View Full Version : Driver(s) of the year so far

9th July 2011, 16:57
Hello, Chaps and Chapesses,

What with the half way point of what's been quite an epic 2011, who are your top three drivers of the season thus far?

1. Alonso: He's driven the a**e off of a car which really shouldn't be where it is. I wouldn't bet against a 2010 style fight back this year. Also the best looking of all the drivers ;)

2. Vettel: Just because.

3. Button: He seems to be driving better than even when he won the title. JB has driven Intelligent and outpacing his far more highly rated team mate, and good job I say :) .

(Also, what was up with 'Nando's beard today? Looked like he missed a bit!)

9th July 2011, 16:59
Oh well, yet another my favorite driver is ********* thread! :D

9th July 2011, 17:05
Not really, is it? It's just how you'd rate them on performances this year. =)

9th July 2011, 17:23
so far this year i'd have to say Vettel, for being the winningist, Alonso does appear to be getting more out of the Ferrari than perhaps he should be. I think Kobyashi is driving fantastically, esoecially in races and Di Resta is exceeding my expectations at least (and i already thought he was good).

and for the record my favourite is probably Button, but I think he's only doing ok so far this year. Canada was great, his qualy have been a little disappointing but he's raced very well

9th July 2011, 17:56
Not really, is it? It's just how you'd rate them on performances this year. =)

Just wait and see! ;)

9th July 2011, 18:21
Best looking George ?thats a matter of opinion !!
It has to be Vettel,and i will bet the girls dont find him UGLY !!!

9th July 2011, 18:31
For me, buttons performace in canada was the most impressive Ive seen. I know hes at the back of the pack, but Heikki was well ahead of where he should have been today. I guess that means nothing though, after all its race day that counts. Di resta has also been fantastic for a newbie.

9th July 2011, 21:56
1. Vettel: Because he has been by far the best this season.

2. Kobayashi: Driven many great races in a not great car. Lets see what he can do from the 4th row.

3. Alonso: Driven well.

9th July 2011, 22:33
My favorite driver is.... Schumacher but he has no place in this thread.

Driver(s) of the year for me in no particular order.

Button , Vettel and Alonso... Lewis self distruct mode in the last two races have made him one tire below for me.

Retro Formula 1
10th July 2011, 08:22
Di Resta for me. About time someone listened to me and gave him a drive :D

10th July 2011, 17:43
Vettel buy a thousand country miles, with a return ticket. Yes he has the best car, but he is just sh!tt!ng on everyone at the moment. He has been sublime at the front, the others need to come up with a solution fast, especially his teammate who is starting to look rather second rate!

10th July 2011, 20:21
Oh well, yet another my favorite driver is ********* thread! :D

Not quite. My favorite is Alonso, but so far the driver of the year is Vettel. Easily.

13th July 2011, 08:09
Hello, Chaps and Chapesses,

What with the half way point of what's been quite an epic 2011, who are your top three drivers of the season thus far?

1. Alonso: He's driven the a**e off of a car which really shouldn't be where it is. I wouldn't bet against a 2010 style fight back this year. Also the best looking of all the drivers ;)

2. Vettel: Just because.

3. Button: He seems to be driving better than even when he won the title. JB has driven Intelligent and outpacing his far more highly rated team mate, and good job I say :) .

(Also, what was up with 'Nando's beard today? Looked like he missed a bit!)

Agree with the nominee, Alonso and Vettel they may swap place. Except the best looking, it may be about taste, I still rate Timo Glock. :)

13th July 2011, 08:24
Hello, Chaps and Chapesses,

What with the half way point of what's been quite an epic 2011, who are your top three drivers of the season thus far?

1. Alonso: He's driven the a**e off of a car which really shouldn't be where it is. I wouldn't bet against a 2010 style fight back this year. Also the best looking of all the drivers ;)

2. Vettel: Just because.

3. Button: He seems to be driving better than even when he won the title. JB has driven Intelligent and outpacing his far more highly rated team mate, and good job I say :) .

(Also, what was up with 'Nando's beard today? Looked like he missed a bit!)

Agree with the nominee, about race-craft Alonso and Vettel can swap place. Button is good compromise of skill and great looking, without beard please. Yet I still rate Timo Glock. :)

The Black Knight
13th July 2011, 08:33
Alonso is my driver of the year so far, by a mile.

Vettel then. Hamilton and Button after that.

Garry Walker
17th July 2011, 21:04
Probably Alonso

17th July 2011, 23:33
Vettel has made one mistake and the season is half over. that kind of incredible driving hasn't been seen at least since prime schumacher. Alonso spent half of monaco trying to get a sniff on vettel in a faster car and couldn't.

18th July 2011, 01:08
I would refrain from calling anyone a driver of the year because this year is not over yet. However, if things continue the way they were going so far, I don't see how one could possibly assert, with a straight face, that Vettel is not the driver of the year.