View Full Version : What I miss -

28th June 2011, 03:05
Green light to start the race
Dernier Tour, Letzten Runde, Ultimo Giro
v12, v10,
20000 rpm
Turbo blow ups
Lesmo 1 and 2
Stowe, Club and Abbey
The old days

Feel free to add to the list!

28th June 2011, 08:24
10 points for a race win.

28th June 2011, 11:02
10 points for a race win.

Oh yes :up:

Big Ben
28th June 2011, 11:38
Whatever F1 was between 1996 and 2002. Passes were not impossible but neither too easy. Qualifying was kind of boring until the last 15 minutes but than I don't care much for q1 or q2 these days either. Rules were more simple and made much more sense. No cutting costs BS. No DRS. F1 today is a joke.

28th June 2011, 15:04
Less interference from stewards.
10 - 6 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 points system.
Tire wars.
No restriction on tire choice.
Team Jordan.
Mika Hakkinen.
V-10 engines.
Racing in the rain.

28th June 2011, 15:09
Less interference from stewards.
10 - 6 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 points system.
No restriction on tire choice.
Mika Hakkinen.
V-10 engines.
Racing in the rain.

Amen to your above choices :up:

28th June 2011, 18:46
Wings that don't look goofy and out of proportion. I thought I didn't like it when the front wing was raised higher, but then 2009 rolled around and suddenly made 2008 cars look absolutely gorgeous.

Oh, and I really miss Imola.

28th June 2011, 18:49
Less interference from stewards.
10 - 6 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 points system.
Tire wars.
No restriction on tire choice.
Team Jordan.
Mika Hakkinen.
V-10 engines.
Racing in the rain.

Add to that:
Fast Eddie, Kimi Raikkonen and Flavio.

28th June 2011, 20:30
Less penalties
Less steward involvement
Any engine type. V8,V10 or V12.
Tyre wars
Fully turned up engines and no limits on cost.
30 car entries into 26 grid placings.
1 hour Qualifying
No Parc Ferme rules
Sunday Warm Up
Full rain races.
10-6-4-3-2-1 Points system.
Monaco (with all barriers in place)
Eau Rouge as was.
The old Bus stop at Spa
130 R as was.
Hockenheim as was.
Engine Blow ups.
Manual Gear Change
Cars hard to handle.

I think thats it for now

28th June 2011, 20:43
Less penalties
Less steward involvement
Any engine type. V8,V10 or V12.
Tyre wars
Fully turned up engines and no limits on cost.
30 car entries into 26 grid placings.
1 hour Qualifying
No Parc Ferme rules
Sunday Warm Up
Full rain races.
10-6-4-3-2-1 Points system.
Monaco (with all barriers in place)
Eau Rouge as was.
The old Bus stop at Spa
130 R as was.
Hockenheim as was.
Engine Blow ups.
Manual Gear Change
Cars hard to handle.

I think thats it for now

You sure aren't easy to please! ;)

28th June 2011, 21:44
Less penalties
Less steward involvement
Any engine type. V8,V10 or V12.
Tyre wars
Fully turned up engines and no limits on cost.
30 car entries into 26 grid placings.
1 hour Qualifying
No Parc Ferme rules
Sunday Warm Up
Full rain races.
10-6-4-3-2-1 Points system.
Monaco (with all barriers in place)
Eau Rouge as was.
The old Bus stop at Spa
130 R as was.
Hockenheim as was.
Engine Blow ups.
Manual Gear Change
Cars hard to handle.

I think thats it for now

For now...?????

Ha ha, before 'The Show' took over......

There was a time from the mid/late 80's to the late 90's when I wouldn't miss a race - now I'll follow it but on Sunday I was far more interested in the Nurburgring 24 Hours. F1 is now more style than substance.

28th June 2011, 23:05
You sure aren't easy to please! ;)

Unlike all of the casual viewers, who enjoy what we have now. ;)

28th June 2011, 23:06
For now...?????

Ha ha, before 'The Show' took over......

There was a time from the mid/late 80's to the late 90's when I wouldn't miss a race - now I'll follow it but on Sunday I was far more interested in the Nurburgring 24 Hours. F1 is now more style than substance.

Absolutley. The show ruins F1.

28th June 2011, 23:51
What I miss? Mika Hakkinen:-)

28th June 2011, 23:52
Absolutley. The show ruins F1.

+1 I too cant be arsed with all the gimmicks that come with F1 - I want to see a race, not a bloody catwalk:-)

29th June 2011, 02:53
A few more -
Proper long running driver rivalry
Katayama and his wobbly head
Ignoring blue flags - you just gotta find a way past
Qualifying engines
Qualifying chassis
Removing the pop off valve, screwing on a 1/4" blanking plate, send it and hope it'll last one qually lap.

29th June 2011, 09:42
What I miss?

Nothing - because I am a good shot!!! :rotflmao:

29th June 2011, 11:27
Standing starts in the wet
old Hockenheim
Murray Walkers commentry
Overtakes being made without the help of gimmiky devices
Being younger than the WDC

29th June 2011, 11:31
Wah wah wahhhhh!! Do F1 fans ever shut up and stop moaning? 5 years ago everyone was moaning about the changes we'd had. Before that people were moaning about changes....before that people were moaning about no turbos.

None of this crap is coming back in a hurry, why can't y'all just stfu and watch the racing?

Big Ben
29th June 2011, 12:14
you mean watch THE SHOW

29th June 2011, 12:45
you mean watch THE SHOW

No, I'm adult enough to see it for what it is and accept it. So many posters whine on here about drivers being immature for complaining about things....the hypocrisy is hillarious.

In case you were wondering: Race - a contest of speed (from dictionary.com). Is an average speed of over 120mph enough to be considered a contest of speed? I'd say so, in that case it's a race. Wahh waahhhh wahhhh. The naughty Mr Ecclestone and the FIA took away everything, they're so mean. I want them to be racing horse and carts like they did in the old days....stupid FIA.

Big Ben
29th June 2011, 13:33
No, I'm adult enough to see it for what it is and accept it. So many posters whine on here about drivers being immature for complaining about things....the hypocrisy is hillarious.

In case you were wondering: Race - a contest of speed (from dictionary.com). Is an average speed of over 120mph enough to be considered a contest of speed? I'd say so, in that case it's a race. Wahh waahhhh wahhhh. The naughty Mr Ecclestone and the FIA took away everything, they're so mean. I want them to be racing horse and carts like they did in the old days....stupid FIA.

easy big fella'. I don't want you to have a stroke or something. F1 is just great the way it is that's why they keep fixing it. Happy? Now go wipe those tears and blow your nose.

29th June 2011, 13:39
Wah wah wahhhhh!! Do F1 fans ever shut up and stop moaning? 5 years ago everyone was moaning about the changes we'd had. Before that people were moaning about changes....before that people were moaning about no turbos.

None of this crap is coming back in a hurry, why can't y'all just stfu and watch the racing?

Or you could just let everyone moan, beg, cry etc and not comment about it or read it ;)

Your problem is solved :p :

29th June 2011, 14:02
C'mon guys this was meant to be a bit of fun. Why do all threads have to degenerate to tit for tat sniping? :( Some good posts before that though!

29th June 2011, 14:20
No, I'm adult enough to see it for what it is and accept it. So many posters whine on here about drivers being immature for complaining about things....the hypocrisy is hillarious.

In case you were wondering: Race - a contest of speed (from dictionary.com). Is an average speed of over 120mph enough to be considered a contest of speed? I'd say so, in that case it's a race. Wahh waahhhh wahhhh. The naughty Mr Ecclestone and the FIA took away everything, they're so mean. I want them to be racing horse and carts like they did in the old days....stupid FIA.

Why is it hypocrisy :s ? Why can’t fans reminisce about what they feel were more enjoyable days of F1. No one is suggesting that these elements will ever return to F1. We’re just having a bit of fun :mark: .

29th June 2011, 14:22
A few more -
...Qualifying engines
Qualifying chassis

...and a six-car grid :mark: .

29th June 2011, 14:22
C'mon guys this was meant to be a bit of fun. Why do all threads have to degenerate to tit for tat sniping? :( Some good posts before that though!

I like some of the personality ones, e.g Murray or Mika, and the ones that are a bit nostalgic (for example I miss the old graphics, like this) http://www.theaveragegamer.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/F1_97_Hill.jpg

but the rule change stuff could just go on forever and it's not particularly interesting to read. We all know that people don't like DRS/KERS, like V10s, liked turbos etc. etc. And in amongst a board that is pretty much filled with that sort of discussion it's just another patch of grey in what's already becoming a fairly tedious pot of turd. I'm fed up with it TBH, you seemingly can't have a topic at the minute that doesn't have someone bitching about DRS.

29th June 2011, 14:23
Exactly schmenke! It is nice to look back at what was and compare it to what now is. It shows where things have improved for the better, stayed the same or changed for the worse.

29th June 2011, 14:24
Why is it hypocrisy :s ?

Because the endless complaining about DRS or the new shape wings is fairly similar to the endless complaining we hear from some of the drivers.

29th June 2011, 14:24
And in amongst a board that is pretty much filled with that sort of discussion it's just another patch of grey in what's already becoming a fairly tedious pot of turd. I'm fed up with it TBH, you seemingly can't have a topic at the minute that doesn't have someone bitching about DRS.

Then don't read the threads / posts.

29th June 2011, 14:31
Then don't read the threads / posts.

Thanks for your insightful and extremely helpful comments :rolleyes:

My point is that all the decent debate, the ocassions when the forum is informative and enjoyable, are increasingly rare as more and more threads seem to end up in the same old places. I like reading this forum, I find it useful too, but it's getting to the stage where there's no point following a thread beyond the 2nd page because it's just going to be the same old ****e.

29th June 2011, 14:35
Thanks for your insightful and extremely helpful comments :rolleyes:

My point is that all the decent debate, the ocassions when the forum is informative and enjoyable, are increasingly rare as more and more threads seem to end up in the same old places. I like reading this forum, I find it useful too, but it's getting to the stage where there's no point following a thread beyond the 2nd page because it's just going to be the same old ****e.

It's impossible to make everyone happy in life ;)

There are plenty of insightful and fun threads on this forum. Choose those and bypass the ones you don't like.

29th June 2011, 14:50
Because the endless complaining about DRS or the new shape wings is fairly similar to the endless complaining we hear from some of the drivers.

I don't disagree Miguel, but that's not the point of this particular thread.

29th June 2011, 15:28
I don't disagree Miguel, but that's not the point of this particular thread.

I'm not complaining about the thread per se (as I said, I miss quite a lot of the old touches and parts of F1), just some of the posts. To my mind there's no real point to reminicising about how much we miss grooved tyres or ground effect etc. F1 rules change so much and so often that it's just not worth the effort.

@ 555 - how do I choose which threads to bypass without reading them? It's only once I've read them that I can see that they've slipped off topic to the same ol' same ol'.

29th June 2011, 15:35
555 - how do I choose which threads to bypass without reading them? It's only once I've read them that I can see that they've slipped off topic to the same ol' same ol'.

Easy! If the subject line of the thread is not of interest or annoys you, skip it. If you start to page through a thread and it sucks according to you, stop on page 2 or 3 and don't read the other 50 pages :p :

No charge for these handy tips :p :

29th June 2011, 15:49
Easy! If the subject line of the thread is not of interest or annoys you, skip it. If you start to page through a thread and it sucks according to you, stop on page 2 or 3 and don't read the other 50 pages :p :

No charge for these handy tips :p :

Which is what I do, and it seems like every other thread I end up avoiding, thus meaning that I actually miss out on some nice little pieces of info/discussion by about page 25 because pages 3 through 23 are taken by posts from the Immovable Object and the Unstoppable Force.

29th June 2011, 16:10
Why has nobody mentioned Mad Max? :p

29th June 2011, 16:44
Which is what I do, and it seems like every other thread I end up avoiding, thus meaning that I actually miss out on some nice little pieces of info/discussion by about page 25 because pages 3 through 23 are taken by posts from the Immovable Object and the Unstoppable Force.

Are you straying a little off topic ?

This is about what we miss .

I miss Ste Devote .
I miss Tamburello .
I miss Austin Brammer .

I miss Jacques .

29th June 2011, 20:02
you mean watch THE SHOW

We must all love the Show. Thats whats important, not an even playing field, or sporting challenge, its just the wonderful show. I won't moan when the FIA introduce the sprinklers and ballast and one race holidays for run away leaders. ;)

Big Ben
29th June 2011, 22:14
We must all love the Show. Thats whats important, not an even playing field, or sporting challenge, its just the wonderful show. I won't moan when the FIA introduce the sprinklers and ballast and one race holidays for run away leaders. ;)

donīt forget that otherwise fullahate is gonna smack you in the head for bitching about things you hate. you must love the things you hate. suck it up and take it like a man... and take all the crap you're given...

actually it didnīt bother me I missed the last couple of races but am going to say f1 as it is now is the best racing ever just to keep fullahate happy. After all this is what si forum is all about, agreeing with him.

29th June 2011, 22:43
Wah wah wahhhhh!! Do F1 fans ever shut up and stop moaning? 5 years ago everyone was moaning about the changes we'd had. Before that people were moaning about changes....before that people were moaning about no turbos.

None of this crap is coming back in a hurry, why can't y'all just stfu and watch the racing?

barry full of it strikes back! :rotflmao:

BTW, not all of us eat whatever lands on our table!
You know it's a question of standards, first you have to have some, then we can talk! :p

No, I'm adult enough to see it for what it is and accept it.

Again, the way I see it it's all about standards, or lack of them.

29th June 2011, 22:45
easy big fella'. I don't want you to have a stroke or something. F1 is just great the way it is that's why they keep fixing it. Happy? Now go wipe those tears and blow your nose.

:laugh: :up:

29th June 2011, 22:47
Thanks for your insightful and extremely helpful comments :rolleyes:

Hate to bring it to you, but he is fully right!

29th June 2011, 22:48
Why has nobody mentioned Mad Max? :p

That's a very good one! :D

30th June 2011, 02:59
I thought of another one!
Autosport magazine before it turned into a tabloid.