View Full Version : Hamilton in Singapore

24th September 2011, 17:29
He will take out Vettel on the first lap. And get black flagged on the 5th lap for taking out Massa.

Dave B
24th September 2011, 17:39
He will take out Vettel on the first lap.
I doubt he'll ever be close enough.

And get black flagged on the 5th lap for taking out Massa.
This, on the other hand...

24th September 2011, 19:13
I doubt he'll ever be close enough.

Something tells me Mr Brockman hasn't played Forza 3 online....... :p

24th September 2011, 23:55

25th September 2011, 11:15
well, he and Massa nearly had a little bump da butt during qualifying but Ham missed.......timing must be off from lack of practice time.....

otherwise he would not have have missed him so easily :mad:

25th September 2011, 14:27
More bellendtastic racing from Hamilton.......

25th September 2011, 14:31
And there's more to come!

25th September 2011, 16:12
Well more didn't come, but still who said Massa, they win the prize.

Another basic silly error from Lewis.

25th September 2011, 16:19
At some point in time, they're going to have to decide to give him something other than a drive thru penalty. I think a black flag warning might finally teach him a lesson!

25th September 2011, 16:25
Apparently Massa and Hamilton had a bit of an arguement in the press area after the race as Massa went to Hamilton and told him what he thought of him.

Dave B
25th September 2011, 16:29
As much as Hamilton is driving like a cock at the moment, Massa needs to let it go and focus on his own considerable shortcomings.

25th September 2011, 16:48
Poor ham, he chews out his team after qualfying because of a fuel issue, very harsh according to Speed TV, then massa chews him out....you got to love it, cause if it weren't for the soap opera drama, Vettel would have put everyone to sleep several races ago.

Dave B
25th September 2011, 16:52
Poor ham, he chews out his team after qualfying because of a fuel issue, very harsh according to Speed TV...
That's the second time you've mentioned it yet I notice you don't actually know what was said. I'm guessing by your wording that Speed didn't actually play the transmission.

The only radio call the BBC coverage replayed was Hamilton asking to know who he was racing. He was blunt, and didn't waste words on niceties, but nor would I at 150mph.

25th September 2011, 17:19
Yesterday, hamilton wanted to make one last qualifying run, but the car did not have enough fuel.

Later in the pits, Hamilton allegedly, according to hobbs and the SpeedTV crew, gave his team a real big time tongue lashing--face to face.......

The Black Knight
25th September 2011, 18:01
Yesterday, hamilton wanted to make one last qualifying run, but the car did not have enough fuel.

Later in the pits, Hamilton allegedly, according to hobbs and the SpeedTV crew, gave his team a real big time tongue lashing--face to face.......

Allegedly something no one else has heard about either. SpeedTV is full of it. Unless you can give a video or some proper evidence that it happened then stop making stuff up.

Pity about the contact with Massa and Hamilton today. It was Hamilton's fault but I don't think he deserved a penalty for it as it wasn't intentional, it was just a silly moment that shouldn't have happened. Certainly, the Rosberg and Perez incident at turn 1, I felt that Rosberg, in my opinion, was more deserving of a penalty than the one with Lewis and Massa.

Massa should be reprimanded or punished for the way he approached Lewis in the media centre afterwards however. Anyone that watched the BBC Forum will have seen the video and I don't believe that a, what I would call assault, on another driver is on, especially in public. Clear the air behind closed doors. Trying to rile up another drive like that isn't on. It all shows signs of pressure to me that Massa is feeling. He is being embarrassed by his team mate time and time again ever weekend. He isn't good enough to driver for Ferrari and the danger of losing his seat is beginning to show I feel.

25th September 2011, 18:26
At some point in time, they're going to have to decide to give him something other than a drive thru penalty. I think a black flag warning might finally teach him a lesson!

I agree. Hamilton is hideous, he is a danger to every single driver!

Dave B
25th September 2011, 18:32
Eh? Did we watch the same race?

Lewis made a boneheaded rookie mistake by tucking in too early behind Massa and losing part of his front wing. It's something we've seen dozens of times from various drivers. It was stupid, but hardly the stuff of bans or black flags.

Dave B
25th September 2011, 18:34
Massa should be reprimanded or punished for the way he approached Lewis in the media centre afterwards however. Anyone that watched the BBC Forum will have seen the video and I don't believe that a, what I would call assault, on another driver is on, especially in public. Clear the air behind closed doors. Trying to rile up another drive like that isn't on. It all shows signs of pressure to me that Massa is feeling. He is being embarrassed by his team mate time and time again ever weekend. He isn't good enough to driver for Ferrari and the danger of losing his seat is beginning to show I feel.
I wouldn't call it "assault" by a long shot, just a bit of stupid frustration. Like I said earlier, Massa needs to stop wasting energy on Hamilton and focus on his own (not inconsiderable) shortcomings before he ends up sitting on the sidelines watching Perez in his old car.

The Black Knight
25th September 2011, 18:37
I wouldn't call it "assault" by a long shot, just a bit of stupid frustration. Like I said earlier, Massa needs to stop wasting energy on Hamilton and focus on his own (not inconsiderable) shortcomings before he ends up sitting on the sidelines watching Perez in his old car.

You lay a hand on someone it's assault. Maybe not assault in Singapore law but certainly the FIA should see it that way, in my opinion and he should be duly punished for it. I agree with the rest of what you said though. Massa is annoying me more and more. He is blaming everyone but himself for his own shortcomings. He should be driving a HRT or something along those lines.

Dave B
25th September 2011, 18:39
You lay a hand on someone it's assault.
Ah c'mon, they're big boys. Lewis drove like a cock, Massa reacted like a cock, nothing to see here.

The Black Knight
25th September 2011, 18:41
Ah c'mon, they're big boys. Lewis drove like a cock, Massa reacted like a cock, nothing to see here.

Apart from his mistake Lewis drove emphatically. What happened after the race wasn't on and equally if Lewis was punished for being a cock during the race, Massa should be punished for being a cock after it.

25th September 2011, 18:46
Why? When Lewis is talking crap, he is just kidding or brave, when Massa is angry, he should be penalized for speaking his mind? Hamilton is dangerous. Massa is right to be angry and afraid. He is risking his life racing a madman.

The Black Knight
25th September 2011, 18:53
Why? When Lewis is talking crap, he is just kidding or brave, when Massa is angry, he should be penalized for speaking his mind? Hamilton is dangerous. Massa is right to be angry and afraid. He is risking his life racing a madman.

Lewis never laid a hand on another driver.

25th September 2011, 19:07
Allegedly something no one else has heard about either. SpeedTV is full of it. Unless you can give a video or some proper evidence that it happened then stop making stuff up.

is beginning to show I feel.

watch a speed re-run, if you want to hear them, dude.

Dave B
25th September 2011, 19:14
watch a speed re-run, if you want to hear them, dude.

I believe Speed said what you say they said, but that still doesn't provide any evidence for what Hamilton was alleged to have said.

Azumanga Davo
25th September 2011, 19:18
Lewis never laid a hand on another driver.

A car on another driver is a completely different matter though.

The Black Knight
25th September 2011, 19:34
A car on another driver is a completely different matter though.

Yes, it is.

The Black Knight
25th September 2011, 19:48
I think you are overreacting in the extreme here. Rosberg and Schumacher had incidents today and as predictable as it is, I wouldn't expect threads to be started with the same over emotional dribble that we often see with Lewis. He clipped Massa's tyre in a racing incident and it ruined both their races. Lewis rightlfully got a penalty IMO, and I can sympathise with Felipe for being angry at having his race ruined.

Having said that if Lewis approached another driver, grabbed his arm in an aggressive way and sarcastically said 'good race mate', you guys would burst into tears of anger and you know full well you would. It wasn't the brightest thing for Felipe to do and doesn't help his case IMO. I would have liked to have seen Lewis punch him in the face to be quite honest and I'm pretty sure thats what I would have done. Sod the PR behaviour, you don't go around grabbing rivals and embarrassing yourself.

Agreed 100% on this. It was unacceptable behaviour from Massa. In fact, I was quite proud of Hamilton for being so reserved and handling the situation so well. I'm not sure I'd have been so reserved were I in his position.

I have reservations about the penalty he got though. I understand why he got it but it was a lapse of judgement from Lewis rather than a move of intent or anything. I personally felt it was a bit harsh as he had already backed out of the move and it was just an accident at the end of the day.

25th September 2011, 20:06
Indeed credit to Lewis for his restraint and handling the situation very well. Felipe looked like he was going to burst into tears he was so angry and I'm sure when Lewis watches it back he'll have a laugh at it.

Yeah, hilarious!!!!! Ruin someone elses race and then have a laugh at him when he shows how upset he is. I'm sorry, but given that Lewis tried to have an accident with Felipe in qualifying and then a rather clumsy incident where Lewis ruined Felipe's race

It's not like Felipe went and did this.........

25th September 2011, 20:12
Allegedly something no one else has heard about either. SpeedTV is full of it. Unless you can give a video or some proper evidence that it happened then stop making stuff up.

Pity about the contact with Massa and Hamilton today. It was Hamilton's fault but I don't think he deserved a penalty for it as it wasn't intentional, it was just a silly moment that shouldn't have happened. Certainly, the Rosberg and Perez incident at turn 1, I felt that Rosberg, in my opinion, was more deserving of a penalty than the one with Lewis and Massa.

Massa should be reprimanded or punished for the way he approached Lewis in the media centre afterwards however. Anyone that watched the BBC Forum will have seen the video and I don't believe that a, what I would call assault, on another driver is on, especially in public. Clear the air behind closed doors. Trying to rile up another drive like that isn't on. It all shows signs of pressure to me that Massa is feeling. He is being embarrassed by his team mate time and time again ever weekend. He isn't good enough to driver for Ferrari and the danger of losing his seat is beginning to show I feel.

Christ almighty. Next thing you'll be claiming I assaulted Caroline before when I hugged her just before.

Lewis tried to run Felipe off the road in qualifying and ****s his race up and you don't expect him to be a little angry?

25th September 2011, 20:14
Yeah as I said Felipe simply embarrassed himself and showed a weakness by doing that. If Lewis had done this the usual suspects would be overheating in the aftermath, but I found this clip rather funny and tomorrow I'm sure Lewis will too. In the heat of the moment people do some stupid things, but I doubt we'll have Sergio Perez approaching Schumacher and doing the same thing as his race could easily have been ruined too. Felipe is under alot of pressure and its looking likely he'll lose his seat at Ferrari in the next couple of season's and he just doesn't do himself any favours with an outburst like that IMO. Still entertaining to watch though. :)

What is your problem? You think it's funny that Lewis ruined Massa's race? People get angry in the heat of the moment and it was hardly the worst incident we've seen in F1. Yeah sure I would prefer to have not seen it, but if it were Hamilton people would be saying how it shows his passion and his drive to win and I'd be losing the will to live.

The Black Knight
25th September 2011, 20:15
Christ almighty. Next thing you'll be claiming I assaulted Caroline before when I hugged her just before.

Lewis tried to run Felipe off the road in qualifying and ****s his race up and you don't expect him to be a little angry?

He can be angry all he wants but you don't try and provoke a physical altercation with another driver. I'm hoping the FIA will look at that video and give him a grid penalty for the next race. Then Ferrari should fire him and get a driver of higher calibre in his place.

25th September 2011, 20:18
He can be angry all he wants but you don't try and provoke a physical altercation with another driver. I'm hoping the FIA will look at that video and give him a grid penalty for the next race. Then Ferrari should fire him and get a driver of higher calibre in his place.

He wasn't trying to provoke a physical altercation with Lewis. For anyone who is a native english speaker they will have spotted the sarcasm in Massa's actions from the ISS. It was a sarcastic pat on the back which was meant to convey how pissed off Massa was with Lewis' actions this weekend.

25th September 2011, 20:22
I haven't got a problem and you appear to be losing your cool here abit like Felipe lol. Where have I said I thought it was funny that Lewis ruined Massa's race? I hope you're not trying to put words in my mouth here Daniel? I said I think Lewis would find the incident we are discussing here to be funny, abit of perspective please. I also said I understood why Felipe was angry at having his race ruined, so perhaps you could add that for abit of context before responding prematurely? Felipe's reaction let him down IMO, but it was in the heat of the moment.

Perhaps if Lewis was a great driver he might regret his actions this weekend rather than finding something to laugh about. He might have the class to approach Felipe and apologise for the way he's driven this weekend.

25th September 2011, 20:31
I'm sure they will clear the air. This was immediately after the race and for all we know Lewis was intending to apologize.

Quite possibly. I'm not going to criticise Lewis for something he didn't get the chance to do. But I think that someone claiming assault for a sarcastic pat on the back is a bit much.

25th September 2011, 20:53
Hahaha, I saw the so called assault, LFMAO! You make it sounds like Massa did a capoeira combo on Hamilton :D

25th September 2011, 21:14
I think if Massa had stayed around much longer he would have drowned Lewis with his floods of tears lol. I'm sure Rob would have called him a few choice words back in the garage and now when he has cooled down we'll see a handshake between the two. Reminded me abit of Alonso and Massa back in 2007 when they had handbags in front of the camera's post race. :)

Why do you feel the need to put Felipe down like this? :confused: I find that rather nasty really. I imagine Lewis cried a few tears in Brazil in 2007 when he lost the title to Kimi. But I don't see it as a reason to poke fun at him, F1 drivers are no less emotional than you or I.

25th September 2011, 21:27
I was poking abit of fun at Felipe as a joke and its interesting you haven't tackled posters for doing the same to Lewis on here. Any reason for this? I like the fact you say you don't see a reason to poke fun at Lewis for losing the title in 2007, but it looks like by mentioning it in this context you already have lol. Shall I start a new thread and have a unrational whine lol? I think not..... Moving on eh. ;)

Huh? So because I mentioned it in this thread and explicitly stated that i don't see a reason to poke fun at him for it then it must mean that I do see a reason to poke fun at him for it......

25th September 2011, 21:42

I'm sorry henners but I feel you're being rather rude. If you say something I like to think I generally take it at face value and take you at your word. Why should you be allowed to twist my comments in such a rude way? :confused:

25th September 2011, 23:37
Eh? Did we watch the same race?

Lewis made a boneheaded rookie mistake by tucking in too early behind Massa and losing part of his front wing. It's something we've seen dozens of times from various drivers. It was stupid, but hardly the stuff of bans or black flags.

Agree with this.

I feel Hamilton was wrong, but as you say there is no reason to over react

25th September 2011, 23:55
I shall be interested to read/hear what MotorSport's Nigel Roebuck has to say about all of these. On a recent podcast he was heard to proclaim the enjoyment he derives from the various feuds in NASCAR, yet I would imagine him to be less than impressed by today's carry-on, presumably on the grounds that such behaviour is fine in NASCAR but appalling in any other formula. This is perhaps a reasonable point, but I can't help but find these driver arguments rather manufactured, born not of real passion but a desire to show some sort of personality that doesn't really exist.

26th September 2011, 00:16
I think if Massa had stayed around much longer he would have drowned Lewis with his floods of tears lol. I'm sure Rob would have called him a few choice words back in the garage and now when he has cooled down we'll see a handshake between the two. Reminded me abit of Alonso and Massa back in 2007 when they had handbags in front of the camera's post race. :)

What hapenned there?

26th September 2011, 00:22
Apart from his mistake Lewis drove emphatically.

Oh the irony.

Apart from being an asshole Hitler was looking like a human being. Funny eh?!

26th September 2011, 00:22
Oh the irony.

Apart from being an asshole Hitler was looking like a human being. Funny eh?!

Excellent — a comparison with Hitler. Didn't take long.

26th September 2011, 00:23
Excellent — a comparison with Hitler. Didn't take long.

I'm getting confused between this thread and the smoking one :p

26th September 2011, 00:24
Welcome, Mr. Godwin!

26th September 2011, 00:24
I'm getting confused between this thread and the smoking one :p

I'm getting confused generally by the inability of some people (not meaning you, here) to get certain messages, but never mind. It's not my area of responsibility.

26th September 2011, 00:25
Why? When Lewis is talking crap, he is just kidding or brave, when Massa is angry, he should be penalized for speaking his mind? Hamilton is dangerous. Massa is right to be angry and afraid. He is risking his life racing a madman.

Well you know everyone will get up in arms and deny it, but in the end it's a nationality thing more than anything else. Otherwise I fail to see why some people would support a bomb on wheels.

26th September 2011, 00:27
Excellent — a comparison with Hitler. Didn't take long.

I just pointed out the irony of a deaf excuse, you had to force the comparison though. Well done Ben, epic fail there.
Luckily you are very predictable.

26th September 2011, 00:28
Well you know everyone will get up in arms and deny it, but in the end it's a nationality thing more than anything else. Otherwise I fail to see why some people would support a bomb on wheels.

Ioan, this is a perfect example of you going just that little bit too far. I agree with the first sentence, but then to call Lewis a "bomb on wheels" just makes you look silly.

26th September 2011, 00:35
I can live with that Dan, especially as he keeps this going for his whole career. One lil' boom every race.

The Black Knight
26th September 2011, 00:36
I just pointed out the irony of a deaf excuse, you had to force the comparison though. Well done Ben, epic fail there.
Luckily you are very predictable.
Actually, if You check out Godwin's law you will realise it is you that is the predictable one.

26th September 2011, 00:39
Actually, if You check out Godwin's law you will realise it is you that is the predictable one.

I'm sorry but I think Godwin's law is a daft "law". Sometimes Hitler is a really good example of someone who is universally disliked. If someone said Maggie Thatcher or George Bush Jr you run the risk of some idiot actually liking them. I digress of course :D

26th September 2011, 00:52
I shall be interested to read/hear what MotorSport's Nigel Roebuck has to say about all of these. On a recent podcast he was heard to proclaim the enjoyment he derives from the various feuds in NASCAR, yet I would imagine him to be less than impressed by today's carry-on, presumably on the grounds that such behaviour is fine in NASCAR but appalling in any other formula. This is perhaps a reasonable point, but I can't help but find these driver arguments rather manufactured, born not of real passion but a desire to show some sort of personality that doesn't really exist.

What did you think of the Matt Neal Jason Plato argument at Rockingham?

26th September 2011, 01:58
LOL, excellent response from Massa. Hamilton's accident was just embarrassing to watch.

26th September 2011, 10:34
Hamilton is a very talented driver, but something is clearly wrong with his head. Someone needs to screw it on properly. :) Accidents just keep happening and Singapore was really clumsy, turning into a car like it was not on the inside taking the corner. Well, like at Spa he forgot there was a car on the outside - on that occasion a bit behind though.

I hope Button outscores Hamilton over a full season. He deserves it based on their form this year.

26th September 2011, 11:18
I'm getting confused between this thread and the smoking one :p

You don't run the risk of cancer in this one?

26th September 2011, 11:20
For some reason Lewis doesn't irritate me. Maybe it's because he is, above all, a racing driver who tries to do things and throws caution to the wind. I see quite a lot of Senna in Hamilton except Hamilton needs to hit cars a bit less. I'd rather watch him fight for a position that someone like Jenson who is too clever and calculated. We need drivers who drive the wheels off their cars (not literally) and don't think about some strategy etc. all the time.

26th September 2011, 11:35
For some reason Lewis doesn't irritate me. Maybe it's because he is, above all, a racing driver who tries to do things and throws caution to the wind. I see quite a lot of Senna in Hamilton except Hamilton needs to hit cars a bit less. I'd rather watch him fight for a position that someone like Jenson who is too clever and calculated. We need drivers who drive the wheels off their cars (not literally) and don't think about some strategy etc. all the time.

It takes all sorts. If you ask me, my idea of hell is 24 Lewis Hamilton's or 24 Jenson Button's in F1. The Lewis Hamilton's would be ruining each others race far too often whilst also showing flashes of brilliance and the Button's would probably never crash at all and it would probably all come down to pit strategy or sailing past your rivals while you're on better tyres than them. 24 Kobayashi's on the other hand would be fantastic......

26th September 2011, 11:42
Well, in junior categories you can see the grid full of those non-complete drivers, who make mistakes and miscalculations all the time. And it is usual to have start accidents of some sort. F1 is more about buttonesque approach - fast, but very mature and controlled. That's why it's ought to be the pinnacle of motorsport. Especially this year with all those overtaking manouvers I'm personally enjoying the very high level of professional driving - lots of battles, but in many cases no contact despite being very close to each other. So I don't feel I "need" crashes to spice up the show.

26th September 2011, 11:45
Well, in junior categories you can see the grid full of those non-complete drivers, who make mistakes and miscalculations all the time. And it is usual to have a start accidents of some sort. F1 is more about buttonesque approach - fast, but very mature and controlled. That's why it's ought to be the pinnacle of motorsport. Especially this year with all those overtaking manouvers I'm personally enjoying the very high level of professional driving - lots of battles, but in many cases no contact despite being very close to each other.

Exactly. No one gives points for style

26th September 2011, 12:10
Hammy boy does it again !!!!!

At least he is consistant :p :

26th September 2011, 20:58
Well, in junior categories you can see the grid full of those non-complete drivers, who make mistakes and miscalculations all the time. And it is usual to have start accidents of some sort. F1 is more about buttonesque approach - fast, but very mature and controlled. That's why it's ought to be the pinnacle of motorsport. Especially this year with all those overtaking manouvers I'm personally enjoying the very high level of professional driving - lots of battles, but in many cases no contact despite being very close to each other. So I don't feel I "need" crashes to spice up the show.

The difference between them and Hamilton is that Hamilton is a complete driver, a WDC who is just having tough time at the moment because of many reasons. I remember Vettel crashing many times last year, it's just that sometimes things just pile up on one driver. I suspect one of the reasons for Hamilton's errors is the fact that Red Bull is so strong, maybe he is trying too much. Put him into the Red Bull and start at the front and you'd see him disappear into the distance without hitting anyone.

26th September 2011, 21:55
Hamilton is frustrated he hasn't got the car to do what Vettel is doing and he is struggling to keep himself error free. Button seemed to do OK with a McLaren, closing in on Vettel right until the end.

26th September 2011, 22:03
Hey, I am just trying to have a discussion.

26th September 2011, 23:49
My opinions-

To call Massa's sarcastic pat on Lewis an assault.. is a bit silly, lets be a bit more realistic.

Re- Lewis. He is a very talented driver in terms of raw skill and has the pace to rival the fastest in the history of F1 WDC's Im sure most would agree... but he is a different driver from what we have seen in the last year or two. I think he has maybe lost his self identity, self belief or self confidence no matter what he says to the contrary. Something seems to be very wrong psychologicaly, be it the need to have his father around him to keep him grounded, maybe with some other factors thrown in Im speculating I know... but I do believe with some psychotherapy and coaching he will get his self belief and self confidence back. He had better get his act together fast though or I can see a change of opinion/favour within the McLaren team coming to a head soon... if it hasn't happened already. :/

27th September 2011, 08:58
I agree with Anthony Hamilton actually, Lewis needs to change his management. As unimportant as it may seem, it has a huge influence. Apart from that, I think Lewis is going through a crash phase which every driver goes through in their F1 career. It's just that Lewis was so exceptionally good in his debut and second season, in part also because of the car, but we never got to see that phase. Even Vettel is a very good example of someone being crash prone, nicknamed the "crash kid" early in his career.

And then the F1 community created a lot of hype around Lewis, and he's spent this year trying too hard to justify that hype, which has resulted in some misfortune and some momentary lapse in judgment. Also when people compare Lewis with Button, they forget that this is Button's 12th year in F1, and only Lewis' 5th. Button has 7 more years of valuable experience, and that is what we're seeing paying off this year. Lewis is still faster on raw pace though, which is incredible still, because Button is not an old man.

With some good guidance and a calmer approach I think Lewis is gonna come out a much better driver out of this whole scenario.

27th September 2011, 09:02
Also what's rather annoying are these weekly threads by Hamilton haterboys, and some others who are just hopped on prozac ready to have a go at Hamilton for every little thing. It's almost as if these people enjoy doing this. Folks really need to find better things to do with their free time.

I didn't see stupid weekly threads like these about Vettel in 2010. How quickly we forget.

Whitmarsh: Vettel is a 'crash kid' | Planet F1 | Formula One News (http://www.planetf1.com/news/3213/6348051/Whitmarsh-Vettel-is-a-crash-kid-)

27th September 2011, 10:11
In a way Mclaren is a frustrating team for a driver. They have excellent resources but you never now if their car is going to be very competitive or a complete dog the following year. They will always fight back but it really messes that particular season. Lewis has already fallen a victim of that few times, Räikkönen had the same problem, Mika as well. That's tough on a driver, I mean they are looking forward to fighting for the championship and suddenly the team is at sea. Hamilton must be frustrated about that, their inability to build quick cars year after year. Couple that with a quick teammate and there you have it, a driver hitting cars all over the place.

Mia 01
27th September 2011, 12:36
In a way Mclaren is a frustrating team for a driver. They have excellent resources but you never now if their car is going to be very competitive or a complete dog the following year. They will always fight back but it really messes that particular season. Lewis has already fallen a victim of that few times, Räikkönen had the same problem, Mika as well. That's tough on a driver, I mean they are looking forward to fighting for the championship and suddenly the team is at sea. Hamilton must be frustrated about that, their inability to build quick cars year after year. Couple that with a quick teammate and there you have it, a driver hitting cars all over the place.

This years car is not so bad, they got a few wins and missed out on quite a few to.

27th September 2011, 12:38
Also what's rather annoying are these weekly threads by Hamilton haterboys, and some others who are just hopped on prozac ready to have a go at Hamilton for every little thing. It's almost as if these people enjoy doing this. Folks really need to find better things to do with their free time.

I didn't see stupid weekly threads like these about Vettel in 2010. How quickly we forget.

Whitmarsh: Vettel is a 'crash kid' | Planet F1 | Formula One News (http://www.planetf1.com/news/3213/6348051/Whitmarsh-Vettel-is-a-crash-kid-)

I am one of the so called "haterboys" you refer to. If you read those threads properly, you will see that they are started as lighthearted affairs. Go and look at my threads from post #1. Then come back to me, "wrongboy" ;)

The Black Knight
27th September 2011, 12:47
This years car is not so bad, they got a few wins and missed out on quite a few to.

It's not consistent enough. McLaren aren't consistent enough.

27th September 2011, 13:16
I am one of the so called "haterboys" you refer to. If you read those threads properly, you will see that they are started as lighthearted affairs. Go and look at my threads from post #1. Then come back to me, "wrongboy" ;)

Well, nobody made these weekly "lighthearted" threads about Vettel in 2010 now, did they? The bottom line is that in the veil of being "lighthearted", they're really obvious digs at Lewis, and achieve nothing more than to stir $hit up, and to provide a nice little bonfire for Lewis haters to get together and say sweet nothings to each other over margaritas and daiquiris. ;)

27th September 2011, 13:20
I am one of the so called "haterboys" you refer to. If you read those threads properly, you will see that they are started as lighthearted affairs. Go and look at my threads from post #1. Then come back to me, "wrongboy" ;)

Also, all these "lighthearted" threads aren't made by Lewis fans, are they? None of the folks starting these threads and posting in them are Lewis fans. How is it lighthearted then? :rolleyes:

27th September 2011, 16:44
Also, all these "lighthearted" threads aren't made by Lewis fans, are they? None of the folks starting these threads and posting in them are Lewis fans. How is it lighthearted then? :rolleyes:

If you bothered to read some of my posts, you will notice that even though I can be critical of hammy boy ( and shock, shock, horror, horror, start light hearted threads taking a dig at the old boy ) I still think he is one of the top 3 drivers and still my favoured driver to get closest to The Shoe's all time records. He is a great driver, but he has not been the same young man since he told his father to take a hike. Fact.

27th September 2011, 18:17
If you bothered to read some of my posts, you will notice that even though I can be critical of hammy boy ( and shock, shock, horror, horror, start light hearted threads taking a dig at the old boy ) I still think he is one of the top 3 drivers and still my favoured driver to get closest to The Shoe's all time records. He is a great driver, but he has not been the same young man since he told his father to take a hike. Fact.

Totally agree, I'm the same..

(As with all the drivers) I'll praise him when he does well, criticize when he does badly and defend him when the 'haters' slate him unfairly.

Being a fan of a driver is one thing but when ones favourite driver can do no wrong, no matter what.. that makes one a 'fanboy'... and there are a few on here!

27th September 2011, 20:20
Totally agree, I'm the same..

(As with all the drivers) I'll praise him when he does well, criticize when he does badly and defend him when the 'haters' slate him unfairly.

Being a fan of a driver is one thing but when ones favourite driver can do no wrong, no matter what.. that makes one a 'fanboy'... and there are a few on here!

I don't think even his biggest fans ever said he does no wrong. In fact I said the Massa incident at Monaco and the Koby incident at Spa were 100% Lewis' fault, when others were calling it a racing incident. I also said he is going through a bad phase. Even the Massa incident at Singapore could have been avoided if he kept his head cool.

Like I said before, there weren't these countless threads about Vettel in 2010, yet there are at least 2-3 weekly about Lewis on this forum. And the matter of the fact is, if you like a driver, you don't enjoy taking digs on him week in and week out, whereas folks here seem to enjoy it, and it's becoming rather annoying and unfunny.

But hey, if these threads entertain Lewis' "fans", then by all means continue. I wouldn't wanna ruin all the fun. :)

The Black Knight
27th September 2011, 20:57
In fairness to Lewis, you can't doubt his honesty. He has admitted that Button has done a better job than him at McLaren this year:

Jenson Button's done a better job - Lewis Hamilton | McLaren | Formula 1 news, live F1 | ESPN F1 (http://en.espnf1.com/mclaren/motorsport/story/60065.html)

27th September 2011, 21:43
Well, nobody made these weekly "lighthearted" threads about Vettel in 2010 now, did they? The bottom line is that in the veil of being "lighthearted", they're really obvious digs at Lewis, and achieve nothing more than to stir $hit up, and to provide a nice little bonfire for Lewis haters to get together and say sweet nothings to each other over margaritas and daiquiris. ;)

Take a chill pill bro. :p

It has happened so much more, that it is no longer shocking. It's normal... Which is the problem.
There are more Lewis-hater threads out there... Like the one where he starts an epic kung fu battle with Massa or whatever, please take the hate and the counter-hate there. :)

27th September 2011, 23:53
I don't think even his biggest fans ever said he does no wrong. In fact I said the Massa incident at Monaco and the Koby incident at Spa were 100% Lewis' fault, when others were calling it a racing incident. I also said he is going through a bad phase. Even the Massa incident at Singapore could have been avoided if he kept his head cool.

Like I said before, there weren't these countless threads about Vettel in 2010, yet there are at least 2-3 weekly about Lewis on this forum. And the matter of the fact is, if you like a driver, you don't enjoy taking digs on him week in and week out, whereas folks here seem to enjoy it, and it's becoming rather annoying and unfunny.

But hey, if these threads entertain Lewis' "fans", then by all means continue. I wouldn't wanna ruin all the fun. :)

I know what you mean, there are four or five forum members on here that must either truely despise him for whatever reason or simply enjoy winding his fans up. We all know who they are... but seriously, its them that has the issue, it's not worth getting annoyed about.... and if a few of the rest of us criticize him from time to time... fairly!... please dont tar us with the same brush. ;)

28th September 2011, 00:06
Great post mate. Hamilton needs criticism when he does boneheaded things but the way some people carry on, you would think he's the worst thing to hit F1.

Pretty sad if you ask me.

28th September 2011, 00:08
I don`t mind Hamilton. It is Martin Whitmarsh that i find annoying. He likes to talk about Hamilton too much. Most headlines is about Whitmarsh talking about Hamilton.

28th September 2011, 00:10
I think because of this fatwa against lewis, we have seen more from Whitmarsh than we should have done defending his driver. It would be nice to hear a bit more supporting Jenson who is doing a much better job this year than lewis.

28th September 2011, 04:55
The reason people bash Hamilton is because they had to listen to all the Hamilton crap when he first came on the scene. Like he walked on water. People were over exaggerating his abilities the same way that the haters now over exaggerate his faults.
We had to listen to your crap, now it's out turn! :)

28th September 2011, 07:33
I can understand that people are angry at Hamilton because he's been hitting cars way too much lately but other than that he is quite refreshing in modern F1, I mean he loses his cool in interviews, yells on the radio if the team makes a mistake, says things he regrets later, so he is not a calm and collected "Mclaren-man", he is a person. I haven't heard him calling "this is ridiculous" on the radio either, he just tries to pass the sister car, maybe they touch maybe they don't.

28th September 2011, 08:18
I know what you mean, there are four or five forum members on here that must either truely despise him for whatever reason or simply enjoy winding his fans up. We all know who they are... but seriously, its them that has the issue, it's not worth getting annoyed about.... and if a few of the rest of us criticize him from time to time... fairly!... please dont tar us with the same brush. ;)

:up: Trust me, I know who the trolls are, and I didn't paint the rest of you with the same brush. I know who the true F1 enthusiasts out here are, and I'm completely okay with constructive criticism, Lewis needs it this year.

The trolls however have started the trend of bashing him non-stop, and most of them are Schumacher fans, which is a bit weird and hypocritical, but still, I can understand where they're coming from. After Schumacher got the crap bashed out of him on this board for years, now it's retribution time for his fans, and they have found a scapegoat in Lewis. ;)

28th September 2011, 08:47
In a way Mclaren is a frustrating team for a driver. They have excellent resources but you never now if their car is going to be very competitive or a complete dog the following year. They will always fight back but it really messes that particular season.

Are you saying that other top teams manage to make a competitive car year after year with no fail or that when they do have a subpar car coming up one season, everyone is able to predict that in advance? I personally don't think so. There are plenty of examples. Senna with McLaren in 1992. Schumacher with Ferrari in 2005/2006.

Regarding Hamilton's accidents, I think that's probably more of fault with his own driving. Button, Alonso, and Massa are somehow able to keep their cool.

28th September 2011, 10:18
Blimey, a whole page of reasonable and politely debated posts. Who would believe it? It was actually a pleasure to read and the constructive criticism was pretty spot on if you ask me.

I would agree with pretty much all that was written.

28th September 2011, 19:40
Are you saying that other top teams manage to make a competitive car year after year with no fail or that when they do have a subpar car coming up one season, everyone is able to predict that in advance? I personally don't think so. There are plenty of examples. Senna with McLaren in 1992. Schumacher with Ferrari in 2005/2006.

Regarding Hamilton's accidents, I think that's probably more of fault with his own driving. Button, Alonso, and Massa are somehow able to keep their cool.

Of course they don't, but Mclaren does have a habit of producing a very bad car after a good one,more so than other top teams.

5th October 2011, 13:50
I am a bit late to all this as I was away when the race was on and was avoiding everything until i watched it.

For me Lewis made a silly error trying to get a run on Massa and just nudged a rear tyre with a front wing. something that happens in pretty much every race. it was unfortunate for both drivers that A) the wing broke, and B) it cut Massa'a tyre.

The drive trough was harsh but probably fair. ´

Hamiltons recovery drive was very good without any incidents passing a number of cars more than once.

Massa's recovery was also pretty good, but not as impressive.

Massa after the race was not too clever, but he was understandably angry. Hamilton did well to stay quiet. The reease of the Smedley-Massa radio message is also not too smart from them. I notice MAssa has now said he expects he and Hamilton will be ok and that these things should stay on the track, which is not what his actions after the race indicated.

In summary, Hamilton stoopid error, Massa stoopid post race actions. in the scheme of things its all a bit silly about something pretty small, but it does have to be said that Hamilton has again managed to get himself involved in contact with another driver. This one in isolation was nothing to write home about, but as I said last year about Vettel, this is happening too often and taken as a whole makes Hamilton look rathter silly at the moment. He needs to temper his approach a little, the same as I think Vettel did towards the end of last year, and he'll come out of the other side a better (if not faster) driver.

7th October 2011, 17:55
I am a bit late to all this as I was away when the race was on and was avoiding everything until i watched it.

For me Lewis made a silly error trying to get a run on Massa and just nudged a rear tyre with a front wing. something that happens in pretty much every race. it was unfortunate for both drivers that A) the wing broke, and B) it cut Massa'a tyre.

The drive trough was harsh but probably fair. ´

Hamiltons recovery drive was very good without any incidents passing a number of cars more than once.

Massa's recovery was also pretty good, but not as impressive.

Massa after the race was not too clever, but he was understandably angry. Hamilton did well to stay quiet. The reease of the Smedley-Massa radio message is also not too smart from them. I notice MAssa has now said he expects he and Hamilton will be ok and that these things should stay on the track, which is not what his actions after the race indicated.

In summary, Hamilton stoopid error, Massa stoopid post race actions. in the scheme of things its all a bit silly about something pretty small, but it does have to be said that Hamilton has again managed to get himself involved in contact with another driver. This one in isolation was nothing to write home about, but as I said last year about Vettel, this is happening too often and taken as a whole makes Hamilton look rathter silly at the moment. He needs to temper his approach a little, the same as I think Vettel did towards the end of last year, and he'll come out of the other side a better (if not faster) driver.
