View Full Version : Last Minute Festival Survival Tips...

7th June 2011, 21:49
I haven't been to a festival since I was about 17 and we're off to Download this weekend. Has anyone got any last minute tips? I still have time to get some essentials if I've missed anything vital.

I'm hoping toilet technology has changed since I last went to a festival but I think it's wishful thinking.

I have tent, beer, food, tickets, money and clothes... the usual stuff. Any last minute advice?

Brown, Jon Brow
7th June 2011, 21:56
Suitable footwear for rain? Camping stove? Baby wipes? Tooth brush?

EDIT: Can I come?

7th June 2011, 21:59
Got got got annnd got!

And sure! The more the merrier! :)

Brown, Jon Brow
7th June 2011, 22:12
If you're worried about the toilets then take a 'she-pee'! :p


7th June 2011, 22:38
I haven't been to a festival since I was about 17 and we're off to Download this weekend. Has anyone got any last minute tips? I still have time to get some essentials if I've missed anything vital.

I'm hoping toilet technology has changed since I last went to a festival but I think it's wishful thinking.

I have tent, beer, food, tickets, money and clothes... the usual stuff. Any last minute advice?

More beer. Way more beer. If you have to save space skip the tent, with enough beer it doesn't matter. :)

Seriously though... liquid other than beer, and plenty of regular old water (on ice if possible). Sunscreen and/or lotion, I've been torched at a couple of long outdoor events.

8th June 2011, 16:32
Baby wipes! I wouldn't even think of being deployed without a ton of them in my rucksack.

Bug repellant is also a good idea. I hate waking up to the itch of mosquito bites.

8th June 2011, 19:44
Thank you on the bug repellant... have packed some since... I do tend to get bitten alot.

Not so sure on the she wee... :-P

8th June 2011, 19:49
money and clothes... the usual stuff. Any last minute advice?
Keep your money in a safe place and your clothes on.

8th June 2011, 20:16
Keep your money in a safe place and your clothes on.

Eki... what do you take me for!? ... I always keep my money safe. :D

8th June 2011, 20:22
Eki... what do you take me for!? ... I always keep my money safe. :D