View Full Version : Hats Off To Johnny

oily oaf
20th March 2007, 16:11
A heartwarming tale to warm your cockles on this bitterly cold London BIRTHDAY evening folks :)

My little girl is a nurse at a London childrens hospital and she rang me a couple of weeks back to inform me in breathless tones that one Johnny Depp was in the ward next to her own where his little girl was extremely ill with a mystery gastric complaint.

Despite his anxiety she told me later that he was unfailingly polite and charming to all the staff.
Indeed on one memorable day he actually held the door open for my daughter and smiled at her as she passed him.
She later unscrewed it from it's hinges and bore it home on the underground in triumph ;)

Happily the little one made a full recovery and was allowed to return home last week.

A few days later one of the doctors summoned my daughter into the ward where Captain Jack's baby had been treated and pointed delightedly to a series of brand new state of the art television sets along with a number of DVD players, a host of children's DVDs and 5 brand new wheelchairs all courtesy of Mr Depp and his wife.

A lovely gesture from the talented but hideously ugly Hollywood icon I think you'll agree.

Nice one Johnny :s mokin:

Hazell B
20th March 2007, 16:38
:laugh: He's not that ugly ;)

Since your original post on the subject, Oily, I read my first ever Johnny Depp website (seriously, I've never bothered before) and his fans seemed not to care about ailment or hospital half as much as the press did. Mr Depp and Ms Paradis are well known to have a very good raport with the media and that's why pictures of their children never appear in papers. It's also why few people heard about the time Roger Daltry had Depp slung out of a hotel room because he was making too much noise and poor, quiet Daltry couldn't get his eight hours ......

It also seems the family are happy to do things like the above so long as nobody tells the papers how kind they've been. Let us hope they don't read this post, eh? :p :

20th March 2007, 17:09
...hideously ugly ...


oily oaf
20th March 2007, 17:57
Hazell you can call me a hackneyed old cynical birthday boy if you like but I have a sneaking suspicion that even if the "gentlemen" of the press were to learn of our Johnny's act of largess it wouldn't even make a small paragraph on page 9.
I can visualize the scene now as an eager young cub reporter dashes into the features editor's office and breathlessly announces "Hold the front page boss I can exclusively reveal that a Hollywood star has committed an unadulterated act of kindness" before being demoted to the obituary column :D
Now if Mr Depp had got his load on before sailing down the Thames in a pedalo before capsizing in Tilbury dock that WOULD be good copy.

While we're on the subject an honourable mention should also go to "The Old Sleazebag" herself Madonna who regularly visits the hospital unannounced and spends hours with the children reading stories, playing games and generally being a nice lady.
Good work Madge!

Next week I reveal how England cricket captain Andrew Flintoff made a valiant attempt to visit the ailing saucepans but stumbled and fell under a bendy bus in Tottenham Court Road :(

Hazell B
20th March 2007, 19:12
The Express once ran a whole half page about Depp daring to smoke on his way to the Oscars, so you'd be surprised at the pathetic stories they do report. All because he'd tried hiding said cheroot behind his back when some fans asked for his monogram :laugh:

Schmenke, you're prettier than an Aston Martin ;)

20th March 2007, 19:56
I don't think it matters who he is, the simple fact that he did something for others because he can, rather than for what he'll get out of it in return should be applauded :up:

20th March 2007, 20:06
I agree with Carl, but I'd rather have an Aston Martin than schemenke. :p :

Hazell B
20th March 2007, 20:09
I'd rather have an Aston Martin than schemenke. :p :

Have both.
Live the dream, man :p :

20th March 2007, 20:11

20th March 2007, 21:11
Alas, schmenke does not come equipped with an Aston Martin... :mark:

Hazell B
21st March 2007, 18:53
In that case I wish to cancel my order forthwith :mark: