View Full Version : WRC Rally of Wales over the top safety and marshalls

8th September 2011, 13:53

First time on the forum and im going to wade straight in with a controverial topic that might, I hope, prompt a good discussion but even more so make someone with some authority on the matter take the issue further for me and all the other fans planning on attending Wales this year.

My gripe begins a few years back, having always attended the Lombard RAC since a kid of 5 with my father I have made it my yearly jaunt to follow my sport even though it has moved further and further away (I live in Newcastle) since the good old days. And it is this further and further away comment that is relevant to my current frustration.

Last year I attended the rally as per usual and to cut a long story short made my way onto the stage on one of the ranges. Now whilst I appreciate you cant go wandering around the ranges why is it that even on a straight part of the course spectators were held back behind tape nearly 40metres from the road!! I may aswell have watched it on tv.

A similiar even more frustrating issue occurs on the forest stages. The loathed introduction of 'Spectator Viewing points' where you are restricted to standning with everyone else in a place dictated by whoever sets up the stage. This prevents you from the age old enjoyment of walking the stage and finding 'your spot' a spot thats unique to you and where you feel you will enjoy it the most. Everyone adheres to the rules, listens for whistles, clears the stage when the pace car comes through etc. For those of you who are now saying to yourselves 'No they dont, there is always someone who stands in the wrong place etc' yes fine, but why should that be a reason to SPOIL it for everyone.

Im afraid the grass roots of the sport are being spoiled by these over the top rules health and safety nonsense and you will see a large movement of spectators to lower level rallying if you continue to restrict the rally to the far reaches of Wales, the over the top pricing that results in those who cannot travel with a group finally saying enough is enough and the H&E that is ruining the sport as a spectacle.

For those Marshalls who know what im saying please speak up with those in charge and for those who look down there noses from the safety Range rover go and marshall F1!!

Rant over, bring on the do gooders!!!

8th September 2011, 15:07
Finland this year was a very nice example how it should be done, I've thought about visiting rally GB this year aswell, but experience from previous year makes me wonder if that's the right thing to do.

8th September 2011, 15:32
I accept some drastic (over) reactions happened years ago after Carlos Sainz crasshed into spectators and injured them but honestly I dont have any problem spectating on WRGB. The spectator pens of the early 2000'S have gone away. I have walked miles on Epynt and watched basically wherever I want, OK you may have to take the long way round the bunch of hi vis clad photographers (sorry marshalls). Honestly I have been subject to more restrictions in Finland and Germany this year had some zealous marshalls, and from what I read on Rally Australia thread they seem to have some strict rules down under.

8th September 2011, 15:49
Last year at Rally GB I found that the marshalls were very relaxed up on Epynt as long as you wernt stood some where rediculous, while in the area I visited at Resolven they were overly strict and far too over the top!

Ypres is an amazing rally but thats no better for being able to go where you want as there is red tape and signs everywhere, and they have a safety helicopter that constantly flys around keeping an eye on people. We (or maybe just me!) got buzzed because being stood a few feet away from the road, on a long straight was considered dangerous, and moving back one more foot apparently made us safe! It still didnt put me off and I loved the event, but it showed that GB isnt the only place where they are very careful with spectators :)

2/10 for the rant though, very old subject ;)

8th September 2011, 16:01
To be fair, it's not too bad on RallyGB anymore, the majority of marshals are pretty relaxed to were you stand, providing it's not in a stupid spot. As MJW says, there was an overeaction in the years that followed the 2001 Sainz accident. I've gone to Hafren & Halfway and stood were I liked, no problem. If they did cut ticket prices i'd have nothing to complain about.

However, I'd encourage you to go, pick a decent spot, and the commitment and speed of the top guys is awesome!! I doubt there are many finer sights in Motorsport!

8th September 2011, 23:47
Get a map.
Do some planning.
You're rant is obsolete.

8th September 2011, 23:52
Im afraid the grass roots of the sport are being spoiled by these over the top rules health and safety nonsense and you will see a large movement of spectators to lower level rallying if you continue to restrict the rally to the far reaches of Wales, the over the top pricing that results in those who cannot travel with a group finally saying enough is enough and the H&E that is ruining the sport as a spectacle.

1. Find any passage in actual 'health and safety' legislation, or any actions by the authorities responsible for imposing said legislation, that actually deals with these issues. I'll help you — they don't exist. It's a myth.

2. H&E I think generally refers to 'Health and Efficiency', something rather different.

10th September 2011, 12:07
1. Find any passage in actual 'health and safety' legislation, or any actions by the authorities responsible for imposing said legislation, that actually deals with these issues. I'll help you — they don't exist. It's a myth.

2. H&E I think generally refers to 'Health and Efficiency', something rather different.

Your post is elf and safety gone mad!!!! :p

Whenever someone mentiones "health and safety" on this forum, 99% of the time they're talking pure crap. This seems to be no exception.

I'm quite looking to the stages in North Wales this year, not sure whether I'll just go to the Orme or whether I'm going to try and take in some forest action.

Brynmor Pierce
10th September 2011, 20:10
The Orme will be a tad busy I think, probbaly go to Clocaenog or take in the atmosphere in LLandudno town centre...

Must admit i've watched in hafren last few years and had no issues where to stand, no fences, friendly marshalls....good fun really

10th September 2011, 20:37
I believe this is common nowadays, in Portugal 2007 marshalls were always on you if you moved an inch outside the tape. However years have gone by and they tend to take it more easily nowadays, this year you could arrive early and walk besides the stage with no problem.

I remember in 2007 there was a chopper flying around and they had this annoying alarm sound, if you were outside the tape it's almost like they wanted to set up a quarantine around you.

11th September 2011, 03:01
So your collective advice to a couple of Kiwi's who don't like standing in queues, don't suffer fools and idiots and have some Scottish anchestry hence a strong desire not to pay admission fees etc but who are still coming over to view the event is .....??

11th September 2011, 04:47
stay at home :-)

28th September 2011, 22:20
stay at home :-)

To late, bags are packed & we are ready to fly out. Have to come and watch how our local boy performs over there.

28th September 2011, 22:46
To late, bags are packed & we are ready to fly out. Have to come and watch how our local boy performs over there.
Be prepared to pay then. See you Builth Wells, mine's a pint ;-)
Anyhow, I expect HP to make a clean sweep this year. Has to be in S2000 (IRC or WRC) next year, imvho.

29th September 2011, 07:43
Be prepared to pay then. See you Builth Wells, mine's a pint ;-)
Anyhow, I expect HP to make a clean sweep this year. Has to be in S2000 (IRC or WRC) next year, imvho.

Will drop you a pm before we arrive, we are staying at Buith Wells for the duration of the event. Will probably be found beneath a NZ flag or a table clutching a pint

29th September 2011, 09:44
To late, bags are packed & we are ready to fly out. Have to come and watch how our local boy performs over there.

What are you flying with, if your bags are allready packed :) ?
Btw, we`re also coming to this years edition, staying in Aberystwyth.

29th September 2011, 11:39
What are you flying with, if your bags are allready packed :) ?
Btw, we`re also coming to this years edition, staying in Aberystwyth.

Coming via USA then WRC Spain, the new Manx Rally, Costa Brava Rally, the Rally GB and stay until after the RAC

29th September 2011, 12:31
Coming via USA then WRC Spain, the new Manx Rally, Costa Brava Rally, the Rally GB and stay until after the RAC

Enjoy, some good events there, especially the RAC, I can guarantee you'll enjoy that.

3rd October 2011, 19:03
Does anyone know how to understand The Orme 1 and 2 time? There is about 18 min difference between them.

306 Cosworth
3rd October 2011, 19:11
I was out on last years Rally GB in Hafren and on Epynt. On the Friday morning in Hafren I knew where I wanted to go and just walked passed all the marshals at the speccy point and off on my way and not a word was said, and it was exactly the same on Epynt. If you get there early enough there's no problem with heading off to where you want to go.

3rd October 2011, 20:43
Does anyone know how to understand The Orme 1 and 2 time? There is about 18 min difference between them.

I presume they will be running the second stage and 1st stage at the same time with probably a 30sec stagger, the road from finish to start is about 500m. So the first car will slot in for its second run between pos 9 & 10

3rd October 2011, 21:57
Not been for a few years but not had a problem before, just treat the marshalls with a bit of respect, don't attempt walking down the stage and nod kindly if you come across an arsehole...before walking on out of his view. TBH I've had far more hassle on the Sunseeker than I have on RallyGB. Sure it's not the easiest event, not like a normal rally on Epynt, but that's to be expected given the crowd size. And if you don't like being so far away from the stage just move on a bit, usually they have a bit of a pen nearer the car parks but you can get close enough if you're willing to walk a bit.

Advice to the antipodeans; get a map, it's the best way to find out about the stage and try to plan your day.

Brynmor Pierce
3rd October 2011, 22:34
I presume they will be running the second stage and 1st stage at the same time with probably a 30sec stagger, the road from finish to start is about 500m. So the first car will slot in for its second run between pos 9 & 10

It's a bit further than 500metres, they're trialling it on this weekends Cambrian.

If anyone is out watching Rally GB i'm co-driving in a little Skoda Felicia!! Almost certainly last car on the road i'd imagine..lol

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3rd October 2011, 23:31
It's a bit further than 500metres, they're trialling it on this weekends Cambrian.

If anyone is out watching Rally GB i'm co-driving in a little Skoda Felicia!! Almost certainly last car on the road i'd imagine..lol

Follow us here...
Skoda Rally Blog - Rallying Activities of an ordinary bloke (http://www.skodarallyblog.com/)

Thanks Brynmor, it's 1.3 miles from the Abbey Rd end of Marine Drive to the Happy Valley Rd end - my old eyes playing tricks on Google map ;-). Good luck for the WRGB