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2nd January 2012, 23:08
It's ACO don't ask them to hurry :rolleyes:

Yeah, same as last year, and the year before. They do it their way, and thats fine.

2nd January 2012, 23:10
I wonder if anyone has a copy of Rally Guide 2 they would share with me , PM if possible.
Thanks folks

3rd January 2012, 12:59

ACO run endurance racing

Oops sorry my confusion :s

3rd January 2012, 13:32
Almost same names of companies, but same stupid politics...

3rd January 2012, 14:44
If N.O.T. had a grocery store, he would refuse to receive money from customers that are of lesser culinary taste?

And they would get the food they deserve, not what they could just buy. Harumph, the very thought..

3rd January 2012, 16:36
I just got mail from MotorsTV, sayying they will broadcast the Monte Carlo Rally. Maybe Eurosport will do something too, I do not know

World Rally Championship
Ronde 1, Rally Monte-Carlo
Preview – Dinsdag 17 januari vanaf 19:05 en 22:55 uur
Dag 1 – Woensdag 18 januari vanaf 22:30 uur
Dag 2 – Donderdag 19 januari vanaf 22:30 uur
Dag 3 – Vrijdag 20 januari vanaf 22:30 uur
Dag 4 – Zaterdag 21 januari vanaf 22:30 uur
Dag 5 – Zondag 22 januari vanaf 22:30 uur
Review – Vrijdag 27 januari vanaf 22:30 uur

3rd January 2012, 18:02
But who will film for them ?

3rd January 2012, 18:25
Interesting, MTV3 MAX programming says "Friday 20.1, 16:00-17:00, Live: SS13"

Have I missed something?

3rd January 2012, 18:42
Entry list will be published next Friday.

3rd January 2012, 18:43
Entry list will be published next Friday.

Don't you mean this coming friday :confused:

3rd January 2012, 18:53
Timetable in English beginning on page 7

Stage maps
ACM - Automobile Club de Monaco (http://www.acm.mc/page-tab.php?id_menu=4&id_sousmenu=23)

Entry list (On Friday as Kielder said)
ACM - Automobile Club de Monaco (http://www.acm.mc/page-tab.php?id_menu=4&id_sousmenu=23#)

Rally guide (location of shakedown on page 15)

Regulations (About no restart and only 60 on legs 7&8 on page 21)

I could Mn’t find any spectator guide.

@Mirek, could you as an experienced Monte spectator how you and your friends finds the spectator places?

3rd January 2012, 19:17
This just seems like the normal nightly highlight shows that Motors TV did last year?

3rd January 2012, 19:28
Don't you mean this coming friday :confused:

Yes, January 6th. If it's wrong blame Autosport Portugal :-)

I could Mn’t find any spectator guide.
@Mirek, could you as an experienced Monte spectator how you and your friends finds the spectator places?

Here you can download a french guide with stages' descriptions by Delecour (thanks to garikoitz3492, who scanned it). There are also advices to the public about the most spectacular places and how to arrive them.
I have also an italian guide. It was published in 2007, but some of the stages are still the same. I used it when I went to the rally in 2008, but I can't find the pdf file now :-(.
In Monte there are no spectator places, you have only to see the maps and the roads which reach the stages. There are many incredible places, but don't miss St Julien du Gua (SS1 & 3).

3rd January 2012, 20:09
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9O0HRVB0)
Here you can download a french guide with stages' descriptions by Delecour (thanks to garikoitz3492, who scanned it). There are also advices to the public about the most spectacular places and how to arrive them.
I have also an italian guide. It was published in 2007, but some of the stages are still the same. I used it when I went to the rally in 2008, but I can't find the pdf file now :-(.
In Monte there are no spectator places, you have only to see the maps and the roads which reach the stages. There are many incredible places, but don't miss St Julien du Gua (SS1 & 3).

Thanks Kielder.

I used it when I went to the rally in 2008, but I can't find the pdf file now :-(.

It's good to have some backups of important files. ;)

3rd January 2012, 20:47
It's good to have some backups of important files. ;)

I didn`t thought at the moment that it would be important. I printed the guide and still have it in paper. If nobody has it and anyone is very interested I could upload pages which are still useful. ;)

3rd January 2012, 21:14
World Rally Championship - News - Star-studded entry for WRC opener (http://www.wrc.com/news/star-studded-entry-for-wrc-opener/?fid=15883)

3rd January 2012, 21:34
Spaniard Dani Sordo continues to front MINI’s WRC bid although regular team-mate Kris Meeke’s seat has been taken by emerging French star Pierre Campana. British talent Meeke remains part of MINI’s world championship effort but his programme for 2012 has yet to be finalised.


3rd January 2012, 21:35
Spaniard Dani Sordo continues to front MINI’s WRC bid although regular team-mate Kris Meeke’s seat has been taken by emerging French star Pierre Campana. British talent Meeke remains part of MINI’s world championship effort but his programme for 2012 has yet to be finalised.


3rd January 2012, 21:41
I think wrc.com along with its various branches should consider to shut down completely....

seems more like a ford advertising site than a WRC info site.

3rd January 2012, 21:44
World Rally Championship - News - Star-studded entry for WRC opener (http://www.wrc.com/news/star-studded-entry-for-wrc-opener/?fid=15883)

Really, star studded...????? C'mon get real.....

3rd January 2012, 22:07
@Mirek, could you as an experienced Monte spectator how you and your friends finds the spectator places?

Not so experienced, been there only three times (this year fourth) ;) In fact I've been always in a media car with friends from Autosport.cz and we always chose places driving through stage before the start usually far from spectator places with direct access. Only Col de Turini and Col St. Jean from SS Moutauban come to my mind as those where You can get while stage is closed.

Turini is a must to see at least once. It has very unique atmosphere but it's always crowded and You have to be there many hours before to even go through access roads.

Col St. Jean is a very nice peak close to the end of stage Moutauban. A small road is leading there but it's one-car wide so You get stuck near stage and than must wait for opening after the action is gone. Quite a lot of space for spectators. On snow it's wonderful, on dry it's less spectacular but still worth watching (so does the complete downhill to the finish). In 2009 we didn't manage to get up due to heavy snow falls and got stuck lower :)

Here is for example our Best of 2010 video (most spectacular edition I was): The Best of rally Monte Carlo 2010 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3eW-gCCznk&feature=plcp&context=C3ab62e3UDOEgsToPDskLMponTSslVUBQjTgs64tGq )

3rd January 2012, 22:36
Thanks Mirek,

In fact I've been always in a media car with friends from Autosport.cz and we always chose places driving through stage before the start usually far from spectator places with direct access.

Then you have to find a place where to park the car by the stage.

Turini is a must to see at least once. It has very unique atmosphere but it's always crowded and You have to be there many hours before to even go through access roads.

IMO the most famous place of MC. I’ve a VCR cassette from MC 1986. Maybe I should watch it before the rally. :)

Here is for example our Best of 2010 video (most spectacular edition I was): The Best of rally Monte Carlo 2010 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3eW-gCCznk&feature=plcp&context=C3ab62e3UDOEgsToPDskLMponTSslVUBQjTgs64tGq )

There are lot of spectators so where do they park their cars or do they make a “few km” walk to the places and leave the cars outside the stage in the start or finish?

3rd January 2012, 22:44
Thanks Mirek,

Then you have to find a place where to park the car by the stage.

I wouldn't go to spectator places Mirek also said. It will be full of fans, too much traffic, and there's chance u won't see anything because of the big audience there. Parking space is probably everywhere limited there in MC I think like some other rallies too.

3rd January 2012, 23:00
I wouldn't go to spectator places Mirek also said. It will be full of fans, too much traffic, and there's chance u won't see anything because of the big audience there. Parking space is probably everywhere limited there in MC I think like some other rallies too.

Usually the best places are far from the official spectator areas. In fact we made a couple of a time an error with a friend in NORF, because not remembering that place, choosing a place where there was an access road but parking only beside the road. It was good wakeup in the morning with a 5 km walk to stage and a 5 km walk back to the car

3rd January 2012, 23:42
Indeed they're, in Ypres it's like that too. And then u are one a place where it's not so busy, u can choose where u stand etc. It's full of advantages. And about that error, always drive so far as u can, u maybe find some good spots to park but like u said u could be tricked then how far away it's still from the stage :D .

3rd January 2012, 23:49
This WRC free period of the year is getting really boring. Bring on Monte!

4th January 2012, 00:58
I think it's not so boring, too much news around driver swaps, Mini etc. :D

4th January 2012, 11:31
Really, star studded...????? C'mon get real.....

Well, in a way they said true.

4th January 2012, 14:28
Interesting, MTV3 MAX programming says "Friday 20.1, 16:00-17:00, Live: SS13"

Have I missed something?

SOOO interesting!

That means North One has been sold. Who's the buyer? Eurosport or BSkyB? Don't think MTV3 shipped their own OB-Vans to self-produce the live coverage... :)

4th January 2012, 14:32
C'mon Eurosport, get it!

4th January 2012, 15:46
Eurosport meeting with FIA today so hopefully good news.

4th January 2012, 16:28
Voiceofrally said the same on twitter an hour ago. Waiting for a good answer. :)

4th January 2012, 17:06

What's the weather like there?
Is there any chance of snow?

4th January 2012, 17:52
Sure, in the mountains the weather changes very quickly. One day dry, the other 20 cm of snow is nothing extraordinary...

4th January 2012, 23:28
A small source of weather information :arrow: LES ESTABLES EN DIRECT (http://www.vacances-neige-auvergne.fr/webcam-estables.php)
This webcam is 15 - 20 km. away from Lachamp-Raphael (the top of ES2 - Burzet/St. Martial).
The altitudes are similar, so it can give an idea of the snow.

5th January 2012, 17:43
Maurin should now be confirmed with the Fiesta WRC.

5th January 2012, 20:56
Team EMAP-YACCO (http://emap-fr.fr/TeamEMAPYACCO.aspx)

6th January 2012, 15:25
Rallye Monte-Carlo – Itinéraire (http://rallye.automoto365.com/news/?lang=fr&month=1&season_year=2012&mode=NewsDetails&id=3935)

6th January 2012, 16:23
But still no entrylist :mark:

6th January 2012, 17:07
Isn't it a bit early for Sordo to be on the route? Maybe he's joking about bad weather in Spain?

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/397300_358136874202836_155581457791713_1686384_564 248614_n.jpg

Practicando notas para Montecarlo en unas condiciones perfectas

Photos du mur | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1686384&l=725f9a4f64&id=155581457791713)

6th January 2012, 17:16
Is the entry list planned to be released today?

6th January 2012, 17:24
I think that the waiting for entry list this year is up to Mini issue and their priority, not a fault of ACM.

6th January 2012, 22:17
Eurosport will not be broadcasting any live stages this year.

6th January 2012, 22:23
Eurosport will not be broadcasting any live stages this year.

Hmm, oh dear, bet the ACM are delighted......
Three years of superb Live coverage on the IRC, then the FiA/NOS/Jean Todt/WRC beg them to come back. So they did, and voila.........
A total shambles, which reflects poorly on the whole of the sport....

6th January 2012, 22:51
I think that the waiting for entry list this year is up to Mini issue and their priority, not a fault of ACM.

Yes, you're right. And we haven't known it today because Mini problems continue...

6th January 2012, 23:08
Quote: "The Monte will certainly be difficult, because it's Sebastien Loeb's favorite rally.
We can not go and fight for the victory", admit Latvala, who wants to attack fully from the Swedish Rally: "Thereafter we fight for victories."

Latvala: "Habe volle Unterstützung vom Team" | Automobil | MOTORSPORT aktuell (http://www.motorsport-aktuell.com/automobil/latvala-habe-volle-unterstuetzung-vom-team-4245863.html)

6th January 2012, 23:38
Snowy Vercors today - video :arrow: 6 janvier 2012 14:20 | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=2921669371062)

7th January 2012, 00:03
Interview François Delecour (http://rallye.automoto365.com/news/index.php?lang=fr&theme=default&team_id=0&month=1&season_year=2012&mode=NewsDetails&id=3934) - the winner of the 1994 edition.

7th January 2012, 00:43
Interview François Delecour (http://rallye.automoto365.com/news/index.php?lang=fr&theme=default&team_id=0&month=1&season_year=2012&mode=NewsDetails&id=3934) - the winner of the 1994 edition.

Very good article, at 49 he still cycles 250 miles a week!!
And hes knocked back prodrives offers...3 times in his career, priceless :D

7th January 2012, 03:31
Very good article, at 49 he still cycles 250 miles a week!!
And hes knocked back prodrives offers...3 times in his career, priceless :D

Amazing, he turns down the M3, Impreza and the Mini. I find this part most interesting:

It is in this sense that I was really hesitant to Mini, because I thought they were coming for me was that they believed in me and I might be doing other rallies

It doesn't sound like he was too keen to take them up on this.

Brother John
7th January 2012, 14:28
[quote="RS"]They should have stuck with IRC until the WRC promoter situation was sorted. Did NOS ever promise them some live coverage apart from the power stage?/QUOTE]

This item removed.

7th January 2012, 15:02
Why? That was clearly related to Monte Carlo...

7th January 2012, 15:09
Yep, why was it removed?

Brother John
7th January 2012, 15:20
Yep, why was it removed?

I clean up this forum and you find already 2 threads about TV + coverage!

7th January 2012, 15:27
But this was about Monte Carlo coverage and relation between ACM and ISC/NOS. ACM = Autombile Club Monte Carlo. Where else shall it be placed than in Monte Carlo thread? Sorry, but don't make it bigger mess, than it is, please.

7th January 2012, 15:29
It was related to RMC coverage and broadcasting of past RMCs. We can't discuss media aspects before, during and after an event?

7th January 2012, 16:32
SS Closing times (http://www.rallye-sport.fr/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Fermeture-des-routes-Monte-Carlo-2012.jpg)

8th January 2012, 15:30
Entry list Monte Carlo Rally 2012 (http://www.rallye-sport.fr/liste-des-engages-rallye-monte-carlo-2012/)

Loeb – DS3 WRC
Hirvonen - DS3 WRC
Neuville - DS3 WRC
Of Merksteijn Sr.. - DS3 WRC
Latvala - Fiesta WRC
P. Solberg - WRC Fiesta
Tanaka - Fiesta WRC
H. Solberg - WRC Fiesta
Novikov - Fiesta WRC
Delecour – Fiesta WRC
Prokop - Fiesta WRC
Wilson – Fiesta WRC
Sordo - Mini WRC
Bell - Mini WRC
Araujo - Mini WRC
Nobre - Mini WRC
Maurin – Fiesta WRC
Al-Rajhi - Fiesta DRR
Bouffier - 207 S2000
Ogier – Fabia S2000
Abbring - Fabia S2000
Breen - Fiesta S2000
Andersson - Proton S2000
Low - Proton S2000
Melichárek - 207 S2000
Arzeno - 207 S2000
M. Burri - 207 S2000
Laviola - 207 S2000
Robert – DS3 R3
Latour - DS3 R3
Chardonnet - Clio R3
Comola - Civic R3
Fontaine – Clio R3
Panciatici - DS3 R3
Ressegaire - Clio R3
Poutot - Fiesta R2
Kosciuszko – Lancer Evo X
O. Burri - Lancer Evo X
Dumas - Lancer Evo IX
Boland - Lancer Evo X
Carret - Impreza WRX
Frau - Lancer Evo X
Fuchs - Lancer Evo X
Sauvan - Lancer Evo X
Nicolas - Lancer Evo X
Taormina - Lancer Evo IX
Caillet - Lancer Evo IX
Cornu - Mégane RS

8th January 2012, 15:34
This was posted already before Christmas and it is not final.

8th January 2012, 15:50

The date of closing of entries has passed, the cars of different crews can still evolve further, but there will be no additional inscriptions.

The January 8, the ACM has confirmed the presence of 84 teams at the start.

8th January 2012, 15:57
How can you expect to see a final entry list when the Final List has to come from the FIA and as far as i can see they are not one bit bothered about the WRC , so i wouldn't hold my breath waiting on something from them .The ceremonial start is at 18.00 on Tuesday 17th hopefully there will be a list by then !!!

9th January 2012, 14:52
I see a new Japanese driver in a Fiesta WRC in this last list.

9th January 2012, 15:25
Hi everyone. Somebody knows good photoshoot places on ss1-ss3 and ss2-ss4. I with my friends want to take good photos. But we can see only 1 o2 day of this rally. And we don't want miss good places. But we visit this rally in first time and don't know where we can take good photo and video. Thank you.

9th January 2012, 15:44
Apparently already 5 forfaits and 84 crews on final entrylist :mark:

9th January 2012, 16:19
Apparently already 5 forfaits and 84 crews on final entrylist :mark:

Who Tom?

9th January 2012, 16:21
I think I know one crew which was added later than this entry list was shown so there will be more changes.

9th January 2012, 18:02
i see a new japanese driver in a fiesta wrc in this last list.




9th January 2012, 19:52
Hi everyone. Somebody knows good photoshoot places on ss1-ss3 and ss2-ss4. I with my friends want to take good photos. But we can see only 1 o2 day of this rally. And we don't want miss good places. But we visit this rally in first time and don't know where we can take good photo and video. Thank you.

The hairpin after St Julien du Gua in SS1 is good if you want scenic photos

9th January 2012, 20:20



lol I was wondering who was this Japanese driver, now I got it :D

9th January 2012, 21:33
8 days before the start of the rally and still no official entry list!?

I don't think this has happen ever before! It just goes to show in what state the WR Championship is!

A total shambles! Shame on you FIA!

9th January 2012, 21:35
8 days before the start of the rally and still no official entry list!?

I don't think this has happen ever before! It just goes to show in what state the WR Championship is!

A total shambles! Shame on you FIA!

No it shows why those useless lazy sick dogs at Monaco lost their WRC status a few years back and forced to organise Rally Ladycups....

Rally Hokkaido
9th January 2012, 23:39
Hi, I found this slideshow of Pierre Campana's first test in the Mini.

Tests Pré Monte Carlo 2012 (http://only-rally.com/index.php?option=com_igallery&view=gallery&id=46&Itemid=169)

10th January 2012, 00:09
Hi, I found this slideshow of Pierre Campana's first test in the Mini.

Tests Pré Monte Carlo 2012 (http://only-rally.com/index.php?option=com_igallery&view=gallery&id=46&Itemid=169)

hmm I don't see Bosch on the livery. In GB 2011 the Mini had Bosch as a sponsor, was it just a one-off?

Prisoner Monkeys
10th January 2012, 02:18
A total shambles! Shame on you FIA!
Why are you blaming the FIA? Do you think they're just sitting on the entry list and not releasing it? They can't release an entry list if there is no entry list to be released. While they're off sorting out the mess that was North One Sport, Monaco hasn't given them an entry list.

But once again, feel free to criticise the FIA regardless of the actual situation.

10th January 2012, 03:18
hmm I don't see Bosch on the livery. In GB 2011 the Mini had Bosch as a sponsor, was it just a one-off?

Its anyone's guess who Mini are sponsored by now.

What I read on the Mini GB2011 press release was that the large Bosch labels were there to commemorate a long term relationship between them and the Mini/BMW brand.

I don't know if it was meant to lead to something bigger however.

10th January 2012, 03:20
I think that the North One issue may have made BMW freak out, making it all the more difficult to confirm who and what is going to be happening this year.

I wouldn't be surprise if we have to wait till the 11th hour for all the surprises to be revealed.

10th January 2012, 04:35
Why are you blaming the FIA? Do you think they're just sitting on the entry list and not releasing it? They can't release an entry list if there is no entry list to be released. While they're off sorting out the mess that was North One Sport, Monaco hasn't given them an entry list.

But once again, feel free to criticise the FIA regardless of the actual situation.

So you think FIA has only one hand, do you? If they happen to have a mess up with NOS they still have to handle such as entry lists, wouldn´t they?
The public is waiting for the entry list, so they have to act fast. This is catastrofy.

10th January 2012, 08:01
So you think FIA has only one hand, do you? If they happen to have a mess up with NOS they still have to handle such as entry lists, wouldn´t they?
The public is waiting for the entry list, so they have to act fast. This is catastrofy.

Honestly I think people are wrongly blaming FIA. My guess for the delayed entrylist is because FIA is waiting for the final entry name for MINI and for an extra Ford team with Wilslow and HSolberg. (both will be able to score Manufacturer points). So FIA is giving those two teams extra time so sort out potential sponsor deals that might be a part of the entry-name for the full season.

So take it easy. All will be fine at the start of Rally MC.

10th January 2012, 09:14
No it shows why those useless lazy sick dogs at Monaco lost their WRC status a few years back and forced to organise Rally Ladycups....

Sorry, but it's not a mistake of ACM but the mess with manufacturer teams and NOS.

10th January 2012, 09:26
Sorry, but it's not a mistake of ACM but the mess with manufacturer teams and NOS.

they could still publish the entry and in the place of the manufacturer in question put a TBA, instead of delaying the whole thing, it happens when a driver doesn't know what car will compete in or when they do not know their co-driver yet.

It is an entry list not nuclear physics...

10th January 2012, 09:32
This is not unique to WRC, nor even to rallying. Look at the number of pay drivers that exist in F1, WTCC, F2, F3.

Hang on, am I about to list EVERY motorsport series in the entire world....?!?!

More than that, every motorsport series in the entire world since motorsport was first devised. Those who complain about pay drivers — and I can see their point — need to recall that their prevalence is very far from a new development.

10th January 2012, 09:40
be patient guys, In case of IRC the entry list sometimes appeared just before the start and we were joking that we are going to see the startlist at the startline of SS1 (It was sanremo or smth in 2010?). It appears when it appears :-)

go mads
10th January 2012, 11:41
henning will be entered under go fast energy drink.

10th January 2012, 11:44
New season already close....

https://p.twimg.com/Aix4GRTCEAEBB_8.jpg:large .

10th January 2012, 11:47
New season already close....

https://p.twimg.com/Aix4GRTCEAEBB_8.jpg:large .

Teng Tools from Petter?

Not much real estate for them...

10th January 2012, 12:11
they could still publish the entry and in the place of the manufacturer in question put a TBA, instead of delaying the whole thing, it happens when a driver doesn't know what car will compete in or when they do not know their co-driver yet.

It is an entry list not nuclear physics...

Ok!!! easy with the entrylist-boner. Why is it so important that you get it now?

You were all over fat Ferrari-fans acting irrationally (even though McCrap fans are the worst)... now you are a bit like them :D

10th January 2012, 12:13
Teng Tools from Petter? Looks a bit like an Angry Bird :D

henning will be entered under go fast energy drink.

Looks pretty cool...


10th January 2012, 12:23
So now who will take care of the WRC site?! Nothing new has been updated to the site in the last days and I suspect we wont have live-timing, radios and media in the site until someone takes over.

I think some will miss the things they constantly ranted about last years.

10th January 2012, 12:29
Ok!!! easy with the entrylist-boner. Why is it so important that you get it now?

You were all over fat Ferrari-fans acting irrationally (even though McCrap fans are the worst)... now you are a bit like them :D

i have a soft spot when it comes to publishing of the entry lists... its a mental problem i acquired from greek organisers because they never publish entry lists on time...so i hate it when i get the same from civilised countries.

you think i need therapy ??

10th January 2012, 12:30
So now who will take care of the WRC site?!

hopefully none of the old team...

10th January 2012, 12:32
So now who will take care of the WRC site?! Nothing new has been updated to the site in the last days and I suspect we wont have live-timing, radios and media in the site until someone takes over.

I think some will miss the things they constantly ranted about last years.

I don't now how we will miss wrc.com. The rally radio works off I Rally app, and I guess it will be easy to put a link from the rally's website. As for the timing the whole IRC rallies had equally good results, also I guess the Michelin website will have links as well. Some of us on here are old enough to remember a wrc without North One Sport, and for what it's worth it was good back then.

10th January 2012, 12:54
I don't now how we will miss wrc.com. The rally radio works off I Rally app, and I guess it will be easy to put a link from the rally's website. As for the timing the whole IRC rallies had equally good results, also I guess the Michelin website will have links as well. Some of us on here are old enough to remember a wrc without North One Sport, and for what it's worth it was good back then.

I can't imagine there was any kind of live timing before ISC / NOS. Haven't they been doing it for 11 years or something?

10th January 2012, 13:14
I can't imagine there was any kind of live timing before ISC / NOS. Haven't they been doing it for 11 years or something?
What I meant was there was a perfectly good WRC before NOS. True regarding the timing, this is something new in the last 11 years, but IRC and other rallies have a good system. You should have seen Safari (historic) rally last November, members of the public could log on with Google Earth and track the cars, service vehicles and helicopters. Dont get sucked into the journalistic hype that WRC cant survive without NOS, other events like Dakar have this "live timing" and outside rallying check out the Tour De France cycle race to see what they have in terms of internet coverage.

10th January 2012, 13:47
True, there's any amount of companies that can do this stuff. :up:

10th January 2012, 14:04
What I meant was there was a perfectly good WRC before NOS. True regarding the timing, this is something new in the last 11 years, but IRC and other rallies have a good system. You should have seen Safari (historic) rally last November, members of the public could log on with Google Earth and track the cars, service vehicles and helicopters. Dont get sucked into the journalistic hype that WRC cant survive without NOS, other events like Dakar have this "live timing" and outside rallying check out the Tour De France cycle race to see what they have in terms of internet coverage.

I have no worries about live timing. ACM always has had it in event website Automobile Club de Monaco (http://www.acm.mc). If it's true that Patricksoft will do timekeeping in RMC, than results will be also on their website PatricK Soft (http://www.patricksoft.fr) and maybe also on FFSA | Fédération Française du Sport Automobile (http://www.ffsa.org). After that other sites like Výsledky Rallye: Mistrovství svìta (http://www.vysledky-rally.cz) or eWRC-results.com - archive and online results from WRC and rally (http://www.ewrc-results.com) etc. will have it also and we can count with Michelin as mentioned before.

10th January 2012, 14:51
Live-timing? How about taking times in the stages in the first place.
Timing system dispute fear for Monte Carlo Rally - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/96934)

10th January 2012, 15:17
As I wrote in my previous post ;) Or do You think that the French measure their championships on calendar? :)

If it's true that Patricksoft will do timekeeping in RMC, than results will be also on their website http://www.patricksoft.fr]PatricK Soft

10th January 2012, 16:51
I thought it was already been confirmed that live timing will be assured by the WRC people for Monte Carlo

10th January 2012, 17:06
Live-timing? How about taking times in the stages in the first place.
Timing system dispute fear for Monte Carlo Rally - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/96934)I guess you didn't read the news. Monte Carlo is going to be timed via the "Honor System."


10th January 2012, 17:20
NOS is a horror system.

10th January 2012, 18:14
Anybody know who drove or is driving Red Bull car in background?

Fiesta RS WRC in early stages of preparation for Monte Carlo.... on Twitpic (http://twitpic.com/85ohba)

10th January 2012, 18:33
Doviszioso drove it in the Bologna Motorshow.

10th January 2012, 18:45
Thanks Mr M.

10th January 2012, 20:02
Anybody know who drove or is driving Red Bull car in background?

Fiesta RS WRC in early stages of preparation for Monte Carlo.... on Twitpic (http://twitpic.com/85ohba)

Here a pic ;-)


10th January 2012, 21:53

10th January 2012, 22:03
Official entry list : Liste des engagés Rallye Monte-Carlo 2012 (http://www.rallye-sport.fr/liste-des-engages-rallye-monte-carlo-2012/)

10th January 2012, 22:13
The pissed off bumblebee must stay in the championship :)


Prisoner Monkeys
11th January 2012, 01:41
So you think FIA has only one hand, do you? If they happen to have a mess up with NOS they still have to handle such as entry lists, wouldn´t they?
The public is waiting for the entry list, so they have to act fast. This is catastrofy.
Right, because releasing the entry list is their single biggest concern right now. Never mind the debris that NOS left behind, or the problems with the timing equipment not being available for Monte Carlo, or the ongoing problems in Bahrain, or the inevitable challenge that the Formula 1 teams will make regarding the legality of Lotus' latest piece of equipment - satisfying the public demand for and entry is is their number one priority.


In the end, it doesn't matter if the FIA or the organisers of the Rallye Monte Carlo make the entry list publicly available or not. So long as the FIA have the entry list, all is well. The event can take place.

11th January 2012, 04:08
Hello every one
me and my wife coming from Canada to Monte (aprox. on 20th) to see the Rally
any suggestion on where to stay, where to rent a car and how to get around
to see as much as possible?
or any guided/bus rally toors available?
i contacted "rallytravel" but they're sold out and "wrc experience" won't answer my emails/calls)
thanks in advance!

11th January 2012, 04:39
Right, because releasing the entry list is their single biggest concern right now. Never mind the debris that NOS left behind, or the problems with the timing equipment not being available for Monte Carlo, or the ongoing problems in Bahrain, or the inevitable challenge that the Formula 1 teams will make regarding the legality of Lotus' latest piece of equipment - satisfying the public demand for and entry is is their number one priority.


In the end, it doesn't matter if the FIA or the organisers of the Rallye Monte Carlo make the entry list publicly available or not. So long as the FIA have the entry list, all is well. The event can take place.

So why dont they just get the rally on in a backyard where nobody else can watch. They indeed are so busy cleaning up their own mess so maybe let´s just skip the rally and start season in Sweden instead?

Prisoner Monkeys
11th January 2012, 05:27
So why dont they just get the rally on in a backyard where nobody else can watch. They indeed are so busy cleaning up their own mess so maybe let´s just skip the rally and start season in Sweden instead?
How does the availablity of an entry list a week before the rally make the event any more or less watchable?

The deal between Qatar and NOS fell though. But Eurosport looks like it's going to pick up the pieces. The price might be that we get delayed coverage of the event, but at least we get coverage in the first place. Without Eurosport, the season could start without anyone to broadcast or promote it.

It is not the FIA's fault that NOS is in trouble. Nor is it ACM's. In fact, it isn't even NOS's fault that they got in trouble - NOS was owned by Convers Sports Initiatives, which in turn was owned by Vladimir Antonov, a crooked Russian banker. When CSI was sold to Antonov, NOS were in no position to prevent the sale or to go their own way. So why are you blaming the FIA and the ACM for the sins of a banker who was ripping off Lithuanian businesses?

11th January 2012, 09:06
Hello every one
me and my wife coming from Canada to Monte (aprox. on 20th) to see the Rally
any suggestion on where to stay, where to rent a car and how to get around
to see as much as possible?
or any guided/bus rally toors available?
i contacted "rallytravel" but they're sold out and "wrc experience" won't answer my emails/calls)
thanks in advance!

We usually stay at BB Hotels or Etap in Valance (for northern stages) and Menton (for southern stages). These are really cheap and good enough for the short sleep needed between stages. If I remember right there is a free wi-fi internet as well (it used to be quite overloaded in BB which was otherwise better than Etap). The advantage of Etap in Valance is that it is close to service park where You can get just by walking.

Reserver votre hotel b&b en France - B&B Hotels (http://www.hotel-bb.com/)
Cheap hotel Etap Hotel - Book hotel at a reasonable price (http://www.etaphotel.com/gb/home/index.shtml)

11th January 2012, 10:20
Message to mods, when do we get the pickem up?

11th January 2012, 10:59
At long last, ACM official list:

ACM - Automobile Club de Monaco (http://www.acm.mc/page-tab.php?id_menu=4&id_sousmenu=23)

11th January 2012, 11:06
The weather in special stages?? Is there any snow??

11th January 2012, 11:12
not yet...

11th January 2012, 11:39
The weather in special stages?? Is there any snow??

No snow as such, only the usual tricky hidden or not black ice patches.

11th January 2012, 11:40
that would be even worse for the drivers!

11th January 2012, 12:26
Latest forecast doesn't predict snow in Ardeche stages. Temperatures below zero during the night but around +5°C during the day.

11th January 2012, 13:32
Hello every one
me and my wife coming from Canada to Monte (aprox. on 20th) to see the Rally
any suggestion on where to stay, where to rent a car and how to get around
to see as much as possible?
or any guided/bus rally toors available?
i contacted "rallytravel" but they're sold out and "wrc experience" won't answer my emails/calls)
thanks in advance!

Hi, we are also going to Montre for the rally. We are arriving on 19-th in the evening so we are missing the two days around Valence. On 20-th we will try to watch 2 out of 3 stages (ss 12 and ss 13). On saturday I think it's possible to watch only 2 stages and on sunday there's only the powerstage. We have booked an apartment in Nice because it's very close to Monte Carlo and to saturday and sunday stages. You can also rent a car from Nice airport or from the city of Nice. Have an enjoyable rally!

11th January 2012, 13:35
So the list is up now. Abbring is still listed as German.... Idiots.

11th January 2012, 13:50
Does anyone know how the starting order will be on day 1? Does the new shakedown = qualifying rule apply here? Or will they start according to last year's final standings (or starting numbers in case of no points)?

11th January 2012, 13:52
Does anyone know how the starting order will be on day 1? Does the new shakedown = qualifying rule apply here? Or will they start according to last year's final standings (or starting numbers in case of no points)?

The new Shakedown thing only applies to gravel rallies. I believe it's as per normal - previous year, and then classification order for subsequent days.

11th January 2012, 13:53
Qualifying shakedown is used only on loose surface events so I think Sweden will be first.

11th January 2012, 14:07
Does anyone know how the starting order will be on day 1? Does the new shakedown = qualifying rule apply here? Or will they start according to last year's final standings (or starting numbers in case of no points)?

Start order 6 pm Tuesday I think.

11th January 2012, 14:30
Thank you for your answers!
In the meantime, I found the 2012 WRC Sporting Regulations: http://argent.fia.com/web/fia-public.nsf/2FEB095B0D356BD7C125794B0053527C/$FILE/2012%20WRC%20Sporting%20Regulations%20+%20Appendic es.pdf
I quote:

45.3.1 P1 and P2 drivers
On gravel rallies, P1 and P2 drivers shall start the first section of the rally according to the position they
have chosen following the qualifying stage.
On asphalt rallies, P1 and P2 drivers shall start the first section of the rally in the order of the provisional
classification of the World Rally Championship for Drivers for the current year. For the first round of the
Championship, the start order shall be that of the final classification of the previous year. The FIA shall
decide the order of drivers who have not been classified in the previous World Rally Championship for
45.3.2 P3 drivers
P3 drivers shall start the first section of the rally in the order of the provisional classification of their
respective Championships for the current year. For the first round of the Championship, the start order
shall be that of the final classification of the previous year. The FIA shall decide the order of drivers who
have not been classified in the previous year.
45.3.3 Other drivers
All other drivers shall start as recommended by the organiser.

45.4.1 The start order for the first section on subsequent days shall be based on the classification at the
finish of the final special stage of the previous day excluding super special stages if run at the end of the
45.4.2 P1 and P2 drivers
On gravel rallies, P1 and P2 drivers will restart as a merged group in reverse order according to their
provisional overall classification.
On asphalt rallies, P1 and P2 drivers shall normally restart as a merged group in the order of their
provisional overall classification.
45.4.3 P3 drivers and all other drivers
P3 drivers and all other drivers shall normally restart as a merged group after the P1 and P2 drivers in the
order of their provisional classification."

11th January 2012, 15:42
So the list is up now. Abbring is still listed as German.... Idiots.

No, it is perfect. VW needs a talented German driver to keep the home front happy. So with Kevin Abbring they have their new Walter Rohrl, only one who has a Dutch accent. :lol:

11th January 2012, 15:50
only one who has a Dutch accent. :lol:

..and nationality! :D :P

OT: I'm SOO excited for the Monte to start, finally the talk will be about the driving again and not about the politics and money. I'm a bit afraid Loeb will have it fairly easy though, hopefully someone wil be able to challenge him.

11th January 2012, 18:28
Thanks for Your replies
now i'm trying to locate rally maps and figure out my way around the place =o)
maps are not available from official wrc site though.
where do You get them guys?
Hi, we are also going to Montre for the rally. We are arriving on 19-th in the evening so we are missing the two days around Valence. On 20-th we will try to watch 2 out of 3 stages (ss 12 and ss 13). On saturday I think it's possible to watch only 2 stages and on sunday there's only the powerstage. We have booked an apartment in Nice because it's very close to Monte Carlo and to saturday and sunday stages. You can also rent a car from Nice airport or from the city of Nice. Have an enjoyable rally!

We usually stay at BB Hotels or Etap in Valance (for northern stages) and Menton (for southern stages). These are really cheap and good enough for the short sleep needed between stages. If I remember right there is a free wi-fi internet as well (it used to be quite overloaded in BB which was otherwise better than Etap). The advantage of Etap in Valance is that it is close to service park where You can get just by walking.

Reserver votre hotel b&b en France - B&B Hotels (http://www.hotel-bb.com/)
Cheap hotel Etap Hotel - Book hotel at a reasonable price (http://www.etaphotel.com/gb/home/index.shtml)

11th January 2012, 18:33
Maps are here: ACM - Automobile Club de Monaco (http://www.acm.mc/page-tab.php?id_menu=4&id_sousmenu=23)

11th January 2012, 18:34
Thanks for Your replies
now i'm trying to locate rally maps and figure out my way around the place =o)
maps are not available from official wrc site though.
where do You get them guys?

try this please

ACM - Automobile Club de Monaco (http://acm.mc/page-tab.php?id_menu=4&id_sousmenu=23)

or this for google earth map on the right side of the page

Programme du Rallye Wrc Monte-Carlo 2012 (http://planetemarcus.free.fr/montecarlo12.htm)

11th January 2012, 18:47
thanks again!
yes, i did try this yesterday and today but it only shows the map of Southern France, not the location of special stages etc.
also i tried rally-maps.com but beta version either doesn't work or it shows maps from previous years =o(

11th January 2012, 18:51
Roll down, there are pdf maps to download ;)

11th January 2012, 19:07
i downloaded Google Earth and it's all there now
thanks for You support guys, You've been very helpful!!!

11th January 2012, 19:34
At least this Rally Map | Rally-Maps.com (http://www.rally-maps.com/map/rally/328/Rally-Monte-Carlo) works for me. You can also choose the stage from left side of the site (Country selection (Monaco) – rally selection – stage selection).

Below is a link to a page where you can download a spectator guide in French.

Here you can download a french guide with stages' descriptions by Delecour (thanks to garikoitz3492, who scanned it). There are also advices to the public about the most spectacular places and how to arrive them.
I have also an italian guide. It was published in 2007, but some of the stages are still the same. I used it when I went to the rally in 2008, but I can't find the pdf file now :-(.
In Monte there are no spectator places, you have only to see the maps and the roads which reach the stages. There are many incredible places, but don't miss St Julien du Gua (SS1 & 3).

11th January 2012, 19:37
[quote="alexinvancouver"]maps are not available from official wrc site though.

Thats because the Wrc.com even when it was working properly was the most useless website in the world ;)

11th January 2012, 19:55
so what site would You suggest then? =o)

maps are not available from official wrc site though.

Thats because the Wrc.com even when it was working properly was the most useless website in the world ;)

the only problem with those maps are annoying add on the left side where one is suppose to use magnifying feature =o)
oh, and i don't speak French =o)
At least this Rally Map | Rally-Maps.com (http://www.rally-maps.com/map/rally/328/Rally-Monte-Carlo) works for me. You can also choose the stage from left side of the site (Country selection (Monaco) – rally selection – stage selection).

Below is a link to a page where you can download a spectator guide in French.

11th January 2012, 19:58
Abbring has to start behind Louise Cook? :-/

11th January 2012, 20:55
so what site would You suggest then? =o)

the only problem with those maps are annoying add on the left side where one is suppose to use magnifying feature =o)
oh, and i don't speak French =o)

I think that the maps made by planetmarcus on google earth are the best available with start and finish points and service park locations and it's very easy to read them.

11th January 2012, 21:12
i downloaded Google Earth and it's all there now
thanks for You support guys, You've been very helpful!!!

thanks for your download ;)

11th January 2012, 21:12
so what site would You suggest then? =o)

I think that the maps made by planetmarcus on google earth are the best available with start and finish points and service park locations and it's very easy to read them.

thanks ;)

11th January 2012, 22:06
So the list is up now. Abbring is still listed as German.... Idiots.

Then Abbring probably run with a German license.

11th January 2012, 22:26
so what site would You suggest then? =o)

I think that the maps made by planetmarcus on google earth are the best available with start and finish points and service park locations and it's very easy to read them.

Then again. FIA and ACM doesn´t do their homework. It´s a shame.

12th January 2012, 08:46
If all regardig getting a FIA/NOS/Eurosport timing system in place falls apart, ACM will use their own. If that happens will sites like eWRC, autosport.cz, and Rally-Base.com get feeds to keep us updated online ?

12th January 2012, 10:17
Jaro Melicharek tested (http://www.autosportfoto.sk/spravodajstvo/kategoria/slovensko/foto/melico-test-pred-monte-carlo-1) on Monte.

12th January 2012, 10:20
martin prokop: memory of Vaclav Havel
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/408060_227575453987811_225782147500475_513304_5005 89751_n.jpg

12th January 2012, 11:46
Then Abbring probably run with a German license.

No don't think so, they probably are confused with 'Dutch' and 'Deutsch.' I hope....

12th January 2012, 12:36
Brother john i must post my views about the french...so move the above comments in the pub grab your beers and lets have a nice talk about xenophobia and the french/British/German and the Greek.

Brother John
12th January 2012, 12:41
Brother john i must post my views about the french...so move the above comments in the pub grab your beers and lets have a nice talk about xenophobia and the french/British/German and the Greek.

I already moved them.

12th January 2012, 12:51
Further info on the tv: Eurosport on the verge of World Rally Championship TV deal - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/96975)

Getting a bit fed up of hearing Duncanson's whining now.

12th January 2012, 12:57
Further info on the tv: Eurosport on the verge of World Rally Championship TV deal - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/96975)

Getting a bit fed up of hearing Duncanson's whining now.

Well, according to another article on Autosport he's in the hole for 3 million, you can expect that he'll be a little annoyed!

12th January 2012, 12:57
I believe Mathieu Arzeno (unless he makes one of his usual off's...) will be the big surprise in the S2000

12th January 2012, 16:44
Can't wait for the start.

12th January 2012, 17:36
Sounds as if ACM is securing necessary coverage etc. for their own event, long-term deals concerning the whole series are FIA´s problem to solve.

The Automobile Club de Monaco, organisers of the Monte Carlo Rally, has confirmed in the past few minutes that Eurosport will do the TV production, and that the Club will provide its own timing for the event.

A few days before its start, the 80th Monte Carlo Rally, organised by the Automobile Club de Monaco (ACM) is confronted with the non-fulfilment of services which should have been provided by North One Sport (NOS), former Promoter of the World Rally Championship.

Unable at this late stage to await the outcome of unlikely negotiations, the ACM has no other option but to arrange by its own means the timing and tracking of the Event which were the responsibilities of NOS up to now through Stage One Technologies.

This situation also applies to the TV production, broadcasting of the Race and Internet. There again, the ACM took steps by contracting with Eurosport S.A to ensure the best coverage of the Event.

These decisions will allow the 80th Monte Carlo Rally to take place on the 17 January 2012 and the scheduled Race programme to be scrupulously maintained.

The 80th Monte Carlo Rally shall remain on this year's World Championship's schedule regardless of the designation of the Promoter.

The ACM does not wish to make any further comments.

World Rally Radio Official | Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/WorldRallyRadio)

12th January 2012, 19:44
I believe Mathieu Arzeno (unless he makes one of his usual off's...) will be the big surprise in the S2000


12th January 2012, 20:08
Peter Van Merksteijn Sr crashed on test before Monte.

Photo available on PlanetMarcus.com facebook

12th January 2012, 20:20
like to see those images, but can't find the site :(

12th January 2012, 20:25
like to see those images, but can't find the site :(

Peter van Merksteiijn sr

http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/393281_10150582650190733_206160890732_11191301_391 508449_n.jpg

12th January 2012, 20:36
Dani Sordo




12th January 2012, 20:39
Further info on the tv: Eurosport on the verge of World Rally Championship TV deal - WRC news - AUTOSPORT.com (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/96975)

Getting a bit fed up of hearing Duncanson's whining now.

We if NOS were going to do 3 live stages like he said, i'm annoyed as i'm one of the few who has ESPN and their coverage was actually quite good! Oh well hope that Eurosport come up with the goods, and i'll sign up to the Eurosport Player, but there I checked the other day and there was nothing in the program guide that showed MCR highlights.

12th January 2012, 20:44
That Mini looks rapid! Hope Sordo can win the Monte, and someone will inject some more cash into the project.

12th January 2012, 21:59

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/399550_362777197072137_155581457791713_1699396_192 0548823_n.jpg

link to facebook gallery (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.362777020405488.108350.155581457791713&type=1)

Ondra WRC
12th January 2012, 22:04
Craig Breen
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/404745_10150582751360733_206160890732_11191599_141 8509771_n.jpg


12th January 2012, 22:09
That mini looks so good on snow.

12th January 2012, 23:22
I don't think i've seen this mentioned on here but theres a sort of spectator guide for parking at the stages on the ACM site here's a link ,

Looks like there's nothing for the power stage on sunday.

12th January 2012, 23:38
Predictions Rally Monte Carlo 2012 (http://www.rallye-sport.fr/pronostics-rallye-du-monte-carlo-2012/)

13th January 2012, 08:46
Dani Sordo - snow testing


Pierre Campana


Petter testing today

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/388516_10150577052322922_87846082921_10702144_9468 5393_n.jpg

13th January 2012, 09:30
Armindo Araujo 2012

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/385372_10151148971110597_292402850596_22294578_129 1286953_n.jpg

13th January 2012, 09:56
Ott Tänak livery for M-Sport Ford World Rally Team:
more images: M-Sport Ford WRT Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/M-Sport-Ford-World-Rally-Team/350218988337132)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/397279_355437297815301_350218988337132_1440736_103 1689274_n.jpg
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/384972_355437237815307_350218988337132_1440734_147 7560120_n.jpg

13th January 2012, 10:51


13th January 2012, 11:12
I like the new livery of Araujo, much better than last year :)
But wasn't Tanak going on DMack tyres?

13th January 2012, 11:41
I like the new livery of Araujo, much better than last year :)
But wasn't Tanak going on DMack tyres?

No, it's Jari Ketomaa who's on DMack's.

IMO very nice livery on Tänak's Fiesta!

13th January 2012, 11:41
So no TMN in WRC for Araujo, maybe Magalhaes get's full support no for private rallying or they're completely done with big funding.

13th January 2012, 11:54
I really like Tänaks livery! I wonder if there fill be any changes turning the season? Maybe some some sponsor logos will apear somewhere?

13th January 2012, 11:56
I read TMN is still on helmets and competition suits. So it may still sponsor, just with less money.

13th January 2012, 12:00
Picems this year!?!

13th January 2012, 17:08
Keep an eye on Cédric Robert among the 2WD cars at Monte :bounce:

13th January 2012, 17:41
Tanak Crash at Monte Carlo test http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/374235_10150602004493083_52634073082_11317395_2456 72235_n.jpg

13th January 2012, 18:46
Hello again guys!
I'm arriving on 18th and next morning (19th) I'm planning to rent a car in Nice
And start moving towards the stages
Seems like some of You know the way around
Is there any chance I can join You in going from stage to stage?
I'm a rally driver myself and promise not to hold You back =o)
Thanks in advance!

13th January 2012, 19:14
Sordo got redbull as a personal sponsor now? He's wearing a helmet with almost everything covered by redbull, only small spots for Mini and Santander..

13th January 2012, 20:35
When will be the shakedown and the Qualifying Stage?

13th January 2012, 20:37
When will be the shakedown and the Qualifying Stage?

No qualifying stage, monte is not gravel rally!

13th January 2012, 20:40
No qualifying stage, monte is not gravel rally!

FIA tribute to stupidity continues...

On tarmac starting order is also a factor...not that important but it is....

13th January 2012, 20:52
No qualifying stage, monte is not gravel rally!

OK, thanx.
17.01.2012 - 08:00 - Shakedown au plateau de Lautagne (Valence)

13th January 2012, 23:31
FIA tribute to stupidity continues...

On tarmac starting order is also a factor...not that important but it is....

Moreover when Monte Carlo 2010 was first rally to have this kind of qualification stage.

14th January 2012, 00:00
TV broadcast of the Rallye Monte Carlo 2012 (http://www.rallye-sport.fr/diffusion-tv-rallye-du-monte-carlo-2012/)

As of January 13

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

18h25 : Preview (Motors TV)
22h30 : Preview (Motors TV)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

9h35 : Preview (Motors TV)
12h20 : Preview (Motors TV)
15h20 : Preview (Motors TV)
22h30: Etape 1 (Motors TV)
23:00: Step 1 (Eurosport)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

0h45: Etape 1 (Motors TV)
9h35: Etape 1 (Motors TV)
12h20: Etape 1 (Motors TV)
15h20: Etape 1 (Motors TV)
22h30: Etape 2 (Motors TV)

Friday, January 20, 2012

0:00: Stage 2 (Eurosport)
0h45: Etape 2 (Motors TV)
9h35: Etape 2 (Motors TV)
12h20: Etape 2 (Motors TV)
15h20: Etape 2 (Motors TV)
22h30: Etape 3 (Motors TV)
23:00: Step 3 (Eurosport)

Saturday, January 21, 2012

0h45: Etape 3 (Motors TV)
9h35: Etape 3 (Motors TV)
12h20: Etape 3 (Motors TV)
15h20: Etape 3 (Motors TV)
22h30: Step 4 (Motors TV)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

0:00: Stage 4 (Eurosport)

Monday, January 23, 2012

00h00: Etape 5 (Eurosport)

20.30: Summary of the rally (Direct)

14th January 2012, 07:26

14th January 2012, 07:31
There are people from greece to travel to the rally ;( thanks google translate!!!)

14th January 2012, 11:27
Tests Monte Carlo 2012 Petter Solberg


14th January 2012, 11:50
There are people from greece to travel to the rally ;( thanks google translate!!!)

Αναστασια κανε λογαριασμο εδω μιας και εχεις θεμα με τα αγγλικα σου.Εκει θα βοηθηθεις μιας και αποτι ξερω μερικοι θα ταξιδεψουν για Μοντε
www.xwmatinos.gr (http://www.xwmatinos.gr)

14th January 2012, 13:26
anyone got recce photos to post?

14th January 2012, 13:38
Test PG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLmRasKa3UE

14th January 2012, 13:55
Test PG: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLmRasKa3UE

You can almost hear it is down on power compared to the best S2000 cars, pity really! Nice looking car!

14th January 2012, 14:26
You can almost hear it is down on power compared to the best S2000 cars, pity really! Nice looking car!

It will be interesting to see what they can do, looks like there may have been some improvement in the car overall. Can anyone translate what Basso said during his test video?

At least they have top quality drivers. When your car is not the best you cannot afford to have sub standard drivers too like some others in the past. Basso was very fast on Col de Turini last year in a private 207 so I hope he makes it that far.

Andre Oliveira
14th January 2012, 15:24
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/379464_10150467924355754_243641655753_9137210_1089 458685_n.jpghttp://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/395699_10150467695735754_243641655753_9136399_2019 406482_n.jpg

14th January 2012, 15:54
Can anyone translate what Basso said during his test video?

Basso: "We're testing for Monte, trying to do a good set-up for the rally. The conditions are good, there's no snow or ice, hopefully we'll not find it during the rally. We're all happy to ran there, as is back as WRC event and we're glad Proton has chosen us to race with them. P-G is my teammate and he'll test the car tomorrow".

Nothing special, IMHO. :D

Fast Eddie WRC
14th January 2012, 16:00
Any weather news for the week ahead... hope there's some snow !!

14th January 2012, 16:18
You can almost hear it is down on power compared to the best S2000 cars, pity really! Nice looking car!
According to finnish (quite reliable) rumours Proton S2000 is producing little bit over 300 hp that is a very good in paper but this has caused poor middle range torgue. Peak power is impossible for anyone to judge from video but it clearly seems that the driveability of the engine is not as good as the best S2000's and the peak power comes at very small rev band.

14th January 2012, 17:03
No way it could have 300 Hp even in a very short rpm range.

14th January 2012, 20:12
Any weather news for the week ahead... hope there's some snow !!

Weather will be veeery variable.

In general

The first two days should be very warm up to +10 degrees is real possibility. There should be no ice or snow on those days. It gets colder on Friday afternoon and there will be some significant snowfall. But it seems that the snow comes to the place were the rally has just left. 15-20 cm is expected. From the first weather maps I can say only that there will be snow on Saturday stages. and maybe on powerstage. But remember, these are mountains and exact weatherforecast can be done maybe 24 h in advance.

14th January 2012, 20:18
No way it could have 300 Hp even in a very short rpm range.
Ok, I'll respect that as generally you seem to have much knowledge on these things.

However, the rumour was specially about the new car for SWRC so would that be so unrealistic? you could quite realistically gain 10 hp over drivable setup by sacrificing lower rev torque.

14th January 2012, 20:29
That would make no sense to me. They must know they need more torque.

Since the very beginning Proton shows unreal figures. Already in 2008 they said they had over 270 Nm. I think that even 2011 works Fabia doesn't have so much.

On the other hand I don't understand why Škoda officially shows unrealistically small numbers - opposite extremum :D

Check PM ;)

14th January 2012, 20:55
Αναστασια κανε λογαριασμο εδω μιας και εχεις θεμα με τα αγγλικα σου.Εκει θα βοηθηθεις μιας και αποτι ξερω μερικοι θα ταξιδεψουν για Μοντε
www.xwmatinos.gr (http://www.xwmatinos.gr)
σε ευχαριστω πολυ...εχω προσπαθησει να κανω λογαριασμο στον χωματινο αλλα βγαζει ενα σφαλμα...θα το ξανακοιταξω.ευχαριστω πολυ και παλι.

14th January 2012, 21:53


14th January 2012, 21:58
Why don't the DS3s have Qatar branding on them? I thought that Nasser was bringing some money to Citroen?

14th January 2012, 22:02
That would make no sense to me. They must know they need more torque.

Since the very beginning Proton shows unreal figures. Already in 2008 they said they had over 270 Nm. I think that even 2011 works Fabia doesn't have so much.

On the other hand I don't understand why Škoda officially shows unrealistically small numbers - opposite extremum :D

Check PM ;)

I was wondering if you could tell me where Proton sources its engines? I read that they were derived from a Renault? Also, why have the used the same basic model for so many years?

I like the way this car looks but they sell road going editions of this in NZ and let me tell you they have nothing in common with this yellow thing.

14th January 2012, 22:13
No photos yet of Neuville's car?? Want to see his livery, think it'll be slightly different then Loeb's and Hirvonen's DS3

14th January 2012, 22:20
the photoshoped one from his facebook showed a yellow car so it will be quite different.

Martin Luijk
14th January 2012, 22:28
As said that was just the livery of his Peugeot made by a fan. One of the Belgium forum members said that, if I'm right.

Prisoner Monkeys
14th January 2012, 22:31
Ott Tänak livery for M-Sport Ford World Rally Team:
more images: M-Sport Ford WRT Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/pages/M-Sport-Ford-World-Rally-Team/350218988337132)
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/397279_355437297815301_350218988337132_1440736_103 1689274_n.jpg

Dear Mini,

This is an example of an awesome livery. Something yours is not.

14th January 2012, 22:43
According to finnish (quite reliable) rumours Proton S2000 is producing little bit over 300 hp that is a very good in paper but this has caused poor middle range torgue. Peak power is impossible for anyone to judge from video but it clearly seems that the driveability of the engine is not as good as the best S2000's and the peak power comes at very small rev band.
Can t comment at maximum horsepower,but at torque output is clearly visible the lack.Proton can hardly accelerate proper like Peugeots/Skodas/Fiestas from u turns at low/mid revs if you see PGA video test for Monte.

14th January 2012, 23:12
Can t comment at maximum horsepower,but at torque output is clearly visible the lack.Proton can hardly accelerate proper like Peugeots/Skodas/Fiestas from u turns at low/mid revs if you see PGA video test for Monte.

Lack of torque is definitely visible at the mentioned ranges.


15th January 2012, 01:09
The Finn who Accidentally Cheated his Way into Winning the 1967 Monte Carlo Rally: A True Story (http://carscoop.blogspot.com/2012/01/finn-who-accidentally-cheated-his-way.html)

Red bull
15th January 2012, 10:01
No photos yet of Neuville's car?? Want to see his livery, think it'll be slightly different then Loeb's and Hirvonen's DS3

would also like to see al atiyya's car livery....probably in Qatar colours.

Red bull
15th January 2012, 10:01
No photos yet of Neuville's car?? Want to see his livery, think it'll be slightly different then Loeb's and Hirvonen's DS3

would also like to see al atiyya's car livery....probably in Qatar colors.

15th January 2012, 12:44
if i´m not blind the maps on the monte carlo website are offline? if anyone still needs them, contact me. i downloaded them a couple of weeks ago...

15th January 2012, 13:13
Dear Mini,

This is an example of an awesome livery. Something yours is not.

Araujo made a very nice livery, indeed :)

15th January 2012, 13:16
Dear Mini,

This is an example of an awesome livery. Something yours is not.

What is awesome here?!

15th January 2012, 13:51
What is awesome here?!


15th January 2012, 13:55
What is awesome here?!

simplicity and also that the Estonian flag colors are blue, black, white and so is the livery, in some way ;)

15th January 2012, 13:59
simplicity and also that the Estonian flag colors are blue, black, white and so is the livery, in some way ;)


Note that the photo above is landscape photo... I like it, very nice idea. :)

15th January 2012, 14:07
I like mini's livery.

15th January 2012, 14:13
No photos yet of Neuville's car?? Want to see his livery, think it'll be slightly different then Loeb's and Hirvonen's DS3

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/375515_10150605953033083_52634073082_11331688_4353 12686_n.jpg (http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/375515_10150605953033083_52634073082_11331688_4353 12686_n.jpg)

15th January 2012, 14:28
Tanak accident place

http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/405679_3052670561546_1406751981_3164379_33981483_n .jpg

15th January 2012, 14:46
He has luck that nothing didn't happen as in Kubica case.

15th January 2012, 16:07

http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/390015_302175163151381_100000766999938_741705_1417 723302_n.jpg (http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/390015_302175163151381_100000766999938_741705_1417 723302_n.jpg)

15th January 2012, 16:08
Power Stage Recce


15th January 2012, 16:22
Puncture this morning for Loeb / Elena


15th January 2012, 16:54
Puncture this morning for Loeb / Elena


can t see video at Greece.damn..

15th January 2012, 17:02
i can, so the problem must be elsewhere... try and update the flash player.

15th January 2012, 17:13
i can, so the problem must be elsewhere... Try and update the flash player.

Γρηγορη αυτο μου βγαζει,τι να πω...
Αυτό το βίντεο διαθέτει περιεχόμενο από το χρήστη wmg, ο οποίος το έχει αποκλείσει στη χώρα σας για λόγους πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων.

15th January 2012, 17:26
you didnt miss a lot ;) if its because of the music(in germany lots of videos with music are blocked), try this website: Hide My Ass! Free Proxy and Privacy Tools - Surf The Web Anonymously (http://hidemyass.com/)http://www.google.de/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=hidemyass&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCsQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fhidemyass.com%2F&ei=UgwTT97MOsfGtAbEsNE0&usg=AFQjCNHNvVfBEHoznXtfB2CZItOpwEGVxw&cad=rja

15th January 2012, 17:27

well you are not losing much...it basically showcases Loebs supervising Elenas tyre changing skills.

And Elena got one of those forearm gay tattoos.

15th January 2012, 17:43

well you are not losing much...it basically showcases Loebs supervising Elenas tyre changing skills.

And Elena got one of those forearm gay tattoos.


15th January 2012, 17:56
Basso: "We're testing for Monte, trying to do a good set-up for the rally. The conditions are good, there's no snow or ice, hopefully we'll not find it during the rally. We're all happy to ran there, as is back as WRC event and we're glad Proton has chosen us to race with them. P-G is my teammate and he'll test the car tomorrow".

Nothing special, IMHO. :D

Right the opposite from my point of view: I WANT snow and ice on the Monte :p :

15th January 2012, 18:36
Right the opposite from my point of view: I WANT snow and ice on the Monte :p :

Like in 1987. :)



15th January 2012, 18:40
Right the opposite from my point of view: I WANT snow and ice on the Monte :p :

Well, if nothing changes on wetaher world, then we might see some snow only on SS2 and Col de Turini. But these are mountains and everything can change very quickly ;-)

15th January 2012, 20:39
I Rally reporting that both Henning and Mathew's Monte rallies are in doubt due to sponsors money not arriving. Both drivers cars are in service and they are doing the reccce, however if no spondors money comes thtough they wont start the rally.

15th January 2012, 20:48

http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/390015_302175163151381_100000766999938_741705_1417 723302_n.jpg (http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/390015_302175163151381_100000766999938_741705_1417 723302_n.jpg)

Basic cutting a corner :D

15th January 2012, 21:22
I Rally reporting that both Henning and Mathew's Monte rallies are in doubt due to sponsors money not arriving. Both drivers cars are in service and they are doing the reccce, however if no spondors money comes thtough they wont start the rally.

Matthew has a sponsor? Or was it a case of Henning's sponsor gets Matt's car for free?

15th January 2012, 21:24
Matthew has the strongest sponsor of them all...

15th January 2012, 21:28
Pictures of the service area by Bastien Roux - Link (http://www.rallye-sport.fr/photos-rallye-du-monte-carlo-2012/)


15th January 2012, 21:30
Photos reconnaissance Monte Carlo 2012 - Link (http://www.rallye-sport.fr/photos-des-reconnaissances-monte-carlo-2012/)


16th January 2012, 00:05



16th January 2012, 05:54
Puncture this morning for Loeb / Elena


Excuse me, but instead of helping Loeb when he doesn't need you, can you go back to school and learn how to speak and WRITE french???

16th January 2012, 06:32
so, today i´m going to leave to valence :) i wish a nice and exiting rallye to all of you, hopefully with some snow!

as a little (p)review on things to come, here are my videos from the past two years:



16th January 2012, 06:44
It seems so humiliating for Citroen to have a "Junior" team. Say what you like about Ford at least they haven't come up with corny team names for their younger talent.

16th January 2012, 07:23
It's just a name... Fords 5-year-plan-team is more humiliating.. :)

The term "5-year-plan" is the biggest farce I've seen in WRC history.

16th January 2012, 08:03
the term is ok, the driver in which the 5-year budget wasting plan was applied was a disgrace.

16th January 2012, 10:06
I Rally reporting that both Henning and Mathew's Monte rallies are in doubt due to sponsors money not arriving. Both drivers cars are in service and they are doing the reccce, however if no spondors money comes thtough they wont start the rally.

That doesn't make sence, from here what is there to pay for??? Enter fee, shipping, car etc must already be paid for... big waste of money if they now don't do the event. This has to be a reporter talking some crap.