View Full Version : anger management

28th July 2011, 13:13
i've been driving for about the past 3 years now with a learners permit which has allowed me to drive as much as i pleased as long as a friend or my mom or any licensed driver was present in the car with me, but yesterday i had a road test scheduled so i could finally get a real license, there hasn't really been alot of need for me to have one up until now, but i'm kinda hoping to maybe go to college soon so its about time i get my own car,

my mom and my friend went with me yesterday, and we waited in the waiting room until it was time for the test,

the wait was kinda long but i just passed the time by watching the monitor overheard, or by glancing around the room checking out the hot girls there (although i only saw one that i would classify as "hot")

when i was finally behind the wheel taking the test i was kinda nervous and i knew i had made a mistake with a speed bump when the instructor asked me to turn down a residential street and i didn't see one of the speed bumps in time to slow down properly cause the bump was painted black like the road, (there were white lines painted on the road leading up to the speed bump but i didn't know at the time what they meant) i knew that was gonna be a strike against me, but i was hoping that i did well with the rest of the test that i could pass, it was a pretty short test and i didn't feel like i made any big mistakes besides the speed bump,

so i went back in the waiting room and took my seat and waited for my name to be called, about 5-10 minutes later the instructor called my name and i went up the the desk and my friend with me, then the instructor started talking about several mistakes i made, i knew then i hadn't passed :( she said it was only about 3 things i was doing wrong but that i was making the same mistakes over and over again, i think she said that the most serious error was not checking my blind spots before changing lanes, and she said i wasn't allowed to re-take the road test again before 14 days (not that they would have any available test dates before then anyway) and she said i could either schedule another test from my computer at home or use the computer there in the station,

i was so disgusted with the situation that i just took my chewing gum out of my mouth and threw it on the floor under a chair, and then i spit on the floor a few times, i tried to spit on the the floor when i thought that hot chick i'd been checking out earlier might be looking, so hopefully she'd be impressed by what a big man i am,

my mom wanted to go ahead and schedule another test there rather than wait til we got home, so she went to the computer to schedule the test and me and my friend stood behind her talking, and he told me a little and his personal experiences behind the wheel and he gave me advise on how to best correct my errors, then my mom asked us to help us with scheduling the test, and i raised my voice where other people could hear and said: "yeah, lets get this done so we can get out of this God-forsaken hell hole" then she got embarrassed and started going out the door to leave and i started shouting: "COME BACK AND SCHEDULE THE TEST" and i grabbed her arm prevent her from going out the door, and she started trying to push me away from her and it kinda turned into a shoving match (which was not my intention) then another young guy (i guess he was also there for a road test or something) started approaching us, i figured he was gonna try to break up the fight, so i just agreed to leave, and so the guy stopped at the door but seemed to be giving me a hateful look,

and then i ran and kicked the front bumper of a parked truck, and then i grabbed the orange cone that was set infront of our car and i threw it several feet, so then my friend grabbed me and tryed to push me in the backseat of the car so we could leave, and i started screaming "F*** YOU! F*** YOU! F*** YOU!" and meanwhile a motorcycle rider was walking through the parking lot staring at us as he returned to his bike,

i finally got in the car though and we left but i could tell my mom was still upset even when we got back home, cause even though my mom never smokes, when my friend went to light a cigarette, she was like: "you got one of those for me?" (he wouldn't gve her one though)

i scheduled the test when we got back home but the next earliest available test date isn't til September 7th, and to make matter worse my friend wants me to take anger management classes before i re-take the road test, i admit i kinda have mixed feeling on the idea, i guess the anger management classes my not be to bad but i dunno

28th July 2011, 13:18
god I've missed you, i f'kin love you man!

Brown, Jon Brow
28th July 2011, 13:35
Wade isn't as funny as he used to be :(

Dave B
28th July 2011, 14:52
i've been driving for about the past 3 years now blah blah..
Whoever writes your character should consider selling the idea to Viz magazine.

28th July 2011, 15:15
Look closely America, this is proof the school system has failed.

28th July 2011, 15:49
Sounds like a perfectly rational reaction to me.


28th July 2011, 16:10
i've been driving for about the past 3 years now with a learners permit which has allowed me to drive as much as i pleased as long as a friend or my mom or any licensed driver was present in the car with me, but yesterday i had a road test scheduled so i could finally get a real license, there hasn't really been alot of need for me to have one up until now, but i'm kinda hoping to maybe go to college soon so its about time i get my own car,

my mom and my friend went with me yesterday, and we waited in the waiting room until it was time for the test,

the wait was kinda long but i just passed the time by watching the monitor overheard, or by glancing around the room checking out the hot girls there (although i only saw one that i would classify as "hot")

when i was finally behind the wheel taking the test i was kinda nervous and i knew i had made a mistake with a speed bump when the instructor asked me to turn down a residential street and i didn't see one of the speed bumps in time to slow down properly cause the bump was painted black like the road, (there were white lines painted on the road leading up to the speed bump but i didn't know at the time what they meant) i knew that was gonna be a strike against me, but i was hoping that i did well with the rest of the test that i could pass, it was a pretty short test and i didn't feel like i made any big mistakes besides the speed bump,

so i went back in the waiting room and took my seat and waited for my name to be called, about 5-10 minutes later the instructor called my name and i went up the the desk and my friend with me, then the instructor started talking about several mistakes i made, i knew then i hadn't passed :( she said it was only about 3 things i was doing wrong but that i was making the same mistakes over and over again, i think she said that the most serious error was not checking my blind spots before changing lanes, and she said i wasn't allowed to re-take the road test again before 14 days (not that they would have any available test dates before then anyway) and she said i could either schedule another test from my computer at home or use the computer there in the station,

i was so disgusted with the situation that i just took my chewing gum out of my mouth and threw it on the floor under a chair, and then i spit on the floor a few times, i tried to spit on the the floor when i thought that hot chick i'd been checking out earlier might be looking, so hopefully she'd be impressed by what a big man i am,

my mom wanted to go ahead and schedule another test there rather than wait til we got home, so she went to the computer to schedule the test and me and my friend stood behind her talking, and he told me a little and his personal experiences behind the wheel and he gave me advise on how to best correct my errors, then my mom asked us to help us with scheduling the test, and i raised my voice where other people could hear and said: "yeah, lets get this done so we can get out of this God-forsaken hell hole" then she got embarrassed and started going out the door to leave and i started shouting: "COME BACK AND SCHEDULE THE TEST" and i grabbed her arm prevent her from going out the door, and she started trying to push me away from her and it kinda turned into a shoving match (which was not my intention) then another young guy (i guess he was also there for a road test or something) started approaching us, i figured he was gonna try to break up the fight, so i just agreed to leave, and so the guy stopped at the door but seemed to be giving me a hateful look,

and then i ran and kicked the front bumper of a parked truck, and then i grabbed the orange cone that was set infront of our car and i threw it several feet, so then my friend grabbed me and tryed to push me in the backseat of the car so we could leave, and i started screaming "F*** YOU! F*** YOU! F*** YOU!" and meanwhile a motorcycle rider was walking through the parking lot staring at us as he returned to his bike,

i finally got in the car though and we left but i could tell my mom was still upset even when we got back home, cause even though my mom never smokes, when my friend went to light a cigarette, she was like: "you got one of those for me?" (he wouldn't gve her one though)

i scheduled the test when we got back home but the next earliest available test date isn't til September 7th, and to make matter worse my friend wants me to take anger management classes before i re-take the road test, i admit i kinda have mixed feeling on the idea, i guess the anger management classes my not be to bad but i dunno

I hear ya man. I was denied my driving license once, and I powerbombed this instructor mofo right through the table while checking out hot chicks on the left. There were some villagers looking at all this and they all fainted with horror. I then proceeded to choke this mofo out, and he tapped, which made the hot chicks wet, and I was declared the light heavyweight champion as my mom lit up my cigarette. I then teleported to my college and finished my history exam and got an A+. 102nd craziest day of my life.

28th July 2011, 17:24
Look closely America, this is proof the school system has failed.
Are you kidding? About a year ago Wade's spelling & writing was at about a grade 1 (5 year old) level. I'd say right now he might be at about a grade 5 or 6. Also, he refrained from jumping on any cars after he left the test center.
If he keeps improving/maturing at this rate - he could be replacing Obama after his second term. :eek:

28th July 2011, 17:31
How bad a driver must you be
To fail your test in Tennessee?

No worries; I failed my first test on the spot because I went over 25 mph.

29th July 2011, 10:34
Classic Wade91 right there.

29th July 2011, 13:05
my friend is going back with me for my next attempt at the road test on September 7th but he said he wants me to wear a white shirt so hopefully the people there wont recognize me and remember the fiasco wednesday (snce i was wearing a black shirt that day)

29th July 2011, 13:13
my friend is going back with me for my next attempt at the road test on September 7th but he said he wants me to wear a white shirt so hopefully the people there wont recognize me and remember the fiasco wednesday (snce i was wearing a black shirt that day)

That, right there, is one of the best things ever written on these forums.

29th July 2011, 20:55
This has to be a pi** take as,you need to get some manners,and respect the advice you are getting from your instructor and Examiner.i used to be a Driving Examiner in the UK,and met one or two young men with your attitude.They were fast aggressive,and dangerous,and deserved to keep coming back for another test.
Hope the Examiner you had tells all the other examiners at that test centre what a arrogant,learner you are.My advise would be GO TO ANOTHER test centre,cos boy are they waiting for you to turn up AGAIN !!!!
You are trying to get a driving licence for LIFE,and it is not a god given right that you get one,you must show that you DESERVE one !!!!

29th July 2011, 21:12

If you fail next time smash some skulls that will sort it.

30th July 2011, 10:17
I hope i never ever meet you coming towards me !!!!
The number of idiots i have had to take evasive action,to avoid an accident,i have lost count of !!

30th July 2011, 10:24
Wade isn't as funny as he used to be :(
Maybe he's getting old? Or you're getting old? Or both?

30th July 2011, 11:19
This has to be a pi** take as,you need to get some manners,and respect the advice you are getting from your instructor and Examiner.i used to be a Driving Examiner in the UK,and met one or two young men with your attitude.They were fast aggressive,and dangerous,and deserved to keep coming back for another test.
Hope the Examiner you had tells all the other examiners at that test centre what a arrogant,learner you are.My advise would be GO TO ANOTHER test centre,cos boy are they waiting for you to turn up AGAIN !!!!
You are trying to get a driving licence for LIFE,and it is not a god given right that you get one,you must show that you DESERVE one !!!!
well, i think i made it clear that i wasn't pleased with the result of my test, but i wasn't verbally abusive to my instructor directly and i didn't try to argue with her

30th July 2011, 23:34
Then LISTEN and LEARN !!!!!!