View Full Version : Dr Who (again) (again)

14th June 2011, 03:17
I note that the next episode (to be broadcast in September) will be entitled "Let's Kill Hitler".

I'm assuming that this whole episode will be one big troperific festival because we all know that under the provisions of the Hitler Time Travel Exemption Act 1963 (ss.19-27) (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ptitlekz83hawz), it's impossible to kill Hitler because even if you did then you either end up with a Temporal Paradox or a replacement Hitler is created because of the effects of Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey...Stuff.

Also, if River Song is the little girl from the first/second episode, why didn't she seem to remember any of it? Is this some sort of amnesia type story being set up?

Dave B
21st June 2011, 11:26
I've given up caring, to be honest. When the series was resurrected they executed simple ideas brilliantly, now they seem to be hell-bent on doing complicated ideas in a half-arsed fashion. For me it's gone from being "must-see" to "meh".

Brown, Jon Brow
21st June 2011, 15:34
What is 'Dr Who'?

Dave B
21st June 2011, 15:35
What is 'Dr Who'?

Are you hoping to land a job as a High Court judge? :p

Bob Riebe
21st June 2011, 19:52
Who's on first.

21st June 2011, 22:23
Who's on first.

Which one? There are eleven to pick from.

Steve Boyd
22nd June 2011, 21:48
Who's on first.
Wasted on 90% of those on my side of the pond (east) as either they won't know about baseball or they're too young for Abbott & Costello.
To see the classic sketch again click on:
Who's on First? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sShMA85pv8M)

23rd June 2011, 01:35
Wasted on 90% of those on my side of the pond (east) as either they won't know about baseball or they're too young for Abbott & Costello.

What? :D

You may be right but I Don't Give A Damn. ;)

8th August 2011, 19:54
The Hitler story line sounds "very" similar to a Stephen Fry novel called Making History - Great book btw.

9th August 2011, 22:13
I only like Dr Who when its a battle v Cyberman or Daleks.
