View Full Version : Virtual slap

9th December 2006, 02:33
We've all got one person, or group of people whom we'd love to give a slap to. you know the type, someone who, just once you'd like to walk up to and give a damn good slap around the chops. You need to say why.

So without fear of retribution or prosecution, who would yours be?

I'll start the ball rolling with the perenial favorite,

George W Bush - I'd like to give him a slap just to wake him up a bit, help him smell the coffee and realise that he was wrong on his attack on Iraq, and is wrong to keep trying to convince himself that he's doing good over there.

People who make stupid requests at discos - No, I don't have any Megadeath or bloody Eminem. No I can't play Puff Daddy 'cos I don't have any of that either and I don't have anything by Julio bloody Englaisias neither :mad:

Ian McC
9th December 2006, 02:39
I can this getting out of hand :D

9th December 2006, 03:02
The US Government for, among other things, not realizing what an utter failure the Middle East has become
FIA rules committee
Ricer boys
Anyone with racial identity issues (think white boys trying to act "ghetto")
Obstinate people incapable of holding a discussion/debate when they oppose your viewpoint
Neighbors and motorists who insist on sharing their music collection with the rest of the world
Whoever scheduled my physics final exam for tomorrow afternoon
Slow people in the left lane

9th December 2006, 07:13
those overly happy people you see walking down the streets... i'd love to give em a good ol slap, show em life aint so pretty all the time...

oh crap that sounded emo... OH GOD OH GOD

9th December 2006, 10:30
Meg Ryan, Tom Cruise, Sandra Bullock and all of The Corrs. And Kimi Raikkonen.

Azumanga Davo
9th December 2006, 14:04
The Tango Man... :D Just for being unemployed for the last 15 years... ;)

Hazell B
9th December 2006, 17:00
Carol Vordemann, as always. For everything she does, says and just is!

The people who wear fur, especially those with fur trimmed boots and gloves who don't even realise it's real cat or labrador. Morons.

Tailgaters. Perhaps not so much as slap as a real crack of a right hook. They put my life at risk.

Tim Burton for being so damned good at movie making, then launching himself (and Johnny Depp) into bloody musicals that are doomed to be rotten. What a waste.

Peter Jackson for taking up so much of everyone's life with his slow, un-edited piles of poo films that could all have been sooooo much better with a few snips.

Girls Aloud, et al, for putting me off music.

Oily, because I hear he enjoys that sort of thing :p :

9th December 2006, 17:09
To the producer of Casino Royal, didn't like it at all :p :

9th December 2006, 18:32
To the producer of Casino Royal, didn't like it at all :p :

I will see it in 2 hours... hope you're wrong ;)

9th December 2006, 18:33
... Simon Cowell. No reason required :up:

9th December 2006, 18:40
I will see it in 2 hours... hope you're wrong ;)

If i were you I would try to get money back...believe me ;)

Dave B
9th December 2006, 18:44
GW Bush, boybands, James Allen, girlbands, James Allen, z-list celebs, James Allen, people who buy Heat and their ilk, James Allen, people who stop in front of me for no reason, James Allen, people who choose shop doorways or isles in which to have a conversation, James Allen, anybody who has a "footballer knot" in their tie, James Allen, Trisha, James Allen, all people in loan adverts, James Allen, the person who commissioned the Asda singing kids adverts, and James Allen.

Oh, and there's a commentator I cannot abide. His name escapes me at the moment...

Hazell B
9th December 2006, 18:53
Oh, and there's a commentator I cannot abide. His name escapes me at the moment...

Is it James Allen?
Wild stab in the dark, like .....

9th December 2006, 19:57
John Prescott

I could list many "celebrities" but I don't really have the time!

My boss...

People who drive with their fog lights on when it's not foggy... there is just NO POINT!

... I'm sure I'll think of more later!

Powered by Cosworth
9th December 2006, 20:53
People who won't stop going on about how 'Superbikes' Are better than Supercars and Harleys.

The people who are so arrogent they wont accept that something maybe just as good, and disagree about all the bad pointsa of motorbikes. I'm sure you know the folk.

9th December 2006, 20:54
Chris Bangle

9th December 2006, 21:01
The general public.

jim mcglinchey
9th December 2006, 21:23
people who choose shop doorways or isles in which to have a conversation,

Thats a pet hate of mine and its gotten me into rows before. Mannerless spides who think its OK to block a doorway, shooting the s++t and smoking fags. especially at a hospital entrance say.

9th December 2006, 21:36

Ian McC
9th December 2006, 21:46
Anyone seeking fame without any real talent, it's a long, long list.

Ian McC
9th December 2006, 22:18
Another thing.........

MPs, maybe it will help to remind them they are there to serve the people not their own ends because most act like they dont know it.

9th December 2006, 22:27
So basically any one who even tries to get onto big brother then.

9th December 2006, 22:38
Oh, and there's a commentator I cannot abide. His name escapes me at the moment...

I`m with you on that one. How did `he` get the job? :mad:


9th December 2006, 23:38
Anyone who makes a forum posts containing just "lol"

10th December 2006, 01:30
Anyone using a cell phone in public or while driving.

10th December 2006, 01:36
Anyone using a cell phone in public or while driving.

What's wrong with answering a call while on the high street or making a call whilst bored in the station? :\

10th December 2006, 01:46
If i were you I would try to get money back...believe me ;)

You were right ;( :down:

The general public.

Yes! :D :up:

10th December 2006, 01:55

Who's this guy - looks like he's in need of a slap!

There's so many groups and individual that I'd like to slap, that it'd be a huge, boring list! :hmph:

10th December 2006, 02:16
Who's this guy - looks like he's in need of a slap!

There's so many groups and individual that I'd like to slap, that it'd be a huge, boring list! :hmph:
Just get everyone then (except me, of course) :p :

Captain VXR
10th December 2006, 11:14
The Labour govornments one rule for them, another for us policy.

Ian McC
10th December 2006, 13:24
The Labour govornments one rule for them, another for us policy.

The other parties are just as bad, slap em all I say.

10th December 2006, 13:42
the retard who is my boss................. :mad:

10th December 2006, 14:41
hippies... they need to take a shower

Captain VXR
10th December 2006, 18:39
Also pop music and rnb because its all drum machines and voice enhancers - no talent.

10th December 2006, 21:01
Kanye West

donKey jote
10th December 2006, 21:09
Thatcher for impeding the course of justice and her bushtalk about her friend Pinochet ("the bringer of democracy to Chile")

10th December 2006, 21:13
Anyone who likes hardcore dance music at hangs around on street corners.(so chavs basically)

Captain VXR
10th December 2006, 21:41
Anyone who likes hardcore dance music at hangs around on street corners.(so chavs basically)

How about anyone who like gangsta rap and rnb, they are chavs too

10th December 2006, 21:54
How about anyone who like gangsta rap and rnb, they are chavs too

I'll re-phrase that.

all chavs!! :rotflmao:

10th December 2006, 23:14
The people at work who talk about Coronation Street like it's real life

Hazell B
10th December 2006, 23:31
people who choose shop doorways or isles in which to have a conversation,

This very morning a couple stopped in a shop doorway to redress their child and sort out it's pushchair's rainhood, blocking the doorway for about ten of us trying to get out. I rolled my eyes and said "Er ... Excuse me!" and they started moaning at me.

It seems they were sick of having their shopping trip ruined by people rushing them in doorways ... and walked off still unaware that if they've been moaned at several times IT'S FOR A GOOD REASON!!!! Dolts :dozey:

I din't slap them, just stood there gaping at them.
Sorry :s

11th December 2006, 02:01
I hate people who seem to think standing in the doorway is a clever idea, also.

13th December 2006, 15:25
I would like to add the 'only doing my job, mate' security staff at Luton Airport who, despite having two hundred or so people to get through their checkpoint at midday on Monday had just three lines in operation, resulting in it taking nearly 40 minutes to get through and nearly missing my plane :mad:

13th December 2006, 15:30
George W Bush - I'd like to give him a slap just to wake him up a bit, help him smell the coffee and realise that he was wrong on his attack on Iraq, and is wrong to keep trying to convince himself that he's doing good over there.

GWB will never wake up :(

13th December 2006, 15:33
I would love to snortklap everyone in the shopping centre who is pushing a shopping trolley. Seems as though once you are in a shopping centre you forget the following: to keep left and pass right, not bump into other trolleys, not block intersections, not talk on your cellphone :(

13th December 2006, 15:38
Entertainment "reporters" who seem the thing the world revolves around them and the "celebrities" about whom they report.

I really don't care what some "star" did or with whom they had a date. :p

Bah, humbug.

13th December 2006, 16:04
Those who demean. Those who degrade. This who discredit. Those who demoralise. Those who humiliate. Those who embarass. Those who use people as a means of a cheap laugh. Those who pick on. Those who put down. Those who leave out. Those who reject Those who con. Those who decieve. Shoflifters and pickpockets. Those who predjudice on anything.

Oh yes and men with massive egos like Peter Stingfellow.

Apart from those I accept almost everyone else! :laugh:

13th December 2006, 16:15
General Pinochet for dying before being brought to justice
All kinds of agents (estate agents, employment agents...)
people who cant speak wot no proper inglish like wot i do
tony blair for following GWB too closely
has-been celebs who appear on these celeb reality shows to re-vitalise dead careers. dont do it.
people who cant punctuate posts properly