View Full Version : New rally free Androïd app

3rd November 2011, 11:00
Dear all,

For those who have an Android phone, InfoSpéciales Lite (Free) is now available on Android Market!
As a reminder, InfoSpéciales Lite allows you to:

- calculate your next check-in time (no error in calculating and take penalties...)
- time your special
- Take any number of intermediate
- Displays the speed for the links (for those who do not have dashboard)
- Know instantly how much time remains to finish the link (without computing again!)

In short, it's simple, it de-stresses and free! So try it and tell us what you think!
You can download it from Android Market by searching or clicking InfoSpeciales (https://market.android.com/details?id=com.isteam.infospeciales&feature=search_result)

An iPhone version is in preparation ...
