that's why he keeps doing it?

LOL, nobody even mentioned Vettel in this thread, yet you have to troll with your Vettel bromance in here.

13th November 2011, 15:45
ioan, I do find you quite incredible sometimes. You lecture others on their English, while making grammatical mistakes in that very post; then you make the comment above. Do you not see why I might find this contradictory to say the least?

All I see is you putting your nose where it doesn't belong, so I thought I'll give you an honest advice.

13th November 2011, 15:55
Back to the topic thank you...

13th November 2011, 16:01
I think that should be "I'd" rather than "I'll", as the advice is now past. Furthermore, I don't think you can give "an" advice, rather just advice, which covers both singular and plural issuance of said advice. Just saying. ;)

13th November 2011, 16:01
Back to the topic thank you...

oops, sorry!

17th November 2011, 04:15
LOL, nobody even mentioned Vettel in this thread, yet you have to troll with your Vettel bromance in here.

Nope. Just reality. This is Alonso saying "we both don't have a prayer against Vettel, but together we might become notable in our own countries again!".

They did the same thing when schumacher was destroying everyone in F1. Cowards of a feather.

17th November 2011, 11:57
Nope. Just reality. This is Alonso saying "we both don't have a prayer against Vettel, but together we might become notable in our own countries again!".

They did the same thing when schumacher was destroying everyone in F1. Cowards of a feather.

An armchair expert hiding behind a computer accusing racing drivers (and F1 champions to boot) of cowardice.

Ohhh, the sweet irony, the rank hypocrisy :laugh:

Take the Sebism Fanboy stuff to the appropriate thread and let the big boys discuss Alonso and Hamilton in peace please.

17th November 2011, 14:18
Cowards of a feather.

Oooohhhhh, I bet you just set your Vent Axia to suck..........

17th November 2011, 14:26
An armchair expert hiding behind a computer accusing racing drivers (and F1 champions to boot) of cowardice.

Shame on you Knockie, you used the wrong word! :mad:

17th November 2011, 14:40
Shame on you Knockie, you used the wrong word! :mad:

:D The forum software prevents me using the correct word ;)

The Black Knight
17th November 2011, 15:08
Nope. Just reality. This is Alonso saying "we both don't have a prayer against Vettel, but together we might become notable in our own countries again!".

They did the same thing when schumacher was destroying everyone in F1. Cowards of a feather.

Wow, how you can come to that conclusion from this:

"He's the one who's able to clinch a championship with a car that's not the best"

It's deranged. That's the only appropriate word I can think of right now. "Reductio Ad Absurdum" perhaps but I'm pretty sure you've actually managed to go a step further than that. Bravo.