View Full Version : Sicko !!!!!!!!

10th November 2011, 18:36
So the Penn State Execs and coach covered up the continual rape of young boys by a sicko predator. They allowed him to continually use the facilities after being caught years ago. Then the Penn State students protest in support of the coach. If you don't think we are in the Sh!tter this should really shed some light on the values of our young. To top this off authorities sentenced a guy to 2.5 yrs in prision for claiming he went to Harvard. When he applied for a job, listing Harvard as his education they revoked his parole threw him in the clink with no bail. While the child serial rapist sits home free on bail. And you wonder why we need guns in this country - Its only a matter of time.

race aficionado
10th November 2011, 18:43
Totally sick and unacceptable.

There is absolutely no excuse to cover it up - as has been common practice with the catholic church's cover ups.

Paterno was an Icon, the students are pissed - yes, but for the wrong reasons.

Out with Paterno and whom ever was his moral accomplice.

And just wait for the $$$$$ suits that are forthcoming . . . .



12th November 2011, 21:39
Paterno did report the sicko to the Penn State Executives, they should have went straight to the Police.
Legally Paterno did what he had to do. That he could have reported him to the Police directly is also true and one could argue that he didn't do what was morally right.
I guess each makes his own choices in the end.

19th November 2011, 01:52
Paterno did report the sicko to the Penn State Executives, they should have went straight to the Police.
Legally Paterno did what he had to do. That he could have reported him to the Police directly is also true and one could argue that he didn't do what was morally right.
I guess each makes his own choices in the end.

Paterno reported the info he got to the Athletic Director (Curley) & the VP of Finance (Schulze) who heads the Penn State Univ. Police force. Any incident that happens on campus (as this did) has to go thru campus police before the borough police comes in (State College PA). Legally he did what he needed to do. He has even said that morally he should have followed up more. Now if the head of the campus police and the Pres of PSU sat on it, that is where you need to file additional charges. I read today that Sandusky can get over 400 years if convicted-then the Devil will handle him in Hades.

19th November 2011, 22:41
I know who Paterno is, but I don't follow college sports. And though I haven't really kept up with every detail of this pathetic story, what I've learned so far is that a college football coach had been given information that a member of his staff was molesting children in a facility which he basically had total control over. From what I understand, Paterno was just short of being a god on the Penn State campus. If he had demanded that this man be fired, he would have been fired. If he had told some of his linemen to beat him to within an inch of his life, they would have done what Joe Pa told them to do. And yet, apparently all he did in this matter was to do the absolute bare minimum... to fulfill his "legal obligations".

If this is true, then I hope that Paterno gets a room in Hell just down the hall from the one where Sandusky will be spending eternity.

We place WAY too much importance on sports and sports figures (really, celebrities in general) in this country. And this is a big part of our problem here.