View Full Version : This or that?

10th June 2011, 07:03
Ok here is a fun thread about what you prefer from 2 choices :)

Every 20th poster posts a new set of choices. Easy enough? Here we go :)

DOG or CAT and why?

10th June 2011, 10:51
Dog, because cats are shifty, evil and disloyal.

10th June 2011, 10:57
Dog, because no matter how down I feel, my dog welcomes me home with a shower of licks, waggly tail, smile and genuine loyalty to the death :)

Ditto barry about the cats :p :

10th June 2011, 12:59
I has to be dogs. I was brought up to dislike cats from an early age although this was mainly due to my mother hating them for using our garden as a toilet. I don't have a dog now because I think that it would be quite cruel to leave one alone in the house all day while we're out at work. Would love to have a dog again at some point in the future. :)

Captain VXR
10th June 2011, 14:44
Cats. They're much more individual and admirably lazy AND selfish. Plus they bury their ****s.

Rudy Tamasz
10th June 2011, 15:52
Cats, hands down. Very intelligent creatures and true friends when they choose to be. Dogs, I do not think I have anything good to say about them.

10th June 2011, 17:37
A dog will love its owner unconditionally. A cat loves its owner only because it feeds it.

Rudy Tamasz
13th June 2011, 07:35
First, cats have no owners. "Owning a cat" is a nonsense made up by human beings. Second, every reasonable cat knows human beings must naturally and necessarily feed him/her. Day changes night. Tree grows. Wind blows. Humans feed cats. Only when this pre-requisite is in place, the relationship between the cat and the human being starts. It starts from the scratch with no obligations. Both creatures are free to be friends or not.

13th June 2011, 07:38
Big cat :)

Personally I prefer catfish. I had them in aquarium in my boardinghouse, where some old friends used to hang out together with some wines, not me I only had energy drink at most.. So whenever we want to do it, we simply call it Let's have catfish.

13th June 2011, 10:34
Dogs anytime, because they are loyal, intelligent and they never let you down !

donKey jote
13th June 2011, 14:03
Cats > Dogs: cats are individual and free, dogs are subservient and dumb. Or in Big Bob Roamy lingo: Cat=US, Dog=TIRE :p

Dogfish > Catfish: catfish tastes of mud, dogfish in adobo is one of my favourite tapas :facelick:

13th June 2011, 14:57

Cats are their own beings and don't need to be constantly entertained. You can be in the same room as a cat and be doing something else and they don't mind.

13th June 2011, 18:49
Cats- less smelly, cleaner, can be very affectionate also.

13th June 2011, 21:18
Even with a litter box, I can’t tolerate a pet "doing it’s business" inside a house :s

13th June 2011, 22:33
My cat loved my old crappy mouse:



Doesn't do that ever since I got a wireless Logitech G700.

I have both, a cat and a dog. And yes, a cat is devilishly selfish, comes to you at her own inconvenience, reminds me of those friends who only call you when they need something. However I like how clean and maintenance free they are.

Now, a dog is definitely like your best friend, always wanting to hang out with you, regardless of if you did something good for them or not. Also, when you meet your dog again after a long period of absence, they shower all their love on you, and are genuinely happy, whereas a cat is like "Meh :dozey: - oh, so you came back, whoop-dee-frickin-doo."

Di Rishta
14th June 2011, 05:33
I think they just like any other creatures. I am not into any of them anymore today. When was kid owned two cats, they had different character. One just like many average cats he's funny and active playing around me and nice when I feed him up.

The other one was different, he's nice all times, you might not believe that he's a true friend accompanied me anytime. When a little boy was crying or feeling blue over something he did something emotionally close like he was trying to entertain me. He didn't make too much noise, when I eat something he was waiting patiently for moment I give him a piece of meat, or put his left hand on my knee and his right hand tried to reach my hand.

Rudy Tamasz
14th June 2011, 07:57
The other one was different, he's nice all times, you might not believe that he's a true friend accompanied me anytime. When a little boy was crying or feeling blue over something he did something emotionally close like he was trying to entertain me. He didn't make too much noise, when I eat something he was waiting patiently for moment I give him a piece of meat, or put his left hand on my knee and his right hand tried to reach my hand.

Nice creature, indeed.

Di Rishta
14th June 2011, 11:24
Nice creature, indeed.
Yes, thanks to my father that gave me two different playmates when I was a little boy. The first one was small type cat, not so bad we had great memories because he's active and naughty, scratch and bite me sometimes. The bigger one the sweet one with such high sense of affection I think its population is less than the naughty cats.

14th June 2011, 11:34
Ok 20 posts. Someone give us a new choice then :)

14th June 2011, 12:37
Hot dogs anyday! A bit of mustard with a dollop of cooked onions and all is well with the world :)

Hamburgers are cool too, by are just pipped by the dog.

14th June 2011, 12:43
Never tried a hotdog so has to be hamburgers for me.

14th June 2011, 12:44
Never tried a hotdog

:s hock: WTF? :crazy:

You gotta be kidding us...

14th June 2011, 14:22

A Hamburger is a proper meal. Whack on some pineapple, beetroot, a nice thick meat patty, a few slices of cheese, onions, eggs, lettuce, gherkins, bacon and watch the whole thing fall to pieces when you bite into it... YEAH!

Hot Dogs on other hand are merely questionable meat compressed into a tube thing... :mark:

14th June 2011, 15:45
Ooh, tough choice…

A proper “hot dog” is a spiced pork and wild game sausage grilled over hot coals, on a bun with hot mustard and loads of sauerkraut :) .

On the other hand, an 8oz all-beef patty from ground tenderloin stuffed with brie cheese grilled then presented on a kaiser bun topped with bacon, sautéed onions, lettuce, tomato and mayo… droooool….

Captain VXR
14th June 2011, 18:16
A £1:39 McDonald's double cheeseburger is a nice occasional snack and there's this gourmet 100% steak burger stand in Bristol that sells the nicest, most filling burgers I've ever had the pleasure of eating in my entire life om nom nom

14th June 2011, 18:44
The last time I ate a Dirty-Ronnies burger was in 2000 :s . Even my kids don't like them :s

Bob Riebe
14th June 2011, 19:07
As much as I love to go to a beer and burger joint, the nostalgia of going to a fair, and getting a nice foot long long hot dog fried on a grill that has all the flavour of fifty plus years with either nice greasy fried onions or warm sauerkraut and mustard, ahhh for the great days of late summer

14th June 2011, 20:40
Hot Dog.

A proper Sausage in a massive bun, with loads of Onions.

Garry Walker
14th June 2011, 21:34
A good proper home made hamburger wins every time.

I also have to answer the first question - cats win over dogs everytime. Dogs are subservant and slaves who only live to please you, you can never dominate over cat like you can over a dog. Because I despise slave-attitude, I have zero respect for dogs. Also, they will obey anyone who gives them a treat. To get a cat`s trust and friendship, it takes far more.

14th June 2011, 21:47
Never tried a hotdog so has to be hamburgers for me.


I think I'll say hotdog... though I am partial to the odd cheeseburger. Tough call!

donKey jote
14th June 2011, 21:54
A good proper home made hamburger wins every time.

I also have to answer the first question - cats win over dogs everytime. Dogs are subservant and slaves who only live to please you, you can never dominate over cat like you can over a dog.

:up: on both counts

więc mamy coś wspólnego after all ! :dozey: :p :laugh:

14th June 2011, 22:21
Hamburger,with Onions and mushrooms please.
A lot of s*** goes into sausages ,brains,intestines,ears,tails,thats where all the crap goes!!
Believe me ,my grandfather was a butcher!

15th June 2011, 00:03
A lot of s*** goes into sausages ,brains,intestines,ears,tails,thats where all the crap goes!!

That's a rather broad statement drivace. It all depends on the source. I've seen pork sausages made from start (slaughtering of the pig) to finished produced (in my tummy :D ) with only the choice cuts of meet used.

15th June 2011, 07:38
...But a 1/2 inch thick burger, cooked medium rare, with blue cheese, bacon and mushrooms wins the prize.
damn it! I want that. Burgers for me too obviously.

15th June 2011, 11:07
Tough call, but I'll go with hamburgers, just because I've had a better experience with them.

As for the cats vs dogs thingy...

Dogs are subservant and slaves who only live to please you, you can never dominate over cat like you can over a dog.

If you shout loud enough, a cat will also listen. ;)

Because I despise slave-attitude, I have zero respect for dogs.

Yeah, right. Dogs will also save your life in a tough situation, whereas a cat would run with its tail between its legs and find the best hiding place possible. A dog, no matter how small, will stand between you and danger, I've witnessed this first hand. Trained German Shepherds have also successfully navigated blind folks from home to market and back. They're not slaves, they're true friends.

Also, they will obey anyone who gives them a treat. To get a cat`s trust and friendship, it takes far more.

You've obviously never seen or met a trained dog. A trained dog will only eat from its owner's hands and kick your ass if you try to feed him. Cats can only be trained to bury their crap or not to get on the table.

15th June 2011, 11:16
I've also never seen a trained Police cat, or drug sniffing cat. Dogs are useful, cats ain't

Definitely the burger for me.

Lamb or beef?

15th June 2011, 11:30
Beef! Nothing beats a good old beef curry and rice for me :)

Never been a big fan of lamb to he honest.

15th June 2011, 11:45
Lamb. Tender mutton curry on a bed of rice or with naan or paratha. YUM!!


15th June 2011, 11:46
Or a Mutton Biryani



15th June 2011, 12:54
This 20 is up. Someone put up a new one.

Lamb or beef?


15th June 2011, 13:15

Shanks... slow cooked with burgundy or merlot... onions, mash with a hint of nutmeg and basil smeared through, served with a side of mushy peas and carrots which yield quietly to a fork going in.

The best thing is that I can make that myself, bung it in the slow cooker when I leave for work in the morning and have something perfect when I get home.

15th June 2011, 14:21
Lamb taste wise though it can be fatty and it's so expensive too.

15th June 2011, 14:26
Dogs are the best, cats are not bad as long as they are not overcooked.

15th June 2011, 14:27
Beef. But only just, happy with both.

15th June 2011, 15:04
Lamb vs. beef?... another tough one. It's a draw for me... I'll have either... or both :D

donKey jote
15th June 2011, 16:49
in a curry: lamb
in a steak: beef

as a leg: suckling lamb :D

15th June 2011, 20:42

Bob Riebe
15th June 2011, 21:01
Each has its place: in a gyro, I have come to like lamb very much, but a nice Porterhouse steak, still reigns.
I did find out a few years ago, that thin cut lamb steaks, grilled over a wood ember fire, are excellent.

15th June 2011, 22:20
First, cats have no owners. "Owning a cat" is a nonsense made up by human beings. Second, every reasonable cat knows human beings must naturally and necessarily feed him/her. Day changes night. Tree grows. Wind blows. Humans feed cats. Only when this pre-requisite is in place, the relationship between the cat and the human being starts. It starts from the scratch with no obligations. Both creatures are free to be friends or not.
Damn, for once I have to agree with Rudy. Plus cats have softer fur, smell nicer and are easier to maintain. But I like dogs too.

15th June 2011, 22:28
Even with a litter box, I can’t tolerate a pet "doing it’s business" inside a house :s
Your wife uses an outhouse?

Captain VXR
16th June 2011, 14:00

Rudy Tamasz
17th June 2011, 07:58
And now, rap or metal?

I vote metal. It is a very energetic but intelligent music, which was influenced by Bach and Mozart.

17th June 2011, 12:02
And now, rap or metal?

I vote metal. It is a very energetic but intelligent music, which was influenced by Bach and Mozart.

Definitely rap (well, hip-hop anyway). Can be extremely clever lyrically, can take almost any sound musically and, most importantly, is listenable in most circumstances. Metal is just a nasty noise in most cases, all IMHO of course.

Incidentally I'm on the side of lamb.

17th June 2011, 14:31
Metal. Without a doubt... though some rap-metal is okay and I don't mind a bit of Eminem. Rage against the Machine, Hyro Da Hero etc. Having just been to Download- this particular This or That is right up my street. :)

Captain VXR
18th June 2011, 17:59
Some metal is OK, but I listen to more rap, well hip hop and a bit of grime

18th June 2011, 21:41
Metal is good for building things and rap is good for wrapping things.

Other than that I have no opinion.

So I will say Metal.

20th June 2011, 10:50
Metal! More specifically, the old Metallica albums! Classics, not like the commercial cr@p they spat out in later years :down:

Brown, Jon Brow
20th June 2011, 11:55
Well as a I'm generally a rock music fan I'll have to say metal. But I find much of the genre pretty uninspiring.

20th June 2011, 12:35
Metal, but it's such a wide genre, I probably only listen to 1% of what's there!

20th June 2011, 14:50
Can’t say that I listen to either.
Rap is horrid and should not even be considered music.
Some of the original metal I can endure (Maiden, Metallica).

20th June 2011, 15:03

I don't think too many members are interested in this topic, so I'll change it.

Boxers or briefs? Ladies, boy shorts or g-strings (please provide pics)?

Brown, Jon Brow
20th June 2011, 15:11

I don't think too many members are interested in this topic, so I'll change it.

Boxers or briefs?

Nope :)

Captain VXR
20th June 2011, 17:00

20th June 2011, 17:13
Commando. Trust me, you don't want pics.

donKey jote
20th June 2011, 18:09
boxers or nothing :p

20th June 2011, 18:22
Boxers on blokes- but the tight ones.

For me- it completely depends what I'm wearing!

20th June 2011, 19:20
I prefer light and airy, but not so much as Eki, so it's boxers for me.

20th June 2011, 19:23
How about boxer-briefs? :p

21st June 2011, 00:24
For me- it completely depends what I'm wearing!*drool*

21st June 2011, 08:51
Can’t say that I listen to either.
Rap is horrid and should not even be considered music.
Some of the original metal I can endure (Maiden, Metallica).

I would say that your dislike of rap is probably more down to having too narrow a defnition. There's plenty of good hip-hop out there that isn't at all like the Eminem type stuff that people think it is.

This is a particular favourite of mine that probably falls into the hip-hop/rap bracket: YouTube - ‪Buck 65 - Blood Of A Young Wolf‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2n3O-ipnlo)

Back to to the current question. Used to be briefs but now boxers all the way.

21st June 2011, 10:58
Neither = nothing.

21st June 2011, 13:01

Garry Walker
22nd June 2011, 14:22
Boxers or briefs? Depends on my mood.
Rap or metal? :laugh: RAP=retards attempting poetry, metal wins every time. Hell, diahorrea would win over rap.

:up: on both counts

więc mamy coś wspólnego after all ! :

Yeah, right. Dogs will also save your life in a tough situation, whereas a cat would run with its tail between its legs and find the best hiding place possible. A dog, no matter how small, will stand between you and danger, I've witnessed this first hand.
LOL. Most small dogs will run away at the slightest hint of danger, I`ve witnessed that first hand. The only thing they are capable of is barking like the idiots they are, all the time, but they are all talk, no action.

Trained German Shepherds have also successfully navigated blind folks from home to market and back. They're not slaves, they're true friends.
I don`t disagree that they are useful, but you can only train them to do that because their goal is to please you and they completely accept your dominance over them.

You've obviously never seen or met a trained dog. A trained dog will only eat from its owner's handsWhat did I say about dogs being slaves?

Cats can only be trained to bury their crap or not to get on the table.
I like independece, I don`t accept anyone as my superior, never have and never will. That is why cats are always superior to me. They will in the end do as they please. The same goes for me.
Oh and cats by nature are very clean animals, whereas dogs smell and smell bad. Why can`t they clean themselves? Are they too stupid?
Why don`t you try to teach a dog to do his nr.1 and nr.2 somewhere and then bury it? Are they far too thick for that?

I've also never seen a trained Police cat, or drug sniffing cat. Dogs are useful, cats ain't
There are very few dogs capable of that, most dogs are not. Should we shoot all the other dogs who are not capable of being drug sniffing dogs? Do you accept that they are completely unuseful?


Slinkster better a woman :D

22nd June 2011, 16:07
What did I say about dogs being slaves?

Have you ever had a dog as a pet?

And for the other two questions:

If I had to choose, boxers. Briefs are way too small. I prefer boxer briefs.

And Metal please. Very few rap and hip-hop songs are bearable. The rest of them are just meh.

22nd June 2011, 18:12
Time for a new Q:

Scrunch or fold?




22nd June 2011, 18:27
Scrunch! Far easier and far more satisfying :p :

donKey jote
22nd June 2011, 18:56
fold 2 or 3 times, depending on consistency and progress

23rd June 2011, 14:32
Interesting discussion :uhoh:

Brown, Jon Brow
23rd June 2011, 18:35
Time for a new Q:

Scrunch or fold?




Oh god!

23rd June 2011, 19:04
Boxers or briefs? Depends on my mood.
Rap or metal? :laugh: RAP=retards attempting poetry, metal wins every time. Hell, diahorrea would win over rap.

METAL=morons eating turd and laughing

28th June 2011, 14:46
And Metal please. Very few rap and hip-hop songs are bearable. The rest of them are just meh.

Go and listen to DJ Shadow - Blood on the Motorway and tell me it's unbearable. Or try listening (properly listening) to the lyrics of someone like Scroobius Pip or Sage Francis. Also remember that hip-hop isn't just rap, rap is just a sub-genre of hip-hop like delta is a sub-genre of blues.

As for Schmenke's delightful question, fold, always fold.

28th June 2011, 17:09
Go and listen to DJ Shadow - Blood on the Motorway and tell me it's unbearable. Or try listening (properly listening) to the lyrics of someone like Scroobius Pip or Sage Francis. Also remember that hip-hop isn't just rap, rap is just a sub-genre of hip-hop like delta is a sub-genre of blues.

As for Schmenke's delightful question, fold, always fold.

De gustibus non est disputandum. Look, while I liked the DJ shadow song that you suggested (gave it a listen, and it was okay), felt more like electronica or techno music, still not at my taste. People just acquire a likeness to different music genres over time, and I'm sure if I listen to it long enough, I might start to like it, but I would probably still prefer Metal over it any day of the week.

As for the question, fold.

28th June 2011, 17:11
I guess this thread is as good as dead, might as well put a new question in hopes to revive it. Away from food, music and clothes this time:

Batman OR Superman, and WHY?


28th June 2011, 20:33
I would have said Batman because he is a far more interesting and darker character... but now I know Henry Cavill is going to be the new Superman... it's Superman. DEFINITELY Superman. :D

donKey jote
28th June 2011, 20:57
Catwoman, no particular reason :angel:

28th June 2011, 21:38
I'd say Batman. MUCH better disguise (Superman's disguise is no glasses and gelled hair :rolleyes: ). Batman has no superpowers, yet uses efficient techniques to fight his foes. Is a martial artist, and a brilliant inventor in later years. As slinkster said, a much darker and interesting character.

I would have said Batman because he is a far more interesting and darker character... but now I know Henry Cavill is going to be the new Superman... it's Superman. DEFINITELY Superman. :D

BTW, don't the ladies love Christian Bale too? :p Also, it's interesting to see that increasingly more and more British actors are now playing American superheroes. Bale as Batman, now Cavill as Superman, and also Garfield as Spiderman. Saw some Americans on other forums getting quite upset about this.

28th June 2011, 21:46
BTW, don't the ladies love Christian Bale too? :p

I don't know any! I don't see the appeal of Bale... at all. Batman or otherwise. Cavill on the otherhand... I've never had the slightest interest in Superman films... until now!

29th June 2011, 06:58
Brockman. He hit's the nail on the head occasionally.

29th June 2011, 10:16
If Batman and Brockman fought who would win?

29th June 2011, 13:30
Brockman for sure :up:

My choice would be Batman just because he was my boyhood superhero :)

Garry Walker
29th June 2011, 21:39
Superman over batman. Batman is dumb, Superman rules.

Have you ever had a dog as a pet?Yes. Still do, as a matter of fact.

I agree with that. It follows, of course, that everyone else is my inferior.
I dont think everyone else is my inferior... But it sure seems to be that way :D

METAL=morons eating turd and laughing Wow, that really hurt me, with me being such a huge metal fan and all :D

Go and listen to DJ Shadow - Blood on the Motorway and tell me it's unbearable.It is unbearable and if it came from radio, I would change the channel at once.

Or try listening (properly listening) to the lyrics of someone like Scroobius Pip or Sage Francis. Also remember that hip-hop isn't just rap, rap is just a sub-genre of hip-hop like delta is a sub-genre of blues.What is the difference between rap and hip-hop? In one the performing artist must have an IQ below 50, but in the other it only has to be below 40?

29th June 2011, 22:48
What is the difference between rap and hip-hop? In one the performing artist must have an IQ below 50, but in the other it only has to be below 40?

Your inability to understand it is quite amusing, bless. Hip-hop is the genre of music, it doesn't need to involve lyrics. Rap is the style of singing, it's a type of hip-hop. I guess that as it's difficult to understand the processes involved in creating electronic music it's not really something you're able to get your head around. The skill involved in creating good electronic or hip-hop music is no less than that involved in classical, rock or blues. The fact that it's a sound that you don't like doesn't mean that it's a lesser form of music, it's a shame you can't see that.

Garry Walker
29th June 2011, 23:03
Your inability to understand it is quite amusing, bless. Hip-hop is the genre of music, it doesn't need to involve lyrics. Rap is the style of singing, it's a type of hip-hop. I guess that as it's difficult to understand the processes involved in creating electronic music it's not really something you're able to get your head around. The skill involved in creating good electronic or hip-hop music is no less than that involved in classical, rock or blues. The fact that it's a sound that you don't like doesn't mean that it's a lesser form of music, it's a shame you can't see that.

I have never had any interest in understanding whats the difference between hip-hop and rap, every piece of "music" I have heard from those, has quite frankly sucked donkey ass. Music is something to me that I like listening, but rap to me sounds worse than the sound of a fat guy who is suffering from diahorrea does when he is doing a nr.2

But yes, I guess creating a hip-hop song and performing it requires just as much skill as composing or performing let`s say Tchaikovsky`s first piano concerto or any piano piece from Liszt. Yep, for sure.

Captain VXR
29th June 2011, 23:08
I have never had any interest in understanding whats the difference between hip-hop and rap, every piece of "music" I have heard from those, has quite frankly sucked donkey ass. Music is something to me that I like listening, but rap to me sounds worse than the sound of a fat guy who is suffering from diahorrea does when he is doing a nr.2

But yes, I guess creating a hip-hop song and performing it requires just as much skill as composing or performing let`s say Tchaikovsky`s first piano concerto or any piano piece from Liszt. Yep, for sure.
Who gives a ****? I like music based on the sound, not how it was made. I don't have OCD/snobbishness.

Captain VXR
29th June 2011, 23:09
OK new one, beer or cider?
I'll go with:

Garry Walker
29th June 2011, 23:13
Who gives a ****? I like music based on the sound, not how it was made. I don't have OCD/snobbishness.
Look, dumbo, it was our resident rap lover who started going on about how hip-hop "songs" require just as much skill to compose and perform as classical music. It is painfully obvious that our resident rap lover has zero idea about music and I had to educate him.

30th June 2011, 09:29
Look, dumbo, it was our resident rap lover who started going on about how hip-hop "songs" require just as much skill to compose and perform as classical music. It is painfully obvious that our resident rap lover has zero idea about music and I had to educate him.

You give the tools of a hip-hop artist to a classical musician and they'll look back at you confused. Just because it's a different type of instrument doesn't mean that it's any easier to play well. Playing the piano and composing? F*** me, 5 year olds can do that and get international recognition ;)

Rap lover? Hardly, like I said, I listen to music from all kinds of genres. Yes I've got some Public Enemy and NWA on my iPod, but I've also got Neil Young, BB King, Audioslave, Ali Farka Toure, Daft Punk and Coldplay. In short, I listen to music that I like, I'm not snobby about the roots of it or what other people think about it. I do pity you though, it must be such a shame to be closed off from so much music based on some silly little prejudice.

30th June 2011, 09:30
Always beer. I live in a cider county but TBH with so many great breweries around here it would be a travesty to opt for cider.

30th June 2011, 10:44
Beer is my first choice, but an ice cold cider is rather nice when you have a serious thirst to quench :)

donKey jote
30th June 2011, 17:22
Erdinger dunkles Weizen :facelick:

Captain VXR
1st July 2011, 22:01
Always beer. I live in a cider county but TBH with so many great breweries around here it would be a travesty to opt for cider.

Ever tried Bath Ales Gem? One of the few beers I actually like

2nd July 2011, 12:23
Ever tried Bath Ales Gem? One of the few beers I actually like

Yup. Gem, Golden Hare and Barnstormer are all top ales, Bath Ales is a good little brewery. If you like Gem then see if you can find Otter Bright (or even Otter Bitter) up there. It's from around these parts and is a very nice pint. Another good pint (as long as it's well kept, it's hideous when not right) is St Austell Ales Tribute. If you have it on a good day it's very difficult to avoid drinking 4 or 5 pints without really thinking about it :D

5th July 2011, 10:36
Erdinger dunkles Weizen :facelick:

Now that is honey between the lips :up:

5th July 2011, 12:17
Beer. Preferably from Belgium.

Brown, Jon Brow
5th July 2011, 12:26
Just because it's a different type of instrument doesn't mean that it's any easier to play well.

Not really. A Guitar is much easier to play well than , say, a saxaphone.

6th July 2011, 11:39
Not really. A Guitar is much easier to play well than , say, a saxaphone.

I disagree.

Brown, Jon Brow
6th July 2011, 12:02
I disagree.


Well let me put it a different way. The average saxophonist is usually a better musician than the average guitarist. Lots of guitar teachers tell their students to learn saxophone 'licks' because jazz musicians have much better knowledge of music theory than an average guitarist.

6th July 2011, 12:57

Well let me put it a different way. The average saxophonist is usually a better musician than the average guitarist. Lots of guitar teachers tell their students to learn saxophone 'licks' because jazz musicians have much better knowledge of music theory than an average guitarist.

Now I disagree :p :

6th July 2011, 13:11
Jazz and music are not two terms that should be seen together. Jazz is an abonimation, I'm more appalled at jazz than I am the NOTW hacking scandal :p :

8th July 2011, 08:35
beer but if i wanna be drunk i drink coctails like cuba libre or long islands :)

8th July 2011, 10:00
Ok how about another selection:

Gym or Couch Potatoe :p :

8th July 2011, 11:58
Gym on weekdays, couch potato on weekends. :p

8th July 2011, 12:06
couch potato :)

8th July 2011, 14:32
Gym for her, couch potato for me.
Double standards are great.

Captain VXR
8th July 2011, 20:04
couch potato.

10th July 2011, 18:12
Bit of both for me these days :p :

11th July 2011, 16:26
Spud sack.

11th July 2011, 19:48
I've been a couch potatoe for 6 weeks after picking up an ankle injury falling off my mountain bike. Hopefully it has healed enough for me to turn back into a gym junkie. Started off with a 27 miles bike ride on Saturday and off for a 2pm swim later tonight. :D

donKey jote
11th July 2011, 21:27
gym potatoe :bandit:

17th July 2011, 14:39
Couch potato for me... for now anyway. I'm naturally very small and slim so I can get away with it for now. I walk alot but more because I have to, at work etc.

Garry Walker
17th July 2011, 21:21
You give the tools of a hip-hop artist to a classical musician and they'll look back at you confused. Just because it's a different type of instrument doesn't mean that it's any easier to play well. Playing the piano and composing? F*** me, 5 year olds can do that and get international recognition ;)
Yeah, those hip-hop "artists" like eminem and 50 cent are such brilliant talented musicians whose talent rivals that of Mozart, Beethoven and Tchaikovsky.

Rap lover? Hardly, like I said, I listen to music from all kinds of genres. Yes I've got some Public Enemy and NWA on my iPod, but I've also got Neil Young, BB King, Audioslave, Ali Farka Toure, Daft Punk and Coldplay.Wow, what awesome bands you have there. LOL.

In short, I listen to music that I like, I'm not snobby about the roots of it or what other people think about it.Same here, I listen to music I like and in general in life I don`t give a f*ck what anyone thinks of me or what I do.
Rap and hip-hop is not something I consider to be music, I consider those to be the ramblings of mental retards.

I do pity you though, it must be such a shame to be closed off from so much music based on some silly little prejudice. What prejudice? I hate rap, it is complete crap. I have yet to hear one "song" from those genres that I find tolerable.

I disagree. I guess one would expect that from you.

Jazz and music are not two terms that should be seen together. Jazz is an abonimation, I'm more appalled at jazz than I am the NOTW hacking scandal :p :
Jazz is not music, yet rap is?

That is just too funny.

Captain VXR
18th July 2011, 12:19
Same here, I listen to music I like and in general in life I don`t give a f*ck what anyone thinks of me or what I do.
Rap and hip-hop is not something I consider to be music, I consider those to be the ramblings of mental retards.

Top 10 Intellectual Rappers (http://listverse.com/2011/07/17/top-10-intellectual-rappers/)
They're not all idiots.

18th July 2011, 19:09
Arguing about music taste is the most futile thing ever. It's like asking someone why do they like the color blue, and then forcing your opinion on them, just because in "your opinion" blue is crap. Whenever I blasted old school Metallica or AC/DC on my music system, some nosey folks asked me why do I listen to that garbage. All I tell them is that they don't get it....yet. :p They probably will never get it, and I don't wanna waste my time explaining to them why I find it so freakin awesome.

22nd July 2011, 13:13
Wow, what awesome bands you have there. LOL.

I suppose you're more into Bob Kerr's Whoopee Band and The Monkees?

Jazz is not music, yet rap is?

That is just too funny.

Oh dear, did the ironic nature of my post go over your head? Bless.
Although I do like Rich Hall's description of jazz, as "ain't nothin' but when you push a blues quartet down a long flight of stairs".

Nice to see you comparing rapping to mental illness though, real classy.

22nd July 2011, 13:16
Arguing about music taste is the most futile thing ever. It's like asking someone why do they like the color blue, and then forcing your opinion on them, just because in "your opinion" blue is crap. Whenever I blasted old school Metallica or AC/DC on my music system, some nosey folks asked me why do I listen to that garbage. All I tell them is that they don't get it....yet. :p They probably will never get it, and I don't wanna waste my time explaining to them why I find it so freakin awesome.

Disliking a genre I can understand, tearing into the talent of artists based on those opinions is what annoys me.

Garry Walker
22nd July 2011, 13:40
Top 10 Intellectual Rappers (http://listverse.com/2011/07/17/top-10-intellectual-rappers/)
They're not all idiots.
I fail to see any glowing intellectuality there.

I suppose you're more into Bob Kerr's Whoopee Band and The Monkees? I havent even heard of the first one.

Oh dear, did the ironic nature of my post go over your head? Bless.You will have to excuse me here, with you being a rap fan and all that, one cannot expect me to expect you to be capable of sarcasm or anything over wiping your own ass with moderate success.

Nice to see you comparing rapping to mental illness though, real classy.Yeah, and I stand by that. Rap and rappers=Mental retardation.

Disliking a genre I can understand, tearing into the talent of artists based on those opinions is what annoys me.
Well, why dont you just go and write a rap "song" about me if I hurt your feelings that much

22nd July 2011, 13:49
Yeah, and I stand by that. Rap and rappers=Mental retardation.

What do you think of this form of metal?


Garry Walker
22nd July 2011, 13:56
What do you think of this form of metal?


The music in itself would be good, but the "singing" is horrendous, unbearable to listen to.
But I`d probably listen to this rather than your average rap "song".

22nd July 2011, 14:11
You will have to excuse me here, with you being a rap fan and all that, one cannot expect me to expect you to be capable of sarcasm or anything over wiping your own ass with moderate success.

You don't get it, do you? I'm not a rap fan, I occasionally listen to some types of hip-hop that I like, that's it. I'm not saying it's all brilliant, I'm not even saying that it's all mediocre, but what I would say is that it's wrong to write off a whole genre without actually listening, truly listening, to a fair amount.

Yeah, and I stand by that. Rap and rappers=Mental retardation.

I find that quite offensive, mental illness isn't something that should be taken lightly or joked about. I take it that it's not something you've had to experience in a loved one.

I'd be interested in hearing about the types of music you like though, is it all Dad rock stuff or are you the type of person that refuses to accept that anything post-1950 has any merit at all?

22nd July 2011, 14:22
The music in itself would be good, but the "singing" is horrendous, unbearable to listen to.
But I`d probably listen to this rather than your average rap "song".

So, you don't think that is "mental retardation"? I'd say there are better lyrics and singing talent in a majority of hip-hip or rock songs compared to that. Even though I am a metal fan, I find bands like Cradle of Filth, Cannibal Corpse etc. HUGE pile of stinking crap. There are lots of guys that "headbang" to this kind of "music", but I don't go around calling them retards.

In fact, I would take even a rap song like this ANY day over that crap I posted above:


There's better music there in the first 10 seconds of the song than the whole Cradle of Filth pukefest.

Garry Walker
22nd July 2011, 14:24
You don't get it, do you? I'm not a rap fan, I occasionally listen to some types of hip-hop that I like, that's it. I'm not saying it's all brilliant, I'm not even saying that it's all mediocre, but what I would say is that it's wrong to write off a whole genre without actually listening, truly listening, to a fair amount. As much as I have listened to rap music, I have despised it. Unfortunately it sometimes comes on the radio, but I am quick enough to change the channel.

I find that quite offensive, mental illness isn't something that should be taken lightly or joked about. I take it that it's not something you've had to experience in a loved one.You obviously have not met certain relatives of mine.

I'd be interested in hearing about the types of music you like though, is it all Dad rock stuff or are you the type of person that refuses to accept that anything post-1950 has any merit at all?
Well, I have a very varied taste, but my most liked ones are classical music and 70s rock (zep, floyd, sabbath, the who and so on). But i have loads of different music in my playlists.

Garry Walker
22nd July 2011, 14:27
So, you don't think that is "mental retardation"? I'd say there are better lyrics and singing talent in a majority of hip-hip or rock songs compared to that. Even though I am a metal fan, I find bands like Cradle of Filth, Cannibal Corpse etc. HUGE pile of stinking crap. There are lots of guys that "headbang" to this kind of "music", but I don't go around calling them retards.

In fact, I would take even a rap song like this ANY day over that crap I posted above:


There's better music there in the first 10 seconds of the song than the whole Cradle of Filth pukefest.

okay, between those two "songs" that you posted, choosing between them is like choosing whether you want to have your left testicle cut off or your right one. Horrendous, just horrendous. But I would say the metal song is better, because if you could manage to turn off the singing part, it would be a good instrumental song. But the rap, well, you cannot fix that.

22nd July 2011, 14:28
Oops... I thought this was the "this or that thread"...


22nd July 2011, 14:46
okay, between those two "songs" that you posted, choosing between them is like choosing whether you want to have your left testicle cut off or your right one. Horrendous, just horrendous. But I would say the metal song is better, because if you could manage to turn off the singing part, it would be a good instrumental song. But the rap, well, you cannot fix that.

Now I've heard everything. On one hand you say you listen to Led Zep, Floyd and Sabbath, yet you find the black metal song instrumentally good? Where's the rhythm, where's the melody, where's the lyrical poetry, where's the "MUSIC"? Do you know how easy it is to be a bassist and drummer in a black metal or a death metal band? A trio of talentless fecks can get together and make a black metal song. Just because it has guitar, drums and church organ, doesn't make it "instrumentally good". And yeah, both songs are crap, but I'd still choose the rap song because it doesn't give me a headache.

22nd July 2011, 14:52
okay, between those two "songs" that you posted, choosing between them is like choosing whether you want to have your left testicle cut off or your right one. Horrendous, just horrendous. But I would say the metal song is better, because if you could manage to turn off the singing part, it would be a good instrumental song. But the rap, well, you cannot fix that.

Now that's something I don't understand. A lot of hip-hop uses samples etc. that make them very listenable musically. Take something like Rappin' 4-Tay's Playaz Club which heavily uses Private Number by Judy Clay and William Bell, or the artist I've mentioned before called Buck 65 who quite often uses more delicate or quiet samples to back his vocals.

Incidentally, Kanye West doesn't fit at all to the side of hip-hop that I'm trying to defend here, I prefer something much more considered lyrically.

Never had you down as a Floyd fan going by your posts. A few years ago I was into them in quite a big way, although admittedly have never managed to like much of their stuff pre-Gilmour or from The Wall onwards.

22nd July 2011, 15:15
A few years ago I was into them in quite a big way, although admittedly have never managed to like much of their stuff pre-Gilmour or from The Wall onwards.

I'm a big Floyd fan. I tried to give their stuff, when Syd Barrett was around, a chance, but it was just too psychedelic and weird for my liking. Listen to The Gnome from their first album to know what I'm talking about. Loved everything from Meddle onwards, right up till the end. Even though Roger Waters' lyrics are genius, and there was an obvious void when he left, I love their last album, Division Bell, it's different and surprisingly good. I wonder if they have one more album left in them.

Garry Walker
22nd July 2011, 15:39
Now I've heard everything. On one hand you say you listen to Led Zep, Floyd and Sabbath, yet you find the black metal song instrumentally good? Where's the rhythm, where's the melody, where's the lyrical poetry, where's the "MUSIC"? Do you know how easy it is to be a bassist and drummer in a black metal or a death metal band? A trio of talentless fecks can get together and make a black metal song. Just because it has guitar, drums and church organ, doesn't make it "instrumentally good". And yeah, both songs are crap, but I'd still choose the rap song because it doesn't give me a headache.
Compared to the rap song, instrumentally yes, the metal song was good. Okay, I will be honest in that I listened to both of those 15 seconds and that was enough.

Now that's something I don't understand. A lot of hip-hop uses samples etc. that make them very listenable musically. Take something like Rappin' 4-Tay's Playaz Club which heavily uses Private Number by Judy Clay and William Bell, or the artist I've mentioned before called Buck 65 who quite often uses more delicate or quiet samples to back his vocals.Never heard of any of them, not that I know of it anyway.

22nd July 2011, 16:31
Never heard of any of them, not that I know of it anyway.

Buck 65:


Rappin' 4-Tay:

23rd July 2011, 10:30

I love dogs and my dog's name is daney

25th July 2011, 11:05
Ok thats enough cr@p. New topic choice:

Yacht or powerboat?

Captain VXR
25th July 2011, 12:41
Powerboat - speeeeeeeeed

25th July 2011, 15:54
Powerboat. A proper one, like Reporter or Rainbow Bears, they were the boats of my childhood. And if you have boats from your childhood it's usually nice if they've got twin V12 Lamborghini engines *Tim Allen growling noise*


25th July 2011, 18:27
Yacht for me I think... Not a huge fan of boats though. Might be persuaded by Captain Sparrow on a Pirate Ship... but other than that... meh.

25th July 2011, 20:07
Yacht. I'll do my speeding on land.

Garry Walker
26th July 2011, 10:09
It depends on the mood. If you are tired from a long period of hard work, then relaxing on a yacht is awesome, but then there are those days when nothing beats a powerboat.

26th July 2011, 10:47
Well I sail regularly so its a yacht for me :) Nothing beats the tranquility of cruising for the day in the big blue with a gentle breeze pushing you along :)

Dave B
26th July 2011, 11:14
Yachts are for ****ers and powerboats are for morons with the IQ of a 3 year old. Only a communist would buy one.

Have I got this right? That's what we do in this thread, isn't it? I've only read the last page - have I misunderstood?

26th July 2011, 11:35
Powerrrrrrr! I sail light craft for fun, have crewed on 60 footers, cruised the Carribbean on a 120' blowboat and I've dredged for oysters under sail on a skipjack but powerboating is where it's at for me. I've had a powerboat since I was 5. Just sold my most recent Hobie 16 last fall so I'm currently mast-less for the first time in a while, however I'd much rather be water skiing, wake boarding, rocking down the river at 80 in my Hydrostream or blasting down the bay at 60+ in a 28 Skater. So Both really.


26th July 2011, 12:02
I'd say Batman. MUCH better disguise (Superman's disguise is no glasses and gelled hair :rolleyes: ). Batman has no superpowers, yet uses efficient techniques to fight his foes. Is a martial artist, and a brilliant inventor in later years. As slinkster said, a much darker and interesting character.

BTW, don't the ladies love Christian Bale too? :p Also, it's interesting to see that increasingly more and more British actors are now playing American superheroes. Bale as Batman, now Cavill as Superman, and also Garfield as Spiderman. Saw some Americans on other forums getting quite upset about this.

I saw a TV segment about this over the weekend. It's increasingly hard for the studios to cast American Actors in masculine roles, and even the few that do, well roumours always persist....... When Captain America was cast it was REQUIRED the actor be American and they had one heck of a time filling the role. They basically came to the conclusion that it's simply not cool to be in the drama club in school. Masculine guys play sports, not so masculine guys go into drama and acting. I can see it. Sure, there's plenty of former athletes that take up acting as a later carreer move, but there aren't many Footbal captains in the drama club in american schools.

Batman vs Superman? guys are techno-geeks and Batman had a better suit and always had the gadgets. To the Bat Boat!!!

26th July 2011, 16:11
Powerboat definitely, yachts are no fun unless it's big enough for a party!

27th July 2011, 11:31
Yachts are for ****ers and powerboats are for morons with the IQ of a 3 year old. Only a communist would buy one.

Have I got this right? That's what we do in this thread, isn't it? I've only read the last page - have I misunderstood?

Dave, you never get anything right matey :p :

27th July 2011, 20:36
Off course dog. They are honest and very good friends.