View Full Version : Dale Farm

Bolton Midnight
20th October 2011, 11:40

As daylight broke over Dale Farm, the bailiffs continued to remove the last of the makeshift barriers and "locked-on" protesters. But Arran and Danya "locked on" to a barrier nearby have been completely ignored. They have their hands bound together on either side of a fence and can't free themselves and have been forced to spend the night in the open. "It could be worse", said Arran, 26, a charity fundraiser from Bristol.

good one, leave these rentamob trouble makers till last sat in their own filth shivering as it gets colder and colder, that'll learn em and they can go home to mummy and daddy and stop getting in the way and talking ****e

20th October 2011, 13:52
Do you mean Emmerdale farm? Good TV, I'd say.

Dave B
20th October 2011, 13:57
It's simply called Emmerdale these days, it was "rebranded" in about 1990. Maybe the travellers should try that: "Dale" sounds like a quaint English village. Or an orange gameshow host.

Bolton Midnight
20th October 2011, 14:02
Nope, http://news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16091758

pikey scum moaning about their ooman rights, thankfully Labour aren't in anymore so they've been evicted

Dave B
20th October 2011, 14:20
Bit rich, calling Sky News "pikey scum". Admittedly you wouldn't want Eamonn Holmes camping on your land, but still...

Bolton Midnight
20th October 2011, 14:23
No the travellers and the rentamobs are the scum, the Irish don't want them, wonder why.........

Brown, Jon Brow
20th October 2011, 15:15
Balanced and fair :dozey:

I must say that I have the hots for Laurel on Emmerdale. She was a bit weird when she first arrived in the village but she has matured like a fine cheese.

Dave B
20th October 2011, 15:15
Balanced and fair :dozey:

I take it we're no longer talking about Sky News?

Bolton Midnight
20th October 2011, 15:30
Want them living next to you do you? Robbing your stuff, leaving crap (literally) everywhere?

Yuck, freaksville

is more like

or this

or even this

a milf

Dave B
20th October 2011, 15:54
Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay..... :erm:

Dave B
20th October 2011, 16:38
So finally we get to see the back of a group of hopeless Irish who have inflicted untold misery for more than a decade.

Bolton Midnight
20th October 2011, 17:07
Okaaaaaaaaaaaaay..... :erm:

So you want them as neighbours do you?

Am sure they will be looking for a new bit of land to wreck now.

Dave B
20th October 2011, 17:10
So you want them as neighbours do you?

Am sure they will be looking for a new bit of land to wreck now.
Westlife? No thanks.

Bolton Midnight
20th October 2011, 17:17
Westlife? No thanks.

no the pikeys, doh

I quoted your earlier post not your oh so funny Westlife joke, do keep up at the back, please

Dave B
20th October 2011, 17:33
Sorry, I was momentarily distracted by fake-titted Photoshopped slags. Won't happen again.

Bolton Midnight
20th October 2011, 17:36
Sorry, I was momentarily distracted by fake-titted Photoshopped slags. Won't happen again.

So would you turn them away then, the photoshopped tarts not Westlife or the Pikeys?

Which ones have had their norks boosted?

Dave B
20th October 2011, 17:41
Women #2 and #3 have definately been breathed on by a plastic surgeon. Can't tell with #1; and while #4 may or may not have natural ones she looks old enough to remember rationing.

20th October 2011, 17:57
Balanced and fair :dozey:

I must say that I have the hots for Laurel on Emmerdale. She was a bit weird when she first arrived in the village but she has matured like a fine cheese.
Matured from a bumble bee to a fine cheese :laugh:

Bolton Midnight
20th October 2011, 21:55
Women #2 and #3 have definately been breathed on by a plastic surgeon. Can't tell with #1; and while #4 may or may not have natural ones she looks old enough to remember rationing.

3 maybe but as she's in water hard to say for sure, 2 just looks like a push up bra, if I was going put money on it I'd go with No.1 but as she's quite well known Roxanne Palllet I'm sure the info will be out there.

4 isn't that old on that pic.

Bolton Midnight
23rd October 2011, 01:12

ha ha see how inaccurate left wing websites are, this even makes the Guardian site look relatively honest!

and wouldn't you know it pinko Beeb sends more staff than anyone else, cut backs can't come quick enough for that shower of parasites


24th October 2011, 09:29
ha ha see how inaccurate left wing websites are
In what way is that report inaccurate? Aren't they simply reporting that the travellers "marched past rows of police and bailiffs through the main entrance at around 4.45pm".

Was it 4.46pm then?

and wouldn't you know it pinko Beeb sends more staff than anyone else
Interesting to note that the Daily Mail have almost exactly the same story. Illuminating.

24th October 2011, 09:51

Bolton Midnight
24th October 2011, 16:06
In what way is that report inaccurate? Aren't they simply reporting that the travellers "marched past rows of police and bailiffs through the main entrance at around 4.45pm".

Was it 4.46pm then?

Interesting to note that the Daily Mail have almost exactly the same story. Illuminating.

They didn't march out defiantly they were evicted, can you not see the difference? If not no hope for you.

Makes sense as Telegraph and Mail tell it as it is, Beeb over staffed, over paid, under worked parasites - like most of the public sector.

24th October 2011, 20:57
The goalposts are moving constantly here lol.

Department of no surprise.

Bolton Midnight
24th October 2011, 23:14
The goalposts are moving constantly here lol.

No they are not.

Dept of yet more bs

Bolton Midnight
25th October 2011, 15:13
How very grown up

that's you that is, no that's you, your mummy smells, I know yours does blah blah

25th October 2011, 17:58
They didn't march out defiantly they were evicted, can you not see the difference?
Or perhaps, having been evicted, they marched out defiantly.


Bolton Midnight
25th October 2011, 18:03
Nothing victorious about being slung out and such types haven't the discipline to march.

Law 1 - Pikey Scum 0

25th October 2011, 18:18
They haven't even all left, to the best of my knowledge. Instead a number of them have moved on to an area of the site where it is legal for them to stay — a fact relatively unreported, presumably because the authorities involved in enforcing the eviction wish for it to be viewed as nothing other than a victory on their part, when in truth it's not as simple as that.

Bolton Midnight
25th October 2011, 18:33
They haven't even all left, to the best of my knowledge. Instead a number of them have moved on to an area of the site where it is legal for them to stay — a fact relatively unreported, presumably because the authorities involved in enforcing the eviction wish for it to be viewed as nothing other than a victory on their part, when in truth it's not as simple as that.

Are they in the illegal bit, err nope = victory (although a very costly one and one that would have taken a week with normal people in charge).

See how quickly farmers and supermarkets get shut of them - benefits or muck spreading or a few heavies vs. useless town hall types.

25th October 2011, 19:31
See how quickly farmers and supermarkets get shut of them - benefits or muck spreading or a few heavies vs. useless town hall types.

Meaning illegal behaviour, which I presume you abhor.

Bolton Midnight
26th October 2011, 04:32
Well unfortunately both governments have struggled with the red tape on this one.

They had to wait till labour was out before they had a chance of getting rid of them. Two jags made a pig's ear out of all of this.

Meaning illegal behaviour, which I presume you abhor.

Oh bloody hell it's Enid Blyton, what is illegal about a farmer muck spreading on his own land? You sunshine, know nothing, high time you shut your yap.

Bolton Midnight
26th October 2011, 09:02
Have the conservatives changed the law recently on travellers? I genuinely don't know.

Don't think they have re travellers but more planning disputes and a more general 'can do' attitude rather than Labour's 'can't do'. I cba to find the specifics but there was some.

Bats don't need to comply with the law of the land unlike thieving benefit scroungers and rentamob types.

But I wondered how long till some protected newts were found etc.

Littlejohn summed it up far better than I can

Essex Police played a blinder. Faced with a barrage of bricks, bottles and iron bars, they were entitled to use Tasers to subdue trouble-makers who tried to turn Dale Farm into a war zone.
None of those arrested lived on the site. They were full-time agitators who went to Basildon to confront the police. It was a battle of their choosing and they can have no complaints. They fought the law and the law won.

The police acted with commendable patience and restraint. Casualties were kept to a minimum. Even the demonstrator who was Tasered managed to pick himself up and melted back into the crowd, so he couldn’t have been that badly hurt.

Officers went to great lengths to ensure that those imbeciles who had manacled themselves to the makeshift ‘Human Rights Observation Tower’ were brought down without injury.
They would have been forgiven for using water cannon, especially after one of the protesters on top of the scaffolding thought it would be amusing to relieve himself on their heads.
In the event, the Dale Farm residents left peacefully, which they have always been free to do.

There’s been an awful lot of garbage both written and spoken about the alleged persecution of these self-styled ‘travellers’.
How many more times? This showdown was only necessary because for the past ten years they have resolutely refused to travel anywhere, except back to their native Ireland on high days and holidays.

Basildon Council has consistently offered them alternative sites, both in Essex and further afield, but they were stubbornly determined to remain on their illegal settlement. The council had even been paying them housing benefit direct to a landlord based in Ireland.

Basildon has bent over backwards to achieve an acceptable solution to the stand-off, which has ended up costing taxpayers a staggering £22 million. No wonder council leader Tony Ball refuses to hail the eviction as a ‘victory’.
Hysterical wailing about ‘ethnic cleansing’ and ‘racism’ is simply ludicrous. This was a planning dispute, pure and simple. It wasn’t about ‘human rights’, it was because the travellers were demanding to be treated as a special case.

Had this been a conservatory or bathroom extension erected without planning permission in a residential area, it would have been demolished years ago — at the owner’s expense.
This case has been rumbling on for a decade. The travellers have been indulged at every turn and encouraged to drag out the legal process, even though they reserve the right to ignore any law they don’t like.

Far from being unfortunate victims, they are skilled at playing a system paralysed by political correctness and the doctrine of ‘celebrating diversity’.
They know every loophole and cynically exploit the sympathy card.
Although they pretended that eviction would leave them homeless and destitute, many of the Dale Farm residents own houses back in Ireland.
Plenty of travellers are shrewd, ruthless businessmen with an eye for the main chance. Reliable sources attest that the head of the Sheridan clan, which formed the core of the illegal camp, tried to shakedown Basildon Council for £6 million to go quietly.

It should be emphasised that the so-called ‘travelling community’ has a variety of components, from genuine Roma gypsies to show folk who work fairs and circuses. The vast majority are law-abiding and live on legal sites.
Trouble only arises when groups like the Dale Farm brigade decide to ignore the laws which govern the rest of us.
They claim to be ‘excluded’ but they are never short of support. Every local authority and police force now has a dedicated travellers’ unit.

Civil servants are sent on expensive training courses which teach that travellers are uniquely discriminated against and disadvantaged in Britain. Lawyers are always on standby to help them circumvent the law and wrong-foot the planning authorities — for instance, by moving on to illegal sites over Bank Holidays.
They’ve even managed to enlist the United Nations to their cause. The plight of the Dale Farm families has been compared, preposterously, to that of the Palestinians — presumably because they’ve been holding Basildon Council hostage for the past ten years.

On Newsnight, an absurd representative of something called the ‘UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination’ kept insisting that it was the duty of the British taxpayer to provide ‘culturally appropriate accommodation’ for travellers.

Anastasia Crickley, an Irish academic who has also served as the Inaugural Chair of the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency and Chair of the EU Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia, proclaimed that every ethnic group had a human right to housing which celebrated their ‘collective experience of culture’.
That means any eskimo who settled in Britain would be entitled to a taxpayer-subsidised igloo; asylum seekers from the Middle East would have to be supplied with Bedouin tents; and refugees from rural Africa could move into mud huts.

To his credit, Jeremy Paxman gave this silly, self-righteous woman short shrift, but his irritation was in marked contrast to the sympathetic, hand-wringing report which preceded the interview.
He didn’t ask her how the Irish government would have reacted in similar circumstances, even though she must know the answer.

Many of the Irish travellers in Britain have only moved here because their own government takes a far more robust line over illegal settlements, which are treated as criminal trespass.
Communities Secretary Eric Pickles is beefing up the powers of local authorities to stop travellers setting up illegal camps, but is stopping short of making it a criminal offence.
Even if councils built double the number of legal sites, there would still be plenty of travellers who would refuse to live on them for ‘cultural’ reasons — such as paying tax, paying rent, paying full price for diesel, etc.
The battle of Dale Farm may be over, but it won’t be the last.

26th October 2011, 09:12
I cba to find the specifics...
That much has been clear for some time :p :

Bolton Midnight
26th October 2011, 09:17
That much has been clear for some time :p :

Why bother as if it is not from the Guardian then the chattering classes will only assume that it isn't so.

Besides I don't need links to prove something I already know to be so, and anyroad look up, there's a bit about what the Tories are doing to help councils get shut of these thieving peasants.

26th October 2011, 09:38
Why bother...I don't need links to prove something I already know to be so...
Why bother? If you want to convince others that your view has merit then links will help them decide for themselves. Otherwise you're just shouting louder and more often than anyone else.

Bolton Midnight
26th October 2011, 11:59
has merit then links will help them decide

You'd have to be some kind of tard to need a link to tell you what you should already know.

Forget the Guardian telling you what you should think and just open your eyes to all the crap about.

These folk aren't minorities they are criminals who are costing us the taxpayer a lot of money and should be treated as such.

26th October 2011, 12:32
If you want to convince others that your view has merit then links will help them decide for themselves.

26th October 2011, 12:38
You sunshine, know nothing, high time you shut your yap.

A genuine question. Do you really consider yourself intelligent?

26th October 2011, 12:46
Forget the Guardian telling you what you should think and just open your eyes to all the crap about.

With respect, your research into the topics on which you spout forth can hardly be described as balanced and in-depth.

By the way, were you aware that your apparent hero Richard Littlejohn was convicted for causing a serious affray at a technical college in Essex in the 1970s, thus rendering him something of a hypocrite when it comes to pronouncing on law and order matters?

Bolton Midnight
26th October 2011, 13:20
If you want to convince others that your view has merit then links will help them decide for themselves.

If they are normal thinking human beings then they won't need a link to help them make up their minds, only some kind of brain dead tard would base their views on links.

A genuine question. Do you really consider yourself intelligent?

Do you consider yourself likely to ever get a BJ? As you seriously need one.

But I know you consider yourself some kind of mega brain don't you? But lets face it you are wrong about most things.

With respect, your research into the topics on which you spout forth can hardly be described as balanced and in-depth.

By the way, were you aware that your apparent hero Richard Littlejohn was convicted for causing a serious affray at a technical college in Essex in the 1970s, thus rendering him something of a hypocrite when it comes to pronouncing on law and order matters?

Yep, and why not, least it shows he's lived a bit. Subtle difference between drunken high jinx vs systematic thieving but I don't expect you to understand that as you clearly haven't lived.