View Full Version : Indian GP Thread

20th October 2011, 10:18
Well, never thought I'd be making this thread. Still 10 days to go, but I guess the thread had to be started some time. What better time than now, what better place than here.

The track seems to have been completed in time. Still a last few touches remaining. Still I'm happy it was completed, I thought we'd never see it done judging by pictures from a month ago! Neel Jani did a few laps in a Red Bull show car, so at least it's ready to race, I would assume. Let's see. These are the latest pictures from the media unveiling.

http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/298419_208564652545555_142199465848741_519109_1931 326354_n.jpg

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/321160_208565095878844_142199465848741_519115_8795 92689_n.jpg

http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/317267_208564479212239_142199465848741_519107_5016 99322_n.jpg

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/305190_208565202545500_142199465848741_519117_7728 82874_n.jpg

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s720x720/297702_208568062545214_142199465848741_519122_1800 561277_n.jpg

More pictures here: http://www.planet-f1.com/photo-gallery/7250119/Introducing-India-s-F1-Track#photo=1

I just hope they did a good job on the tarmac, and not like the usual douchebaggery they do with construction of usual Indian roads. We don't want the Korean GP track coming off scenario again, do we?

20th October 2011, 10:26
Mark Webber narrates the presentation of the new Indian circuit, and also says "Namasteyy". :laugh:


Early impression seems to be encouraging.

And an onboard lap on F1 2011:


20th October 2011, 11:35
I can smell the spices in the air..........

20th October 2011, 11:57
I can smell the spices in the air..........

I was wondering how long it will take until somebody mentions curry or spices. Apparently not too long. :p :laugh:

20th October 2011, 12:10
I was wondering how long it will take until somebody mentions curry or spices. Apparently not too long. :p :laugh:

Whats your take on the farmers trying to sue for more money? Are they going to cause trouble? There was quite a balanced article on it in the Guardian the other day talking about how the farmers probably had been underpaid but they were all wasting the money on drinking and big cars anyway.

Also, whats the local promotion like, are Indians getting whipped up into a frenzy for the race?

Brown, Jon Brow
20th October 2011, 12:22
Out of all the Tilkedromes on F12011 I think this is my favourite. Sector 2 is a lot of fun. Although I'm not sure if this will produce great racing.

20th October 2011, 12:23
Whats your take on the farmers trying to sue for more money? Are they going to cause trouble? There was quite a balanced article on it in the Guardian the other day talking about how the farmers probably had been underpaid but they were all wasting the money on drinking and big cars anyway.

I haven't really read too much about that whole fiasco, but I assume there won't be much problem. Also, I'm pretty sure the farmers were aware of what they were building on that land in the first place, but they wanted to create some trouble, as Indians like to create a big fuss over small things usually. What they don't understand is that if the sports city thing picks up, it will still create a lot of job opportunities for the locals there, but probably not as much as some huge industries though.

Also, whats the local promotion like, are Indians getting whipped up into a frenzy for the race?

I'm not in the country right now, so can't say, although from what my friends told me, it is gathering momentum. A few stupid and annoying things have come out of this as well. People who have no idea about Formula 1 in India, now claim to be "die hard fans" as the GP comes closer and so discussions can get quite irritating, as what one of my friends told me, who's been following F1 since 1994.

Secondly, the circuit organizers slashed the prices by more than half since like maybe 3 months ago, to attempt to get a bigger crowd on raceday. In fact, Sunday prices are now a third of what they were 3 months ago. This is unfair to people who bought their tickets early, because if they waited, now they could have bought three tickets for the price of one. I assume ticket prices will go even further down as we get nearer to the GP as they have a lot of seats and not many people to fill. This would have been a very cheap way to watch an F1 race, but too bad I'm not in India right now, and can't go until next year either. :mad:

20th October 2011, 12:33
Out of all the Tilkedromes on F12011 I think this is my favourite. Sector 2 is a lot of fun. Although I'm not sure if this will produce great racing.

Same here. Sector 2 is really challenging to get right, and once you do it's very satisfactory. I've got to play a lot more on this track.

Also, hopefully Codies fix the 11/11 setup bug, because the time trial leaderboard is a joke. I'm hoping it'd probably make the career mode more difficult as well.

20th October 2011, 12:50
I'm not in the country right now, so can't say, although from what my friends told me, it is gathering momentum. A few stupid and annoying things have come out of this as well. People who have no idea about Formula 1 in India, now claim to be "die hard fans" as the GP comes closer and so discussions can get quite irritating, as what one of my friends told me, who's been following F1 since 1994.

I heard this too, that well heeled Indians now pretend to be longstanding F1 fans to distinguish themselves from the cricket loving masses but look blankly when asked about drivers like Senna. Hopefully enough of them will stay on to be longstanding fans.

IMO cricket and F1 have similarities, they're both pretty dull from an outsiders perspective but greater knowledge of the sport is strongly rewarded with greater appreciation of the subtleties involved.

Brown, Jon Brow
20th October 2011, 12:54
Same here. Sector 2 is really challenging to get right, and once you do it's very satisfactory. I've got to play a lot more on this track.

Also, hopefully Codies hopefully fix the 11/11 setup bug, because the time trial leaderboard is a joke. I'm hoping it'd probably make the career mode more difficult as well.

Well the easiest way to make the career mode more difficult is not to use 11/11! :p

I'm in my first year at Lotus on 'Expert' (legend A.i no assists) and I'm not using suspension over 8/8. I managed to outqualify Maldonado at India, which felt great. 1.5 seconds quicker than Trulli!

I'm doing an online league where we all agree to use maximum suspension settings of 7/8 and the competition at the front is quite intense. We are usually within 0.8 tenths of each other.

I really hope that the Force India team get a good result here. Go di Resta!!

20th October 2011, 13:04
I heard this too, that well heeled Indians now pretend to be longstanding F1 fans to distinguish themselves from the cricket loving masses but look blankly when asked about drivers like Senna. Hopefully enough of them will stay on to be longstanding fans.

This has long been the case. I've bumped into many idiots in sports bars. For many of these newbies, Schumacher is God, but they don't know how many championships he's won, and are completely clueless about Adelaide 1994 or Jerez 1997, also clueless about F1 rules and regs, how aerodynamics works etc. You don't even have to go as far as mentioning Senna or Prost. It's simply inviting huge headaches trying to discuss anything with these morons, and I make sure not to indulge them any further. Although Michael's recent stint at Mercedes against Rosberg has helped a lot in shattering his "best ever" image to a lot of "fans".

IMO cricket and F1 have similarities, they're both pretty dull from an outsiders perspective but greater knowledge of the sport is strongly rewarded with greater appreciation of the subtleties involved.

:up: Agreed. Both are acquired tastes, and this is what I tell people who ask me what I find entertaining whenever they catch me watching either. You've got to understand a lot of things if you want to really enjoy either sport. It's not as easy to follow as watching 22 people kicking a ball around for an hour and a half, i.e. football. :D

20th October 2011, 13:29
This has long been the case. I've bumped into many idiots in sports bars. For many of these newbies, Schumacher is God, but they don't know how many championships he's won, and are completely clueless about Adelaide 1994 or Jerez 1997, also clueless about F1 rules and regs, how aerodynamics works etc. You don't even have to go as far as mentioning Senna or Prost. It's simply inviting huge headaches trying to discuss anything with these morons, and I make sure not to indulge them any further. Although Michael's recent stint at Mercedes against Rosberg has helped a lot in shattering his "best ever" image to a lot of "fans".

:up: Agreed. Both are acquired tastes, and this is what I tell people who ask me what I find entertaining whenever they catch me watching either. You've got to understand a lot of things if you want to really enjoy either sport. It's not as easy to follow as watching 22 people kicking a ball around for an hour and a half, i.e. football. :D

For a non die-hard fan, the best driver in F1 surely has to be the guy who has won the most championships? I doubt they care a baboons sac worth of sweat how he won them, just that he did....... :)

20th October 2011, 13:40
For a non die-hard fan, the best driver in F1 surely has to be the guy who has won the most championships? I doubt they care a baboons sac worth of sweat how he won them, just that he did....... :)

My sister-in-law's husband is Italian, and I had the misfortune of discussing F1 with him last week. He argued that Schumacher is the best ever because he has won 11 championships. :crazy:

Brown, Jon Brow
20th October 2011, 13:41
For a non die-hard fan, the best driver in F1 surely has to be the guy who has won the most championships? I doubt they care a baboons sac worth of sweat how he won them, just that he did....... :)

Like Muttiah Muralitharan being the best bowler of all time because he has taken the most wickets, when we all know that Warne was better.

20th October 2011, 14:17
My sister-in-law's husband is Italian, and I had the misfortune of discussing F1 with him last week. He argued that Schumacher is the best ever because he has won 11 championships. :crazy:

Too much Grappa......... :p

22nd October 2011, 15:42
Liuzzi makes way for Karthikeyan


No news on whether or not Chandhok will get a drive in the Lotus for the weekend.

22nd October 2011, 20:39
Its not like Lotus are going to lose points with Chandhok in the car so the pro's must outway the con's and the attention he'll get must be worth it.

22nd October 2011, 22:49
I'm really liking the course layout!

23rd October 2011, 06:06
The approach to turn three is tough!

24th October 2011, 20:52
Let's see, what the attendance is going to be. Although it is questioned whether F1 should move to developing countries with no traditions, the interest in India by F1 circles can be reasoned. Even though in terms of percentage among people there are less motorsport entusiasts than in Europe, then the population is so huge that in absolute amounts it could probably be bigger than in traditional motorsport countries. And that draws the appeal of marketing. Unlike China there has already been something established in F1 too - like their own team, Force India.

25th October 2011, 19:47
A lap now in the Mclaren simulator. That 1.2 km straight is long enough to negate any advantage faster traction cars may enjoy, should be interesting:


25th October 2011, 21:24
looks nice. I also note that its Jensons car in the sim, so clearly McLaren are favouring him over Lewsi. Daft racists ;)

also that the track advertsiing seems to be McLaren sponsors, I imagine thats only for the sim, not the real stuff, but nice touches by teh sim boys to bother with Boss and Vodafone ads all over their own track sim

Dave B
26th October 2011, 17:16
Two DRS zones confirmed: almost the entire length of the pit straight and about half of the long back straight. There's a map here (PDF):

26th October 2011, 18:05
looks nice. I also note that its Jensons car in the sim, so clearly McLaren are favouring him over Lewsi.

First thing i noticed as well, helmet color. Hmmm...

27th October 2011, 11:06
LOL, Button in a three-wheeler rickshaw.


Would make for a great caption. :p

27th October 2011, 21:41
I'm really getting excited for this new track
lets hope the weather is bright and sunny

8 more hours to FP1

27th October 2011, 21:45
LOL, Button in a three-wheeler rickshaw.


Would make for a great caption. :p
this picture just reminds me that the BBC coverage of f1 next year will be drastically different with draconian reductions in emphasis
All so that bernie can make a few more bucks, the conservative neocons running the BBC can save a few more bucks (although the money is coming from a public fund)
and probably the most popular product they put out will be gutted
Instead of coverage and access getting better with time it will be getting worse

27th October 2011, 21:48
All so that bernie can make a few more bucks, the conservative neocons running the BBC can save a few more bucks (although the money is coming from a public fund)

The BBC is not run by conservative neocons. However, the current British government could be described as a watered-down version of same, and it's largely their fault that the BBC is being decimated. Make no mistake, it's ideologically driven.

27th October 2011, 23:14
I think Robinho was taking the Michael. ;)

...and i think i'm scratching my head (baffled by your post)!

28th October 2011, 07:04
ok, so I love this track
it flows very well and the undulations are just right
looks and feels like a proper F1 track
its probably the best tilke track

28th October 2011, 07:35
The BBC is not run by conservative neocons. However, the current British government could be described as a watered-down version of same, and it's largely their fault that the BBC is being decimated. Make no mistake, it's ideologically driven.

you are absolutely correct

28th October 2011, 10:47
these marshall are taking way too long to clear a car off the track

28th October 2011, 11:58
BBC Commentators: "The producers want to ban the word 'dust'." :confused:

28th October 2011, 12:03
ok, so I love this track
it flows very well and the undulations are just right
looks and feels like a proper F1 track
its probably the best tilke track

I agree, and I also like the fact that the long straights coupled with some of the high speed corners and elevation changes forces a setup compromise that will end up interesting in the race.

28th October 2011, 12:48
Looks better in reality than simulations portray.

The Carousel in reality is less of a CAD gimmick but it's no Turkey/turn 8 (yet?).

Can't help but think that turn 1 should be a high speed corner.

28th October 2011, 13:13
Dust and fog a big problem, as it has always been in New Delhi. I was there a few years ago during winter, and it can get so foggy in the morning that you don't see a person maybe 10 or 20 feet away, and no, I'm not exaggerating. The track is built bang in the middle of a big farmland, and the nature of the soil make the whole track really dusty. Also, washing the track yesterday didn't help much it seems, as once the dirt dries up, it turns into plumes of dust again as soon as the cars hit it.

28th October 2011, 13:32
I saw quite a bit of dusk being kicked up. I suppose if they can race in a desert then this shouldn't pose too much of a problem though.

28th October 2011, 14:18
I saw quite a bit of dusk being kicked up. I suppose if they can race in a desert then this shouldn't pose too much of a problem though.

Apparently sand or sandy soil is not as dusty as black soil. A lot of strong winds this week has meant it brought all the dried up black soil from the nearby farms to the circuit, and it seems the circuit organizers also didn't do much planning about the dust from around the circuit.

29th October 2011, 07:59
^ you are right about the dust factor .. even after the rains, the harsh sun bakes it and then it gets even more dusty. Add to that the fact that the monsoons just got over a fortnight or so ago. Fog is a big issue in the north, especially around Delhi cancelling/delaying flights, trains and road transport every winter. Being in an open farmland type area, both are bound to be issues and the obviously the organisers came up short.
Atleast they got the track and facilities up and running inside a year...rather than the err Commonwealth shambles last year.

I am yet to see the track on tv (I had planned to go to the actual race but that did not work out) but I will watch quallies live (after ages actually) and on HD too!

Garry Walker
29th October 2011, 09:55
Great idea awaring a race to a country with no racing tradition where very few people care about racing. Not to mention dogs running on track, sewage problems for teams and so on. Great event.

The BBC is not run by conservative neocons. However, the current British government could be described as a watered-down version of same, and it's largely their fault that the BBC is being decimated. Make no mistake, it's ideologically driven.

The BBC is run by extreme lefties and it is the best and most just thing in the world if this perverted and sick organization gets destroyed and decimated. Yep, BBC is ideologically driven.

29th October 2011, 10:19
Great idea awaring a race to a country with no racing tradition where very few people care about racing. Not to mention dogs running on track, sewage problems for teams and so on. Great event.

Oh yes, Formula 1 should only be run on European circuits and still be called a world championship. :rolleyes:

How do you get "racing tradition" to a country? If F1 never goes to a new country, to a new track, how else would it develop the "racing tradition"? There have been karting and single seater championships for decades now on smaller tracks in Chennai and Coimbatore, people have been watching F1 and MotoGP since 1990 here. There are two drivers and a team from this country. That's more than what I can say about some other countries that host races. Stuff about dogs and sewage problems you mentioned also happened at China, Korea, Abu Dhabi and Turkey the first time an F1 race was held there, and are mere teething problems which will be sorted out with time.

The track is brilliant, the drivers love it, yet some people will find whatever reason to hate on a place or people. At least let the event finish before spewing out the usual garbage.

29th October 2011, 10:56
EDIT: Oh dear Button is the only top driver that resorted to using soft tyres to get through Q1. It looks like one of those weekends where he's not happy with the car.

He's been pretty happy through free practice though.

Karthikeyan just 0.02 behind Ricciardo, that's a surprise.

Garry Walker
29th October 2011, 11:15
Oh yes, Formula 1 should only be run on European circuits and still be called a world championship. :rolleyes: Mostly yes.

How do you get "racing tradition" to a country? If F1 never goes to a new country, to a new track, how else would it develop the "racing tradition"?We have been going to far too many new countries lately, at the expense of countries that deserves races far more.
Why doesnt France have a race?

Garry Walker
29th October 2011, 11:16
Red Bull once again over half a second faster than any other car. Boring.

Garry Walker
29th October 2011, 11:32
Well, I can only hope vettels brakes fail tomorrow.

29th October 2011, 11:32
WTF Ferrari? Suspension breaks when driving over curbs?

29th October 2011, 11:35
so button sets his best time while passing yellows
so does rosberg

will they be penalized or will it only be a "hamilton special"
this being qualy and all

29th October 2011, 11:35
WTF Ferrari? Suspension breaks when driving over curbs?

rather strange

29th October 2011, 11:36
It'll be harsh if Jenson gets a penalty for the flashing yellow after Felipe's accident.

its the sector not the point of the accident

29th October 2011, 11:36
so button sets his best time while passing yellows
so does rosberg

will they be penalized or will it only be a "hamilton special"
this being qualy and all

They sure should be penalized, to make it even. I wonder what the FIA will do.

29th October 2011, 11:37
The drivers have been made aware that the orange part of the curbs are considerably higher than the curb itself. That was Massa cutting the chicane and unfortunately paying the price.

Cutting the chicane?! Wake up before you post.

29th October 2011, 11:37
The drivers have been made aware that the orange part of the curbs are considerably higher than the curb itself. That was Massa cutting the chicane and unfortunately paying the price.

as Brundell said, "exceeding the designed load of the part"

29th October 2011, 11:38
Cutting the chicane?! Wake up before you post.

he was well inside the chicane in an attempt to rather straight line it...and as henners88 said "paid the price"

29th October 2011, 11:40
Button and Rosberg both had middle sectors that were a few tenths off the pace so the stewards may consider that they lifted off sufficiently.

29th October 2011, 11:40
anyways...this track has immediately jumped up into one of my favs
credit (ugh begrudgingly) toTilke

29th October 2011, 11:41
he was well inside the chicane in an attempt to rather straight line it...and as henners88 said "paid the price"

Going inside the kerb with one wheel =/= cutting the chicane.
Anyway F1 fans read to much tabloids and started thinking just like that.

29th October 2011, 11:42
I deleted that post before you responded as more info has come to light in the live coverage. Please don't be so rude.

Rude? :rotflmao:

29th October 2011, 11:45
Going inside the kerb with one wheel =/= cutting the chicane.
Anyway F1 fans read to much tabloids and started thinking just like that.

talking about yourself? LOL
Massa was way too aggressive in both that chicane and the one previous to it
he went over the orange ( and slightly higher and harder) bollard and damaged his car
but also maybe the constant flexing of those wing put a severe strain on the suspensions that eventually took its toll

Dave B
29th October 2011, 13:15
Hearing that Hamilton might also take a penalty for a gearbox change. Unconfirmed at the moment. (Edit: looks like I was wrong, it's Daniel Riccardo in the HRT)

What is confirmed is Karthikeyan getting a 5-place penalty (to where exactly?) for blocking Schumacher

Also, Glock will be allowed to start despite not setting a time in Q1. He is also changing his gearbox but it's within his "joker" so receives no penalty - he's at the back anyway.

29th October 2011, 13:23
Hearing that Hamilton might also take a penalty for a gearbox change. Unconfirmed at the moment. (Edit: looks like I was wrong, it's Daniel Riccardo in the HRT)

That would have been really bad for Lewis.

29th October 2011, 13:25
His right front wheel touched the grass on both chicanes which suggests to me also, that the car went beyond the curb. I suppose to cut a chicane, all 4 wheels need to be outside the white line, but that doesn't stray from the fact Felipe went far too high on that curb.

He did go to far and paid for it, but still compared this with Petrov's mishap in Sepang and it seams strange how easily that Ferrari suspension broke.
Good to see that the chicane cutting concept is finally understood.

Dave B
29th October 2011, 13:31
From what I've heard the layout of the chicane and the height of the kerbs were discussed in the drivers' briefing, and all the drivers had plenty of opportunity to walk the track earlier in the week. Fact is the chicane is the same for all 24 drivers. If Massa messed up then he's only got himself to blame.

29th October 2011, 13:35
From what I've heard the layout of the chicane and the height of the kerbs were discussed in the drivers' briefing, and all the drivers had plenty of opportunity to walk the track earlier in the week. Fact is the chicane is the same for all 24 drivers. If Massa messed up then he's only got himself to blame.

Any of them can make a mistake during 60 laps around there and have a suspension fly away. The kerb itself is OK, the hole behind followed by the orange concrete block was the problem.
Anyway we saw worse kerb abuse cases and offroad excursions this season and no suspension broke like this, are Ferrari pushing the limits too far?

29th October 2011, 13:44
Toro Rosso has been really impressive lately. They are really going all out to steal P7 from Sauber in WCC and looking at the current form of teams, it seems likely.

Nice effort from Sutil. Strange to think that with that form this could be his last season in F1...

Decent performance by Karthikeyan - getting close to Ricciardo and outqualifying d'Ambrosio.

Alonso was setting competitive times compared to RBR and McLaren in qualifying. Let's see if he can beat Webber off the line and become Vettel's closest competitor in the race like at Valencia. Or perhaps he would struggle on hard tyres in the end and lose all positions like at Spa.

Dave B
29th October 2011, 13:51
More on Massa's crash. There's a suggestion that he doesn't have a spare front wing without resorting back to a flappy-floppy one. If true, would this be a setup change and therefore a parc fermé breach?

29th October 2011, 14:12
Decent performance by Karthikeyan - getting close to Ricciardo and outqualifying d'Ambrosio.

Karthikeyan beat his much fancied teammate Ricciardo before his penalty kicked in.

Its easy to be cynical about the track in India but I have to say that the quali confirms my earlier impressions about the track, it looks good and difficult to set up for. In many ways it reminds me of Turkey. The way the track rubbers in will be quite a large factor tomorrow, there might be a few surprises in store.

29th October 2011, 14:24
Karthikeyan beat his much fancied teammate Ricciardo before his penalty kicked in.

Well actually Karthikeyan was 0.02s behind Ricciardo as I posted earlier in the thread. But nevertheless it's quite an impressive performance from him.

29th October 2011, 14:27
Well actually Karthikeyan was 0.02s behind Ricciardo as I posted earlier in the thread. But nevertheless it's quite an impressive performance from him.

Hmm thats interesting. I was going off the Autosport times which shows Karthikeyan ahead of Ricciardo on a 1.30.216 whereas the official F1 times indicate the opposite with Ricciardo ahead. Must have been a typo on the Autosport site. My bad.

29th October 2011, 14:30
More on Massa's crash. There's a suggestion that he doesn't have a spare front wing without resorting back to a flappy-floppy one. If true, would this be a setup change and therefore a parc fermé breach?

Yes, if he has to put a different spec of wing on I'm pretty sure that would mean a pit lane start.

29th October 2011, 14:58
Oh yes, Formula 1 should only be run on European circuits and still be called a world championship. :rolleyes:

How do you get "racing tradition" to a country? If F1 never goes to a new country, to a new track, how else would it develop the "racing tradition"? There have been karting and single seater championships for decades now on smaller tracks in Chennai and Coimbatore, people have been watching F1 and MotoGP since 1990 here. There are two drivers and a team from this country. That's more than what I can say about some other countries that host races. Stuff about dogs and sewage problems you mentioned also happened at China, Korea, Abu Dhabi and Turkey the first time an F1 race was held there, and are mere teething problems which will be sorted out with time.

The track is brilliant, the drivers love it, yet some people will find whatever reason to hate on a place or people. At least let the event finish before spewing out the usual garbage.

Totally agree with this. India is not a soulless vacuum of motorsport and the Indian people, although lacking in the history of Motorsport, don't seem to be lacking in their enthusiasm.

F1 is a global sport and I would much rather see races in Countries that genuinely want them like India than the soulless non-events of some 'bought' circuits.

29th October 2011, 15:36
Totally agree with this. India is not a soulless vacuum of motorsport and the Indian people, although lacking in the history of Motorsport, don't seem to be lacking in their enthusiasm.

While I agree with the bulk of your post I would point out that a lot of the stands today seemed half or completely empty. I hope this isn't the case tomorrow but I think there's a long way to go before we can say that the Indian population have taken to motorsport especially once the initial exoticness wears off.

29th October 2011, 15:52
While I agree with the bulk of your post I would point out that a lot of the stands today seemed half or completely empty. I hope this isn't the case tomorrow but I think there's a long way to go before we can say that the Indian population have taken to motorsport especially once the initial exoticness wears off.

If only a fraction of the people of India show the support and enthusiasm of our very own Captain and Storm, then I think the future of F1 in India is secured. I have never been to India but would love to visit this GP one day.

29th October 2011, 16:54
Mostly yes.

Then the name should be changed to Formula One European Championship, yes?

We have been going to far too many new countries lately, at the expense of countries that deserves races far more.
Why doesnt France have a race?

Monaco is pretty close to France. A better question is why doesn't USA have a race OR why the hell does Spain have two races?? Before that it was Germany getting two races in the name of the European GP. I'm guessing you're one of those who'd rather want a race at Imola than newer, exciting tracks.

Mia 01
29th October 2011, 17:54
Then the name should be changed to Formula One European Championship, yes?

Monaco is pretty close to France. A better question is why doesn't USA have a race OR why the hell does Spain have two races?? Before that it was Germany getting two races in the name of the European GP. I'm guessing you're one of those who'd rather want a race at Imola than newer, exciting tracks.

Most people in India suffer poverty, they can´t afford a ticket. Who are you, the one telling them to attend the race.

A case in the bordeline of racism.

29th October 2011, 18:12
Most people in India suffer poverty, they can´t afford a ticket. Who are you, the one telling them to attend the race.

A case in the bordeline of racism.


Oh wait a second....




Wait...WHAT?? :eek:

29th October 2011, 18:16
Most people in India suffer poverty, they can´t afford a ticket. Who are you, the one telling them to attend the race.

A case in the bordeline of racism.

Still :confused:

Erm, in case you didn't know, I myself am an Indian. So, I'm being racist against my own countrymen? :confused: And where am I telling them to attend the race?? :confused:

Also, I didn't know there was a book called "Borderline of Racism."

The Saturday started early for you it seems. Go a bit easy on the pure gasoline.

Mia 01
29th October 2011, 18:26
Still :confused:

Erm, in case you didn't know, I myself am an Indian. So, I'm being racist against my own countrymen? :confused: And where am I telling them to attend the race?? :confused:

Also, I didn't know there was a book called "Borderline of Racism."

The Saturday started early for you it seems. Go a bit easy on the pure gasoline.

OK. perhaps a misunderstanding. The point is that I don´t like people make yokes of poor people.

Dave B
29th October 2011, 18:39
Yamaha flounder wilderness egg-nog plagarism, rendering Yeti plant flange

Mia 01
29th October 2011, 18:50
Yamaha flounder wilderness egg-nog plagarism, rendering Yeti plant flange

Yamaha, from Japan I guess. Could the reason for your post be to make a sheap yoke of little me?

And then ofcourse hen and dogs on the grid is the funniest thing.

On another note, bright yellow.

Dr. Krogshöj
29th October 2011, 18:59
Well, I can only hope vettels brakes fail tomorrow.

What a nice thing to wish in motor racing.

29th October 2011, 19:10
What a nice thing to wish in motor racing.

Indeed, wishing failures feels especially harsh as we have had two fatal accidents in motorsports recently...

donKey jote
29th October 2011, 19:16
OK. perhaps a misunderstanding. The point is that I don´t like people make yokes of poor people.

how about this for a poor yoke joke (http://ecsmc.org/Files/ECSMC_NEWS_May_2007.pdf) :erm:

29th October 2011, 21:03
Toro Rosso has been really impressive lately. They are really going all out to steal P7 from Sauber in WCC and looking at the current form of teams, it seems likely.

It is a shame they can't start the season out as strong as they usually finish it. This has been the pattern for the past few years. Right now they are the 5th best team imo and if their drivers could ever make decent starts and avoid mishap would be right there challenging for competitive points. I'd say that kimi would be better off coming to them than williams

29th October 2011, 21:16
Still :confused:

Erm, in case you didn't know, I myself am an Indian. So, I'm being racist against my own countrymen? :confused: And where am I telling them to attend the race?? :confused:

Also, I didn't know there was a book called "Borderline of Racism."

The Saturday started early for you it seems. Go a bit easy on the pure gasoline.

just ignore Mia 01 like most of us here

The ticket prices for India are the cheapest on the calendar and most have been sold out already
India also has 42 billionaires and well over 400 millionaires and a thriving middle class in a population of 1.2 billion

The only folks who seem inconvenienced by having a race there are folks stuck in history, others unwilling to get up early to watch a "world" championship F1 race

This is a fabulous track and I'm really looking forward to the race this Sunday.

29th October 2011, 21:33
Well done for Seb, another great lap and one pole closer to the old record of Nigel Mansell. The track is interesting, but the smog and the dirt make it unpleasant and dangerous. Hopefully, there won't be accidents and crashes tomorrow.

29th October 2011, 21:34
More on Massa's crash. There's a suggestion that he doesn't have a spare front wing without resorting back to a flappy-floppy one. If true, would this be a setup change and therefore a parc fermé breach?

Theoretically it would be a breach of parc ferme rules.

29th October 2011, 21:36
just ignore Mia 01 like most of us here

The ticket prices for India are the cheapest on the calendar and most have been sold out already
India also has 42 billionaires and well over 400 millionaires and a thriving middle class in a population of 1.2 billion

The only folks who seem inconvenienced by having a race there are folks stuck in history, others unwilling to get up early to watch a "world" championship F1 race

This is a fabulous track and I'm really looking forward to the race this Sunday.

We didn't yet have an F1 race at the track but it's a fabulous track? Nice one Sherlock.

29th October 2011, 21:39
Still :confused:

Erm, in case you didn't know, I myself am an Indian. So, I'm being racist against my own countrymen? :confused: And where am I telling them to attend the race?? :confused:

Also, I didn't know there was a book called "Borderline of Racism."

The Saturday started early for you it seems. Go a bit easy on the pure gasoline.

Poor form. They should take away your Indian nationality for posting such gibberish.

30th October 2011, 00:34
We didn't yet have an F1 race at the track but it's a fabulous track? Nice one Sherlock.

You know, you don't have to wait until the race to like a track. I loved the Turkish track the moment I saw Turn 8 during the first ever practice.

Poor form. They should take away your Indian nationality for posting such gibberish.

I'm guessing they already deported you from Romania......for you being just......you.

30th October 2011, 00:38
We didn't yet have an F1 race at the track but it's a fabulous track? Nice one Sherlock.

Are you saying tracks can only be judged by the quality of races that are held at them? I think its quite a nice, flowing circuit.

30th October 2011, 01:16
We didn't yet have an F1 race at the track but it's a fabulous track? Nice one Sherlock.

Are you saying that no circuit at which no F1 race has been held can be classed as 'fabulous'?

Also, let's not forget this is entirely a matter of opinion.

30th October 2011, 03:30
Overall I liked the track. It seems to have a couple of overtaking areas, and some of the corners combinations will likely lead to cars getting off line if they don't stay on their game. The elevation changes were enough to add some character as well.

The dust situation is really bad. I think they will need to modify the area off the track to better contain it. As it is now a car simply putting a wheel off sends up a big cloud of dust. This could be dangerous under race conditions.

With Vettel on pole again, it looks like the real race with be for 2nd-5th or so. And no doubt some racing back farther in the field.

30th October 2011, 05:21
India also has 42 billionaires and well over 400 millionaires and a thriving middle class in a population of 1.2 billion.

Dude, that is the understatement of the century.

India's millionaires number in the hundreds of thousands if not millions.
The amount of "black money", is unimaginable. And will never be truly known.

Houses are sold on paper of 10% of the money being exchanged to evade tax... I can't speak for the south, but in the North very little happens "by the book" and almost everything is done under the table.

House prices even in posh areas of even small-er cities will be in the millions of dollars.

The (crazy) amount of land people "own", under the names of their associates (whats the right word for someone who recieved patronage??) or even servants is simply unimaginable.

The middle class, although rising, is nowhere near 1.2 billion. I highly doubt it is over 200 million, if that.

The further north and east you go, the worse things tend to get.

30th October 2011, 08:56
About India and F1 matters I would like to ask CaptainRaiden, Storm, or whoever, one question. When I was living in India, I saw loads of motorcycle riders wearing 'Kimi' helmets. Why is that so? :D I bet many of them don't even know, who Kimi is. But somehow someone thought it was a good idea to put a copy of this helmet design into mass production.

30th October 2011, 12:12
That's it perfect race for Vettel, pole, win, fastest lap and the lead in each and every lap of the race.

Brown, Jon Brow
30th October 2011, 12:14
That's it perfect race for Vettel, pole, win, fastest lap and the lead in each and every lap of the race.

Another lucky win!! :p

30th October 2011, 12:15
This was the most exciting part of the race:

Incidentally that was my reaction at the news Massa was penalised.

Brown, Jon Brow
30th October 2011, 12:16
It looks like a proper trophy!!!

30th October 2011, 12:18
This was the most exciting part of the race:

Incidentally that was my reaction at the news Massa was penalised.

Yeah, it was funny seeing him do this instinctively during a live airing. :D

Dave B
30th October 2011, 12:31
Another lucky win!! :p

Vettel's clearly the most over-rated driver in F1 ;)

30th October 2011, 12:36
Vettel, Button, Alonso... all three did great races. Battle at the end for 10º, won by Pérez over Petrov. Bruno 12º, but at his risk almost scored points again!!!

30th October 2011, 12:50
Pit entry and exit will need revising. The former blatantly requires gravel rather than asphalt run-off.

30th October 2011, 15:01
pretty good track for a Tilke creation- nice to see a large crowd there- bloody awful race though- worse one of the year

30th October 2011, 15:07
pretty good track for a Tilke creation- nice to see a large crowd there- bloody awful race though- worse one of the year

200 million people leave only in the department where the race was hold 100.000 assisting at the first ever Indian GP doesn't seem like mission impossible in this case.

30th October 2011, 15:32
About Indian circuit I liked that one corner, where drivers had the option to take multiple lines. IIRC it was the corner before the long straight. It reminds a bit of A1-Ring's second corner. Uphill section in the braking zone, blind corner, a bit tricky to take.

Garry Walker
30th October 2011, 16:02
Another lucky win!! :p

Considering how much better car than anyone else he had, that is no surprise.

30th October 2011, 18:30
Any of them can make a mistake during 60 laps around there and have a suspension fly away. The kerb itself is OK, the hole behind followed by the orange concrete block was the problem.
Anyway we saw worse kerb abuse cases and offroad excursions this season and no suspension broke like this, are Ferrari pushing the limits too far?

They avoid the walls in Monaco don't they? Oh, wait, didn't massa forget about the wall in the tunnel..........

30th October 2011, 21:31
Poor form. They should take away your Indian nationality for posting such gibberish.

Indeed. How dare he express an opinion on his Country :laugh:

Sometimes I think Mia does it on purpose ;)

31st October 2011, 07:13
didn't see the race as Metallica was playing in Bangalore. Hopefully the track was decent and the turnout was decent.

Will catch the race next year if possible but then that means that I've to go to Delhi

31st October 2011, 07:39
Well, I can only hope vettels brakes fail tomorrow.

Especially after how the last two weeks have been in motorsport, that's a spectacularly moronic thing to say. It's amazing that you find time to post such crap between your hours on the internet researching penis sizes.

Oh, and I didn't reply in the other thread since it's closed because of your garbage. :)

31st October 2011, 11:11
I thought the new track was briliant. A bit dusty and a few small finishing touches to be completed, but otherwise a nice new track :up: I look forward to India 2012.

31st October 2011, 12:06
didn't see the race as Metallica was playing in Bangalore.

Couldn't you have asked them to move over a bit?

31st October 2011, 19:43
About India and F1 matters I would like to ask CaptainRaiden, Storm, or whoever, one question. When I was living in India, I saw loads of motorcycle riders wearing 'Kimi' helmets. Why is that so? :D I bet many of them don't even know, who Kimi is. But somehow someone thought it was a good idea to put a copy of this helmet design into mass production.

Well, when was this? A few years ago there was a huge spurt in the number of replica/copy helmets..mainly Kimi, Fernando and MS helmets.
Mainly because these guys are famous (MS being the most popular guy!)
And I can pretty much assure you that the people who buy those DO know who those guys are...nobody likes to spend money on something nobody else has ever heard of :p :

didn't see the race as Metallica was playing in Bangalore. Hopefully the track was decent and the turnout was decent.

Will catch the race next year if possible but then that means that I've to go to Delhi

I missed out on both the concert and GP (watched on tv though, lucky in a sense as guys in Delhi got screwed or screwed themselves out of seeing Metallica).
I had planned a Delhi trip to but some issues came up..(cough *wife* cough) maybe next year for me too..

31st October 2011, 19:52
Anyway we saw worse kerb abuse cases and offroad excursions this season and no suspension broke like this, are Ferrari pushing the limits too far?

IIRC this isn't the first time a Ferrari's front suspension broke like this is it? IIRC Massa or Alonso had a similar failure within the past two or three years.

1st November 2011, 15:50
Well, when was this? A few years ago there was a huge spurt in the number of replica/copy helmets..mainly Kimi, Fernando and MS helmets.
Mainly because these guys are famous (MS being the most popular guy!)

When? In late 2010/early 2011. Well, I spotted only very few Alonso or Schumi helmets, but there were loads of Kimi ones. At least in Bhubaneswar, where I was residing.

Garry Walker
1st November 2011, 20:54
Especially after how the last two weeks have been in motorsport, that's a spectacularly moronic thing to say. It's amazing that you find time to post such crap between your hours on the internet researching penis sizes.

Oh, and I didn't reply in the other thread since it's closed because of your garbage. :)

Easy there Cuckold, I know you must be in a bad mood, but calm down.
The thread got closed down because I destroyed you so bad that you were left pantless and cockless, I will start a new thread soon.

1st November 2011, 23:53
Apparently the term 'racing incident' doesn't exist any more. :\

Herbert says Felipe Massa deserved the penalty he got in the Indian Grand Prix - F1 news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/95841)

"The decision to penalise Felipe Massa for his contact with Lewis Hamilton came down to one simple fact - it could have been avoided," Herbert wrote in his column for The National newspaper.

"I know Massa was upset by our decision, but I believe we made the right call. After looking at it from different camera angles and studying all the data available to us, it was clear that Massa knew where Hamilton was before he chose to turn across him.

"There was nothing Hamilton could have done to avoid it. He did try to get out of the move, but it was too late and the contact was made."

2nd November 2011, 06:26
Easy there Cuckold, I know you must be in a bad mood, but calm down.
The thread got closed down because I destroyed you so bad that you were left pantless and cockless, I will start a new thread soon.

LOL, that's rich coming from a knob goblin after I destroyed you in countless other threads before. I don't think Pino closed it before I could answer, because he saw this so called delusional "destruction". :laugh: That basement must be quite a dream world. Didn't even get a chance to tear you a new one.

Besides, don't you have to get back to your penis research on the internet? It all makes perfect sense now, you being so blatantly racist and all. Penis envy. LMAO! :rotflmao:

2nd November 2011, 09:01
I missed out on both the concert and GP (watched on tv though, lucky in a sense as guys in Delhi got screwed or screwed themselves out of seeing Metallica).
I had planned a Delhi trip to but some issues came up..(cough *wife* cough) maybe next year for me too..

that was sad though , seeing people who made the time to attend metallica get screwed royally

guessing that there will be a lot more indian fans in this forum now , maybe we can arrange a small get together drinking beer or something next year

2nd November 2011, 17:49
Garry and CaptainRaiden, take your rubbish to pm and do not force me to close another thread, or this time it will cost you both a temp ban !

2nd November 2011, 18:01
Oh bugger, missed another b*tch fight. Can someone warn me next time so I can grab my handbag :D

2nd November 2011, 18:02
Oh bugger, missed another b*tch fight. Can someone warn me next time so I can grab my handbag :D

Ooohhhhh, hello honkytonks!

2nd November 2011, 18:31
Apparently the term 'racing incident' doesn't exist any more. :\

Herbert says Felipe Massa deserved the penalty he got in the Indian Grand Prix - F1 news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/95841)

No-one would deny that many more penalties are applied today than ever before. Do we think this is because there are many more incidents requiring application of a penalty? Not in my eyes there aren't.

Garry Walker
9th November 2011, 19:43
Oh bugger, missed another b*tch fight. Can someone warn me next time so I can grab my handbag :D
