View Full Version : Customer cars?

9th November 2011, 01:38
Is this really such a bad idea? It hurts to see the back-marker teams right now and Q1 quals are uniformly boring. I think it would have spiced up the sport a little if say STR cars used the same chassis as RBR cars, or HRT with Ferrari chassis. Suddenly, the low rank pilots would have access to capable vehicles and a chance to prove their worth. A few simple rules could be implemented to prevent F1 from becoming a competition of 2-3 chassis makers. Example rule, no more than one customer per chassis maker.

9th November 2011, 12:00
I disagree. I think many of the back-markers are doing a great job with the resources they have, and the differences in F1 are fractions of a second (usually). So the top teams, with the best people, will still always be the top teams.

Years ago back-markers were much worse, and even sometimes dangerous.

However, it would be nice to tweak the rules so that clever ideas can bring success to a team, to tip the balance away just a little from the influence of budget and towards innovation, in the spirit of great historic teams like Tyrrell. It's a very difficult thing to do, though, because the risk is to make winning a lottery if you go too far.