View Full Version : Formula North thread

2nd June 2011, 18:15
Formula North is an engineering design competition that will be taking place in Ontario, Canada, in May 2012. Student teams within these series are required to design, build and compete with a life-size F-1 style car. This competition is very similar to the Formula SAE and Formula Student series currently held all over the world.

If you are interested in being a part of this event or would like to learn more, check us out at Formula North « May 24-26, 2012 (http://www.formulanorth.com). You can subscribe to our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Formula-North-Inc/216522498373548 if you would like be kept up-to-date with events.

Formula North is all about promoting innovation in motorsports and engineering. We would love to hear back from you.

2nd June 2011, 21:28
I have had a quick read of the concept.
Would it be an idea to construct vehicles that are able to be eventually sold even for track day use and constructed to a global spec ?

E.g Formula Suzuki ?Formula Suzuki Offical Site (http://www.formulasuzuki.co.nz/)

2nd June 2011, 23:57
Yes that is possible. However, some of these vehicles eventually become the property of the institution they were constructed at (i.e colleges, universities). The idea has been passed around, and it is well worth it if the car is constructed properly. I, however, haven't heard of anyone who has taken up such an initiative.. yet.

3rd June 2011, 21:20
I guess in North America and many other places there is the potential for legal liability issues if a vehicle is constructed and onsold.

What are some of the preceived deficiencies of the existing build competitions ?

6th June 2011, 23:55
I guess the biggest one is - what do you do with the cars once you are done building them and after the team has attended all the competitions they possibly could during the year? Teams have to build a new car from year to year. They cannot modify an existing car for a next year competition as they would be penalized for it.

Some teams end up using the previous year's car for driver training. For those whose universities/colleges don't have much room for storage, teams ask alumni or sponsors to store their old cars.

Is this what you meant by perceived deficiencies?