View Full Version : Rallye Wrc Monte Carlo 2012

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16th January 2012, 10:21
If they haven't pay the rent, they don't drive. It's very simple. Or insurance... Shipping or entryfee is only small piece of that cake...

16th January 2012, 11:14
That doesn't make sence, from here what is there to pay for??? Enter fee, shipping, car etc must already be paid for... big waste of money if they now don't do the event. This has to be a reporter talking some crap.

As replied by donlorean the shipping and entry fee is minimal, the cost starts when you eat into kilometers of lifed parts, tyres, wrc fuel etc. The way Ford work putting 2 extra cars in a transporter(s) that is capable of carrying up up to 10 Fiestas on some events last year is (in the grand scheme) small money. As you indicated it may have had a bit of spin on the story by the journalist to put pressure on the sponsor to send the funds. Next step if all fails is to name the potential sponsor, who couldnt / wouldnt pay, but for that to happen all else would have failed as there will be no hope of keeping the sponsor then. Its not the first time sponsors have defaulted on money.

16th January 2012, 11:48
Yep in Cycling u see that often too now, last year there was a new Australia team with pretty good names contracted, suddenly sponsor doesn't want to sponsor anymore, all the riders had no team anymore just before the season. Then you're screwed.

16th January 2012, 11:52
It's snowing...

16th January 2012, 11:53
Sometimes you can read also news about "mysterious" problem with car just before start. Usually then biggest problem is in drivers wallet... It's empty...

16th January 2012, 12:42
Will there be Pickem's for Monte Carlo? :D

Fast Eddie WRC
16th January 2012, 13:18
It's snowing...

Hope so ...

Source ?

Red bull
16th January 2012, 13:41
Can't wait for the start.

Google Translate (http://translate.google.co.ke/translate?hl=en&sl=fr&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.rallye-sport.fr%2Frallye-monte-carlo-2012-wrc%2F&anno=2)

16th January 2012, 14:20
Hope so ...

Source ?

iRally photos/Colin Clark pics online.

16th January 2012, 15:22



16th January 2012, 15:49
Excuse me, but instead of helping Loeb when he doesn't need you, can you go back to school and learn how to speak and WRITE french???

No need to excuse, dude.

How can you know, who needs me when?
It's not a grammar forum!
Keep it real!

You are welcome.

16th January 2012, 16:03
Few pics from service park:
rallysport.hu - Monte Carlo Rallye 2012 - szerviz (http://www.rallysport.hu/images/2012/photo/wrc/01_monte/01_fri_sp/index.htm)

16th January 2012, 16:16
Few pics from service park:
rallysport.hu - Monte Carlo Rallye 2012 - szerviz (http://www.rallysport.hu/images/2012/photo/wrc/01_monte/01_fri_sp/index.htm)

I see Henning and Wilson with the same livery, so it is/was likely planned to form a team...

16th January 2012, 16:20
I see Henning and Wilson with the same livery, so it is/was likely planned to form a team...

So, which sponsor is hiding behind the tape?

16th January 2012, 16:26
Sponsors are covered because they have not received funding frm backers yet?

Martin Luijk
16th January 2012, 16:29
It's Go Fast Energy Drink. They've had a poster campaign in Holland, so I recognised the logo.

Just Google it, and you will see it's true.

16th January 2012, 16:35
ok thanks Martin, never heard of this stuff.

16th January 2012, 17:32
ok thanks Martin, never heard of this stuff.
It's an American energy drink, supposed to give you less of a crash than existing / established energy drinks.

16th January 2012, 17:51
I googled. For sure it´s Go Fast Energy Drinks. Hope they go fast paying also....

16th January 2012, 18:45
Reminds me of Duval and the Kizz-Me sponsor. Also an energy drink sponsor who failed to keep his promises ..

16th January 2012, 18:45
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/400237_3052209912091_1468570606_32979130_161035735 2_n.jpg

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/396124_3052151790638_1468570606_32979110_180057043 1_n.jpg



16th January 2012, 18:53
As replied by donlorean the shipping and entry fee is minimal, the cost starts when you eat into kilometers of lifed parts, tyres, wrc fuel etc. The way Ford work putting 2 extra cars in a transporter(s) that is capable of carrying up up to 10 Fiestas on some events last year is (in the grand scheme) small money. As you indicated it may have had a bit of spin on the story by the journalist to put pressure on the sponsor to send the funds. Next step if all fails is to name the potential sponsor, who couldnt / wouldnt pay, but for that to happen all else would have failed as there will be no hope of keeping the sponsor then. Its not the first time sponsors have defaulted on money.

Ok thought this money would have had to have been paid before heading to the event.

16th January 2012, 19:00
It's Go Fast Energy Drink.

Is sponsoring Henning and Matthew supposed to be some kind of irony?

M-Sport liveries look quite cool though.

Noticed Bouffier looks like a private entry rather than Peugeot Sport.

16th January 2012, 19:21
Reminds me of Duval and the Kizz-Me sponsor. Also an energy drink sponsor who failed to keep his promises .. There is another energy drink sponsor who let down a driver but is back with them now, after lawyers pointed out the terms of the contract and actually fulfilling it is better than being sued.

16th January 2012, 19:34
I've got a feeling that Henning will be on the starting line ;)

16th January 2012, 20:12
I've got a feeling that Henning will be on the starting line ;)


16th January 2012, 20:12
Meanwhile, the teams’ test programmes in the Alps and Ardèche Mountains have provided a promising foretaste of the battles to come, although there have been reports of body damage (Hirvonen, Neuville) and offs (for Latvala, Solberg, Sordo, Van Merksteijn, Tänak).

Tomorrow morning (Tuesday), at eight o’clock, the first cars will begin the 3.58km shakedown stage

The calm before the storm... | Best of Rally Live (http://www.best-of-rallylive.com/en/2012/01/16/the-calm-before-the-storm/)

16th January 2012, 20:22




More photos from Monte before start HERE (http://www.rally-mania.cz/photogallery.php?id=973&fseason=2012)

16th January 2012, 20:39
How can a brand called 'Go Fast' hire the ultimate 'Go slow' driver?

16th January 2012, 20:40
Still no sign of news on wrc.com. Hope after this that NOS s*um will disappear forever.

16th January 2012, 21:02
Maurin's Fiesta WRC

http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/382679_3066484506886_1406751981_3172403_1107893327 _n.jpg

16th January 2012, 21:04
Still no sign of news on wrc.com. Hope after this that NOS s*um will disappear forever.

Wrc.com is embarassing.

16th January 2012, 21:27
Looks like the coverage from Monte will be very poor, nearly nonexistent...

Now MTV3 (MAX) doesn't even have the power stage live anymore so there's no point dreaming of any live footage from Monte execpt maybe some interviews. Power stage live only from Eurosport? (If even from there...)

No sign of any onboard video equipment on the cars either. Maybe we'll see some sh*tty GoPro/Contour onboards in which the camera is mounted to the rear side window and only audio one can hear is that extremely irritating wind noise. I'm starting to be really pissed of. Perkele!

16th January 2012, 21:27
It's just a name... Fords 5-year-plan-team is more humiliating.. :)

+1 rofl!
Hopefully with this new team Matt will finally "go-fast" =p

16th January 2012, 21:32
Wrc.com is embarassing.


16th January 2012, 21:33
I think for the first time in some years we have a chance of decent footage.You dont need much really, drop a cameraman in a nice place with a decent camera and there you go.

I will not miss the over set up angles of the past.

16th January 2012, 21:40
Still no sign of news on wrc.com. Hope after this that NOS s*um will disappear forever.

Why are you expecting anything on that site?

It's a NOS site, so of course it's not going to be updated! Have you been following the news?

Andre Oliveira
16th January 2012, 21:48
Sporttv Portugal also retired from tv program the resumes and Power Stage. Eurosport will broadcast the PS?

16th January 2012, 21:57
Power stage live only from Eurosport? (If even from there...)

No, don't think so. Simply too late.

Looking forward to seeing the footage though. There was something about NOS's production that I found very bland.

16th January 2012, 22:06
Eurosport doesn't list the Power stage on Sunday, just the daily review.

16th January 2012, 22:06
Matthew Wilson's twitter:

Well the drama continues!!! We will do shakedown tomorrow morning then a decision on the rally will be taken in the afternoon!!

16th January 2012, 22:09
What game is Henning and WilSON play?
No budget, secret sponsor
No drive, drive shakedown, maybe no drive?


16th January 2012, 22:09
Would somebody laugh if they say we give Henning a chance but ditch Matthew...

16th January 2012, 22:12
Quite amazing if they do because it's under a week and not a single TV site nor Eurosport's own site show any live WRC programs yet alone Power Stage. Finnish Eurosport doesn't have anything related to WRC... French Eurosport had some 30 minute reviews.

I'm surprised that people actually are expecting "decent footage". With this kind of short notice, I'm very surprised if we'll see anything, most likely it's going to be cr*p. Does Eurosport have the resources to film? Or are they going to put their IRC staff to Monte?

16th January 2012, 22:13
I'm surprised that people actually are expecting "decent footage".

at least julian porter is there, so no probs with interviews

16th January 2012, 22:14
I think Eurosport is big enough to get this aired on a very nice way.

16th January 2012, 22:15
I'm surprised that people actually are expecting "decent footage". With this kind of short notice, I'm very surprised if we'll see anything, most likely it's going to be cr*p. Does Eurosport have the resources to film? Or are they going to put their IRC staff to Monte?

They are not doing anything until March so I guess so.

16th January 2012, 22:24
Quite amazing if they do because it's under a week and not a single TV site nor Eurosport's own site show any live WRC programs yet alone Power Stage. Finnish Eurosport doesn't have anything related to WRC... French Eurosport had some 30 minute reviews.

I'm surprised that people actually are expecting "decent footage". With this kind of short notice, I'm very surprised if we'll see anything, most likely it's going to be cr*p. Does Eurosport have the resources to film? Or are they going to put their IRC staff to Monte?

What makes you think otherwise?! Some of the best footage I've seen recently was done by a single individual with just one camera (Rallymedia, RallyeMadcom), so I believe even a small team can get decent footage.

If you are worried because the coverage will miss fancy graphics and stupid angles just to cover sponsor banners then that's your loss.

I prefer pure 30 minutes hardcore footage than what we had in the last years, which was 20 minutes of interviews, 5 minutes of awfull onboard angles and 5 minutes of Abu Dhabi trophy crap.

16th January 2012, 22:32

16th January 2012, 22:33
Matthew James Wilson: Well the drama continues!!! We will do shakedown tomorrow morning then a decision on the rally will be taken in the afternoon!! (http://twitter.com/#!/mattyjim1/status/159031237003055104)

16th January 2012, 22:40
I hope he stays home... we do not need him in the WRC.

16th January 2012, 22:52
I hope he stays home... we do not need him in the WRC.

if you had your way , there would be 2 cars and 2 drivers in the WRC.

16th January 2012, 22:58
What makes you think otherwise?! Some of the best footage I've seen recently was done by a single individual with just one camera (Rallymedia, RallyeMadcom), so I believe even a small team can get decent footage.

If you are worried because the coverage will miss fancy graphics and stupid angles just to cover sponsor banners then that's your loss.

I prefer pure 30 minutes hardcore footage than what we had in the last years, which was 20 minutes of interviews, 5 minutes of awfull onboard angles and 5 minutes of Abu Dhabi trophy crap.

Well, the things which make me think otherwise are for example the lack of time, the lack of resources and the lack of money. There's a significant difference between making excellent pure sound rally videos which are from 5 to 10 minutes long and a five-day rally production in the Alps (MTV3 will broadcast 6,5 hours of footage from Monte). Second thing I wonder is how are they going to redistribute the material, NOS had massive satellite equipment to do that. Does ES have those systems?

May I ask do you really think that I miss NOS coverage because of "fancy graphics" and "stupid angles"? Quite an allegation I have to say. I don't particularly miss NOS broadcasts because after 2007 they became quite monotonous and too mainstream orientated, luckily here in Finland we didn't have anything like Paul King's "OH WOW NOW HE CRASHED!!" live action hard supreme super-exiting hardcore extreme commentary. I "miss" NOS productions because they had money and resources. Did they do the best job? No they didn't. Can someone do better? For sure.

And just to comment on that sponsor visibility, they *have* to show those banners, that's why the sponsors give money - do you really think that the majority of funders gives money because it's nice to support rally? 90% doesn't give a sh*t about rallying, they fund our sport because they want visibility.

I just wonder what footage you have been watching, nothing like that here in Finland except maybe some 15-minute mini review shows at 3am... "Awful onboard angles", well why don't you go and do better when FIA and teams are whining. Too much un-needed weight, cameras and cables distracting and causing inconvinience to crew, etc etc. Atleast NOS had specialized WRC onboard camera equipment which enabled to receive power from car's electrical system (no need for main batteries), enabled us to hear the intercom audio and supported multiple cameras. I really don't see what's the matter with for example this onboard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2LIE0onlKk (maybe wider angle lenses would have been good...)

And finally, I guess there's never going to be a rally broadcast good enough. Hardcore fans always see the footage and commentary as too mainstream. Shame that rally enthusiasts don't come in such numbers as for example ice hockey or football enthusiasts. Atleast 70% are "Sunday followers" who thought Kimi could win.

16th January 2012, 23:01
if you had your way , there would be 2 cars and 2 drivers in the WRC.

no...we would have the best possible driving the wrc ones and i would sent the sick dogs in the lesser divisions to play....the supporters caring about nobodies like wilson, al Raihjls and the rest could join them.

16th January 2012, 23:15
http://d3j5vwomefv46c.cloudfront.net/photos/full/497373462.jpg?Expires=1326756606&Key-Pair-Id=APKAIYVGSUJFNRFZBBTA&Signature=lAFheaLFqRQXWaupGxM720VJYfswK0ExPVGLzL8q 7sanh~YipvJunHLqfthPOfaa4PfzqKljdeJU9hOgdBaL~MosAb UiG-uC4R7KpEMZ2g7cTWeO9~9KUVn~Y4fvGHSuJo7mrSgGI2QdPpSF k4tKnri6wr6S~71Xmai5vDO5t8I_

16th January 2012, 23:17
Loeb scares Novikov! :D


16th January 2012, 23:19
Hamburgers go up...career goes down....

16th January 2012, 23:25
Very good picture :p

16th January 2012, 23:39

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/395566_3073828643674_1202401106_33308337_956845964 _n.jpg



17th January 2012, 00:06
Recce Saint Bonnet le Froid - what's the weather like.


17th January 2012, 07:54
shakedown has started, slowson in action #WRC Rallye Monte Carlo Matthew Wilson in Shakedown [PHOTO] on Twitpic (http://twitpic.com/88b2dv)

is there a way to look at live timing?

17th January 2012, 08:07
First SD times

17th January 2012, 08:25
Rallye Monte Carlo shakedown Amazing time from Novikov 2.13.0 he takes the lead!!

17th January 2012, 08:31
Thx to https://twitter.com/#!/planetemarcus

17th January 2012, 08:42
P. Solberg 2:13.9

17th January 2012, 08:54
Rally Monte-Carlo Live Result (http://www.rallyliveresults.com/live/liveresult.php?type=CG)
but not shake results

James Graham
17th January 2012, 09:02
Amazing time from Novikov and also from Sebastien Ogier. He has shown just how fast a S2000 compared to WRC machinery.

17th January 2012, 09:09
So Neuville is already faster than Mikko *hides*

17th January 2012, 09:12
Where do you get the SD times from guys ?

17th January 2012, 09:18
And just to comment on that sponsor visibility, they *have* to show those banners, that's why the sponsors give money - do you really think that the majority of funders gives money because it's nice to support rally? 90% doesn't give a sh*t about rallying, they fund our sport because they want visibility.

Understood, but I have seen NOS footage before where the car drives off and they focus on the advertising banner. That's going too far.

17th January 2012, 09:28
Shakedown times (provisional):
Novikov (Fiesta WRC) 2’13’0[/*:m:yafoci9c]
Araujo (Mini WRC) 2’13’2[/*:m:yafoci9c]
Loeb (DS3 WRC) 2’13’5[/*:m:yafoci9c]
P.Solberg (Fiesta WRC) 2’13’9[/*:m:yafoci9c]
Neuville (DS3 WRC) 2’14’0[/*:m:yafoci9c]
Latvala (Fiesta WRC) 2’14’0[/*:m:yafoci9c]
Hirvonen (DS3 WRC) 2’14’7[/*:m:yafoci9c]
Sordo (Mini WRC) 2’14’9[/*:m:yafoci9c]
Tänak (Fiesta WRC) 2’16’3[/*:m:yafoci9c]
Ogier (Fabia S2000) 2’17’0[/*:m:yafoci9c]
H.Solberg (Fiesta WRC) 2’17’2[/*:m:yafoci9c]
Delecour (Fiesta WRC) 2’17’3[/*:m:yafoci9c]
Campana (Mini WRC) 2’17’7[/*:m:yafoci9c]
Prokop (Fiesta WRC) 2’17’9[/*:m:yafoci9c]
Wilson (Fiesta WRC) 2’18’2[/*:m:yafoci9c]
Maurin (Fiesta WRC° 2’18’8[/*:m:yafoci9c]
Van Merksteijn (DS3 WRC) 2’18’9[/*:m:yafoci9c]

17th January 2012, 09:28
SD finished_???

17th January 2012, 09:43
Anybody there?

17th January 2012, 09:45
SD finished_???

Yes, for priority 1 and 2 drivers. From 10 to 12 h. CET is the shakedown for P3 and private drivers.

17th January 2012, 09:45
This day and age you would think all wrc rally websites would have to able to be viewed in English. Like's of Bling Translate are not 100%.

17th January 2012, 09:49
This day and age you would think all wrc rally websites would have to able to be viewed in English. Like's of Bling Translate are not 100%.

They are French and they do what they want.

17th January 2012, 09:54
Guys remember, it's only shakedown :) I don't believe that Novikov and Araujo can be faster than for example Hirvo or Sordo.

17th January 2012, 10:04
Guys remember, it's only shakedown :) I don't believe that Novikov and Araujo can be faster than for example Hirvo or Sordo.

agree with your opinion about Sordo...i am not sure about Hirvo....

17th January 2012, 10:05
Lets get the rally started! Under 22 hours to go :)

17th January 2012, 10:24
Does this mean that Novikov chooses startpostion first??

Shakedown times (provisional):
Novikov (Fiesta WRC) 2’13’0[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
Araujo (Mini WRC) 2’13’2[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
Loeb (DS3 WRC) 2’13’5[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
P.Solberg (Fiesta WRC) 2’13’9[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
Neuville (DS3 WRC) 2’14’0[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
Latvala (Fiesta WRC) 2’14’0[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
Hirvonen (DS3 WRC) 2’14’7[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
Sordo (Mini WRC) 2’14’9[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
Tänak (Fiesta WRC) 2’16’3[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
Ogier (Fabia S2000) 2’17’0[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
H.Solberg (Fiesta WRC) 2’17’2[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
Delecour (Fiesta WRC) 2’17’3[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
Campana (Mini WRC) 2’17’7[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
Prokop (Fiesta WRC) 2’17’9[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
Wilson (Fiesta WRC) 2’18’2[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
Maurin (Fiesta WRC° 2’18’8[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]
Van Merksteijn (DS3 WRC) 2’18’9[/*:m:2mrkz1vn]

17th January 2012, 10:25
I think no, because rule with starting position only for gravel rally

17th January 2012, 10:27
I think no, because rule with starting position only for gravel rally


17th January 2012, 10:28
Does this mean that Novikov chooses startpostion first??

No, that rule applies to gravel rallies only.

EDIT: Uh, too slow... :(

17th January 2012, 10:34
Is everybody in same tires? Do they have one, or two compounds to choose from?

17th January 2012, 11:12
Anyone knows why?

Matthew James Wilson
hace 13 horas : Well the drama continues!!! We will do shakedown tomorrow morning then a decision on the rally will be taken in the afternoon!!

17th January 2012, 11:13
Anyone know why?

Matthew James Wilson
hace 13 horas : Well the drama continues!!! We will do shakedown tomorrow morning then a decision on the rally will be taken in the afternoon!!

Probably a PR stunt !

17th January 2012, 11:14
Anyone know why?

Marketing tricks

17th January 2012, 11:18
Henning and Wilson had Go Fast sticking visible on SD, so I guess they´d got payed in time then.

17th January 2012, 11:21
Is everybody in same tires? Do they have one, or two compounds to choose from?
3 non-snow compounds. I assume also for shakedown.

James Graham
17th January 2012, 11:42
Henning and Wilson had Go Fast sticking visible on SD, so I guess they´d got payed in time then.

Yep, they finally got PayPal working as there is no way Malcolm Wilson would have sent the cars out with the decals on them without the money being in the bank.

A pretty lame way to try and get some publicity really.

17th January 2012, 11:42
will Jafry be again this year faster photographer? :p

17th January 2012, 11:55
I think that Novikov was the one who didnt had time to test the car, so therefore he used the shakedown as a real test probably. If you look at the shakedown stage, then it is not very representative - nice road between the fields, one small road tunnel, mostly straights and then 90 degrees corners and almost no elevation changes.
If you hope nice and snowy condition, then I am afraid that you have to wait until Friday. Maybe we see some frost tomorrow morning, but then comes the summer.

17th January 2012, 11:59
Shakedown Photos here : Photos Rallye du Monte-Carlo 2012 (http://www.rallye-sport.fr/photos-rallye-du-monte-carlo-2012/)



17th January 2012, 12:05
What was with the pickems for this rally? I came on yesterday lunchtime and they weren't available, then I come on this morning and find the thread closed! 12 hours is not a big enough window for people who are at work, v. disppointing.......

Anyway, my predictions - Loeb to win by about 2 minutes, Sordo 2nd, Mikko 3rd, Petter 4th. Lots of DNFs. Campana slooooow. Eurosport footage to be just the same as ESPNs. Can't wait!

17th January 2012, 12:13
Cannot keep my mouth shut.. because I have wanted to say it for three days already.. Neuville´s car (the front) looks like it has crashed into the snowbank ;-)

17th January 2012, 12:20
Photos from shakedown HERE (http://www.rally-mania.cz/photogallery.php?id=974&startpos=0&fseason=&fcat=&fauthor=&ftxt=)

17th January 2012, 12:28
New Photos from shakedown by Arnaud Guygrand

Photos Rallye du Monte-Carlo 2012 (http://www.rallye-sport.fr/photos-rallye-du-monte-carlo-2012/)



17th January 2012, 12:32
There won't be any live-timing on World Rally Championship (http://www.wrc.com) ??? :confused:

17th January 2012, 12:35
There won't be any live-timing on World Rally Championship (http://www.wrc.com) ??? :confused:


17th January 2012, 12:37

To be fair it wasnt very "live" :-) is there a website we can keep up with the split times?

Brother John
17th January 2012, 12:41
What was with the pickems for this rally? I came on yesterday lunchtime and they weren't available, then I come on this morning and find the thread closed! 12 hours is not a big enough window for people who are at work, v. disppointing.......

Anyway, my predictions - Loeb to win by about 2 minutes, Sordo 2nd, Mikko 3rd, Petter 4th. Lots of DNFs. Campana slooooow. !

We've had some technical issues following the recent server move. Was the response of PuddleJumper, last night on this thread http://www.motorsportforums.com/wrc/150118-pickems-there-pickems-monte-carlo.html

17th January 2012, 12:45




More photos from shakedown HERE (http://www.rally-mania.cz/photogallery.php?id=973&fseason=2012)

Brother John
17th January 2012, 12:46
There won't be any live-timing on World Rally Championship (http://www.wrc.com) ??? :confused:

Maybe tomorrow at the Monte Carlo Website ...... http://www.rallyliveresults.com/live/

17th January 2012, 12:53
Shakedown times (provisional):
Novikov (Fiesta WRC) 2’13’0[/*:m:1gejl20o]
Araujo (Mini WRC) 2’13’2[/*:m:1gejl20o]
Loeb (DS3 WRC) 2’13’5[/*:m:1gejl20o]
P.Solberg (Fiesta WRC) 2’13’9[/*:m:1gejl20o]
Neuville (DS3 WRC) 2’14’0[/*:m:1gejl20o]
Latvala (Fiesta WRC) 2’14’0[/*:m:1gejl20o]
Hirvonen (DS3 WRC) 2’14’7[/*:m:1gejl20o]
Sordo (Mini WRC) 2’14’9[/*:m:1gejl20o]
Tänak (Fiesta WRC) 2’16’3[/*:m:1gejl20o]
Ogier (Fabia S2000) 2’17’0[/*:m:1gejl20o]
H.Solberg (Fiesta WRC) 2’17’2[/*:m:1gejl20o]
Delecour (Fiesta WRC) 2’17’3[/*:m:1gejl20o]
Campana (Mini WRC) 2’17’7[/*:m:1gejl20o]
Prokop (Fiesta WRC) 2’17’9[/*:m:1gejl20o]
Wilson (Fiesta WRC) 2’18’2[/*:m:1gejl20o]
Maurin (Fiesta WRC° 2’18’8[/*:m:1gejl20o]
Van Merksteijn (DS3 WRC) 2’18’9[/*:m:1gejl20o]

What about Bouffier :confused:

17th January 2012, 13:03
What was with the pickems for this rally? I came on yesterday lunchtime and they weren't available, then I come on this morning and find the thread closed! 12 hours is not a big enough window for people who are at work, v. disppointing.......

Anyway, my predictions - Loeb to win by about 2 minutes, Sordo 2nd, Mikko 3rd, Petter 4th. Lots of DNFs. Campana slooooow. Eurosport footage to be just the same as ESPNs. Can't wait!

Come on mods open the pickem up again until midnight GMT (I pm'd to get mine included before the end of shakedown). Now we know that Henning and Matt are running it may affect some picks and it would be fair all round!

17th January 2012, 13:05
Few pics from shakedow:
rallysport.hu - Monte Carlo Rallye 2012 - teszt (http://www.rallysport.hu/images/2012/photo/wrc/01_monte/02_fri_teszt/index.htm)

Fast Eddie WRC
17th January 2012, 13:05
Any times for the second run on Shakedown ?

Wasted Talent
17th January 2012, 13:11
What was with the pickems for this rally? I came on yesterday lunchtime and they weren't available, then I come on this morning and find the thread closed! 12 hours is not a big enough window for people who are at work, v. disppointing.......

Anyway, my predictions - Loeb to win by about 2 minutes, Sordo 2nd, Mikko 3rd, Petter 4th. Lots of DNFs. Campana slooooow. Eurosport footage to be just the same as ESPNs. Can't wait!

Agree with Pickems window - nothing last week before I went away for the weekend and now I look they are closed!

Loeb by 2 mins from Latvala, Hirvonen, Petter, Sordo, .....


17th January 2012, 13:15
I'm a bit disappointed with shakedown. The road was really non-representative for the rally and most of the time it was quite boring. Some crazy stuffs was there but not enough (Ogier, PG, Abbring, Araujo, Comole). From WRC top runners Loeb and Neuville, Latvala and Novikov looked fastest. But it was just my feeling with no knowledge of the times.

Brother John
17th January 2012, 13:21
Come on mods open the pickem up again until midnight GMT (I pm'd to get mine included before the end of shakedown). Now we know that Henning and Matt are running it may affect some picks and it would be fair all round!

Then you have to take contact with PuddleJumper or Mark. I do not want to make more mistakes here on the forum guys.

17th January 2012, 14:03
Some pictures from shakedown by Roman Kasparek - Autosport (http://www.autosport.cz/clanek.php?cl=13264)


17th January 2012, 14:08
Is there a list anywhere with all times of shakedown? Would be nice to see the S2000 times.

17th January 2012, 14:36
The liveries are looking nice this year - the two Go Fast Fiestas look good, as does Tanak's. The factory Fords and Minis look nicer too.

17th January 2012, 14:36
Our video from shakedown - Autosport (http://www.autosport.cz/clanek.php?cl=13265)


17th January 2012, 14:41
Pickems never been open after SD. And I did my predictions once last year a few minutes after midnight, after closing time, but was never approved for participating.

17th January 2012, 14:46
Some photos from the SD HERE (http://www.best-of-rallylive.com/en/photos/)


17th January 2012, 14:48
Some pictures from shakedown by Roman Kasparek - Autosport (http://www.autosport.cz/clanek.php?cl=13264)


Finally a photographer that found a proper corner. Like Novikovs new livery,most beautiful fiesta imho.
I d like some s2000 times from shakedown too.

17th January 2012, 15:22
Pickems never been open after SD. And I did my predictions once last year a few minutes after midnight, after closing time, but was never approved for participating.
But there is a considerable difference between having several days before the deadline which are frittered away and having a narrow window of less than a day. The latter requires those with a life to spend time on line when they could be doing something useful ;)

17th January 2012, 15:29
All photos with press conference Photos Rallye du Monte-Carlo 2012 (http://www.rallye-sport.fr/photos-rallye-du-monte-carlo-2012/)



17th January 2012, 15:51
But there is a considerable difference between having several days before the deadline which are frittered away and having a narrow window of less than a day. The latter requires those with a life to spend time on line when they could be doing something useful ;)

Yeah, i missed it too. Sucks.

17th January 2012, 16:08
Where can I find the starting list(drivers list after forfaits) :confused:

17th January 2012, 16:21
Where can I find the starting list(drivers list after forfaits) :confused:
Start List here: http://www.rallye-sport.fr/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/start_list_section1.pdf
82 crews. No Fuchs

17th January 2012, 16:46
Hi guys !

The official site of Automobile Club de Monaco has setted up a live results section on http://www.acm.mc (http://www.acm.mc/)

Direct access to it here http://www.rallyliveresults.com (http://www.rallyliveresults.com/)

Will start tomorrow !!!
Come on !!!

17th January 2012, 16:54
Sebastien Loeb tops Monte Carlo shakedown - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/97063)

autosport reports that Loeb won the Shakedown with 1.7s from Novikov. that's weird, as Citroen reported in twitter that Novikov was first... whos right?

17th January 2012, 17:06
i'd expect something like this from Novikov and not surprised.
that guy has lots of potential.
he drives like he has no brakes =o)
watch out for him once he learns where his limit is
Amazing time from Novikov and also from Sebastien Ogier. He has shown just how fast a S2000 compared to WRC machinery.

17th January 2012, 17:21
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/380547_10151164497755597_292402850596_22357015_145 3946335_n.jpg

17th January 2012, 17:37
Thanks Ricardo!!! :)

17th January 2012, 17:41

17th January 2012, 18:02
video from shakedown:
: : RallySport.hu - Monte Carlo Rallye shakedown : : (http://www.rallysport.hu/images/2012/video/001-rshu_rallye_monte_carlo_shakedown.htm)

17th January 2012, 18:51
Start List here: http://www.rallye-sport.fr/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/start_list_section1.pdf
82 crews. No Fuchs

Thanks ;)
Well, van Merksteijn starting just in front of Neuville... :s

17th January 2012, 18:56
and Abbring behind Cook...

I think the WV will appeal and this will change though.

Monte organisers should stick in Ladycups...

17th January 2012, 18:57
and Louise Cook just in front Abbring

17th January 2012, 18:59
Any times for the S2000 cars? green, Buffier, pg....

17th January 2012, 19:02
Any times for the S2000 cars? green, Buffier, pg....
Green? :D You mean Breen!!!

17th January 2012, 19:07
Green? :D You mean Breen!!!

No, no!!! It's Greg Breen, just in one word.... Green!!!!! :) :) :) :D

17th January 2012, 19:08
are they going to send world rally radio tomorrow?

17th January 2012, 19:11
Indeed! World Rally Radio (http://worldrallyradio.com/World_Rally_Radio/World_Rally_Radio.html)

17th January 2012, 19:14
are they going to send world rally radio tomorrow?

just saw that you can listen on the Facebook page :)

17th January 2012, 19:20
Well chaps, the season starts tomorrow morning.

I am very much looking forward to the many interesting things we will have to observe tomorrow

But I do think I would be more excited right now if it was still an IRC event and we had 4 days of live tv to look forward to. Maybe next year...

17th January 2012, 19:29
Looking forward to wrc starting again, interesting shakedown times. Where can I follow the times tomorrow guys? Had the winter off from rallying and wrc.com seems to have given up!

17th January 2012, 19:39
Mikko said in MTV3 interviev that because of this NOS situation, they can't have split times in the car during rally... I really hope that they can't fix that at all. Spilt times belong to tracks, not in rally...

17th January 2012, 20:00
Mikko said in MTV3 interviev that because of this NOS situation, they can't have split times in the car during rally... I really hope that they can't fix that at all. Spilt times belong to tracks, not in rally...

they might use the old system of having team members in the stage indicating them on boards...

17th January 2012, 20:06
they might use the old system of having team members in the stage indicating them on boards...

And that they most likely will do.

It would be so nice if there weren't any splits allowed :mark:

17th January 2012, 20:09
the only thing that was worthwhile from NOS were the splits...

17th January 2012, 20:10
Looking forward to wrc starting again, interesting shakedown times. Where can I follow the times tomorrow guys? Had the winter off from rallying and wrc.com seems to have given up!

Results will be here - Výsledky Rallye: Výsledky on-line (http://vysledky-rally.cz/vysledky/?id=1)

17th January 2012, 20:12
and Abbring behind Cook...

I think the WV will appeal and this will change though.

Monte organisers should stick in Ladycups...

with a 3minute gap, that should be enough i think...
Like years ago... you still don't do any research...

17th January 2012, 20:14
For those who are wondering Abbring is starting the stages 3 minutes later than Cook so normally no chance of catching him inside the stages....

17th January 2012, 20:16
Results will be here - Výsledky Rallye: Výsledky on-line (http://vysledky-rally.cz/vysledky/?id=1)

i hope the server will take it... without the wrc.com you should expect some heavy traffic.

17th January 2012, 20:18
with a 3minute gap, that should be enough i think...
Like years ago... you still don't do any research...

see the length of days stages then compare the s2000 vs the r2 and Abbrings skills with Cooks.....

it might be enough but when you drive you want to be focused 100% on driving and not on the car infront....

17th January 2012, 20:19
Thanks ;)
Well, van Merksteijn starting just in front of Neuville... :s

Two minutes there, no issue.

and Abbring behind Cook...

I think the WV will appeal and this will change though.

Monte organisers should stick in Ladycups...

Again You point on wrong organization. FIA rules say supporter championship field must start together. ACM has nothing to do with that. They gave Abbring three minutes gap but it probably won't be enough on so long stages. Anyway Kevin wasn't angry at all. You will see soon in an interview.

17th January 2012, 20:20
Twitter / Colin Clark: Mmm, love to know what's b ... (http://t.co/oaR1xTPg)

Sainz talking to Wilson Senior .

Malcom seeking advice on how to ban drivers from using mountain bikes ?
Carlos suggesting Malcom should try the Dakar Rally as a winter break ?

17th January 2012, 20:22
Here you can find starting order to first leg (Startovni poradi do 1. etapy) - Autosport : MS - Rallye Monte Carlo (SWRC+PWRC) (http://www.autosport.cz/zavody/?id=970)

17th January 2012, 20:26
But there is a considerable difference between having several days before the deadline which are frittered away and having a narrow window of less than a day. The latter requires those with a life to spend time on line when they could be doing something useful ;)

What we should consider here is the opportunity to wait for SD-times (even if they are not representable for the rally as a whole) not should gain any ones momentum.

17th January 2012, 20:27
Had a little chat with few people. Some interesting things...

PG and Zdeněk Hrůza told me that there is a lot of ice and some little snow on SS2/4. Cold weather, so ice must stay there. I will be somewhere at the end of stage 2/4 tomorrow, so we'll see...

PG told me they have better engine now and that he really feels the difference. Anyway it still lacks a lot compared to other as we could see on shakedown. Protons have the only goal to finish the rally (with the number of SWRC competitors it's definitely right strategy...).

Ogiers car really is on Sachs dampers, not Reiger as usual Škoda cars. Don't know about Abbring. Both VW Fabias don't have any bang when shifting which is quite uncommon for Fabias.

Zdeněk also told me thy took shakedown very easy to save tyres. There is again less tyres for one event.

17th January 2012, 20:31
Two minutes there, no issue.

Again You point on wrong organization. FIA rules say supporter championship field must start together. ACM has nothing to do with that. They gave Abbring three minutes gap but it probably won't be enough on so long stages. Anyway Kevin wasn't angry at all. You will see soon in an interview.

i think its more of a safety issue rather than who is happy or not,

what stopped the ACM dropping cook down the order ?

17th January 2012, 20:34
As I already said. She is PWRC competitor and MUST be seeded together with other PWRC competitors. That is given by rules.

17th January 2012, 20:42
True, seems logical, u get always priority when u enter those championship, that's one of the benefits when u enter and pay the fee. Yes it's not good for Abbring and don't like it too..

17th January 2012, 20:43
As I already said. She is PWRC competitor and MUST be seeded together with other PWRC competitors. That is given by rules.

what stopped them starting the SWRC first, then the PWRC ?

17th January 2012, 20:44
aaah abbring is not part of it....ok

17th January 2012, 20:46
Photos of the ceremony starting here : Photos Rallye du Monte-Carlo 2012 (http://www.rallye-sport.fr/photos-rallye-du-monte-carlo-2012/)



17th January 2012, 20:47
Yep :D . And I think that problem will be every rally that she enters..

17th January 2012, 20:48
Did petter lose a bet for the goatee??

17th January 2012, 20:50
were they allowed to interfere a few fast privateers between the SWRC and then start the PWRC ??? or the rules say that the cups must start first ???

17th January 2012, 20:51
I don't know why my post has been deleted but the live results will be on the ACM website http://www.acm.mc (http://www.acm.mc/) they have a live results page !

17th January 2012, 20:54
were they allowed to interfere a few fast privateers between the SWRC and then start the PWRC ??? or the rules say that the cups must start first ???

I think not. Anyway Abbring is not part of SWRC, neither is Ogier but he has a priority thanks to his overall victories so he is together with WRC guys...

17th January 2012, 20:56

45.3.1 P1 and P2 drivers
On gravel rallies, P1 and P2 drivers shall start the first section of the rally according to the position they
have chosen following the qualifying stage.
On asphalt rallies, P1 and P2 drivers shall start the first section of the rally in the order of the provisional
classification of the World Rally Championship for Drivers for the current year. For the first round of the
Championship, the start order shall be that of the final classification of the previous year. The FIA shall
decide the order of drivers who have not been classified in the previous World Rally Championship for Drivers.

45.3.2 P3 drivers
P3 drivers shall start the first section of the rally in the order of the provisional classification of their
respective Championships for the current year. For the first round of the Championship, the start order
shall be that of the final classification of the previous year. The FIA shall decide the order of drivers who
have not been classified in the previous year.

45.3.3 Other drivers
All other drivers shall start as recommended by the organiser.

17th January 2012, 21:08
So, no times for the Swrc cars on shakedown?

17th January 2012, 21:12
PLuto is working on them ;)

17th January 2012, 21:13
Come on PLuto....... Thank you Mirek. Will you visit Greece for Acropolis Rally

17th January 2012, 21:16
I have updated some shakedown times - Autosport (http://www.autosport.cz/clanek.php?cl=13262)

17th January 2012, 21:22
Come on PLuto....... Thank you Mirek. Will you visit Greece for Acropolis Rally

Probably not but we will see.

17th January 2012, 21:23
Probably not but we will see.


17th January 2012, 21:27
I have updated some shakedown times - Autosport (http://www.autosport.cz/clanek.php?cl=13262)

That's fast....

Fast Eddie WRC
17th January 2012, 21:33
S2000 Ogier beats 9 WRC drivers in shakedown... thats class !

He could give an S2000 its best ever placing on a WRC event...

17th January 2012, 21:37
S2000 Ogier beats 9 WRC drivers in shakedown... thats class !

He could give an S2000 its best ever placing on a WRC event...

depends on who is going to faster from in the rally... those 9 WRCs are driven by B-C class drivers.

In the past many s2000 drivers were faster than WRCs.

Fast Eddie WRC
17th January 2012, 21:59
FORD Monte Carlo preview:


17th January 2012, 22:02
Looks like Neuville has Loebs old car. So that means, that loeb has a compleatly new DS3. Will see, if its better. This is very good database of wrc cars, because new 1.6 t cars are included eWRC-results.com - Rally cars history (http://www.ewrc-results.com/cars.php?cid=12&title=Citroen-DS3-WRC)

17th January 2012, 22:08
It is very difficult with database of cars. We were trying to work on s2000rally.com, but it is impossible to do it correctly, as lot of teams are changing plates and bodyshells... Thats one of the reasons why we have stopped the project...

17th January 2012, 22:09
Some pictures from ceremonial start - Autosport : MS - Rallye Monte Carlo (SWRC+PWRC) (http://www.autosport.cz/zavody/fotogalerie.php?id=61&id=970&autor=25)


Andre Oliveira
17th January 2012, 22:09
EWRC-results is a very complete database. If you want help in missing info, go to need help section.

17th January 2012, 22:15
I can speak only about Fabia S2000 cars and the database of ewrc is not correct even though I don't know all cars. But I'm sure some records and even bodyshell numbers in the database are wrong.

17th January 2012, 22:40
Some odds i've just seen for the Monte:

Loeb 1/2
Hirvonen 6/1
Latvala 7/1
Solberg P 10/1
Ogier 11/1
Sordo 25/1
Neuville 40/1
Delecour 66/1

Quite why Ogier is at 11/1 is anybody's guess. I presume they think he's in a WRCar....

17th January 2012, 22:58
Come on mods open the pickem up again until midnight GMT (I pm'd to get mine included before the end of shakedown). Now we know that Henning and Matt are running it may affect some picks and it would be fair all round!

Rally start Thursday? Went in to make my pickems, just to see that the thread is closed...

Is it because its Monte, or is it new this year? Haven't followed up on the news obviously.

Kind of boring that the whole pickem season is over for me already before rally start on the first rally. Well, nothing to do about I guess.

17th January 2012, 23:12
Rally start Thursday? Went in to make my pickems, just to see that the thread is closed...

Is it because its Monte, or is it new this year? Haven't followed up on the news obviously.

Kind of boring that the whole pickem season is over for me already before rally start on the first rally. Well, nothing to do about I guess.

The rally starts in 8 hours 50min. 5 days this year you know, shakedown was today.

17th January 2012, 23:19
Rally start Thursday? Went in to make my pickems, just to see that the thread is closed...

Is it because its Monte, or is it new this year? Haven't followed up on the news obviously.

Kind of boring that the whole pickem season is over for me already before rally start on the first rally. Well, nothing to do about I guess.

If you have missed everything then you can still start here:Sportmanager (http://www.sportmanager.ee/default.php?page=4&c=0)
The rules are only in Estonian but other things are also in english.You can predict your top 8 and if you want you can play teammanager game.It is free.
There you can get bonuses after each day and if you lock your team then you can get bonuses and points multiplied with 1.5 (after the end of rally). I enjoy it.

17th January 2012, 23:25
The rally starts in 8 hours 50min. 5 days this year you know, shakedown was today.

No, I don´t know, that was the problem...

17th January 2012, 23:27
If you have missed everything then you can still start here:Sportmanager (http://www.sportmanager.ee/default.php?page=4&c=0)
The rules are only in Estonian but other things are also in english.You can predict your top 8 and if you want you can play teammanager game.It is free.
There you can get bonuses after each day and if you lock your team then you can get bonuses and points multiplied with 1.5 (after the end of rally). I enjoy it.

Thanks for the info and offer - not sure if I will bother to start another project though..

Luis Pacheco
17th January 2012, 23:48
I miss the pickems as well... :mad:

Andre Oliveira
18th January 2012, 00:14
I can speak only about Fabia S2000 cars and the database of ewrc is not correct even though I don't know all cars. But I'm sure some records and even bodyshell numbers in the database are wrong.

I believe, but then if you can help in the help section has the email for communications errors and new data.

18th January 2012, 06:07
Videointerviews with some drivers before start of Monte (Prokop, Delecour, Novikov, Cook, Abbring, Melichárek) - Autosport (http://www.autosport.cz/clanek.php?cl=13266)


18th January 2012, 06:40
Does anyone know the link on the Eurosport website to watch their coverage of Monte Carlo online (when it starts of course)?

By the way, when will WRC.com get back up in running? I know that North One is ****ed but that website can still be useful in the interim.

18th January 2012, 06:58
Eurosport schedule (http://tv.eurosport.co.uk/)
Don't expect wrc.com to be updated.
Live results: Rally Monte-Carlo Live Result (http://www.rallyliveresults.com/live/liveresult.php?type=CG)
rally radio: http://worldrallyradio.com

Colin Clark:
"Through SS1 max temp +1 min -4C. Dry in the majority, little damp in places, icey on just a couple of corners! No snow!!"

18th January 2012, 07:07
I can speak only about Fabia S2000 cars and the database of ewrc is not correct even though I don't know all cars. But I'm sure some records and even bodyshell numbers in the database are wrong.

No database, no mistakes. It's easy just to say something it's not correct, if you know something else, you can contact me and help. You know how to do.

18th January 2012, 07:19
"Off into the hills around the Valence to relay split times. Back to the 1970's. Modern timing technology on hold!"

fun! :)

18th January 2012, 07:47
I am feeling good, World Rally Radio is beaming into my room loud and clear and I am all set for a great week of rally action. Hope it is an interesting Monte, it should be fun. Tyres look to be a huge gamble again this year. Might open up antics like Bouffier's efforts last year.

18th January 2012, 07:53
As I already said. She is PWRC competitor and MUST be seeded together with other PWRC competitors. That is given by rules.

Why can she compete in PWRC with a Group A car? The P stays not for parking, but for production.

18th January 2012, 08:02
I hope for and whish you all a fun and exiting 2012 season!

18th January 2012, 08:03
For those who want to listen to WRR today...

iRally | The free independent Rally App for the iPhone, iPad and Android (http://www.irallylive.com/ir_home.htm#)

18th January 2012, 08:04
NOKIA WRC app is working!!!! :-) I can see Loeb on the stage!
Strange.. Loeb behind Hirvionen in my map.. actually he stopped on my map

18th January 2012, 08:08
I can't

18th January 2012, 08:08
SS2 today Rallye-Sport.fr | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/Rallye.Sport.fr) picture of stage 2. Some snow

18th January 2012, 08:11
Why can she compete in PWRC with a Group A car? The P stays not for parking, but for production.

She said that the car is gr. N prepared by M-sport in interview by autosport.cz.

18th January 2012, 08:12
According to rally-sport.fr, drivers start with 4 soft tires for ss1 and 2 studded tires inside the car for ss2.

18th January 2012, 08:16
Good morning wrc2012! :)

18th January 2012, 08:19
Good morning all WRC followers, and have nice Rally day.....

Bruno Portela
18th January 2012, 08:21
Good Morning everybody!!!! Greetings from Portugal!!!!

What's the running order?!?!?

18th January 2012, 08:21
Good morning all. anxious for the results of the 1st SS

18th January 2012, 08:22
She said that the car is gr. N prepared by M-sport in interview by autosport.cz.

Thank you.

18th January 2012, 08:23
Good morning guys, greetings from Turkey... Hope the best for the season..!!! :)

18th January 2012, 08:24
Good Morning everybody!!!! Greetings from Portugal!!!!

What's the running order?!?!?

Good morning to all of you! Starting order for the 1-st leg: http://www.rallye-sport.fr/wp-conten...t_section1.pdf

18th January 2012, 08:24
Does the timing system that is in use in Monte the capability to give us splits?

18th January 2012, 08:24
SS1: From 11 km to 20 km there is ice on stage one (source spectators reporting in to rally radio)

18th January 2012, 08:26
Good morning and hello to you all you WRC fans... Greetings from Romania !!!

18th January 2012, 08:27
Good morning to everyone! Will the 2012 season be amazing.

18th January 2012, 08:28
Does the timing system that is in use in Monte the capability to give us splits?

No splits for this rally. It's gonna be like the good all days.

18th January 2012, 08:28
24:04 for Loeb
+14.9 for mikko

18th January 2012, 08:28
SS1: Loeb is in - no problems. (2 sets of studs in the back)

18th January 2012, 08:29
Good morning and hello to you all you WRC fans... Greetings from Romania !!!

Welcome here.

18th January 2012, 08:29
Sébastien Loeb: "The next stage will be very complicated."

18th January 2012, 08:29
Hirvo is coming, we lost Colin.... :)

Bruno Portela
18th January 2012, 08:30
Shouldn't the running order be the one out from the Shakedown Stage?!?!?

18th January 2012, 08:31
24:04.0 Loeb
24:18.9 Hirvonen (-14:9 sec)

18th January 2012, 08:32
24:04 for Loeb
+1 Sordo
+14.9 for mikko
+22.2 Latvala
+34.4 Solberg
+40.2 Campana
+42.9 Novikov
+48.5 Delecour
+ 58.3 Neuville
+1:10.3 Prokop
+1:16.6 Araujo
+1:31.5 Maurin
+1:48.8 Wilson
+2:44.4 Merksteijn
+3:20.3 Henning
+3:26.7 Nobre

18th January 2012, 08:32
Shouldn't the running order be the one out from the Shakedown Stage?!?!?

Only in gravel rallys

18th January 2012, 08:32
24:04.0 Loeb
24:18.9 Hirvonen (-14:9 sec)
24:26.2 Latvala (-22:2 sec)

18th January 2012, 08:33
This is ridiculous!!! In 2012 we move back to the stoneage. Shame on everyone in FIA, NOS, ACM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Bruno Portela
18th January 2012, 08:34
Loeb flying!!!!

18th January 2012, 08:34
24:04.0 Loeb
24:18.9 Hirvonen (-14:9 sec)
24:26.2 Latvala (-22:2 sec)
24:38.4 P.Solberg (-34:4 sec)

18th January 2012, 08:35
Also Rallyradio have problems with coverage...

18th January 2012, 08:35
Hello from Serbia...Loeb fly :s mokin:

18th January 2012, 08:36
Big gaps.

18th January 2012, 08:38
24:04.0 Loeb
24:05.0 Sordo (-1:0 sec)
24:18.9 Hirvonen (-14:9 sec)
24:26.2 Latvala (-22:2 sec)
24:38.4 P.Solberg (-34:4 sec)
25:52.8 Slowson (-1:44.8who cares ... he's too slow)

uhhh Sordo is quick :)

18th January 2012, 08:38
Big fan of Loeb and Citroen... I see that he started this year in a great form !!! Well done... Go Loeb, Go Citroen !!!

18th January 2012, 08:39
Wow, Come on DANI!! :)

18th January 2012, 08:39
Yes, Loeb did it again in a great style!!! What a start in a new season. Go Seb, go!!!

18th January 2012, 08:40
Sordo time 24' 05

Bruno Portela
18th January 2012, 08:40
Vamos Sordo!!!!

18th January 2012, 08:40
Loeb done worse time than Sarrazin last year in the same stage so assume consitions must be much worse also.I think last year was completely dry in the 1st day

18th January 2012, 08:40
Nice one of Sordo! Could have gone even quicker. :)

Bruno Portela
18th January 2012, 08:41
Where are you seeing the times?!?!?

18th January 2012, 08:41
Where are you seeing the times?!?!?

We are not seeing them - we take them from the radio :)

18th January 2012, 08:42
bruno: http://www.rallyliveresults.com/live/liveresult.php?type=CG

18th January 2012, 08:42
Go Sordo you good thing go. Have to get Wilson to pull over and not hold him up.

Monte Carlo live is going very slow.

18th January 2012, 08:43
Go Fast have good advertisement......

Bruno Portela
18th January 2012, 08:43
We are not seeing them - we take them from the radio :)

Like the good old days!!!! :D

18th January 2012, 08:43
Did Wilson go off? That's slow even for him!

18th January 2012, 08:44
24:04.0 Loeb
24:05.0 Sordo (-1:0 sec)
24:18.9 Hirvonen (-14:9 sec)
24:26.2 Latvala (-22:2 sec)
24:38.4 P.Solberg (-34:4 sec)
24:46.9 E.Novikov (-42:9 sec)
25:14.1 Tänak (-1:10.1 sec)
25:52.8 Slowson (-1:44.8 sec - who cares ... he's too slow)

Tänak has passed HSolberg on SS1

Quick time for Novikov :)

18th January 2012, 08:45
Hope they can discover the cause of interference for World Rally Radios coverage. Causing cut outs at the worst possible moments.

18th January 2012, 08:46
Where are you seeing the times?!?!?

Classements en direct | Best of Rally Live (http://www.best-of-rallylive.com/fr/classements-en-direct-live-time-position/)

18th January 2012, 08:46
Where are you seeing the times?!?!?

Live times and positions | Best of Rally Live (http://www.best-of-rallylive.com/en/classements-en-direct-live-time-position/)