View Full Version : Inhumane euthanasia candidates

1st June 2011, 15:29
I know this is going to be a "controversial" thread but does anyone have a particularly type of person they feel is not needed on this planet and is merely a waste of space, time and resources? Imagine how much CO2 wouldn't go into the atmosphere?

My first candidate would be people who don't like something but buy it and then complain about it when it's their fault for buying something they don't like. People who complain about gloveboxes can also be done without also.

Oh dear. Ford’s smallest model isn’t propping up just the city car class – it was voted the worst car in the entire 2011 survey. A hugely disappointing debut for the new Ka, then, especially when you consider that the Fiat 500, on which it’s based, came second in class. The real bugbears were its unattractive interior, poor fuel economy and the high cost of servicing and repairs. Ford dealers didn’t impress owners, either, and a relatively high number of faults with the windscreen wipers and glovebox sealed its fate.

This is of course meant in jest, I don't really feel that we should have involuntary euthanasia so chill out, I don't really want these people dead :p

1st June 2011, 15:48
People who drive Fiat 500's. They clog up the road and spit out dangerous exhaust gasses :p :

Dave B
1st June 2011, 19:43
Piers Morgan. That is all.

1st June 2011, 19:46
The Tifosi. I didn't much care for how they only cheered Michael and completely ignored Reuben's when I visited Monza.

Garry Walker
1st June 2011, 20:17
Where do I begin? :D

Anarchists, anti-fascists, communists, skinheads, feminazis, white guilt sufferers, poachers, rappers

1st June 2011, 20:36
well Garry and I will get together and figure out who should LIVE. Then just toast the rest :)

1st June 2011, 21:26
Where do I begin? :D
So, you're a fascist. We already knew that, you Mussolini-lover. If you're not with us, you're against us, and all that jazz. All hail Garry, the Duce of Fascism!


Mussolini became the 40th Prime Minister of Italy in 1922 and began using the title Il Duce by 1925. After 1936, his official title was "His Excellency Benito Mussolini, Head of Government, Duce of Fascism, and Founder of the Empire".[2] Mussolini also created and held the supreme military rank of First Marshal of the Empire along with King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy, which gave him and the King joint supreme control over the military of Italy.

Garry Walker
1st June 2011, 21:58
So, you're a fascist. Nice deduction, dumbo. I could bring out many points here, but really, why bother? You are far too stupid to understand them and I care far too little about what you think to waste my time on you :D

We already knew that, you Mussolini-lover. If you're not with us, you're against us, and all that jazz. All hail Garry, the Duce of Fascism!

Shouldnt you use your welfare money for something else that internet?

1st June 2011, 22:16
Glad some people got the idea :D

Garry Walker
1st June 2011, 22:23
Glad some people got the idea :D

Well, I have to be excused as I really didnt read the opening post till now :D

1st June 2011, 22:24
Well, I have to be excused as I really didnt read the opening post till now :D

Do you not agree though? :D I mean if you're whining about a faulty glovebox then what is your point? :D

Brown, Jon Brow
1st June 2011, 22:45
The glovebox is one of the most important things when buying a new car, isn't it? :erm:

2nd June 2011, 04:38
My bugbear is the legal profession generally, considering that they spend a great deal of time bullying people over relatively minor things but specifically anyone calling themselves "Executive Assistants" who are on more than $100K a year who can't spell, or even respond to basic correspondence.

Anyone who is a "consultant" and anyone who is involved in management who has never spent anytime in the real world doing real jobs; that goes double for career politicians.

2nd June 2011, 05:51
Anyone who is a "consultant" and anyone who is involved in management who has never spent anytime in the real world doing real jobs;

Workers who complain about their bosses....If you don't like the job quit. FYI. If he is YOUR BOSS it is usually for a very good reason....Hint: It ain't because you are better.

Oh.....Add NIMBY's and anybody who gets offended by a joke. Any joke.

2nd June 2011, 06:02
I know this is going to be a "controversial" thread but does anyone have a particularly type of person they feel is not needed on this planet and is merely a waste of space, time and resources?


Outside of that poster named Daniel, I can not think of anybody

But it is only because he is black

2nd June 2011, 08:00
Workers who complain about their bosses....If you don't like the job quit. FYI. If he is YOUR BOSS it is usually for a very good reason....Hint: It ain't because you are better.

Some are. Those who own their own business or have worked their way up. But quite often you get those who have no single clue about what actually goes on in their business, and that doing powerpoint presentations and spouting buzz words is real work.

2nd June 2011, 11:55
Outside of that poster named Daniel, I can not think of anybody

But it is only because he is black

okay, sorry........

but it is only because he is not black

happy now............................ :beer:

2nd June 2011, 12:18
My bugbear is the legal profession generally, considering that they spend a great deal of time bullying people over relatively minor things but specifically anyone calling themselves "Executive Assistants" who are on more than $100K a year who can't spell, or even respond to basic correspondence.

Anyone who is a "consultant" and anyone who is involved in management who has never spent anytime in the real world doing real jobs; that goes double for career politicians.

I'm with you on this one. It annoys me how the accountancy profession got all politically correct a few years ago and firms changed job titles. We used to have junior, semi-senior, senior before you got to management grades. A senior for example may now be called an audit executive. It sounds far more grander than senior but your still at the bottom of the food chain. :s

6th June 2011, 03:37
Wow. All I can say is wow...

6th June 2011, 04:51
and people who all they can say is wow...........

Captain VXR
6th June 2011, 21:02
Every single racist, bigot, homophobe, xenophobe etc alive today
People who lump weed and heroin together because all illegal drugs are extremely bad for you okay?
People who judge others for doing the same actions they themselves do before going into their weekly church service to show what a good person they are
People who think all racism is whites hating on other racial backgrounds - the sort who would say a Chinese person beating a white guy to death while shouting 'you white c***' isn't being racist
People who treat tabloid hysteria as fact
Eco warriors
BNP/NF voters
EDL members
People who assume all gypsies are retards and thieves
People who are intolerant of someone because of their religion, or lack of it
Every dictator, except for the King of Jordan as he seems OK - there's a good reason why there's been little unrest over there compared to many other countries out there
All terrorists
Communists and fascists
Snobs, purists and fanboys
People who think they're a 'ardnut because they brandish a Mac 10 and sell crack
People who don't understand the differences between they're/there/their and you're/your - I learned that when I was like 6 years old, how hard can it be?
People who think any music not 100% to their taste is a crock of sh**
People who laugh at a joke, then have a go at you because it was 'offensive'
People so politically correct they refuse to say 'white chocolate'
People so politically incorrect they think the n word is acceptable
People who describe foreign shops/food as being 'ethnic'
People who pronounce Bath as if it has an r in it - it should rhyme with cat or gnat
People who are too afraid to go into poor areas because they fear crime (or are more likely closet racists) regardless of the crime rates in the area - places like Easton in Bristol are not actually very dangerous at all, hell I spent a few days in a Paris suburb and was not shot, stabbed or anything else
Foreigners who assume all Brits either speak with posh, cockney or Scottish accents
People who moan about immigration, then move to Spain/France/Thailand/UAE/USA etc
People who steal out of greed/selfishness
People who lump all modified cars together as chavwagons - a 400bhp+ 200sx/Impreza/Sierra Cosworth has nothing to do with a 1.0l Corsa with an unpainted bodykit, loud exhaust, lexus lights and no power/handling upgrades
Whiny 10 year olds on PSN/XBOX Live
All members of the Westboro Baptist Church and similar religious extremists from any background
Know it alls and bullsh*tters
Pedophiles who act out on their fantasies and abuse children
People who traffick others and force them into crime and prostitution
People who blame everything on 'all the immigrants'
Whoever came up with the Mazuma Mobile, Go Compare and We Buy Any Car adverts
People who in a bid to show how 'diverse' and 'forward thinking' their adverts are by having 3 whites and one black person in a group of four despite the UK's population not being 75% white 25% black, yet never having anyone from any other background in their adverts
Journalists who always point out a gypsy's ethnicity when they've committed a crime, but never mention any other people's backgrounds
People who think that any mention of gays in schools will create a ****-storm of perverted teenagers
People who think that the war on drugs is actually working
Conspiracy theorists who refuse to believe anything the government ever says
Sheep who believe absolutely everything the government ever says
The idiots who trashed a Tesco in Bristol
Car insurance companies who charge ridiculous prices for insurance because they can get away with it
People who always think they have a better way of managing your life than you do
Overly pushy and controlling parents
Parents who never bother trying to discipline or guide their children
People who abuse animals
People who move near to an airport/race circuit/shooting range/concert hall/nightclub etc and have the bloody cheek to complain about the noise when they should have done better research about the area
I could go on for hours

6th June 2011, 21:13
Captain VXR thats alot of hate. :arrows:

6th June 2011, 21:19
Captain VXR thats alot of hate. :arrows:

Even I'll agree with that :p I only want a few people dead, Captain VXR wants millions dead :p

Captain VXR
6th June 2011, 21:22
Well the Earth's resources can only go so far :p
Oh, and I'll add another:
People who are polite to you to your face, then bitch about you behind your back to many of your friends
A lot of things do irritate me in life, including a load of mindsets

Brown, Jon Brow
6th June 2011, 21:37
@Captain VXR - you hate everyone then? :p

Captain VXR
6th June 2011, 21:55
Not quite, I don't hate decent people :p
only ********ing ****faced ****ers

6th June 2011, 22:09
SO what have the "Ham shankers " done wrong ?

Bob Riebe
6th June 2011, 22:26
Every single racist, bigot, homophobe, xenophobe etc alive today
Well he just wiped out the entire human race-- brilliant!

Rudy Tamasz
7th June 2011, 07:37
Who would survive? Pissy-kissy lovey-dovey sexless-boneless creatures? That's a definition of amoeba in my dictionary...

7th June 2011, 08:12
Well he just wiped out the entire human race-- brilliant!

No sh!t - I thought I was bad hating 1.4 billion.

Garry Walker
8th June 2011, 22:01
Well the Earth's resources can only go so far :p
Oh, and I'll add another:
People who are polite to you to your face, then bitch about you behind your back to many of your friends

Ah we would get on well then, if I have a reason to bitch about someone, that person will always hear it first :D

9th June 2011, 01:03
Computer Hackers. I'm not just joking around for the sake of this thread, I honestly would support the death penalty for computer hackers.

9th June 2011, 08:19
Who would survive? Pissy-kissy lovey-dovey sexless-boneless creatures? That's a definition of amoeba in my dictionary...

George W Bush. I'm surprised he even remembers to breath in and out ;)