View Full Version : Anderson advocates reverse grid formula.

Ian McC
21st March 2007, 19:52
Reverse grids anyone? :eek:


Hazell B
21st March 2007, 20:16
Once each season I think they should chuck in a semi reverse grid at a random track (say, first to sixth swap) and throw on some ballast at the same time :p :

Jeez, I'd want to see that race! :D

21st March 2007, 20:19
nah thats far too artificial! What I dont get is people moan every year about the "lack of action", yet keep on watching the sport! If its so boring then dont watch it n comment on it and leave it to the people who love it.

*jumps off his high horse*

21st March 2007, 20:23
No thanks.

21st March 2007, 20:58
No, it worked like this since there is F1.

21st March 2007, 21:04
The only thing reverse grid races will do is encourage overatking in the pits. Having a reverse grid doesn't address why there is little overtaking. The cars still won't be able to pass each other so will do it in the pits as they do now. The only difference is that the pit-pass will be for 10th place instead of the lead. Big deal.

21st March 2007, 21:20
nah thats far too artificial! What I dont get is people moan every year about the "lack of action", yet keep on watching the sport! If its so boring then dont watch it n comment on it and leave it to the people who love it.

*jumps off his high horse*

I'm just sad that half decent tracks get riddled with chicanes(like Barcelona) because FZzz cars can't overtake each other and aren't safe enough.

21st March 2007, 21:23
I have tried it in Grand Prix 3, reversing quali and race performances. :p : For fun they should try it in a non-championship event for twice (one on circuit, where it's comparatively easy to pass and other at Monaco) - it would be interesting to see, how it works out. :p : Probably the fastest cars can get to the front by the end of the race (with the exception of Monaco maybe), it will make F1 a lot more interesting, but it would be against the principle of sport - to clarify, who is the best and not to obstruct their superiority at any cost. The goal of sport is to win something, not to get punished for winning.

21st March 2007, 21:33
boo to reverse grids. F1 is not Wrestling.

21st March 2007, 22:10
Not again...

Garry Walker
21st March 2007, 22:22
Reverse grid is an immensly dumb idea, very idiotic.

21st March 2007, 22:52

Brilliant Idea.
Considering in general the faster and more powerful cars would be up the back, then expect this:

As Mr Villeneuve once said, Formula One is too safe. Perhaps encouraging the potential to cause cars to become airborne, and cause death is a good thing?

</sarcasm> :D

Ian McC
21st March 2007, 22:57
Mister Anderson! Welcome back, we've missed you! :D

Right, complete :down: to that one then! :D

21st March 2007, 23:33
If God wanted that kind of drama at every F1 race, He would make it rain every GP weekend :cheese:

22nd March 2007, 00:11
And where exactly in the article does he mention reverse grids? :confused:

22nd March 2007, 01:42
No, no, no, no and NO. Did I mention NO?

22nd March 2007, 01:51
is it just me, or do you think that if the teams knew that the qualifying results where going to be swapped for the race then no one will by trying to get pole? whats the point if your gonna start last!

anyway they have tried reverse grid races here in australia and every time they tried it it was a dismal failure. Reverse grid races reward mediocre drivers and thats not what F1 is about

22nd March 2007, 02:37
Reverse grid races reward mediocre drivers and thats not what F1 is about

Exactly. If we had a reverse grid race at the Oz GP one of the Hondas or Toyotas would probably have won and I'm pretty sure that no one would argue that either deserved to win that race.

22nd March 2007, 02:42
And where exactly in the article does he mention reverse grids? :confused:


but since we(including crash.net) brought up the topic all I have to say is that artificial measures the "enhance the show" are stupid, I just don't get why some people thinks F1 is just overtaking.
anyway if you don't like it don't watch it! if you want easier overtaking watch MotoGP, if you want crazy speeds but little real racing watch IRL, if you want a crash fest watch NASCAR...

22nd March 2007, 05:13
As said, artificially implemented reverse grids will not do anything to spice up the action. The answer lies predominantly in aerodynamics.

Otherwise, if F1 action isnt good enough for you, just watch MotoGP!

22nd March 2007, 05:44
And where exactly in the article does he mention reverse grids? :confused:

The last paragraph of page 2 quotes Anderson as saying:

“Really and truthfully, there has to be a change. What we have to do is create racing. In my opinion we should have reverse grids; the guy leading the championship should have to start at the back, and the guy who is suffering at the front, and as you score more points that naturally will change. It isn't artificial. If you can win the championship that way it will truly be because you have beaten all the others. Not only do you have to be the fastest driver but you also need to be a clever driver; you have to understand the strategy and actually overtake people. It adds another challenge."

22nd March 2007, 08:25
Reverse grids do not address the real problem that prevents overtaking.

When the FIA address the issue of aerodynamics then we might see genuine, non-artificial overtaking. Until then ideas like reverse grids will continue to be suggested, and even adopted, if we're not careful.

We've had changes to tyres, engines, qualifying, pit stops etc etc. All designed to improve the quality of the racing and...nothing. No improvements.

Max. Fix aero. Teams are spending $m's in the wind tunnel to produce more aero stick on bits that make the cars butt ugly and decrease what slim chance there is of us seeing genuine overtaking (as opposed to pit overtaking).

22nd March 2007, 08:43
I have tried it in Grand Prix 3, reversing quali and race performances. :p :

How did you do that? Is there such option in game menu?

edit: understood now what you thought. :dozey: (GP3Edit)

22nd March 2007, 14:41
The last paragraph of page 2 quotes Anderson as saying:

“Really and truthfully, there has to be a change. What we have to do is create racing. In my opinion we should have reverse grids; the guy leading the championship should have to start at the back, and the guy who is suffering at the front, and as you score more points that naturally will change. It isn't artificial. If you can win the championship that way it will truly be because you have beaten all the others. Not only do you have to be the fastest driver but you also need to be a clever driver; you have to understand the strategy and actually overtake people. It adds another challenge."

Ok, now I've learned there was a page 2 :erm:


22nd March 2007, 20:56
Reverse grids do not address the real problem that prevents overtaking.

When the FIA address the issue of aerodynamics then we might see genuine, non-artificial overtaking. Until then ideas like reverse grids will continue to be suggested, and even adopted, if we're not careful.

We've had changes to tyres, engines, qualifying, pit stops etc etc. All designed to improve the quality of the racing and...nothing. No improvements.

Max. Fix aero. Teams are spending $m's in the wind tunnel to produce more aero stick on bits that make the cars butt ugly and decrease what slim chance there is of us seeing genuine overtaking (as opposed to pit overtaking).

Exactly Arrows. The McLarens and Ferraris are no more going to be able to pass each other at the back of the grid than they are at the front.