View Full Version : Drivers jumping ship

Captain VXR
6th June 2011, 21:18
Already this year we've seen two drivers leave their teams and move on to other ones, leaving two teams without drivers (yes I know Hollamby could very easily drive the VW)
Personally I don't feel it makes the championship look very professional at all and well who knows what the teams feel like behind closed doors when their driver betrays then for pastures new, and could make it harder for them to attract sponsors - who is going to pay £thousands for stickers on a car that could easily sat in a garage?
Would it be too interfering for the BTCC to instill a rule stipulating that drivers must stay in one team for a whole season unless circumstances mean they cannot?

6th June 2011, 22:54
Would it be too interfering for the BTCC to instill a rule stipulating that drivers must stay in one team for a whole season unless circumstances mean they cannot?

TOCA cant force a driver to stay with one team as they wouldn't drive in the btcc if that was the case. i dont like it myself but i guess thats the way things go sometimes.

personally ive lost all respect for TOC as he didn't deal with the matter very maturely but AMD and Shaun dont have any hard feelings and understand that Team Aon gave TOC a better deal.