View Full Version : Karma .... again.

Hazell B
20th March 2007, 19:29
Being a firm believer in karma, I was wondering what could go horribly wrong today as everything appeared perfect.

I'd planted one tree in my field and decided to have coffee before planting another, when the snow came down hard. Just as the coffee was drunk, the sun came out. Another tree, another coffee (I'm lazy) and more snow .... and so it went on all day. Brilliant :up:

Then as we (myself and the two dogs) left the stables for home the worst possible dampener happened .... a thing we had dreaded for weeks and months .... a problem so unfixable I had almost prayed to God never to have to face it :s

The dog's rubber chicken has lost it's squeak :( :( :(

Naburn's inconsolable. They don't make rubber chickens that squeak any more. I must have done something very, very bad in a former life.

Am I the only karma believer here?

20th March 2007, 19:33
Yes. Only one. Absolutely no other karma believers here, I assure you. :p :

20th March 2007, 19:40
Being a firm believer in karma, I was wondering what could go horribly wrong today as everything appeared perfect.

I'd planted one tree in my field and decided to have coffee before planting another, when the snow came down hard. Just as the coffee was drunk, the sun came out. Another tree, another coffee (I'm lazy) and more snow .... and so it went on all day. Brilliant :up:

Then as we (myself and the two dogs) left the stables for home the worst possible dampener happened .... a thing we had dreaded for weeks and months .... a problem so unfixable I had almost prayed to God never to have to face it :s

The dog's rubber chicken has lost it's squeak :( :( :(

Naburn's inconsolable. They don't make rubber chickens that squeak any more. I must have done something very, very bad in a former life.

Am I the only karma believer here?
That's just terrible! Poor Naburn, I hope he'll get over it some day.

Hazell B
20th March 2007, 19:46
That's just terrible! Poor Naburn, I hope he'll get over it some day.

He won't get over it if your bunny makes it's world domination slot. He is a Lurcher, born to hate bunnies, after all :p :

Dave B
20th March 2007, 19:48
I believe in karma.

It's one of Lush's best soaps :D :p

20th March 2007, 19:48
He won't get over it if your bunny makes it's world domination slot. He is a Lurcher, born to hate bunnies, after all :p :
He can chase the bunnies. That should make him happy.

20th March 2007, 19:49
I had a chicken karma for my tea last friday..........

20th March 2007, 20:53
Explain me what do you mean under "karma".

The other day I was driving and someone was tailgating me. I said "someone wants to see brake lights". A few moments later a dog ran onto the road and I had to lock my brakes. Is that karma?

20th March 2007, 21:04
Explain me what do you mean under "karma".

The other day I was driving and someone was tailgating me. I said "someone wants to see brake lights". A few moments later a dog ran onto the road and I had to lock my brakes. Is that karma?
No, unless your karma drove over the dogma.

Captain VXR
20th March 2007, 21:36
No, unless your karma drove over the dogma.

:rotflmao: PMSL

20th March 2007, 21:59
If Karma existed the world would either be perfect or wouldn't exist.

(pauses after deep thought, considers going to top of mountain, where the air wafts better)

21st March 2007, 10:11
Have you considered consoling him with a pink squeaky hedgehog? because i've found that they work quite well with Chilli..

That is until she rips it into a million tiny little pieces...

johnny shell
21st March 2007, 13:39
I'm a buddhist and I've studied karma a bit.

the buddhist have a theory that if you're owed something, you will get it. and if you owe something, you'll have to pay up...... sooner, or later.

if you always take take take take take, and never give back... it's going to come back to haunt you some day.

if you give give give give give, then you will receive many blessings.

a lot of people also believe everything is interconnected... which may explain a lot of those strange coincidences you face.

Hazell B
21st March 2007, 18:51
Just to prove the Buddhist theory, my ponies had an escape committee meeting last night and broke out of their field on to my newly planted trees, doing fifty quid's worth of damage.

This afternoon a customer called and asked I get him some cotoneasters that will give me exactly fifty quid worth of profit ...... which is a total bonus as he retired from landscaping last year and is only doing this job as a favour to somebody else. Talk about karma!

johnny shell
22nd March 2007, 12:11
wow Hazell B... that's far out.

when stuff like that starts happening to you, like one thing happens then another things happens to off set it almost instantly... you know that you're really living right. that's special.

or, my girlfriend would say it's just coincidence. but that's why nothing great ever happens to her! (except for her dating me of course)

Hazell B
22nd March 2007, 19:22
You girlfriend's half right - it often is pure luck that things just work out even.

However, last year we had about ten times we paid too much for something then within a week made too much on something else to exactly the same sum. If ever I spend too much, I just put a load of auction lots in and by shear chance they go way above reserve to cover my mess-ups.

Shame the mess-ups keep happening :p :